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A mutes view on W160 and Quick chat.


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I was permanently muted for 2 years because my friend went on my account and said some stuff.. after the summoning release, I got a chance to appeal and I got unmuted, yay. Since then and a few weeks ago, when i got permanently muted AGAIN, I got temp muted about 3 or so times, so basically, I am doomed to be a mute and use quick chat.




Being in world 160 is amazing for me, it's like a mute being home, and being able to talk without the hassle of right clicking etc. Basically this is a world FOR mutes, which is like <33333333333333333333333333. Sure, my friends get angry when they feel like they're being a mute trying to talk to me..






Come and meet me on my world.


Come and meet me on my world.


Come and meet me on my world.


Come and meet me on my world.










*Turns private chat off*




but that doesn't really matter to me, I only have a few friends that I would actually want to talk to me. There is jdm365, which is probably the only one that I would hop worlds so he could talk to me. There is kandyman45, my irl friend.. So runescape isnt the only option to talk to him, and there is my clan mates, which I can easily talk to on irc.




Using quick chat for a long time, you start to learn about new techniques to reply to people, which makes it easier for them to actually understand when the thing you want to say isnt in the Quick Chat database.




There are only a few bad things with quick chat and the world.


- You cant send a non qc private message to someone in world 160


- You cant say numbers.




Before the world came out, you could say numbers with the slayer task option, here is an example.




Friend: hey, whats your slayer exp to level?


Me: I have to slay: 167000 ankou




Meaning, 167k exp to level. They usually got this, but if they didn't, oh well, they have to look me up. ;) After the world got released, they took away that option, now if my friends are like, how much does 60-70 herb cost? I have to reply ''I don't know." Even though I do.




The reason i think you can't use numbers with quick chat is purely to spite muted players. If you aren't muted, you can easily say numbers without using quick chat, so JaGeX thought, this would only give an advantage to muted players, and we've given them enough, so they don't deserve to use numbers. I don't mind though, we have gotten enough.




One of the best things about being muted is there is a heap of a less chance of getting black marks, I've played for 3 years being muted, 4 months being not. In those 4 months I got 13 black marks, and I didn't even say anything bad on purpose, most of the things just slipped out. The 3 years i didn't even get close to getting a black mark, and now, we can speak, and the only way of getting black marks now when you are muted is spamming the quick chat, and that's pretty easy to not do.




- Tomg12345, destined mute.

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True, and for those able to speak freely, it's a complete waste of time. This is basically a second chance for mutes, that they can't possibly screw up. I really don't know if that's just for those who really do deserve the mute. >.>

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Interesting perspective - I've always seen w160 as just a bit of a lilfeless world, but the fact that as you said it's a "mutes world" does show that it has some qualities. I was permanently muted for about 5 months but got unmuted, so I can see where you're coming from. I'm still gonna spend most of my time on free chat worlds though :D


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I'd like to see a quick chat line "I'm muted" incase mutes go on regular worlds (clan events or something) and people scream that them to talk using normal chat.

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A very interesting story. It's good to see that everyone get's a second chance and that you muted people don't need to communicate with emotes anymore.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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You can't say numbers because you could use them to talk freely to other people.. kind of like a code, or even with 1337 speak. "101 647" = "lol gay"; something you can't even say normally.. just things like that. In other words, it's too much freedom to grant to the muted. The world also serves as a less crowded alternative for training, and for well-known people to get away from the crowds.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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As a non-mute and a player who has never been muted, I do not have the personal experience to understand where you are coming from. I do not use Quick Chat. I can type faster than I can click and I can say exactly what I want. I do think Quick Chat was a good idea for mutes. This way, when you are muted you lose the power of free speech, but you do not lose the power of total speech. I have never been into one of the quick chat only worlds and I think maybe I should take a look in, just to see what the atmosphere is like. I am glad that the quick chat and their worlds are making a difference and helping people play the game and interact with other players.

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i couldn't get over the fact that you got repermmuted. and have been muted for so long. someone's got a mouth like a sailor.




anyway, i was muted for like, 8 hours (demodded too, although i'm unmuted and remodded now), granted i slept for 5 of those, but those 3 hours i was around for sucked. i much prefer talking. i don't really see muting as much of a punishment anymore. i'd much rather cut off someone's options completely.




in the direction jagex went with quickchat, it does make perfect sense, w160 and w161 are perfect for mutes, or people who just want to be quiet, i just don't agree with mutes communicating.

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i couldn't get over the fact that you got repermmuted. and have been muted for so long. someone's got a mouth like a sailor.




anyway, i was muted for like, 8 hours (demodded too, although i'm unmuted and remodded now), granted i slept for 5 of those, but those 3 hours i was around for sucked. i much prefer talking. i don't really see muting as much of a punishment anymore. i'd much rather cut off someone's options completely.




in the direction jagex went with quickchat, it does make perfect sense, w160 and w161 are perfect for mutes, or people who just want to be quiet, i just don't agree with mutes communicating.




Jagex mutes people so they can't offend anybody, not so they can't talk


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Heh. I was about to say that.




I think it's a good idea. If the Mutes are on these worlds, no one gets frustrated with them for using QC, and it's more commonplace. And I, being someone who likes his privacy, have liked the worlds occasionally. For a long time I'd had my private chat off almost indefinitely, and on these worlds, I can pretend not to know how to work it or something, and people leave me alone. :)

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I'll be using the quick chat worlds from now on.




I'm not muted, but I never talk to anyone and the only questions I get asked is what's my skill level. Now I only have to right click and press "my level skill is....." Fantastic :D

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I've played for 3 years being muted, 4 months being not. In those 4 months I got 13 black marks, and I didn't even say anything bad on purpose, most of the things just slipped out.





Classic :roll:




If Gielinor was a perfect place, jerks like you would just be removed from the game permanently.




I guess though you are now harmless over in World 160 where you can spend the rest of your rs career convincing yourself that quickchat is the greatest thing ever while the rest of us that can play civilly roam and chat as we please.

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eh jagex should stop catering rule breakers.




I've played for 3 years being muted, 4 months being not. In those 4 months I got 13 black marks, and I didn't even say anything bad on purpose, most of the things just slipped out.





Classic :roll:




If Gielinor was a perfect place, jerks like you would just be removed from the game permanently.




I guess though you are now harmless over in World 160 where you can spend the rest of your rs career convincing yourself that quickchat is the greatest thing ever while the rest of us that can play civilly roam and chat as we please.




It's just a game, it's very rude of you both to think so little of rule-breakers and believe that Jagex never makes a mistake. I'm sure if one of your friends or even yourself got in trouble for something you did or did not do, you'd be more sympathetic. They're human beings too, you're no better than them by playing by the rules in a video game :roll:


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It's just a game, it's very rude of you both to think so little of rule-breakers and believe that Jagex never makes a mistake. I'm sure if one of your friends or even yourself got in trouble for something you did or did not do, you'd be more sympathetic. They're human beings too, you're no better than them by playing by the rules in a video game :roll:




You forgot your sarcasm tag. ;)

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It's just a game, it's very rude of you both to think so little of rule-breakers and believe that Jagex never makes a mistake. I'm sure if one of your friends or even yourself got in trouble for something you did or did not do, you'd be more sympathetic. They're human beings too, you're no better than them by playing by the rules in a video game :roll:




You forgot your sarcasm tag. ;)




You forgot your manners :|


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It's just a game, it's very rude of you both to think so little of rule-breakers and believe that Jagex never makes a mistake. I'm sure if one of your friends or even yourself got in trouble for something you did or did not do, you'd be more sympathetic. They're human beings too, you're no better than them by playing by the rules in a video game :roll:




You forgot your sarcasm tag. ;)




You forgot your manners :|




Oh, so you were serious?




When you said, 'You're no better than them by playing by the rules in a video game' I got a good laugh. I would have lost a lot of money betting on that being a joke.




Guess we just look at it differently. If thinking someone is a jerk (not to mention stupid) for racking up 13 blackmarks and a permanent muting in 4 months *after* coming off a 3 year ban for similar offenses....well, I guess I am rude and lacking in manners.




Color me inconsiderate.




EDIT: I do give the kid credit though for atleast being honest about the situation. He didn't try to sugarcoat it or rail against Jagex....just a post about how the qc world works for him.

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Muggi is right. It's not because you play by the rules in a video game that you are "superior" as a human being to someone who doesn't. If you think otherwise, that's a clear sign you are a geek. :lol:

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Muted people deserved to be muted, quickchat is a pretty bad update that increased spam amount by folds.

Proud member of the Crimson Raiders

1000 total lvl achieved on 4-17-07 -F2P

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Muggi is right. It's not because you play by the rules in a video game that you are "superior" as a human being to someone who doesn't. If you think otherwise, that's a clear sign you are a geek. :lol:




Meh, I'd hold in higher regard anyone who plays the game honestly and with civility over someone who takes away the enjoyment of others with vulgar language and other immature actions.




But that's just me




Monte - Your geeky, rude, mannerless but blackmarkless and not-muted rs player

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Heard that Yohbilleh? Apparently you play with no honesty, and civility, and you take away the enjoyment of others with vulgar language and other immature actions. Watch out, next thing you know you're going to be appointed as the reason for all the crap in the universe, you're even going to get into the dictionnary! :lol:

2480+ total

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Heard that Yohbilleh? Apparently you play with no honesty, and civility, and you take away the enjoyment of others with vulgar language and other immature actions. Watch out, next thing you know you're going to be appointed as the reason for all the crap in the universe, you're even going to get into the dictionnary! :lol:




He can respond to me in game.




Oh wait...no he can't. :lol:

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