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[TF2] It's MANN Vs. Machine!


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Jaziek, I don't believe I have been added to the first page yet, add me under PC please.


After 3 long days I finally can get back on Team Fortress 2.


Also since there is no Steam type thread I'll just ask it here is it worth the 10$ to get the Garry's Mod. :roll:




I don't have $10 I spent every last cent I had on a new game. :roll:


Edit:Who is Itchy I've played with him so much never knew who he was through.

He means, it's pretty much the most epic thing solely available on Steam.

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


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That's freaking ridiculous.


I don't want to start a flame war through I'll tell you why:

1:Valve uses them in the documentary videos.

2:They can have alot of uses other than achievements.

3:For the Achievement part I find it really annoying to drag your team down just to get an achievement and having ones like 50 syringe gun kills on scouts and 50 bonesaw kills on medics really wasteful and theres a limit to what you can do with bots than real players.

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That's freaking ridiculous.


I don't want to start a flame war through I'll tell you why:

1:Valve uses them in the documentary videos.

2:They can have alot of uses other than achievements.

3:For the Achievement part I find it really annoying to drag your team down just to get an achievement and having ones like 50 syringe gun kills on scouts and 50 bonesaw kills on medics really wasteful and theres a limit to what you can do with bots than real players.


Do you mean meet the team videos?

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You should not be able to get achievements on them. Period. There's just no reason for it, you're not actually ACHIEVING anything.


Speaking of achievements, just got Robbin' Hood on the first time I ever fired the Huntsman. BOOM HEADSHOT!


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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How do you get bots? You can;t get achievements on them right? That would be really cheap.


How did you think achievement servers worked?


Never went on them, they're cheap as hell.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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How do you get bots? You can;t get achievements on them right? That would be really cheap.


How did you think achievement servers worked?


Never went on them, they're cheap as hell.


Hi Nadril I got a spy hat. :thumbsup:


And Dizzle don't you play Garry's Mod where its the models etc. which are like bots.


Edit:I noticed and congrats on level 40.

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How do you get bots? You can;t get achievements on them right? That would be really cheap.


How did you think achievement servers worked?


Never went on them, they're cheap as hell.


Ok, thats great and all but you dodged the question -- if you didn't know there were bots how did you think the servers worked? Lol.


Hi Nadril I got a spy hat. :thumbsup:


Cool. I'm too busy with Aion for TF2 atm.

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How am I dodging the question? I never went on them, so I never really bothered to figure out how they worked.


And how is Gmod coming into this? Yeah you can spawn NPC's, but you kill them just for [cabbage]s n' giggles, achievements are to be ACHIEVED. When you get achievements on bots, you aren't achieving a damn thing. For the few gmod achievements (which aren't tests of skill or luck like most of the tf2 achievements), they are just they're to show that you play alot.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Random item drops piss me off. If I were Valve you would earn them through achievements only, because now that I've unlocked them all I haven't got much to work for.


What if you ran out of achievements.


Through your right about the random drops I'd think they should be little less random and more about how your doing and how much time you have spent.

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So what happens when all the class updates are done?

More class updates? More maps? More game modes?

Dunno really.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Someone posted on the TF2 (Steam) forums, and I found it funny so I though of sharing it with you guys: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=990633

I might be naive, but I don't think Valve would spell it "whinging". Who the hell does that, anyway? Funny nonetheless.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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