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What are your opinions on no-lifing?


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I few friends and I once took our computers to a friends house whilst hisw parents were away for a week.




Our week consisted of ordering kebabs, pizzas, chinese food and chip shops.




We did 36 hours straight twice as well as a 12 hour run and a 20 hour run.




At the time I justified it by telling myself i was with friends so I wasn't no lifing.

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Unhealthy habits and lifestyles die hard. If it's bad, people should stop. Just because you seem to care little for other's well being does not mean that they shouldn't. Mentally, physically, socially healthy, to desire another to be as such is to be properly human. Ignoring their problem is to wish them ill.




"No-lyfing", of either variety of which you speak, is unhealthy for a person and hurtful to the people around them. Relaxation is a necessary part of functioning in society, but to take it to such levels is to be a burden on society and a burden dropped upon oneself, to whatever levels it is taken. It is a problem, and it needs to be fixed, and post-poning such rehabilitation, acting as if when they do it all their life as a teenager they're suddenly stop at some magic age, that is both irresponsible, illogical, and ill-befitting a proper human.




It is, as one would say, a cancer upon society, something that limits growth on both the invidual and macrocosmic level. Why then, do you choose to ignore it?


And what other reason than being unhealthy is wrong with 'mild no-lifing"? (Mild being done with school or work, having free time, to play for hours.) If I have 7 hours to kill, why not play some video games in the process? Why the hell do you have to stop me? Besides, drugs and alcahol are more of a 'cancer' than playing video games. # of extreme no-lifers / # total population is quite small and thus I don't think I HAVE to worry about this 'epidemenic'.




Please keep in mind I'm just talking about 'mild no-lifing.'! Not an addict that plays from age 5 to age 55 in his mom's house.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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even 3 hours is too much for me. if i play rs for 3 hours straight i'll get completely sick of it. usually i play for an hour maybe a couple times a day.




but when i first started playing i would play from sun rise to sunset ;) thats no lifing


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Everyone is at different places in their lives. I'm not going to judge someone for no-lifing because I have been there before, for several reasons.




That isn't how I play anymore, but I'm not going to look down on someone for doing it considering the stats/quests/items/wealth I have has all been done in two years.




To each his own.



Man, I really do love Runescape, and I'm sure if it was a real person I would of asked it to marry me by now.

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Take it this way: for an adult to play 18 hours of the day without a job being supported by parents is lazy and utterly short-sighted and dull. However, if someone has a 10-hour job, sleeps for 6, that leaves 8 hours of freetime a day. He could play games all those eight hours, every day. He has a job, self-sustaining, no social life, but what is it in our intrests (complete strangers by the way) to tell him not to?


I live in a country where we have national health insurance. Therefore, matters concerning people's health automatically DO become everyone's concern, since we ultimately have to pay for the treatment. Not just that, but our compassion as human beings should lead us to care for the welfare of others.




Bare in mind I want to be a doctor in my future career - I know prevention is better than cure and I'd also make a pretty bad doctor if I didn't make it my business. On that note, you wouldn't go to your GP with a drug addiction, and then claim your history with drugs is none of their business. It is totally their business as your doctor.




I for one have noticed that I am a lot happier and lot more confident when I'm not playing RS. I also find I have a lot more energy and conviction in life, while when I play RS, I seem to suffer from fatigue constantly. Never has the term 'mind-melting' been more appropriate. I tend to feel much more socially and mentally healthy. ::'




The problem is that some people seem to think that playing RS, or any game for that matter, is a suitable alternative to a social life. This is simply not the case, and is an ignorant view on life. Such people lack communication skills, they typically suffer from low self-esteem, low confidence and a lessened ability to concentrate in the 'real world'. All of these are vital to life.




Being a teenager doesn't change this. In fact, if anything, socialising is more important in teenage life (especially for girls), not less.




That is why maintaining a balance between RuneScape and an active social life is so vitally important, and frankly, those in this thread that have said the counter have proved my point by their inability to communicate effectively.




And a little extra question to anyone who can answer...why is having a girlfriend or boyfriend like an automatic "Get out of Nerd-status" card? Just wonderin'.


It's a good point... some girls actually like nerds. :lol:




In general though, being in an emotional relationship shows three things:




A) Emotional maturity;


B) Social confidence


C) Good communication skills.




None of which are gained by playing a game all day. That's why people tend to find a correlation between the two.

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I think its everyone's personal decision whether the spend that amount of time on a videogame. Personally I don't no life because whenever I spend an excessive amount of time on runescape in a day I always think later on 'What am I doing playing a game for that long'.

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It actually depends on what you think is no-lifing.


I've played for 12 hours a day, when the old Swiftswitch still was legal, there was this timer in the right corner :P (not sure if it's still there), but it wasn't really no-lifing imho and I just stopped playing when I didn't feel like it.


Other people say it's nolifing training one certain skill for a whole day, others say that it's nolifing when you play for a whole day, while having fun with your online friends.


I don't really have an opinion, I just think it's nolifing when you spend hours and hours just to gain a level, even when you didn't really feel like it, but just to get this certain amount of exp a day etc.


But then again, you can call a person who does that "driven"


Credits to Skully Sc for the signature.24picns.png

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Take it this way: for an adult to play 18 hours of the day without a job being supported by parents is lazy and utterly short-sighted and dull. However, if someone has a 10-hour job, sleeps for 6, that leaves 8 hours of freetime a day. He could play games all those eight hours, every day. He has a job, self-sustaining, no social life, but what is it in our intrests (complete strangers by the way) to tell him not to?


I live in a country where we have national health insurance. Therefore, matters concerning people's health automatically DO become everyone's concern, since we ultimately have to pay for the treatment. Not just that, but our compassion as human beings should lead us to care for the welfare of others.


Well if you play for 8 hours a day, whats the worse that can happen? Your eyesight is going to get dim? I'm sure glasses and supscriptions aren't THAT expenive. They are much worse cases that someone can get in more health issues than playing a video game.





I for one have noticed that I am a lot happier and lot more confident when I'm not playing RS. I also find I have a lot more energy and conviction in life, while when I play RS, I seem to suffer from fatigue constantly. Never has the term 'mind-melting' been more appropriate. I tend to feel much more socially and mentally healthy. ::'


Thats irrevelant. Just because it happens to you doesn't mean it will to others. You know, after I watch a good made, funny machinima, I feel much better about myself and feel like I can take on the world- but wait, I watch it on a PC! Oh noes.




The problem is that some people seem to think that playing RS, or any game for that matter, is a suitable alternative to a social life. This is simply not the case, and is an ignorant view on life. Such people lack communication skills, they typically suffer from low self-esteem, low confidence and a lessened ability to concentrate in the 'real world'. All of these are vital to life.


Again, I am defending mild-no-lifing...as in, for the next two days I have nothing to do but on the 3rd me and my friends are going to a party. Why can't I play a lot on those two days? I'm still connected to real life.




Being a teenager doesn't change this. In fact, if anything, socialising is more important in teenage life (especially for girls), not less.


I didn't mean this to be solely on teenagers; any one can no life.




And a little extra question to anyone who can answer...why is having a girlfriend or boyfriend like an automatic "Get out of Nerd-status" card? Just wonderin'.


It's a good point... some girls actually like nerds. :lol:




In general though, being in an emotional relationship shows three things:




A) Emotional maturity;


B) Social confidence


C) Good communication skills.




None of which are gained by playing a game all day. That's why people tend to find a correlation between the two.


You should know Ginger, that most teenagers don't look relationships as the importance of care and love as we do. You are correct in B and C, but A...not so much seeing these guys (who say "Wow you got a gf nice man, ur not a nerd ne more") screw a girl and move on. Its not anything emotional mature about it.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Well if you play for 8 hours a day, whats the worse that can happen? Your eyesight is going to get dim? I'm sure glasses and supscriptions aren't THAT expenive. They are much worse cases that someone can get in more health issues than playing a video game.


A lack of a social life leads to a lack of social health and general discontent. As said, there will be some who play through a obsessive addiction. The consequences of over-playing video games, or watching TV for that matter, are more far reaching than merely your eyesight. If you don't believe me, you're more than welcome to ask your GP or pharmacist.




Thats irrevelant. Just because it happens to you doesn't mean it will to others. You know, after I watch a good made, funny machinima, I feel much better about myself and feel like I can take on the world- but wait, I watch it on a PC! Oh noes.


I was only giving my personal experience. That's hardly irrelevant at all. I don't even understand what you were attempting to say in the last two sentences...




Again, I am defending mild-no-lifing...as in, for the next two days I have nothing to do but on the 3rd me and my friends are going to a party. Why can't I play a lot on those two days? I'm still connected to real life.


That's not really no lifing at all. I think I've made my definition, and what I protest against very clear at this point. The case you've described there isn't it.




I have no problems with that sort of lifestyle, so long as you took periodic breaks from the computer screen, of course.




I didn't mean this to be solely on teenagers; any one can no life.


You implied earlier on in this topic that no-lifing as a teenager is fine 'coz it's just what teenagers are in to. That is what I was replying to.




You should know Ginger, that most teenagers don't look relationships as the importance of care and love as we do. You are correct in B and C, but A...not so much seeing these guys (who say "Wow you got a gf nice man, ur not a nerd ne more") screw a girl and move on. Its not anything emotional mature about it.


And I suppose these jerks would be classed as 'nerds' then, obviously? If not, they're completely irrelevant to the point I was making.




I have to admit, you totally obliterated my strawman, but you didn't answer many of the points I made, which were themselves, quite explicit.




At the end of the day, playing video games or watching TV for sustained periods of time, or generally not being active is unhealthy. There's just no argument against that.

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i honestly cant no-life. i tried it once to pile through my defence exp. only managed 1 hour before going "My god!" and playing CoD2 for a while. i could only no-life if it was something enjoyable, like gwd or something. not sitting there cutting logs into bows. -.-




just to point out:



You should know Ginger, that most teenagers don't look relationships as the importance of care and love as we do. You are correct in B and C, but A...not so much seeing these guys (who say "Wow you got a gf nice man, ur not a nerd ne more") screw a girl and move on. Its not anything emotional mature about it.


i take major offence to that. being almost 18, i was after a serios relationship since 16 because unlike others, there ARE actully some teens who are actully mature enough. ::'


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Again, I am defending mild-no-lifing...as in, for the next two days I have nothing to do but on the 3rd me and my friends are going to a party. Why can't I play a lot on those two days? I'm still connected to real life.


That's not really no lifing at all. I think I've made my definition, and what I protest against very clear at this point. The case you've described there isn't it.




I have no problems with that sort of lifestyle, so long as you took periodic breaks from the computer screen, of course.


Then I'm not sure what we're debating here... You and Reb have convinced me in several points but as I said before, the 'mild-no-lifing' we both agree on is what I'm truely agruing against. And your side isn't that mild, rather extreme.




I didn't mean this to be solely on teenagers; any one can no life.


You implied earlier on in this topic that no-lifing as a teenager is fine 'coz it's just what teenagers are in to. That is what I was replying to.


I might of spoken to an specific exampe. But I didn't mean just teenagers if you saw it like that, I apologize.




You should know Ginger, that most teenagers don't look relationships as the importance of care and love as we do. You are correct in B and C, but A...not so much seeing these guys (who say "Wow you got a gf nice man, ur not a nerd ne more") screw a girl and move on. Its not anything emotional mature about it.


And I suppose these jerks would be classed as 'nerds' then, obviously? If not, they're completely irrelevant to the point I was making.


The point I was trying to make is that just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean you're emotionally mature. Sorry not to of worded it better.






At the end of the day, playing video games or watching TV for sustained periods of time, or generally not being active is unhealthy. There's just no argument against that.


Naturally. ::'






In the end, we both agree that mild-no-lifing is acceptable to whoever wants to. I may of dug myself in a hole as I moved onto the extreme no-lifers and I shouldn't have. Lets just end it right here and now. :)

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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