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More so called rioting?


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I've been watching a few old PK vids on youtube and i've noticed that in the comments there are lots of comments attempting to plan riots to attempt to get the wilderness back and to get rid of the trade limit.




I don't know about you guys but I really can't see them bringing it back even if they do form a successful "riot".


Personally I'd rather spend my time skilling or questing.




Thoughts and feelings?




riots have never worked and only get you muted :wall:


riots epic fail tbh :^o





"To do all that one is able to do, is to be a man; to do all that one would like to do, is to be a god." - Napoleon I

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Riots=mute fest! :ohnoes: When someone says "we pay to pk!" All mods hear is "MUTE ME PL0x!" :thumbsup:




I disagree and am slightly taken aback... Personally I steer as far away from these riots as I can get..I like to hide in the lumbridge church ^.^




In my opinion you guys have every right to complain...just as I stated above...doing it in a more constructive and organized manner...not mobbing.

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Riots are hilarious. What's more entertaining than a crowd of upset people whining in hopes that something will change - when of course they are completely wrong?




Eh I don't share your same opinion. I think that if there are that many people rioting...they can't all be wrong can they? They odds are just too great.. As for being entertained by it, yuck. Neveh!

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One riot has worked in the past, and that was the swift switch riot. But the pking riots are getting ridiculous now its been 8 months.




lol no the riots didnt do that the owner of swiftswitch changed it up so it wasnt illegal



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I love it when then they post that on my Videos and then I reply to their comment saying "Sooo how did it go, did it work?? Can we PK and Trade yet????"

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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I've been watching a few old PK vids on youtube and i've noticed that in the comments there are lots of comments attempting to plan riots to attempt to get the wilderness back and to get rid of the trade limit.


Hence one of the real reasons the wilderness got removed in the first place.

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Rioting is usually not the answer. Unless it's over a rule (like the Swift banning riot), in game updates most likely will not be reversed. It takes months just to make one update, so I doubt Jagex would simply throw it away.

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Riots will not work because Runescape is a dictatorship.


It's not a dictatorship, it's a game.


Riots are useless, the real 'stuff' happens at rsof suggestions and rants board. Jagex can't fix something if you don't give a proper suggestion for a replacement. Old wilderness or staking are not coming back unless RWT is allowed.


People should be brainstorming new pvp minigames and other updates that would enhance runescape's pvp aspects. Or then they'd have to realise that we already have very good possibilities for pvp: castle wars, fight pits, clan wars, trouble brewing and now the rcing minigame. Does it have to be combat and does it have to have a huge risk involved? I never liked wilderness because I thought it was a waste, hence why I haven't participated in the riots. I get enough excitement from castle wars thankyouverymuch.

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One riot has worked in the past, and that was the swift switch riot. But the pking riots are getting ridiculous now its been 8 months.


No, that didn't help things. If anything, I'm sure it took half of Jagex staff alone to convince Paul that Swiftswitch wasn't "illegal". He also posted shortly after those riots that he didn't want to be seen giving in to those brats.




As far as another riot is concerned, let them do whatever the hell they want in the middle of Falador. In the end, it means more server space for you and me. :D

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Jagex staff doesn't even log in to witness these riots and the "bring back the wildy" topics on the official forums get locked in under 10 minutes so all these rioters are just wasting their time.

~Main account permanently banned on the 7th August 2008~

~New Account created on the 13th August 2008~


~Never give up~

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This is just one or two ten year olds that want to be famous, nothing more. It's been almost a year, I think those kids should just get over it. Jagex said they're adding a few mew PVP's by December anyway.

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Jagex staff doesn't even log in to witness these riots and the "bring back the wildy" topics on the official forums get locked in under 10 minutes so all these rioters are just wasting their time.




Well that is not entirely true at all. Jagex DOES care about what their players think. Jagex isn't happy if their players aren't..but there is a lot of reasons why they can't do a lot of the things players want. And even though you don't see them..Jagex is almost always present at these large "riots"... You just don't know it..because they're on their regular accounts, not their Jagex Moderator accounts. So just because you don't think you see a Jagex Moderator...doesn't mean they aren't there.

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My exact reply to a post about a riot was "Wow, having a whole bunch of people log onto a world and play the game, yeah, that will piss JaGex off."




98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER!

Runescape has policies now?


First barrows drop 12/12/08 - Aharims Robeskirt FTW XD

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