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What makes you angry?


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Anything and everything makes me angry. Bad drivers, stupid pedestrians, old people, young people, society, weeaboos, people who hate weeaboos, everything.


But people who feel the need to bring the internet into real life especially so. Those who feel the need to say LOL rather than just laughing, who have to write XD or some sort of smiley whenever they get a pen in their hand and those who saw a macro image last night and have to use it at every single - even remotely related - chance so they get to say "HERE COMES THE FAIL BOAT LOL".


Makes me RAGE.

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Here comes the fail boat with soulja boy on, rapping while not amusing people, and thinking he is the best, while liking america to much, while liking and hating weeabo's!!!!!!




I hate people.


I love this sig.

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Teenage girls who think the world revolves around them and that only they have an opinion.




Mr logic shuts them up.



my anger-makers are:


*Crying/moaning/wimning kid in the supermarket


*Dumb people


*Girls having pms


*too much aking to the known way


*Stupid questions


*this computer if its slow :wall:

99 Firemaking 30-5-2010 | 99 Fletching 13-7-2014
TET-AU member:6-10-2010 - 21-10-2011

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Blind prejudice and generalisations, as well as people who refute logic, rather than anything in particular, but generally, most annoying things can be encompassed under these two ideas.


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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whoevers dumb idea it was to make the driving hour requirements for L platers 120 hours -.-




But who follows that? :P




my mum -.-




seriously, she seems to not want me to go for my P's before I'm 25 :roll: I haven't been driving in a month, and I wanna do a TVET course in year 11 and 12, but will be a pain with no ride, so she is affecting my education

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Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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Big groups of people who block the corridor while you're trying to walk down it, especially when they hurl abuse at you when you try to get past them


99.99999998465% of the world's population is not me, if you are the 0.00000001535% that is me, put this in you signature


-"being famous is like being a woman, if you have to tell people you are, you aren't"

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Is this the new pet peeves thread? Because I have a lot of 'em.




[hide=my annoyances]People who decide the middle of a busy hallway is the perfect spot to have a 5 minute discussion with their friends.




People who crowd the beginning of the baggage return conveyor belt thing because they just HAVE to get their luggage 30 seconds before everyone else.




People who, when a tragedy occurs in the US, respond with "only in America".




Parents who refuse to shut their screaming child up when in church because they want to pay attentin to the priest. Seriously, you're not going to burn in hell if you go to the back of the church for a few minutes to calm your kid down.




Women who make it everyone's business when emphasizing they are pms'ing.




People who think anyone who supports one videogame console is a "fanboy".




I agree with Zierro and the others on this, I hate walking behind slow people. and I hate even more when the people behind me blame the slowness on me.




People who whisper "whimp", "coward", etc when you leave the line for a ride at six flags, even if there's a reason you're doing so other than you're scared. I've had to leave several lines before to meet with my friends and parents and I hate when everyone around me thinks I'm terrified of the ride and starts whispering taunts behind my back. Say it to my face. I dare you.




People who only win fist fights or arguments when they have friends helping, and after they beat you they emphasize on how much you got owned.




People who think all Christians are Catholic and all Catholics are fundamentalists.


People who think all Muslims are extremists.


People who make fun of the Muslim girls who wear that veil around their head or face because "it looks ugly". At least they have the guts to show their faith wherever they go, having to face idiots who make fun of them for it.




People who think all puns are bad, and people who abuse cliches.[/hide]


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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In that room, I suppose George W Bæsj would appear. ('Bæsj' is Norwegian, means 'poo' and is pronounced like 'bash', so it's almost like 'Bush'! Lol-lol-lol-lol I am so clever! :lol: ) He is one of the biggest image of a religious fanatic, redneck, fascist and hypocrite I know about. Maybe Richard Dawkins also would appear; a fanatic atheist is just as annoying as a fanatic theist. Perhaps they would fight each other to death? :D




If they would just fight each other to exhaustion, I suppose I could do my part. I could ask George to solve a second degree equation, and his head would implode. And I could ask Richard that if atheism is absence of belief, why would he write several books about it?




"Oh dear," says Richard, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.




Americans boast about how great their economics are, superior to all others, etc. and yet [bleep] and complain when someone uses that system, becomes filthy rich, and keeps that profit for themselves instead of giving to charities or anything.




Hmm... You should rephrase that. It makes you look like you are fine with people becoming filthy rich without contributing to society. You should rather put it like this:




Americans [bleep] complain when someone uses their economy, becomes filthy rich, and keeps that profit for themselves instead of giving to charities or anythingboast, while they still boast about how great their economics are, superior to all others, etc.




If you however agree with this exploitation of capitalism, I will be forced to withdraw your avatar. :shame:



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^ I was under the impression that Dawkins was more of an anti-theist, not an atheist, so he has full reason to write books on the subject.


He says himself that he is between level 6 and 7 on a scale where 1 is 100% theist and 7 is 0% theist. But I am still sure he claims that he has an absence of belief, not a belief in absence.



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His better known books are about religion, not about atheism. There's a chapter or two devoted to a few myths about atheists, but that's about it.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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I may be using the word wrong, but I'm saying he's more of an anti-theist in the sense that he takes a position and writes books on it and etc., while atheism seems to be less of a position and more of a "Ehh, whatever" kind of thing.


It really has

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I may be using the word wrong, but I'm saying he's more of an anti-theist in the sense that he takes a position and writes books on it and etc., while atheism seems to be less of a position and more of a "Ehh, whatever" kind of thing.




Dawkins could be described as more of an evangelical atheist perhaps. I would reserve the term antitheist for people like Christopher Hitchens, who not only does not believe in the existence of a god, but is glad there's no such thing because he doesn't like the idea. The main difference is that Dawkins mostly opposes religion, whereas Hitchens writes at length about why he's happy there's no such thing as god.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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Americans boast about how great their economics are, superior to all others, etc. and yet [bleep] and complain when someone uses that system, becomes filthy rich, and keeps that profit for themselves instead of giving to charities or anything.




Hmm... You should rephrase that. It makes you look like you are fine with people becoming filthy rich without contributing to society. You should rather put it like this:




Americans [bleep] complain when someone uses their economy, becomes filthy rich, and keeps that profit for themselves instead of giving to charities or anythingboast, while they still boast about how great their economics are, superior to all others, etc.




If you however agree with this exploitation of capitalism, I will be forced to withdraw your avatar. :shame:


I think I've been around here long enough and raged against capitalism enough that all who read that know that I'm talking about the capitalist double-standard, thank you very much.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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What makes me angry?


My dad... Some of my friends... Life <3: oh and my brother. People at my school tend to ask questions that agitate me and then I will snap at them, I'm not proud of this and I have created a sinister presence around myself at school and I apparently give everyone looks that I'm pissed off at them... Well, they shouldn't poke their smelly little noses in my business...

Luck be a Lady

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