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10 year old wife gets divorced after being raped and beaten


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In the western world we learnt from a young age about equal rights. Our education shapes our morals. So we believe that a young girl marrying an older man to be wrong. On the other hand, the girl's family will never have been educated in the same way we have. Their morals have been shaped differently. They believed what they were doing was right. They didn't do it on a whim, they grew up with it happening as the norm. How anyone can blame parents who believe what they were doing was morally right because of the morals they have been taught.




I personally disagree with under age marriage such as this, but I am not going to blame a culture for being taught different morals to myself.




Culture should never be allowed to be a disguise for the mistreatment of people. People are not critical enough of things like culture and religion.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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In the western world we learnt from a young age about equal rights. Our education shapes our morals. So we believe that a young girl marrying an older man to be wrong. On the other hand, the girl's family will never have been educated in the same way we have. Their morals have been shaped differently. They believed what they were doing was right. They didn't do it on a whim, they grew up with it happening as the norm. How anyone can blame parents who believe what they were doing was morally right because of the morals they have been taught.




I personally disagree with under age marriage such as this, but I am not going to blame a culture for being taught different morals to myself.




Culture should never be allowed to be a disguise for the mistreatment of people. People are not critical enough of things like culture and religion.




You say that culture can not be a disguise for mistreatment of people. For example say you were brought up in a world where anyone with blond hair should be killed. It is all you know. You have never been taught that it is wrong, you believe it is right. On the other hand, I was brought up without being taught that. I would believe that you were wrong. You would believe I was wrong. Our morals are shaped by our education. You can not say that the parents are to blame for doing something that they deemed to be right. We may believe it to be wrong, but they believe it to be right. Again, it is all they know, it is all they have been taught and grown up with. You can not blame someone for having a different education on what is right and wrong to you.




I am sure now they wish that they had picked a better husband for their daughter, they tried to protect her with the contract, because they believed that it was the right thing to do. I believe it was the totally wrong thing to do, but I will not say force my own morals on anybody else.

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In the western world we learnt from a young age about equal rights. Our education shapes our morals. So we believe that a young girl marrying an older man to be wrong. On the other hand, the girl's family will never have been educated in the same way we have. Their morals have been shaped differently. They believed what they were doing was right. They didn't do it on a whim, they grew up with it happening as the norm. How anyone can blame parents who believe what they were doing was morally right because of the morals they have been taught.




I personally disagree with under age marriage such as this, but I am not going to blame a culture for being taught different morals to myself.




Culture should never be allowed to be a disguise for the mistreatment of people. People are not critical enough of things like culture and religion.




You say that culture can not be a disguise for mistreatment of people. For example say you were brought up in a world where anyone with blond hair should be killed. It is all you know. You have never been taught that it is wrong, you believe it is right. On the other hand, I was brought up without being taught that. I would believe that you were wrong. You would believe I was wrong. Our morals are shaped by our education. You can not say that the parents are to blame for doing something that they deemed to be right. We may believe it to be wrong, but they believe it to be right. Again, it is all they know, it is all they have been taught and grown up with. You can not blame someone for having a different education on what is right and wrong to you.




I am sure now they wish that they had picked a better husband for their daughter, they tried to protect her with the contract, because they believed that it was the right thing to do. I believe it was the totally wrong thing to do, but I will not say force my own morals on anybody else.




I made sure I did not blame the parents. They are a product of their culture, which is what I blamed. Forward thinkers will find it easy to blame this backward culture, as well they should. Sympathising will quaint traditions will never help to move us in the direction we need to go.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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While what happened is obviously wrong in our society, realize that morals and ethics are relative.




Obviously things are different in different cultures, but you can't use culture as an excuse for lack of basic human rights! I don't think there's much wrong with what the parents did in this example but if you can call anything fine just because it's someone's culture, how far will that go?

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While what happened is obviously wrong in our society, realize that morals and ethics are relative.




Obviously things are different in different cultures, but you can't use culture as an excuse for lack of basic human rights! I don't think there's much wrong with what the parents did in this example but if you can call anything fine just because it's someone's culture, how far will that go?




Basic human rights is also relative. It's said in the article, what happened is common. The only reason why it even made the news is because she acted upon it and it was heard about from a reporter. While everyone in our culture disagrees with what happened, people in their culture see it as everyday business.




To answer your question, it will go as far as the culture will allow. It wasn't long ago when any crime a black person was accused of, he/she was guilty of. Unfair to us now, but back then it was the extend of his or basic rights and everyone saw it as everyday business.

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To answer your question, it will go as far as the culture will allow. It wasn't long ago when any crime a black person was accused of, he/she was guilty of. Unfair to us now, but back then it was the extend of his or basic rights and everyone saw it as everyday business.




How did the black person feel? How can a culture justify that skin color automatically makes you a criminal even if you did nothing?




Racism doesn't work, it will ultimately be defeated. Even apartheid was broken in Africa after people saw what a shameful failure it is.




When people realize in those cultures the same thing, except with women (that they're not possessions of their family and have free wills), they will be just as ashamed of their current culture as we are of slavery that some members of our society used to practice.

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How did the black person feel? How can a culture justify that skin color automatically makes you a criminal even if you did nothing?




Racism doesn't work, it will ultimately be defeated. Even apartheid was broken in Africa after people saw what a shameful failure it is.




When people realize in those cultures the same thing, except with women (that they're not possessions of their family and have free wills), they will be just as ashamed of their current culture as we are of slavery that some members of our society used to practice.




From what I've read, they didn't appreciate it but they didn't get hung up about it either. It was the only lifestyle they knew, so they had nothing to compare it to. If you were all of a sudden treated badly, you wouldn't be happy about it, but you would most probably accept it if you were treated badly your whole life without fail because it wouldn't contrast with anything.

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These kind of things make me wonder what goes through the mind of many people. Who would want to rape a 10 year old girl? That dude needs some serious straighteneing out.

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That is disgusting. That one human could do that to another. That parents would do that to their daughter, because it was tradition... Tradition is no excuse for things like this. People who use tradition to justify their actions are cowards, plain and simple. They don't want to take responsibility for doing something horrible, so they say 'Oh, we've all always done it, so it is right'.










As for one of the op's comments... It isn't just foreign cultures that have disgusting and wierd social norms.

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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These kind of things make me wonder what goes through the mind of many people. Who would want to rape a 10 year old girl? That dude needs some serious straighteneing out.




How dare they follow customs they have been brought up with.




They told the guy he couldn't sleep with her until she reached a certain age. All the marrage was for now, was basically an adoption program.




How about we get someone to make fun of your traditions and customs.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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These kind of things make me wonder what goes through the mind of many people. Who would want to rape a 10 year old girl? That dude needs some serious straighteneing out.




How dare they follow customs they have been brought up with.




They told the guy he couldn't sleep with her until she reached a certain age. All the marrage was for now, was basically an adoption program.




How about we get someone to make fun of your traditions and customs.




I'm sure his customs doesn't involve marrying off underage kids because of poverty

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These kind of things make me wonder what goes through the mind of many people. Who would want to rape a 10 year old girl? That dude needs some serious straighteneing out.




How dare they follow customs they have been brought up with.




They told the guy he couldn't sleep with her until she reached a certain age. All the marrage was for now, was basically an adoption program.




How about we get someone to make fun of your traditions and customs.




I'm sure his customs doesn't involve marrying off underage kids because of poverty




Yeah Sworddude could you name some controversial traditional American/British customs? The only one you could possibly say is Halloween, and thats not even wrong, just annoying.

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I'm almost as disgusted by this tip-toeing round of the issue because "it's their culture" than I am of the issue itself. I couldn't care less what their culture is, or traditions are, what happened is wrong and any attempt to justify it with moral relativist thinking is disturbing. She was 10 years old for christ's sake.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I'm almost as disgusted by this tip-toeing round of the issue because "it's their culture" than I am of the issue itself. I couldn't care less what their culture is, or traditions are, what happened is wrong and any attempt to justify it with moral relativist thinking is disturbing. She was 10 years old for christ's sake.




Exactly what I'm thinking. It might be their culture, but it's still wrong and disgusting. I might understand it being a 25 year old, but 10? That is kinda bad.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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Ah yeah, I'd read an article similar to this in the New York Times. It's absolutely revolting.




What really gets me is that this came out at the same time as the Supreme Court decision to ban the death penalty for child rape (a decision that I agree with). There has to be some balance here. Child rape is disgusting, deplorable, revolting - but not cause for revenge in the form of murder. However, I do think that these crimes - these so-called "marriages" - are in absolutely the same child rape category.

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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I'm almost as disgusted by this tip-toeing round of the issue because "it's their culture" than I am of the issue itself. I couldn't care less what their culture is, or traditions are, what happened is wrong and any attempt to justify it with moral relativist thinking is disturbing. She was 10 years old for christ's sake.




You just have to read the first couple paragraphs to get this:





"When I got married, I was afraid. I didn't want to leave home. I wanted to stay with my brothers and sisters and my mom and dad," she said, speaking to CNN with the permission of her parents.




How can you even argue that it is right to do that :| No tradition can justify that kind of action to a kid

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No amount of reasoning can cover up the fact that she was ten years old. She has the body and the anatomy of a ten year old girl. No matter what culture you live in, she is unable to properly engage in intercourse, and she is unable to give birth. Yes, some females go into puberty sooner, but that is the exception, not the rule.




Logically, it is unethical to engage in intercourse with a ten year old girl.




Ethically (according to my personal value system), it is absolutely morbid.




I believe that the husband is to blame. The husband is responsible for reasons I've explained above.

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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Do you really think it's right for children to be wed off just because it's in their culture?




Well, for about several thousand years in China, parents wed their children, and it was all good... until people started to realize women's rights and with that came the free choice in marrige thing...


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Do you really think it's right for children to be wed off just because it's in their culture?




Well, for about several thousand years in China, parents wed their children, and it was all good... until people started to realize women's rights and with that came the free choice in marrige thing...




China isn't exactly the greatest example of a moral society. Then and even now.

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Logically, it is unethical to engage in intercourse with a ten year old girl.


In prehistoric times, it was not uncommon for a 13 year old girl to already have had a baby. With such a low life expectancy, poor diet, poor healthcare and primitive care at the birth, infant mortality rates were high. There really was no choice in the matter.




Logically, this position hasn't changed. The continuation of our species is best ensured by women producing as many babies as possible, to the point where we reach our environmental capacity and excess population dies due to starvation. However, of course, we have developed morals and ethics since then, and enshrined those in law.




Much as I agree that having sex with a 10 year old is totally abhorrent (then, I've been raised in the West and this is Western tradition - the degree to which I have thought out this particular dilemma for myself independently is questionable), the point I'm making is that logic and ethics seldom complement each other.

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How dare they follow customs they have been brought up with.




They told the guy he couldn't sleep with her until she reached a certain age. All the marrage was for now, was basically an adoption program.




How about we get someone to make fun of your traditions and customs.




I'm sure his customs doesn't involve marrying off underage kids because of poverty




Yeah Sworddude could you name some controversial traditional American/British customs? The only one you could possibly say is Halloween, and thats not even wrong, just annoying.




*looks at location*




Yeah, it'd be pretty hard for me to find controversial British customs consider I'd have been brought up with them.




However, there can be other countries that think of some of ours as barbaric. My point is not to [cabbage] over other's customs just because they aren't the same as ours.




If you had been brought up to believe in those customs as right, then surely you would follow them without question?


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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