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Help me learn to scream: real Hardcore and Death metal...


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Death metal style: Job for a Cowboy




Hardcore: Black Flag, Drop Anchor, Ten Yard Fight!

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I'm learning how to do death metal vocals at the moment to. Just take a deep breath and try not to let it come out of your throath, let it come from the chest area. If you want to sound more death metal-ish try to make a cup with your hand and then try to sing or talk. I'm sorry I can't really help you here you should check youtube for some tips, guides or whatever it's called.




Hope you succeed!


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I personally find metal to be a rather childish genre that most people grow out of around finishing high school.. but all that aside a friend of mine is still into that stuff and I have heard him speak of the dvd entitled "The Zen of Screaming" by a Melissa cross... like I said I'm not a fan so I can't guarantee anything of the product but if you really wish to learn, what could taking a look hurt

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You sir, (I'm even feeling to be not inclined in calling you sir but let's just stick with the catch phrase everyone is use to) are a complete douche bag.




I don't why I even bother these days to tell you how moronic you look, it's obvious that you don't get the message. What can we do.


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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You sir, (I'm even feeling to be not inclined in calling you sir but let's just stick with the catch phrase everyone is use to) are a complete douche bag.




I don't why I even bother these days to tell you how moronic you look, it's obvious that you don't get the message. What can we do.


But isn't it still supposed to go there...?

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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You sir, (I'm even feeling to be not inclined in calling you sir but let's just stick with the catch phrase everyone is use to) are a complete douche bag.




I don't why I even bother these days to tell you how moronic you look, it's obvious that you don't get the message. What can we do.


But isn't it still supposed to go there...?




He wants to learn death metal, Technically death metal is considered music, hard to believe, but it does belong in that sub forum.


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I personally find metal to be a rather childish genre that most people grow out of around finishing high school.. but all that aside a friend of mine is still into that stuff and I have heard him speak of the dvd entitled "The Zen of Screaming" by a Melissa cross... like I said I'm not a fan so I can't guarantee anything of the product but if you really wish to learn, what could taking a look hurt


I'm just going to go ahead and ignore the whole "metal is childish" statement..


From what I've heard, The Zen of Screaming is definitely the way to go if you want to learn how to scream without ruining your voice. There's two DVDs out, The Zen of Screaming and The Zen of Screaming 2. I haven't seen either, so I can't talk about it first-hand. Check out her site for more information.


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Yeah, very mature replies in this thread.


Something you tend to grow out of as you get older? Oh... ok... Just been listening to it for 16 years.


And tell that statement to someone like Lemmy or Geezer Butler or Ian Paice.




Well, first off: Learn to sing "normally"! If you don't learn the proper breathing tech's and singing clear (not using throat) you will most likely scarr your voice for a long time/ever.


Then when you feel confident, you can start making "oooooooooo" sounds as hard you can. And remember singing tech to not screwing up the voice.




It will take a couple of months, but it's fun at the pub when some idiot tries to growl and asks me to do it too lol =)




Good luck!

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I personally find metal to be a rather childish genre that most people grow out of around finishing high school.. but all that aside a friend of mine is still into that stuff and I have heard him speak of the dvd entitled "The Zen of Screaming" by a Melissa cross... like I said I'm not a fan so I can't guarantee anything of the product but if you really wish to learn, what could taking a look hurt




I have heard of that too, just wondering if its the right sounds im looking for, my dad heard of her years aago from NPR and a friend did recently, so I decided to find a interview link... Ill post it.

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Death metal style: Job for a Cowboy




people's ignorance never stops surprising me ::'




What would you call it, metalcore? I only like their music, they arn't cheep to have play at a show... I was trying to find a band that people would know!

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I'd ignore cheese, he's just trying to fit in. :)






As for the growling I've heard some will drink orange juice (or something like that) to clog their throat up a little bit to get a growl better. I'd assume when you have a mic it's much easier too.

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Yeah, very mature replies in this thread.


Something you tend to grow out of as you get older? Oh... ok... Just been listening to it for 16 years.


And tell that statement to someone like Lemmy or Geezer Butler or Ian Paice.




Well, first off: Learn to sing "normally"! If you don't learn the proper breathing tech's and singing clear (not using throat) you will most likely scarr your voice for a long time/ever.


Then when you feel confident, you can start making "oooooooooo" sounds as hard you can. And remember singing tech to not screwing up the voice.




It will take a couple of months, but it's fun at the pub when some idiot tries to growl and asks me to do it too lol =)




Good luck!




I was in acting for around 6 years, and sang in chorus for 2 years, as a tenor, which alot of vocalist supposingly have (as so I have read from about.com)

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Death metal style: Job for a Cowboy




people's ignorance never stops surprising me ::'




What would you call it, metalcore? I only like their music, they arn't cheep to have play at a show... I was trying to find a band that people would know!




ya they are metalcore, even though i dislike metalcore i cant resist the need of listening to them either -.- .




on topic, someone told me that you need to bark like a dog :?: to improve growls. i never tried it but i guess it works if you do it the right way :P . the only thing you need to learn is to sing using your lungs, not your throat. the more you practice, the longest you can sing. but, if you stop practicing and decide to rest a couple days after starting, you willl go back to 0. you must practice everyday since you are doing it for the first time. well thats all i have to say :P

Why even try with that idiot? Honestly, there is no point whatsoever. I'd get better replies if I argued with a tree stump.
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hehee kinda figured that comment would push a few people's buttons, first let me state that what I said was my own personal opinion based upon the experiences of my life and holds no real weight in applying it to the experiences of any of you, after all truth is relative and any statement can hold multiple truths.




I do not believe my statement to be of an immature nature oldjoe, though as a fan of metal I can see how you could take it this way and I completely understand for I have been there myself. you state you have been listening to it for 16 years, that is wonderful but in those 16 years have you undeviatingly listened to metal or have your tastes changed incorporating countless new genres as you have matured? I would gladly make that statement to someone like Lemmy, Geezer, or Ian, and it is my opinion that I would think most would agree with me. Ian paice's drumming is very jazz influenced so it is obvious that he did not simply stay with metal but outgrew it and expanded which in turn gave his playing a unique addition to metal. do not know much of either lemmy or geezer, but I am sure all these years later from when they originally started their bands they have "outgrown" metal as well and instead spend more time exploring other musical genres. Picturing Lemmy or Geezer sitting around listening to modern day metal bands such as Necrophagist or Psycroptic all day seems a bit silly no?




I call metal a "childish" genre for it is focused too much on the one emotion, anger. In result you have large number of bands that take themselves way too seriously and in extreme cases perform ignorant acts such as church burnings, etc. Metal is not the only childish genre, many others fit the description such as commercial rap with its large focus on money, not sure what you call it but I think "screamo?" and its focus on teen angst etc.






but hey remember these are all MY OWN OPINIONS there is no right or wrong here.

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Drinking Tea really helps as well for soothing the throat and vocal chords. And just for relaxing you as well!


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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hehee kinda figured that comment would push a few people's buttons, first let me state that what I said was my own personal opinion based upon the experiences of my life and holds no real weight in applying it to the experiences of any of you, after all truth is relative and any statement can hold multiple truths.




I do not believe my statement to be of an immature nature oldjoe, though as a fan of metal I can see how you could take it this way and I completely understand for I have been there myself. you state you have been listening to it for 16 years, that is wonderful but in those 16 years have you undeviatingly listened to metal or have your tastes changed incorporating countless new genres as you have matured? I would gladly make that statement to someone like Lemmy, Geezer, or Ian, and it is my opinion that I would think most would agree with me. Ian paice's drumming is very jazz influenced so it is obvious that he did not simply stay with metal but outgrew it and expanded which in turn gave his playing a unique addition to metal. do not know much of either lemmy or geezer, but I am sure all these years later from when they originally started their bands they have "outgrown" metal as well and instead spend more time exploring other musical genres. Picturing Lemmy or Geezer sitting around listening to modern day metal bands such as Necrophagist or Psycroptic all day seems a bit silly no?




I call metal a "childish" genre for it is focused too much on the one emotion, anger. In result you have large number of bands that take themselves way too seriously and in extreme cases perform ignorant acts such as church burnings, etc. Metal is not the only childish genre, many others fit the description such as commercial rap with its large focus on money, not sure what you call it but I think "screamo?" and its focus on teen angst etc.






but hey remember these are all MY OWN OPINIONS there is no right or wrong here.




Metal solely focused on anger? Terribly wrong sir. Yes, it seems to encompass most of the extreme metal genres, but by no means is it the only emotion present. Hell, it isn't even the main emotion. Also, I hardly doubt the countless non-extreme metal bands (and doom metal) primarily focus on anger. Before you call something childish, at least understand it. The way you're generalising metal is ignorant, and has nothing to do with opinion.




JFAC is deathcore, btw.

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hehee kinda figured that comment would push a few people's buttons, first let me state that what I said was my own personal opinion based upon the experiences of my life and holds no real weight in applying it to the experiences of any of you, after all truth is relative and any statement can hold multiple truths.




I do not believe my statement to be of an immature nature oldjoe, though as a fan of metal I can see how you could take it this way and I completely understand for I have been there myself. you state you have been listening to it for 16 years, that is wonderful but in those 16 years have you undeviatingly listened to metal or have your tastes changed incorporating countless new genres as you have matured? I would gladly make that statement to someone like Lemmy, Geezer, or Ian, and it is my opinion that I would think most would agree with me. Ian paice's drumming is very jazz influenced so it is obvious that he did not simply stay with metal but outgrew it and expanded which in turn gave his playing a unique addition to metal. do not know much of either lemmy or geezer, but I am sure all these years later from when they originally started their bands they have "outgrown" metal as well and instead spend more time exploring other musical genres. Picturing Lemmy or Geezer sitting around listening to modern day metal bands such as Necrophagist or Psycroptic all day seems a bit silly no?




I call metal a "childish" genre for it is focused too much on the one emotion, anger. In result you have large number of bands that take themselves way too seriously and in extreme cases perform ignorant acts such as church burnings, etc. Metal is not the only childish genre, many others fit the description such as commercial rap with its large focus on money, not sure what you call it but I think "screamo?" and its focus on teen angst etc.






but hey remember these are all MY OWN OPINIONS there is no right or wrong here.




Well, alot of people that don't have an experience with metal tends to call it "non-serious" or "childish".. or whatever. I don't say you don't know metal (because i don't know if you listen to Motörhead/Blind Guardian/Saxon.. whatever), but alot of people that are other genre-fans has said this to me... And i have to explain for a long while why i like it.




Yes, when i was introduced at as a kid by my brother to Maiden.. Them and Nirvana (because my older sis liked them) was the only i listend to. Then i started to explore other metal bands... 100+ or something.


I can tell you some things i listen to: Metal, pop (not britney pop, but U2/Travis/Vanessa Paradis/Lisa Miskovsky...), Techno/trance - mostly the Hard Dance Mania mixed artists albums, Drum n Bass - Pendulum/Logistics/Prodigy/Lost Generation..., Celtic music - Enya/The Coors (spelling)..., Ambient - Moby (correct genre?), Prog - King Crimson (some other bands too i guess) and i also like music from Star Wars and LOTR (classic instruments)... and many more.


Yes, Ian is heavily influenced from jazz (Nicko from Maiden too).




So why isn't something like pop childish? I think singing about cars and love would be as childish as metal singing about anger.


But metal is not all about anger. It's about society, war, anger, love, happiness, everyday life... Etc... Just like anything else. Saying that metal is 100% about anger is false.




About church burnings, you allways get some idiots into whatever kind of music you play. Just like (i think) Britney boozing around when she should be home feeding her kids.


Or some rapper in a music video with girls with big bootys, when they should be home with their kids for a while (at least i think some rappers have kids... but i don't like that music, so what do i know...).




And finally, i don't like metalcore or hardcore... Or these american "core" bands. I like death, yes, but it's different to "core" music, or "emo" for that matter.




Defending myself much once more? Yes.

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One of the best things that i got told to when i was trying to learn it was have a LOT of those throat lozenges, the ones that you used for strepped throats and such. Over here there are stuff like Throaties or Strepsils.


Take one of those between each song, i know a couple of people who tried to do a whole concert without training and they ended up making their vocal cords bleed, and its not a nice thing to hear/see


Iamanarab - 119/110 Combat - 1700+ Total - P2P for the moment

Drops: [3] Dragon Legs [2] Shield Left Half [1] Draconic Visage

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One of the best things that i got told to when i was trying to learn it was have a LOT of those throat lozenges, the ones that you used for strepped throats and such. Over here there are stuff like Throaties or Strepsils.


Take one of those between each song, i know a couple of people who tried to do a whole concert without training and they ended up making their vocal cords bleed, and its not a nice thing to hear/see


I think if screaming makes it necessary for you take take one of those in between each song, you're probably doing it wrong anyway. It would be much more beneficial to learn the correct technique.


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