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A new form of staking: Gambling.


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i was recently thinking about the games room in burth. nobody really goes there, its not very rewarding, and its outdated. Then i thought about how many people wished a form of staking big cash was back.




***Read the quick skinny on each game at the very bottum to understand the RWT PROOFNESS***




now this thread will get better and more complex if people think its worth putting into the game.




The pirates of brimhaven have recently let adventurers from around runescape to play in their underground gambling underneath the bar!




these games consist of:




no limit texas hold em' (Tournament style, this is rwt proof >see explination)


blackjack (you play against the "house" so in itself is rwt proof)


craps (also just involves yourself and nobody else really... so rwt proof>Google it lol)


-any others that seem fun enough to put in.


(++betting on castle wars or something similar to betting on horse races, sports, etc)




please do not flame this saying it is stupid... have an arguement please. as far as i know this would be RWT proof. feel free to point out the flaw in it being a new way for RWT.












How texas holdem is RWT proof:


Tournament style is simple to prevent rwt. The idea is that you buy in to a tournament, in this example we will say thats 100k. Then you are put in a random table, there could be 2-5 tables depending on the amount of people buying in. you play until you lose, which would mean you dont get the jackpot. the last 3 people standing win the prize and maybe even something to wear to prove your a pro >>similar to the world poker series in the US, they give you a bracelet, so maybe you get a cape since weall like capes...


--try to make that rwt and ill try to tweak it


ACTUAL TEXAS HOLDEM HAS FLAWS TO RWT. the only way you could help prevent it is being placed at a RANDOM table or using the point system similar to the games room. the more points you have the higher the limit of betting is:


0-500 points= max bet is... 3k


500-1000 points= max bet is... 15k


1000-5000 points= max bet is... 50k


5000+= no limit texas holdem style


getting 5000+ points would imply that you know what your doing and youve played a long time.


^ the max bets can be tweaked if needed.


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No offence, but this is to modern.




And game is supposed to be ancient ages, not modern ages.




So thumbs down soz. :thumbdown: If they make Gambling, they might aswell release James bond guns aswell...

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Gambling is hardly modern. What else do you think soldiers in that era did with their money besides buying grog?




I like the idea but it wouldn't be implemented. Learning to count cards is at least more useful than clicking monsters.

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Whats a texas?




This doesnt fit runescape, simply put, sorry.




Maybe make up some more era-type games and then its a maybe, but, what stops 3 players from meeting, two RWTs play a game, buyer bets big money say on RWT 1, and RWT 2 lets the 1 win the game, and the buyer gets money, or something like that.




Until you fix it, and patch the RWT holes, this thread is fail




:thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: / :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:


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No. RuneScape is set in Medieval, gambling as such was not invented/around, so it cannot be incorporated into in.

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No. RuneScape is set in Medieval, gambling as such was not invented/around, so it cannot be incorporated into in.


Haha. Gambling is ancient. :thumbdown:




Though the games seem too modern and to RWT-prone.



Thanks Draynor.net!

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We know that rs isnt meant for 8 year olds, but we know its not set at like 40 year olds. The game is set for people around the age of 13+ (supposed to be, tbh with recent changes it seems like a 6+) and putting gambling on it is just going to anger parents, how are jagex going to put in the "for parents" section that this game has gambling oppertunities XD

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Sure, seems ok. Might be a bit too "modern" but since we already have the games room there shouldn't be a problem. Oh there an idea, how about betting on Game Room games?




Blackjack might be questionable after seeing the movie 21 though :lol: . (Yes I know what you're about to say, I get it, that was a joke.)




Still though, this might allow RWT. Ex: 6 players, 1 is the RWT buyer, other 5 are RWT, and a dealer too, of course.






All players bet, say, 5m.




RWT: Hit until they go over 21.




Free 25m.

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No. RuneScape is set in Medieval, gambling as such was not invented/around, so it cannot be incorporated into in.




You're an idiot.




Gambling has been around since the beginning of time. It is in human instinct. If you obviously think it wasn't around in medieval times then you're obviously very uneducated.




Also, Runescape is not set in Medieval times. There's just a lot of material that resembles that time. But I can point out many things within the game that aren't medieval at all, and are actually quite modern. So quit trying to sound intelligent. It just proves how little you actually know.



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No. RuneScape is set in Medieval, gambling as such was not invented/around, so it cannot be incorporated into in.




You're an idiot.




Gambling has been around since the beginning of time. It is in human instinct. If you obviously think it wasn't around in medieval times then you're obviously very uneducated.




Also, Runescape is not set in Medieval times. There's just a lot of material that resembles that time. But I can point out many things within the game that aren't medieval at all, and are actually quite modern. So quit trying to sound intelligent. It just proves how little you actually know.




This is going both ways.




Gambling being medieval=Gambling has existed long before the medieval age. Long, long before. I remember learning about gambling taking place in Mesopotamia, so even before then. That's in the 3000s BC. But that's only a year or two before Medieval Times.




Gambling being modern=I think they are referring to the actual examples the poster suggested, such as Texas Hold 'Em and Blackjack. Those are fairly new, although they might have roots to the past, they haven't become "big" until the recent past.

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ok true, texas holdem and blackjack is "modern" but gambling has been around forever. i mean they GAMBLED for jesus' clothes and how many freaking years before medevil was that? so dont go there haha. PLUS WE HAVE A CANNON FOR GODS SAKE!




as for RWT proof,


----if youve ever played blackjack you dont even play against others, u play against the house... gf.


----if youve ever played texas holdem you know tournament style has a, lets say 100k buy in and the winner gets the jackpot.




yes i seem to remember neopets having texas holdem and that was the only game i played. lets face it guys runescape atm is pretty dull. no serious math unless your calculating levels and at that its easy to use a calculater.




so lets say texas holdem and blackjack isnt the right gambling for rs... wouldnt some form of gambling be nice? like betting on castle war games, or something that involves critical thinking (i know betting on castlewars isnt critical thinking im just saying what comes to my head atm).




so modern card games, meh not the best idea. but some sort of staking and gambling with a critical logic would be nice right?


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Well, if i remember correctly gambing IS in rs..Remember when you had to roll dice agaisnt that one guy? It was in some quest, troll stronghold i think...




Anyway, as for card counting, I already know how ::'


Thanks 21 (movie)

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counting cards is much more complex then just how that movie built it up to be. you need to know the complete basic strategy and most people let emotionsget to them. and if you have more then 1 deck into play (like 4+ is how the casinos fixed the problem) its much harder now.




but thanks for pointing out gambling is already in rs :)


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Gambling is bad for little kids :roll:




...and most people from countries other than the US (correct if I'm wrong) don't know/play those games.






Gambling is not bad for little kids i started learing texas hold em at 10 and by 11 i could beat my dad and i am perfetly fine and i live in the UK




so this is you :-# :oops: :wall: #-o

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Well, if i remember correctly gambing IS in rs..Remember when you had to roll dice agaisnt that one guy? It was in some quest, troll stronghold i think...




Anyway, as for card counting, I already know how ::'


Thanks 21 (movie)




Ah ha! During the quest, Ghosts Ahoy (I think, but the quest does not matter) you play 4 games of "RuneDraw" against Robin Hood in the Port Plasmatys Pub! Each game you bet against him until you put Robin in a 100gp debt so you use the debt to blackmail him into signing your bow.




Gambling, yes? So that means Jagex should have no reason not to expand. Perhaps PvP RuneDraw? Although that might allow RWT...just a though guys.

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I love texas hold 'em so i support...but i HIGHLY doubt jagex would even consider this SLIGHTLY because of gambling being an issue...but nice idea lol


[Thank you very much Skull_Emblem For the Beutiful Sig And Jopie for doing the Text]

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gambling wouldnt work legally and it wouldnt be really fun..... maybe lottery tickets etc. but its just not runescape.




What do you mean by that? As I've said in a previous post, there is already gambling in RuneScape from RuneDraw from the quest Ghosts Ahoy. There should be no problem simply expanding it.

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