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Combat Arms - 100% Free FPS - Review, Pictures & Videos


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Website: Http://combatarms.nexon.net


Game Publishers: Nexon.


Country Originated From: Korea.


Download Page: http://combatarms.nexon.net/Download/ClientPatches.aspx


Download Link: http://download2.nexon.net/Game/CombatA ... sSetup[Caution: Executable File]




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Basic Summary - Read For TL;DR


Combat Arms is a very unique First-Person Shooter. Combat Arms was released publicly in North America on May 30th 2008. The game is entirely multi-player, and is completely free. Meaning there's no memberships, no one can buy their way to the top with member-only items. Everyone is on the same playing field with the only divider being skill. The game includes a number of features; Similar US Military Ranks; GP System; Clan System; 4 Game Modes; 7 Maps (With Three More Leaked); Multiple Team Settings; And Headshots. ::'




That's CA in a nutshell with some things excluded for those who don't want to read. I do encourage to read the site though. Below I'll go into a more personal review as well as some pictures.




Personal View Of Combat Arms


When I first downloaded the game, I was pleased with how fast you're actually put into fighting. Though unlike other games where your tutorial is NPC based, or you go against already skilled players, you go into a beginner server, so your confidence is kept at a good amount while you still dominate other players. I was also pleased with the 35+ weapons available to use, and that I could buy right off the bat. I didn't need to wait to buy my so-far favourite gun, nor did I need to wait to buy different types of grenades, though there is ranked unlocked only weapons.




However balance in this game is sound. I've never seen a FPS or even any online game where its multi-player to be so balanced. Honestly the guns are balanced yet still offer diversity in how you want to shoot someone to oblivion. There isn't vehicles, or heli's, but they are irrelevant. This game doesn't need anything but guns and movement controls to be entertaining. Don't believe me, then download it. The game is oriented so it's Soldier Vs Soldier, and because of that they've filled in the blanks that no vehicles leave.






Because people will want to read about this before they even read about the actual content and gameplay, I'll state this early. The graphics in the game, are up to standards. They meet every real life expectation that I would mind thinking of. They aren't any high end rig graphics, but they aren't low end rig graphics either. The graphics are decent. Nothing will blow your mind away, but they are there and they give you that feeling, that you are there, and that this could happen. Which is all graphics are needed for. You do need at least 124mb+ of integrated or a video card to play this game. I've gotten away with a weird setup of 80mb of integrated graphic memory, but I had everything on low detail, and that was on my older computer, which was is like 7 years old. But anyways you probably won't have difficulty playing this with the high settings.




Game Modes & General Gameplay


There are four current game modes, with a 'campaign & Co-OP Campaign' modes on the way in August. The current modes are:






This game mode is for teams. You can set the kill count, which one team must reach in order to win. You can have 1vs1s, 2vs2s, 3vs3s, 4vs4s, 5vs5s, 6vs6s, 7vs7s, & 8vs8s as a max. You can set from 30 to 140 kills as the goal. Only two teams may be present, but there is talk about a multiple team based game play mode to be released in the future, so you could have 4 or 3 teams trying to reach the kill count, instead of just 2. This is the most popular game mode by far, with moderate exp gaining & money.




One Man Army:


You're on your own to kill up to 15 other players! Basically you have to kill all the others, ranging from 2 players to 16 players altogether, to get a set kill count that ranges from 15 to 45 (45 being the norm). This game mode is extremely fun if you like to play solo and don't want to rely on others. This game mode also enables you to get the fastest experience and money on the small maps like Junk Flea. Also fun on the larger maps like Snow Valley.




Capture The Flag:


Most classic game ever. This is right up there with elimination in terms of popularity, but gives more exp and money in the end result. Get to the other teams side, to steal their flag, then run back to your flag, for a point, while defending your own flag. Honestly this mode never gets old, it's mind blowing trying to defend your flag, or steal the other teams in a 4vs4, or 8vs8. Things get pretty wild.




Search & Destroy


Plant a bomb or defuse a bomb. Your team is assigned one of these roles. Whoever successfully explodes or defuses the bomb before it blows up wins, or kills off the enemy, aka you don't respawn in this mode. This is a fun thing to do once in a while, and it's based off of rounds. So you go through 3 to 10 rounds of defusing/planting/killing off enemies. Whoever wins the most rounds, wins. It's fun but gets old very quickly, especially because you don't respawn, so if you die, you're outta the action till the next round. Still worth doing though.




Assault or Sniper?


In any map, you can do either of these and still kick butt like no tomorrow, depending on how skilled you are with either. Of course you can multi-class...err, hybrid, with a backpack, but it's still challenging to do only one of these, and not rely on the other. Each choice of close-range, or long-range playing has it's own unique pro's and con's, which do not over-power the opposite play style. Plus you can get the best of both worlds. You also can knife the crap out of people as a melee weapon. Two hits with a knife and people die, but you have to be realistically up close, aka melee. Playing in any game mode using a knife only has great advantages, and if you know what you're doing you can win with the most kills by knife only, which adds to the humour.






They are annoying, if there was any reason to not play this game, this is it. 40% of my deaths are from Headshots, I swear it. This is a negative aspect of the game, though headshots are rumoured to become an option to be turned off. Just a heads up on this. Bad pun I know...








So as I said there's 7 maps currently available. There's 2 maps to be released within the coming weeks (one map was released last week as part of this plan), with another to be released with the campaign mode. Anyways, Nexon has videos of each map on the site, just follow this link and then click on the maps that are shown. Below is a description of each map.




Junk Flea


Probably the smallest map. This is good for several reasons. One it makes for quick games, which makes for quick exp, which makes One Man Army quite the exp generator. Another is grenades are very useful here, as everything is close-quarter, and you're bound to hit someone. This is a place that has tons of hiding spots, and does get crowded in 16-man games, but it allows for a lot of teaming tactics to take place. This is definitely better oriented towards Assault Rifles and Machine Guns over Snipers, yet Snipers can be used on roof-tops to a great deal of effect.






Cold Seed


Probably the same in size of Junk Flea, yet there's a greater deal on open-areas, and not so much enclosed, narrow areas like in Junk Flea. With Cold Seed you can fire across the map and hit someone, unlike in Junk Flea where there would be an object. Regardless Cold Seed is fun and there's several hot spots, the major being the bridge connecting the two spawn areas. Generally a lot of the fights will take place on here, or the most shots will be fired from here. Though remaining on the ground also is a viable option. This map is in Canada!






Snow Valley


If you're one of those people who enjoy sniping, or are completely crazed over scopes, this is the place for you. Very wide open area, as well as being the largest map in the game, and it is indeed big. You can only shoot about half way total across the map with clear visibility, which shows how big it is. This area features one main central tower, which is in the middle of all the spawn points, so it is a spot favoured by both teams. As well there are several smaller, yet still useful sniping buildings or points, as well as minor points on the map used for sniping, overall there's probably 40+ points to snipe from. This map is very oriented towards sniping, probably the only map that you must have some kind of sniper rifle to do well, instead of just Assault Rifling your way through. Regardless this map is also a snow area, and fits it's part. Also, look for the fighter jet in the beginning of the game, quite nice. Also this map is in Canada!






Pump Jack


Train stations will never feel the same again! This map features oil/gas/cargo carts which form tight crowded pathways, as well as a nice open area where much confrontation is boiled. This area is more or less for those wanting a decently large map, but able to use the close-range or mid-range weapons to their best potentials. Snipers are appreciated yet you won't be as effective. A lot of neat things happen in this map, just play and see.






War Head


War Head! The place to go to use Mines to their best capacity! Plant some Mines and watch as your enemy blows themselves up. Besides the Mines, this map requires you to be good at both close, mid, and long range weapons. Several areas that you'll progress through in the map do change how you will shoot your enemy. You may first have to batter your enemy down with a barrage of bullets, but later you'll find yourself trailing your target and taking that one shot. Map is a lot of fun, and worth doing every time you log on!






Gray Hammer


Gray Hammer, the exact opposite of Snow Valley. Close-knit concept, instead of an open area concept, and it's almost the same size (hinted to be larger but unknown). Your Assault Rifles & Machine Guns will probably feel warm and fuzzy in this map, as the enemy walks into your area of the map. Add into the mix five different (and immediately changeable) paths to the opposite side of the map and you've got some interesting ways to ambush your enemy (which is probably the most highlighted in this map than others).






Two Towers


Newly released, or week old map. This map features an extremely weird combination of Close, and long range shooting. Mid-Range combat isn't exactly a viable option to choose of. Regardless this map will have you sniping and blasting opponents, or even shoving opponents into water. Which by the way has to be the funniest thing in the world. Anyways, this map is the first to feature an environmental damager than the rest of the maps do. Every map has the 'If you fall too high, you die' physics, but this map has water, and if you fall in it, well you die. Just go to the centre of the map, and try to jump over the gap, it is possible, I wouldn't lie to you. Map is a lot of fun, and a lot of tactics and strategies in this map are still unfolding, I've found ways to travel from place to place ever time I've come on the map thus far. Truly interesting.




Guns, Lotsa Guns


Definitely is a lot of guns. I'd say 35+ of guns. Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Snipers, Sub-Machine Guns, Semi-Automatic Snipe Rifles, and other weird guns. Best of all? They are all balanced. Pick any gun and you'll do well with your skill level. To me in this game, it's the gun which acts as the doorway of your skill, not the gun that makes up for your lack of skill. Which is awesome in other words. 3 shots to the chest will kill anyone with a non-sniper gun. one shot in the chest or higher will kill someone with a sniper, 2 shots for the legs. And the guns all look different from each other, and do appear different in-game.




Game Mechanics & Physics


Jumping, controls, and shooting are very nicely done. You don't jump absurdly, and you don't run too fast or too slow. Gravity does have an effect on bullets after so much distance, which has been proven. Wind also effects your bullets. You jump off of something too high you will take damage. Think of anything relevant thing in real life and it can probably be applied to this.






The ranks in the North American version are similar to the U.S. Ranking system, actually, they are 99% exact. There's 66 or so ranks to achieve. I've been playing 4 hours a day for the past 7 days and I've only gotten to the 9th rank, and the leveling has become considerably slower, but not grind like. You will unlock items, as well as tournament and clan related activities as you progress higher. You will also be awarded with cash as well when you level. Look here for all the ranks that you will gain as you level up. You can also look here for an explanation of the last few ranks, but do not follow the ranks on this page, they aren't listed properly.






Simply, you aren't bound to a server, or a server channel. Your character profile isn't saved to only one server. So you get to enjoy activity levels on every server to find fast games with loads of players, or small games. Just thought to mention.




So basically that's all I can think of and am willing to right. Any questions or concerns just ask, and I may add a section into here for it. I'm really hoping people will download and play, as it is free, and is extremely fun. Even if you are skeptic about playing a FPS, or they aren't for you. Try this, it is somewhat different, and a different feel. There is no feelings of 'Wow that guy bought this, so no matter what I do, I'll lose' or 'Darn vehicles, I can't win against them'. These things don't exist. Also play on the Recruit Server, as it's the beginner server, and only new players 'T' and 'R' can play on there.




I encourage people to give it a try, and learn how to play it, so I can totally pwn their rear ends...




YouTube Videos Of In-Game Playing


Just to note, the quality on embedded videos suck, so click the video, and go and watch in High Detail if you actually want to see what they are doing.




[hide=Junk Flea Game Play]This is closed beta content, so ranks aren't the same as they are now.


7dZHq6tirqI [/hide]


[hide=More Of Junk Flea]u16Msi98Rao [/hide]


[hide=Cold Seed Game Play]Bj-AVkLYRMw [/hide]


[hide=Snow Valley Game Play]3N_IjIqmh78 [/hide]




[hide=Work Around Guide]Wanna play combat arms? The newest online free shooter game, but you get the error ''PI,30022''


Thats because they blocked all ip's except American Ip's


So you need a proxy ( to make a american ip )








ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.






Lets start:


1.First go register Commbat Arms account




2.Download Combat Arms and install it.




3. Download proxyfire : Download Proxyfire 2.70 ( Program what changes your Ip to a American IP )


and install it.


Than go to options>settings>add>proxy adress EXAMPLE:''''Proxy list: List


Click socks version 5 > check > if it dont give a red error but the green bar loads full > press ok > and you can play combat arms.Screenshot:Click


You must try some diffrents proxy adresses to get a good one


U can get the error ''cannont connect to the server. Please try again.Error code=-2, 10061.


Just try some times and ur combat arms will run. if it says cannot find the server. Just keep trying.


The proxylist List , needs to register. If you use hotmail you dont get a activation mail so use example:gmail ( google mail )


Sometimes it cost me 5 minutes to login on combat arms.






You need every day a new proxy


Important: If you use proxyfire, your internetbrowser wont work untill you close proxfire. And it will make ur Wr-source account log out.


How to close proxyfire? See screenshot:






Go right down of ur screen and press ''exit''






Some tips:




1. If ur internet doesnt work and proxyfire is not active, unplug ur modem for 1 minut and than replug. Than you internet should work. If that not work..Call your internet-provider.




2.You msn doesnt work anymore, uninstall and reinstall ( worked by me )




3.Make a backup from ur networkconnection. Start>configrationpanel>networkconnections>double click on icon>tabpage ''support''>''details''>make a screenshot of it and save.


How to make screenshot: look ur keyboard for the button PrtScn ( right top) .


Press that button, open paint. Paste (ctr+v) and than file >save




CREDITS:CoderRein from**************[/hide]




In-Game Names




Forum Name - In-Game Name




Skatedog111 - InkofPain


penguingeek3 - LuinIthil


LionHeart - ArkHeart_0


Ultimania92 - MonsterWood


jjrox32 - JJ_HeadShot

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I know a few friends who play it but arent most of the guns unlocked for like 90 days only if you pay?


The game is completely free, besides in-game currency, which is in every game. You start off with like 8k or so GP, enough to buy 7 days of two guns + decent equipment.


And how does Combat Arms compare with a game like CSS


From people I've heard from, and you can search google:




Combat Arms Vs CS/Warrock




And you'll find dozens of articles, I'll look up for some that are both positive and negative, possibly two of each.




I've never played CS or Warrock, but I've read articles where they compare, and CA comes out on top most of the time.




Articles will be up shortly...

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I've played about 10 rounds. It's actually really fun, the shooting is surprisingly skilled, graphics are decent, good amount of servers, fun gameplay, cool in-game currency. My only problem is that when I play, other players get a bit of movement lag. Overall very fun, and since it's free, you really won't go wrong dling it.




Hit me up on xfire (jjordan13) or CA (jjordan33) if anyone wants to play.

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Hrmf, I was just playing. (Yes, I'm back from Taiwan)


I normally don't like FPSs, but for some reason I like Combat Arms. I can't say I'm good, I'm usually near the bottom of the list. Though one of my games was melee only and I absolutely destroyed...Guess I'm good with a knife, half my kills were headshots. :P


I'm also somewhat good at sniping, I can find good sniping points but I can't hit anything. :lol:


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Glad you two are enjoying it, and welcome back penguin. ::'




Articles for non-believers:




CA Vs Cs:




http://csnation.totalgamingnetwork.com/ ... s.php/9914 - There's nothing wrong with level design, I don't know what some of the guys are talking about.




http://www.gamehoppers.com/forums/thread/774.aspx - I'm having a hard time finding actual articles that compare CS to CA, so three posts is all I got...




CA Vs War Rock




http://www.onrpg.com/boards/95354.html - Comparing WarRock To CA...




http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/comba ... pid=946558 - Read past the first guys post is all I can say.






YouTube Videos Of In-Game Playing


Just to note, the quality on embedded videos suck, so click the video, and go and watch in High Detail if you actually want to see what they are doing.




[hide=Junk Flea Game Play]This is closed beta content, so ranks aren't the same as they are now.


7dZHq6tirqI [/hide]


[hide=More Of Junk Flea]u16Msi98Rao [/hide]


[hide=Cold Seed Game Play]Bj-AVkLYRMw [/hide]


[hide=Snow Valley Game Play]3N_IjIqmh78 [/hide]

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Is it for US people only, or can Aussies play as well?


I've had people say yes and no. For some it won't let them connect, for others it will. It's totally dependent on random locations in different countries. I know that anyone in the UK, Canada, or South America, can play with no problem. Not sure about the test, it's a hit or miss. =/




Regardless there's probably workarounds, so if you get like an error code, or whatever, just search for a workaround for it on google?

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Is it for US people only, or can Aussies play as well?


I've had people say yes and no. For some it won't let them connect, for others it will. It's totally dependent on random locations in different countries. I know that anyone in the UK, Canada, or South America, can play with no problem. Not sure about the test, it's a hit or miss. =/




Regardless there's probably workarounds, so if you get like an error code, or whatever, just search for a workaround for it on google?




Alright, I'll give it a shot. With the weapons, you're saying the weapon classes (Assault Rifle, SMG, Shotgun) all do the same damage and stats, etc, just have different looks?


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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Well that was a waste of time. Downloaded the game, created an account etc after hearing it's playable in the EU. Attempted to log in, error, can't. I google the error code.. Game's only available to people in the US, South America, and Australia. So if you're not in any of those countrys, out of luck :|

(15:14:25) <Vidi> Peter likes barbie xD


(15:14:30) <Peter> totally


(15:14:46) <Peter> I've got all the accessories

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Yea (apparently) according to the devs Canada is in North America and can play.

(15:14:25) <Vidi> Peter likes barbie xD


(15:14:30) <Peter> totally


(15:14:46) <Peter> I've got all the accessories

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Currently, I'm pretty sure it's only available to Americans (As in North and South America) and people in Oceania. I think that includes New Zealand, but it could just be Australia. I know for sure it doesn't work in Asia, but on August 8, Nexon said that they would be releasing an European version. Hopefully it will be released soon, so I can snipe some more nubs.


So yea...If you're from Europe, just wait, a version will come out soon enough. If you're from Asia...Tough luck, it sucks. :|




My kill-death ratio will probably take a while to get better, I dug myself into a huge whole during my first few rounds. Though now I can snipe pretty will, I found some great spots.




Worth a shot to all who are able to play it, to be honest...Took me like 5 minutes to download and install.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Same, no big deal, took me 4-5 mins to download. Just a shame, it looks pretty decent for a free FPS. Hopefully they'll release a EU version soon so I can test it out.

(15:14:25) <Vidi> Peter likes barbie xD


(15:14:30) <Peter> totally


(15:14:46) <Peter> I've got all the accessories

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Ahem. ;)




I just hope it's not separate. As in Americans can play against Europeans.


I love how the weapon with which my hit accuracy is highest is a grenade. 13 kills with a knife, 5 were headshots...Not bad. ::'


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Alright, I'll give it a shot. With the weapons, you're saying the weapon classes (Assault Rifle, SMG, Shotgun) all do the same damage and stats, etc, just have different looks?


Not exactly. Shotguns are two shots at close-range. The closer you are with shotguns and Assault Rifles the more damage you'll do, and less for far away, or so I've experienced. Shotguns have more damage than Assault Rifles or something. I really don't know exact specifics, but each gun has their own stats, which is different from every other gun. You can view the stats in the shop before you buy so experiment. ::'




Well that was a waste of time. Downloaded the game, created an account etc after hearing it's playable in the EU. Attempted to log in, error, can't. I google the error code.. Game's only available to people in the US, South America, and Australia. So if you're not in any of those countrys, out of luck


Yea, well could try this:


http://www.mpgh.net/forum/164-combat_ar ... ms_uk.html




Though I have no idea about how credible it is. It sounds simple and easy to setup, but who knows if it's worth doing to play the game, perhaps try it once. =P




you're playing a shooter and you don't like headshots? lol?


That was kind of out sarcasm/joking/annoyed paranoia.

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omg. I downloaded it and got right into a game, with a little lag here and there, no problems. an hour later I join a game, and it just freezes and takes like 10 minutes to load the level, and every is really slow. No other programs were running, so I don't know what the problem is :wall:

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omg. I downloaded it and got right into a game, with a little lag here and there, no problems. an hour later I join a game, and it just freezes and takes like 10 minutes to load the level, and every is really slow. No other programs were running, so I don't know what the problem is :wall:


Restart the client? I have no idea why it would do that... #-o




Also, my in-game name is InkofPain, so add me. =)

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