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Runescape is ruined forever


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I have played Runescape for two years. I took about a two year break from it ( To Search for better MMO's ) and when i came back it realized that everything good about runescape was updated. The biggest one was dueling: You can't bet more than 30k. Thats how me and my friend made money. Now basically all the duelers in RS quit. Next came the wild update. No Pking? You cant kill people without going to a gay arena or something. And then the trading: I was a nice RS player and would give away things in my bank that i would not use. And the people would thank me for that. Now I can't even do anthing in RS. Whats the deal? :twisted: :twisted: Shame on you RS :shame:



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correct me if I'm wrong, but judging by your choice of words to describe bounty hunter, I'd say you know next to nothing about it's mechanisms. Sure, it's not exactly like edgeville pking (since you can get teamed based on circumstances) but it's still a good replacement, just got to tweak your brain for new strategies. It's not impossible to make kills. In fact a few of my friends consistently make kills every night at bh. Since you've been gone for two years, if you haven't already done so, read the development diary on rs vs. rwt. It's pretty informative. Though I miss the days where yew long alching was always a profit for low amounts of work, we must learn to make money other ways. As for gift giving you can still give up to 30k as a present, which in my opinion is already a little too much as a present.

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I don't see the discussion value in this. What you're doing is digging up old skeletons, and you're definitely going to draw fire for such.




If you don't like the new RS, hit ALT + F4. No one is forcing you to play this so-called "abomination" of a game, okay?

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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There's a "gay arena" ?




If it's filled with disco lights, fruit-flavored alcoholic beverages, and dance music, that'd be one kick [wagon] arena.




Oh and, another one of these topics by a whiny child. It's only been 7 months, don't worry I'd only consider you "very slow" on the meter.




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OMfG pL0x tak me too da gay rena! I luv it dere! [/sarcasm]






I don't know about you, but after all these "bad updates" happened, I kinda like it more.

It just goes to show that, though there's an age requirement, there's no IQ requirement to play RS.


Wait, my friend said he got a keylogger and lyke he coudln't type, so I assumed it messed up his hands?
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You're about 7 or so months late to rant about it buddy :roll: It's better to have it that way then not to have RS at ALL.



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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Sheesh, complainers today.




Jagex have bent over backwards to provide the gay arena. Oops, no...I'll try and rephrase that.




People have been going down on their bended knees for the gay arena...um...no. :oops:




I'd better stop, I can't seem to articulate what I mean. #-o





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your a little to late to rant about this my friend. 7 months to be exact



"The best of you comes from your heart, not the edge of your sword"


"After hearing that, i don't think bounty hunter is the perfect minigame for you.".



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correct me if I'm wrong, but judging by your choice of words to describe bounty hunter, I'd say you know next to nothing about it's mechanisms. Sure, it's not exactly like edgeville pking (since you can get teamed based on circumstances) but it's still a good replacement, just got to tweak your brain for new strategies. It's not impossible to make kills. In fact a few of my friends consistently make kills every night at bh. Since you've been gone for two years, if you haven't already done so, read the development diary on rs vs. rwt. It's pretty informative. Though I miss the days where yew long alching was always a profit for low amounts of work, we must learn to make money other ways. As for gift giving you can still give up to 30k as a present, which in my opinion is already a little too much as a present.




You were obviously the person the old graveyard forums used to laugh at for carrying tele runes, safe eating and praying 1v1. Bounty hunter is a disgrace to pking, it is OVER. The player honor system is gone, and Jagex has wrecked it for all us oldschool skillful pkers.




You touched on the 3 things that has destroyed Runescape. At first I complained about the utter stupidiness of Jagex releasing the all time worst update ever - Pest Control - but now there are worse problems on our hands.




I'm pretty sure Jagex has forgotten who first helped them out in the beginning and who loved their game for what it was, us oldschoolers. Now I guess the money is flowing for them and they'll be happy to introduce half minded updates to keep the under 13s amused for yet another week.




GG Jagex, here since the beginning, im OUT.



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Well, I can see both sides to this. If your sole purpose in RS was to pk, then I can see that the changes would make you not like the game. If you limited yourself in your moneymaking ways by only duelling, then I can see the trade restrictions as an inhibitor to your cash flow.




However, can't you see some of the good that has come about it. We now have expanded carrying space in BoB.


We can have added attack and exp power with summoning




The GE has eliminated people standing in world 2 for hours trying to sell useless junk.




Bounty Hunter, FoG, Castle Wars, Clan Wars, Duelling arena are all available if you have to kill another live person the option is there.




You want money? There are limitless ways to increase your cash. You can hunt green dragons, merchant, invest, farm, mine (gold), runecraft, treasure trails. Oh, did I mention God Wars Dungeon?




You simply stated one person's opinion when you said everything good about Runescape is gone.




Begging was all but eliminated (before lending update this week).


Bots have dwindled in numbers.


Merchanting albeit somewhat scaled down is still a feasible practice.


Pking is still there just different.


Summoning can be awesome.


GWD can be awesome.


High Definition is definetly awesome.


GE can be awesome


Lending has potential.


Monster Hunting can be awesome


Slaying can be awesome.




Runescape can still be awesome just different.

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Well, I can see both sides to this. If your sole purpose in RS was to pk, then I can see that the changes would make you not like the game. If you limited yourself in your moneymaking ways by only duelling, then I can see the trade restrictions as an inhibitor to your cash flow.




However, can't you see some of the good that has come about it. We now have expanded carrying space in BoB.


We can have added attack and exp power with summoning




The GE has eliminated people standing in world 2 for hours trying to sell useless junk.




Bounty Hunter, FoG, Castle Wars, Clan Wars, Duelling arena are all available if you have to kill another live person the option is there.




You want money? [/b]There are limitless ways to increase your cash. You can hunt green dragons, merchant, invest, farm, mine (gold), runecraft, treasure trails. Oh, did I mention God Wars Dungeon?




You simply stated one person's opinion when you said everything good about Runescape is gone.




Begging was all but eliminated (before lending update this week).


Bots have dwindled in numbers.


Merchanting albeit somewhat scaled down is still a feasible practice.


Pking is still there just different.


Summoning can be awesome.


GWD can be awesome.


High Definition is definetly awesome.


GE can be awesome


Lending has potential.


Monster Hunting can be awesome


Slaying can be awesome.




Runescape can still be awesome just different.




In bold ... that is sounding like Runescape is a job for you. We don't want money, we want fun. Bounty Hunting is not fun compared to what we used to have -.-



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I have fun in Runescape. I do quests that I enjoy. I go blue dragon hunting in the ogre enclave. I invest and merchant on occassion. I train skills when I want. I log on every so often just to check my GE. I do regular farming runs.




These are all things that I enjoy. I am just saying that one aspect of Runescape has been changed (not removed just changed) but there is still so much to do.




Or you could always do what many people did....just stop playing.




I enjoy most parts of the game. Admittedly Pking was not something that I enjoyed but warring was. I am just saying that there are other ways to make money, and there are other ways to satisfy your bloodlust.

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If it was so great before why did you leave for two years?




That is a great point!




Anyways, Yes, its been 7 months, but he did quit for 2 years...


And yes i know pking is not coming back, tbh i'd like it back too, but instead i got membership and right now i'm having a LOT of fun!


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I didn't know inanimate objects can have a sexual orientation. :?




Anyway, if you just played RuneScape for combat, go play Halo or World of Warcraft where most of the activities involve either killing someone or "wtf pwning" them.


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If it was so great before why did you leave for two years?




That is a great point!




Anyways, Yes, its been 7 months, but he did quit for 2 years...


And yes i know pking is not coming back, tbh i'd like it back too, but instead i got membership and right now i'm having a LOT of fun!




Yah I agree, it'll work out. Us pkers will probably now just go back to skilling and chilling with friends. I'm currently having a lot of fun spending all my cash on summoning, good stuff.



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correct me if I'm wrong, but judging by your choice of words to describe bounty hunter, I'd say you know next to nothing about it's mechanisms. Sure, it's not exactly like edgeville pking (since you can get teamed based on circumstances) but it's still a good replacement, just got to tweak your brain for new strategies. It's not impossible to make kills. In fact a few of my friends consistently make kills every night at bh. Since you've been gone for two years, if you haven't already done so, read the development diary on rs vs. rwt. It's pretty informative. Though I miss the days where yew long alching was always a profit for low amounts of work, we must learn to make money other ways. As for gift giving you can still give up to 30k as a present, which in my opinion is already a little too much as a present.




You were obviously the person the old graveyard forums used to laugh at for carrying tele runes, safe eating and praying 1v1. Bounty hunter is a disgrace to pking, it is OVER. The player honor system is gone, and Jagex has wrecked it for all us oldschool skillful pkers.




You touched on the 3 things that has destroyed Runescape. At first I complained about the utter stupidiness of Jagex releasing the all time worst update ever - Pest Control - but now there are worse problems on our hands.




I'm pretty sure Jagex has forgotten who first helped them out in the beginning and who loved their game for what it was, us oldschoolers. Now I guess the money is flowing for them and they'll be happy to introduce half minded updates to keep the under 13s amused for yet another week.




GG Jagex, here since the beginning, im OUT.




Tele runes: check


Safeing: check


prayer 1v1: check




DUH, seriously, anyone who DIDN'T bring these things or used them is a complete idiot. Of course it's frustrating when you hit someone almost to 0 hp and then they eat, but I'm 99.9% sure that that person doesn't give any mind to how you feel. they want your items, not your respect. (The .1% is for people who actually think the land of Zamorak, the god of chaos and destruction, is a chivalrous place.) I have to admit that the vast majority of my pking was in the duel arena (wildy style), so I never followed the the so-called "honor system". The wilderness is (was) free for all no rules. The people who made up those rules are the ones who couldn't get a good kill, not the "honorable" pkers. You claw your way to the top to come out victorious. You still do in bh. If you're going to get nostalgic, then please don't call other people "half-minded."


Anyway, back to the topic of discussion: why are we discussing this update 7 months later? No use in beating a dead horse. In such a sharp divide, there can't be any sympathy. If you like the updates, stay. If you don't, you have two options: stay and adapt to them or play another game. Surely, playing no game at all is better than playing a game you hate, plus, you have an extra $60 a year. And ranting about it is not going to bring back pking. Jagex specifically said that the kill and loot system is gone forever, so why waste energy ranting about it?

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I was outraged when I first herd about the the trade removal. Thought Jagex had gone nuts. then I wen't to read the updates which explianed it and now I am one of the people who is very happy about the new RS. Maybe you should adapt or die off like eveyone else (learn to play the new game or quit).

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omg! theres a gay arena? where? I didn't know arena's could be attracted to arena's of the opposite gender. Or maybe you meant it as a happy arena, I don't think they have feelings either.




my point is that there is nothing wrong with being gay, so don't use it as an insult.


yeah go ahead and flame me you homophobic idiots



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