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The return of Muffin Maddy

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Thanks for the advice sugar :)




Enjoy your trip to Germany <3:




Hope you improve your accent so Draggle wont laugh next time you sing him that super song ;)




Ilu <3:




Etp <3:

Ty Veyron for Siggy help!

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just Bump up, Bump up.


Bump up


Just Bump up, Bump up.



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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Legendz - 100+ F2p combat !! Join today and get TWO free cookies @@@@@

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Hallo! Ich bin in Deutschland!


Es ist gut!




First of all, I need to say thanks to all those who bumped my blog and also get the hang of using this keyboard!


Day One (Mittwoch)- Went to Baker Street, London to get on the Hammersmith and City Line to Liverpool Street. Took the Stanstead Express to Stanstead (1 hour)


Weighed suitcases, checked in, went through customs (I had to take off my hat, boots and scarf!) And then we flew to Cologne-Bonn with Germanwings. My ears were hurting at the end of that flight, and they still do! We took a train to Dusseldorf (1 hour) and then switched trains to go to Viersen. We got off quickly because if we didn't, we'd be going to Venlo in Holland!


The Germans were advancing towards us smiling while we all panicked, hugged and screamed "hide!".


I hugged Anne (My partner) and shook hands with her dad. He carried my suitcase to the car and we drove to their house.


German houses are so massive and beautiful! I have like my own little zone where no one goes except me! I have a bathroom, a bedroom the size of 6 medium classes and a toilet! I then met Erika (Anne's mother), called my parents and drank some Eistee (Ice Tea) and then unpacked and went to bed.




Day 2 (Donnerstag)- I went to the school and sat in her form room for 15 minutes waiting for Natasha, Koko and their exchange partners to come. I had no idea being British was so special! Everyone kept asking me questions determined to practice their English skills. The lesson that came was Maths. We kept passing notes between us and drawing pictures of teachers we dislike. Koko and I soon realised we were the only black people there. So we decided to play a game called "count the blacks". Quite funny how the count is only 5. We then had a tour of the school and played Ping Pong. We went bowling at 7pm and I lost the first time and my score stayed at 0 until I randomly got a strike!




Day 3- We went to school again and got on the coach to Cologne. We visited the sports museum and played football with some Argentinians. We then went souvenir shopping and bought fake perfumes for our families. Quite cool how they'll never know that the perfumes were 3 euros! I went to Volleyball practice with Anne. Es war langweilig! But her friends are really nice.


I got driven home and got homesick. I didnt think I would be .. but I've concluded that, although German countryside life is sweet.. I'm too British!




Well the outlook for the weekend:


Samstag: Watching Twilight ins Kino.


Sonntag: Going to Holland!


Montag: [cabbage]tschuhlaufen! (Ice skating)


Dienstag: Farewells and going back to Britain.

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Havent been to Holland yet, but I am coming after Kirche (Church) tomorrow.


I can now use: ä ö ü ß µ


Letzte tag , I got into bed at 10pm but I was so tired that I slept in my normal clothes.


I woke up and had a nice big German breakfast consisting of pancakes, bread and Shokolade (Chocolate)


I then played on the Wii Fitness with Eva. We're getting along abit better and now we are talking more!


Anne has slept pretty much the whole time while I escorted Eva to a birthday party. Danach, I went to visit Anne's grossmutter and she again spoiled me with chocolates and then she gave me 20 euros to spend!


Another lady came to visit and she came with a dog. Ich bin angst und nicht so gut mit hund! So I stood up out of fear and so they hid the dog in a room. So far, my day has been ok.


My mum called me on my handy :P and my battery died so I called her back to give her the updates.


Later today, I might be meeting up with Natasha and Koko and going to the cinema.




Good stuff.

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Ich gehe ins kino in Mönchengladbach!


I watched Bride Wars in guess-what-language.


Today I went to Holland and bought the last souvenirs I needed.




Having fun in Germany although it is chilly!

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