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Flag Burning.


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I believe that I show far more respect to the ideals that America was founded on, and to the flag that represents those ideals, by burning it in protest, while exercising my right to free speech than anyone who would willingly curtail those rights to defend a piece of fabric that represents those same rights and ideals.

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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I thought it was pretty obvious and it's been said many times before. Doing something just because you can/for a reaction is a stupid and childish way to think.




Not at all, if I want to burn a flag I am well within my rights to do so, if your are offended by that then it is simply unfortunate.


However the same freedom that enables me to burn the flag also enables you to announce your disapproval.




just because you can doesnt mean it isnt childish




Celebrating free speech is not childish, having a hissy fit over a piece of cloth is.




That would have been a valid argument if I was one of the people saying flag burning should be illegal.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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The real problem is when people view the flag as an embodiment of certain values and rights, then they tend to see flag burning as the rejection of their values. One of the most ironic parts of this is that in most cases, one of those rights that they care so much about is the right to free speech... So I can see why they think what they do, but I will never agree that flag burning should be banned.






It is far more childish to go berserk because someone burned a flag than it is to burn it because you feel like it.






And just because I felt like it:






Free speech, and all that.




Just because I feel like it




Ladies and Gentlemen...Rick Monday saves the Flag








From the funny picture thread...



My carbon footprint is bigger than yours...and you know what they say about big feet.


These are the times that try mens souls...
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I could really careless.




Saying that you could care less suggests that you do care. The saying is 'I couldn't care less." Sorry, it's a pet peeve of mine.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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The real problem is when people view the flag as an embodiment of certain values and rights, then they tend to see flag burning as the rejection of their values. One of the most ironic parts of this is that in most cases, one of those rights that they care so much about is the right to free speech... So I can see why they think what they do, but I will never agree that flag burning should be banned.






It is far more childish to go berserk because someone burned a flag than it is to burn it because you feel like it.






And just because I felt like it:






Free speech, and all that.




Just because I feel like it




Ladies and Gentlemen...Rick Monday saves the Flag








From the funny picture thread...






Didn't you post that already?

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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Celebrating free speech is not childish, having a hissy fit over a piece of cloth is.




You're the one who made a whole thread about this. Looks like if anyone was taking a hissy fit here, it would be you.

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Celebrating free speech is not childish, having a hissy fit over a piece of cloth is.




You're the one who made a whole thread about this. Looks like if anyone was taking a hissy fit here, it would be you.


:thumbup: , anyone who does something just for a reaction is taking the wrong approach.




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Celebrating free speech is not childish, having a hissy fit over a piece of cloth is.




You're the one who made a whole thread about this. Looks like if anyone was taking a hissy fit here, it would be you.








anyone who does something just for a reaction is taking the wrong approach.


For once I agree with you!


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Celebrating free speech is not childish, having a hissy fit over a piece of cloth is.




You're the one who made a whole thread about this. Looks like if anyone was taking a hissy fit here, it would be you.








anyone who does something just for a reaction is taking the wrong approach.


For once I agree with you!




DaN, not everything has to be explained. Zierro said it quit nicely.




By the way, that was aimed at you :$




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Really, I'll paypal $50 to someone who can explain how my burning the flag was a hissy fit?




I spend allot of my time defending free-speech, I'm hardly opposed to critics who disagree with my values of free-speech, if I were I would be opposing the very thing I support and that would be foolish.






Celebrating free speech is not childish, having a hissy fit over a piece of cloth is.




You're the one who made a whole thread about this. Looks like if anyone was taking a hissy fit here, it would be you.








anyone who does something just for a reaction is taking the wrong approach.


For once I agree with you!




DaN, not everything has to be explained. Zierro said it quit nicely.




By the way, that was aimed at you :$




I obviously missed something here, you say "anyone who does something just for a reaction is taking the wrong approach." and I agree, it is the wrong approach.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Not the act of burning the flag - the act of making an entire thread whining about how you don't like when people whine about flag burning.




Are you not Whining about me making this thread?




I have no problem with people who object to anything I say, this site is called a "Discussion Forum" for a reason.




Stating that you don't like when people disagree with you is hardly whining, altho you can accuse them of being whiners just as they can accuse you in return.




Now stop your whining :thumbup:


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Congrats. You came to the realization that I was pointing out a double standard. =D>






The world is full of double standards, is that even relevant?




Well, now since you said that, I accuse you of being ignorant. :thumbup:




I burnt a flag for your right to do so.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Congrats. You came to the realization that I was pointing out a double standard. =D>






The world is full of double standards, is that even relevant?




Well, now since you said that, I accuse you of being ignorant. :thumbup:




I burnt a flag for your right to do so.




You might've dug yourself in too deep this time. I don't think you're going to [insert amendment] your way out.




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And... don't say one party is taking a hissy fit when you're doing the same exact thing yet claiming that you're not the one being childish. Does everything have to be in black and white in order for you to understand?




I burnt a flag for your right to do so.




Is that even relevant?




How many more double standards do you think I can point out?

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Congrats. You came to the realization that I was pointing out a double standard. =D>






The world is full of double standards, is that even relevant?




Well, now since you said that, I accuse you of being ignorant. :thumbup:




I burnt a flag for your right to do so.




You might've dug yourself in too deep this time. I don't think you're going to [insert amendment] your way out.




You make very little sense, if you explain yourself a bit better it would help allot.




Zierro, If you can't contribute something constructive, why bother posting?


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Congrats. You came to the realization that I was pointing out a double standard. =D>






The world is full of double standards, is that even relevant?




Well, now since you said that, I accuse you of being ignorant. :thumbup:




I burnt a flag for your right to do so.




You might've dug yourself in too deep this time. I don't think you're going to [insert amendment] your way out.




You make very little sense, if you explain yourself a bit better it would help allot.




Zierro, If you can't contribute something constructive, why bother posting?




Getting angry at the person that proved you wrong won't do anything. Face it, you lost. Accept defeat and move on instead of trying to create another 5 page cycle.




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I'm not angry, and I haven't lost?


Sorry to disappoint but I'm not taking your flamebait.


If all you want to do is start a fight then you will be sadly disappointed.




I don't know how this last page got so off topic, but I would appreciate if we could move back on topic.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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I'm not angry, and I haven't lost?


Sorry to disappoint but I'm not taking your flamebait.


If all you want to do is start a fight then you will be sadly disappointed.




I don't know how this last page got so off topic, but I would appreciate if we could move back on topic.




It didn't go offtopic, you were just caught and trapped. No sense in trying to claim this page was off topic when it summed up your whole reason for doing this.




If you want to continue this thread, be my guest. But you won't be seeing any more of me (and a lot of other I imagine) if you aren't willing to admit that what you did was pointless.




Not to mention that you'll be throwing the same posts around until this thread finally dies.




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Are you saying that me burning the flag was pointless?




If that's what you mean, then I would like an explanation as to why it is pointless to burn a flag. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't automatically make it pointless.




I could say your last post is pointless, but that wouldn't necessarily be true.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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It's pointless because you said yourself that there doesn't need to be a reason to do something. Seriously, why are you doing this to yourself dude? And you say I'm the one who makes no sense? :roll:




And you asked me "Why bother posting?" It's freedom of speech. I'm exercising that freedom.




Third double standard so far, right?

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