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-new- Clan Wars. Much to debate & discuss.


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Released on sept 9 (I think). I haven't played it and probably wont for a long time. So debate the expeculations made :o?




The new Clan Wars is going to be released in 17 to 23 days from now (August 12, 2008). Here, I will present everything that is currently known about the upcoming Clan Wars. Afterwards, I will present you with issues that will affect the Runescape players. Some for the better, others could be for the worse.




[hide=All currently known]I know most of it from reading 50+ pages of a post Mod Mark made in the "Future Updates" forum in the RSOB before the August's Behind the Scenes.




1. To be released in early September. Somewhere between September 1 to Sept. 7.


2. Two Free-For-All (FFA) arenas. One dangerous, other is safe.


3. There is no on-kill loot.


4. Mod Ash programmed it.


5. There will be various arenas for clans to fight in. Around 6 arenas, including the "Clan Wars Classic" arena.


6. The challenger will set the rules while the challenged will agree to them or not.


7. If chosen, clan members can run back in after dying.


8. *First clan to reach X number of enemies killed, wins. Or most kills at end (a time limit MUST be applied for this to be able to be selected).


9. There is a time limit reaching up to 3 hours or a no-limit as well.


10. *If the Captain(s)+ chose it to be a dangerous match, the victorious clan will receive cash instead of items at the end of the match. Amount of cash/gp received depends on what was lost during the fight. Cash would be split amongst clan members who participated in the fight.


11. Lent items cannot be brought into dangerous fights.


12. Dangerous games can be fought in all arenas (except the safe FFA one). Not just the dangerous FFA arena.


13. Once a clan member clicks the portal, he/she will be presented with a screen telling him/her the rules of the fight.




*Only applies if both challenger & challenged selected to apply this option.




Most of this you MIGHT know but I think some of it many do not.[/hide]




So after that.. here are some stuff that could happen.. give your opinions. Am I right or wrong? Why so? :)




Negative effects


New easier, and safer, forms of RWT: I'm sure some will find ways to RWT/transfer. Since it won't be on-kill loot, they might find some way to do it


Lent items + dangerous arenas: I'm also very much sure some will bugs that allow them to bring lent items into dangerous arenas. When Item Lending was introduced, there were a few bugs that would allow the person being lent an item, to keep it. It involved houses.




Positive effects


Clanners come back: Since these updates would be huge for the clan community, I imagine many clanners who quit after multi was removed from BH, will come back. When multi was removed, warring was very much limited. After Clan Wars is updated, many of the features that were in the Wilderness (and multi BH) will come back! Most serious clanners are high levels. This will mean good for Jagex, as most of them will become P2P.


More for F2Pers: With this, there is so much more for F2Pers to do. I can imagine small groups of high leveled f2pers running around dangerous/safe FFA killing everyone!




Discuss on those 4 issues. If you have come up with another one, post it! I will add it :D. I'm interested in your opinions...

-Retired from Runescape on August 12, 2008-

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Do you happen to have a link to a mod or someone confirming #10? I've heard talk about this but I can't see how it would be possible, as it would completely undo all the anti-RWT measures they've taken. I tried looking on the thread on the RSOF that you mentioned but all I could find was people flaming the update and telling Jagex how pitiful they are (which I found hilarious, because they're obviously still paying $5 a month if they can post on the forums!) :P

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youre just making things up


all the negative effects are about the bugs that we don't know will they happen or not, i could make up alot more of bugs that could happen and call that negative effect, but they're not

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It all sounds great but I can't see how/why they would add a *dangerous* mode in this clanwars update when they have made such a large step against RWT by removing the wilderness. Surely this update undoes everything that they have done recently against it?




Are they stepping back and admitting defeat against the massive negativity about the removal of the wilderness but just putting a different spin on it?






- Maybe there will be a limit as to the minimum number of people you can have within a dangerous war?



Illusion Leader | Clan Europe Member | Team Nigeria Member | Ex BsE Leader | Ex MOD Member

126 F2P | 137 P2P

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youre just making things up


all the negative effects are about the bugs that we don't know will they happen or not, i could make up alot more of bugs that could happen and call that negative effect, but they're not




The one about Real World Trading isn't a glitch -.-

Link to Forum Games signature.

[hide=TIFer Quotes]

This lack of discussion value..disturbs me.
English is the only language on this forum.

If you use another language, you need to include a traduction

bgok5jn dsgtalg

Oh wow, I hate everything -.-

Death kinda scares me.

your obsession with phallic objects shows quite clearly in your artworks.

Ffs, someone put this in their sig.


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Wrong. I took the libery of moving to one of the other threads I frequent, a comprehensive list of the plans listed until that thread was un-stickied and drifted off to die. I took out the parts for item lending because it's already been released.




Clan Wars




-There will be an option in Clan Wars to drop items upon death. Other players will NOT be able to loot your body however.


-The ability to end the game when the opposing team is under 5 live players


-Block Melee/Range/Mage/Summoning options as well as blocking certain spell books


-No Food/Prayer/Potions options also available


-New arenas to fight in.


-Clan members will get the option to either join or watch the match when the challenge is made.




Random Events


-Random Events will not be removed, they will be "retired". The Drunk Dwarf is planned to wander around Runescape as a static NPC like Bob the Cat, handing out kebabs and beer. Jagex doesn't want to just "remove" them from the game.


-The kept randoms will offer a choice of rewards, with possibly new outfits.






-The graphics update to the friends list IS COMING. The graphics team is very busy with the aforementioned updates, especially with the new detail level.


-There are two new free for all areas coming out, one that is drop on death and one that is safe. Think Fight Pits but not having to wait for the round to end. No rounds, no rules, and clans will rule it.




We're not going to see it


-Clan rewards: Clan Wars will not give decent rewards, as confirmed by Mod Ash, due to the threat of Real World Trading.


-Registered Clans: There isn't going to be a highscores or official clan list. The game engine, website, and other systems cannot handle such a load, or the complexity of a clan database at this time.




10. *If the Captain(s)+ chose it to be a dangerous match, the victorious clan will receive cash instead of items at the end of the match. Amount of cash/gp received depends on what was lost during the fight. Cash would be split amongst clan members who participated in the fight.




No. It was specifically said by Mod Ash in the thread that there would be no prize for winning Clan Wars, and that players should not expect it. Anything dropped on death will be gone forever, unless the rules allow for players to come back in.




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It all sounds great but I can't see how/why they would add a *dangerous* mode in this clanwars update when they have made such a large step against RWT by removing the wilderness. Surely this update undoes everything that they have done recently against it?




Are they stepping back and admitting defeat against the massive negativity about the removal of the wilderness but just putting a different spin on it?






- Maybe there will be a limit as to the minimum number of people you can have within a dangerous war?


The way I understand it, you won't be able to loot kills in the dangerous wars, so no RWT that way. Quite pointless IMO. Personally, I'd just forget about the dangerous option, but I guess some people just like the thought of making others lose things while taking the chance of the same happening to them.




Also, here's a pic of an interface for the new Clan Wars:




And, yes, that is an official picture released by Jagex. Check the August BTS if you don't believe me.

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0 rows returned

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Heres a scenario i came up with for RWT based on what I read. If i missed anything please tell me. thx




1. Someone purchases X amount of gold from a RWT site.




2. The Customer challenges RWT to a clan war on dangerous arena.




3. The RWT gets pwned by the customer.




4.The customer gets the net value of whatever the RWT was carrying.




Again if i missed anything or you think this wouldn't work just tell me because its kinda late where i'm at.




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Heres a scenario i came up with for RWT based on what I read. If i missed anything please tell me. thx




1. Someone purchases X amount of gold from a RWT site.




2. The Customer challenges RWT to a clan war on dangerous arena.




3. The RWT gets pwned by the customer.




4.The customer gets the net value of whatever the RWT was carrying.




Again if i missed anything or you think this wouldn't work just tell me because its kinda late where i'm at.




Yea, that's why Jagex isn't giving a reward at all for winning clan wars.




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10. *If the Captain(s)+ chose it to be a dangerous match, the victorious clan will receive cash instead of items at the end of the match. Amount of cash/gp received depends on what was lost during the fight. Cash would be split amongst clan members who participated in the fight.






Where was this said :?


Come to #tip-it on Swift IRC, if you're cool

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PRobaly won't be as good as it seems, Jagex most likely just won't explain it so they can get some of their old Pkers back for like a month of Members :P




Nah, not that serious, but I doubt it'll be all what it seems.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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It sounds like a great update to me, the only thing I'm scared about is the specifications of the fight. One thing that annoys me at duel arena is that if you toggle summoning on in a stake, even if you've agreed a no-holes-barred fight, they instantly decline. If this has to happen in Clan Wars too, then the thing I love about Clan Wars: the fact that your enemy has no idea what you're going to be doing, will be taken away.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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the house glitch was just a rumour that someone said to make himself look cool


it has been provern he was using a privite sever for the vidio

Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


[hide=old sig]



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Also like to point out:




2. Two Free-For-All (FFA) arenas. One dangerous, other is safe.




That's not clan wars, it's a separate pvp area coming out. It will have the same "dangerous" effect as clan wars. Drop your items, but no looting. There will be rewards for this, as far as I know.




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Remember, the cash reward was BASED on the items lost. Not 100% of the cash value per se.


For all you know it could be 10% of the overall value.


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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Remember, the cash reward was BASED on the items lost. Not 100% of the cash value per se.


For all you know it could be 10% of the overall value.




There is no cash reward, period. It was explicitly said by Mod Ash that there would be no reward, period. Rarex is just pulling things out of thin air to call them facts.




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Well.. this goes randomly:




I did not make all this up. A few months ago, a post was made in the Official Runescape Forums by Mod Mark and edited by Mod Ash. Stickied. It contained information about Clan Wars and Item Lending. Much new information was presented in the sole post alone but much much more new information followed in the various replies made by Mod Ash.




In one of his posts, he said something about that were would be NO on-kill loot and how it would work. It involved something with cash and at the end of the game.




Omali: No, both FFA arenas will be related to Clan Wars. It WILL NOT BE A SEPERATE mini-game. Mod Ash said it. Don't be a []. THE CASH REWARD IS ONLY IF ANYTHING WAS LOST DURING THE FIGHT. MEANING THAT THE FIGHT MUST HAD BEEN "DANGEROUS". If it was safe, there would be no reward at all.




lan Wars




-There will be an option in Clan Wars to drop items upon death. Other players will NOT be able to loot your body however.


-The ability to end the game when the opposing team is under 5 live players


-Block Melee/Range/Mage/Summoning options as well as blocking certain spell books


-No Food/Prayer/Potions options also available


-New arenas to fight in.


-Clan members will get the option to either join or watch the match when the challenge is made.



You added some new things but didn't change what I said. "No on-kill loot".. get it?? or did you drop pout of HS?. All of what you said from the 2nd to the last, were figured out on Aug 1 with obvious aid of the picture.. all that can be figured out obviously.. imbecile




For all those who do not believe, wait until it comes out. I will be bragging then just like the RC Guild.




##sfishy: I don't think it was fake nor was it a rumor because a friend of mine told me he lost his Saradomin Kiteshield.. =\


Satin: What other updates have I posted -_-.. on TipIt. Only the RC Guild as far as I can remember.




Throughout the years, I have met some Jmods and have befriend with some of them. I talk to them on a daily basis. Though, they did not hint out or anything to me. If you don't believe me, fine. I don't care.




Again, I got all this from reading 50+ pages of the stickied topic... -_-










why are people so freaking dumb...




edit: Oh, are you so offended when I pmed you with the single word of "noob" that you had to report =\? kinda pathetic. -_-

-Retired from Runescape on August 12, 2008-

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The wouldn't do something like split that reward of cash like that without a catch, you'd probably need like 5-10+ people for that. Not that i'm agreeing or anything but if it does happen there will be something to prevent it from happening. Aside from that i doubt it will happen because they couldn't risk the RWT threat from looting death drops

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1) It will be bad from the start.


2) RWT will come back a lot easier.


3) Jagex will have to change it again and again to "stop" RWT.


4) We'll be back at square-one.




In my honest opinion; people have gotten used to "no wildy" now, so Jagex should keep it that way and not bring this update at all because it'll only cause a stir and more rioting by 4 year olds (anyone who riots should be perm banned on all accounts imo).




Concluding on what I just said; they should just stick to fun-minigames such as CW and FP, maybe add decent rewards to some with top-end armour and weapons, but we all know that would be a good update so it won't happen.

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1) It will be bad from the start.


2) RWT will come back a lot easier.


3) Jagex will have to change it again and again to "stop" RWT.


4) We'll be back at square-one.




In my honest opinion; people have gotten used to "no wildy" now, so Jagex should keep it that way and not bring this update at all because it'll only cause a stir and more rioting by 4 year olds (anyone who riots should be perm banned on all accounts imo).




Concluding on what I just said; they should just stick to fun-minigames such as CW and FP, maybe add decent rewards to some with top-end armour and weapons, but we all know that would be a good update so it won't happen.


I must agree to the rioting, it should get you banned for a long time...


Hopefully it doesn't turn out to be a total failure...

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