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Flag Burning.


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Several moths ago myself and one other individual set fire to the American (USA) flag and put the video on YouTube.




Most of my responses where like this.


ROFL who is this some chinese sweatshop worker who works for 16 hours a day 7 days a week for 13 cents an hour?! LMAO GTFO THE INTERNET AND GET BACK TO THE SHOE FACTORY!!!


^Actual Quote^








While I understand not all Americans are like this (Have to point that out or some idiot has a go) how many of you find it offensive for someone to burn your flag?


After all America claims to uphold free-speech and free-expression.




So is it ok to burn a flag and if not, how can you claim to support free speech and free expression?






I consider flag burning to be perfectly fine if someone wants to burn an Australian flag, I''l even lend them a lighter.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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I don't really take offense from flag burning but I honestly think it's a poor way to "speak your mind" or "make a statement" or "show your dislike for your (or another) government/country." Honestly by flag burning, you're not doing any good whatsoever. All you are doing is promoting violence, hatred and acts that lead to nothing but trouble. There are so many calm, constructive and non-dramatic ways to make a point. Flag burning is basically saying "you suck" without offering any reason or advice for improvement.




Am I against the act? Yes, but only because I find it to be low, unnecessarily rude and pointless. And I guess it's because of those reasons that I wouldn't get offended by it. And it certainly helps that I'm not patriotic :P

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Theres a lot of cooler things to burn.




Such as cars :twisted:








The flag is a symbol and so it the act of destroying it (Im sure that's also from a movie) , I burnt a flag to see what reaction I would get, I didn't break any laws at the time but some people would argue that it should be a crime.




Running down a New York street, past ground zero dressed as Osama Bin-laden, waving a burning flag on July 4th might push the boundary of free-speech, but the simple act of destroying a symbol so long as its yours to destroy (i.e No criminal damage) should be protected speech however pointless it may seem.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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I haven't burnt a flag myself, but to some extent I can see why people would do it. I myself find it interesting to see how offended people get by mere symbols, the Swastika for example.


So yeah, I don't have a problem with burning flags, but in most cases it is a tad pointless.


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I haven't burnt a flag myself, but to some extent I can see why people would do it. I myself find it interesting to see how offended people get by mere symbols, the Swastika for example.




Personally, I would be offended by such symbols because of what they stand for (or what I perceive them to stand for).




I'm against flag burning because all it serves to do is piss of a nation; any meaning it might carry would be lost in the incessant tirades and anger that would follow. There are much better ways to get a point across.




That having been said, I respect your actions, but I don't support them.

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But isnt america the only country that actually gets bothered by it? I remember watching a documentary or something about flag burning or just protesting in general and someone who burnt an american flag in america almost got shot.


Although I do like England, I wouldnt particularly go nuts just because someone burnt a flag of ours. I dont particularly see why people do. I just find it hilarious when they do.

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One person burning a flag, I really don't care.




One organization (1000+ people) burning the flag I do care.




(Canadian Flag).




Why? Because it's more likely to actually get attention and there may actually be a reason behind it, which is probably some bullcrap reason anyways.

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It doesn't really bother me, although it's probably not something I'd ever do. Personally, if I wanted to make a political point, Id do it in a way which doesnt involve flag burning.




People may be overly offended by flag burning based on what the flag represents, but in a way I can see that others may be offended by the proposition that they are stripped of the very freedom to burn the flag.




Let me put it this way: People who are against flag burning dont like that the symbolism of the flag (the countrys freedoms/other qualities) are being desecrated, yet it could be the case that people who support flag burning are just as worried that such things (freedom) would be desecrated, or compromised, by a ban on flag burning.




In this sense, comments like if you dont like the place, leave dont help any. Most of the time, Id suspect that flag burners actually like many things about their country and its lifestyle (including the freedom to burn the flag) they just dont agree with some political decisions of the country's government. This is speculation on my part. I'd love to talk with a flag-burner to see what they really think about this. Anyone here avidly pro-flag burning?




In a free society ruled by democracy, people should have every right to question the actions of the government. Theres none of this nonsense that they should leave if they disagree with politicians.

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The USA is touchy about its flag. Only the army and the Boy Scouts are allowed to retire one, and if it were an American who had burned the flag it may have been a bigger deal.




As for other countries buring the stars and stripes . . . eh, you really can't stop them, though I think it's unnecessary.


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It doesn't bother me too much, but I wouldn't do it. Eh, I'm not even American. (Though [mainland] Chinese people who burn Taiwanese flags probably annoy me. Haven't heard of any yet though.)


We had a small debate about this in history last year, I barely remember any of it...But basically, what constitutes a flag? Draw the American flag on a piece of paper, color it in, then burn it...Does that count as burning a flag? Even better, just throw it out...What's different between that and burning an American flag you can buy from a store? (The answer had something to do with symbols, I don't really remember) My teacher asked each of us if we would do it, if our country did something really terrible. Everyone said no, except for a friend of mine.


I can see why people would do it, but if I were rebelling or showing hate, I would find a better way.


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I think it depends on the way it's being burned, sounds stupid but that's the way I see it. If someone wants to burn a flag as a joke or for a experiment for responses like you did then that's ok with me, but what I don't like is to see someone burning a flag at say a anti-Ireland rally / protest, if I saw that I'd be throwing punches within the minute. :|

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Nobody tends to burn Scottish flags so I have no idea whether it would offend me or not.




You have wonder though, who sells all the American flags that get burnt in the middle east? Is there some sort of "flags-r-us" that sells the flags to cater for every situation? It's amazing how quickly people can get hold of any nation's flag when they're upset at that nation.


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The thing about burning flags is that when people burn them, they think they're burning YOUR flag. But there not, because they bought that flag with thier own money, meaning it is THIER flag. So they'll go "haha! I am burning your flag stupid americans!" and you can say, "No you dope, you bought that flag, your burning your own flag you thick [bleep]."


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I think it depends on the way it's being burned, sounds stupid but that's the way I see it. If someone wants to burn a flag as a joke or for a experiment for responses like you did then that's ok with me,




There's a reason I didn't link to the video.


I think the way it is burned has allot to do with how people respond.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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its a form of free speech, and a self expression


i see nothing wrong with it

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It might be legal but if I ever saw anyone do it they would be in the hospital. People have died for that flag.




And this topic just reminded me of something I saw a few days ago.




You have to watch this.








fixed youtube link ~pryo

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I don't get offended at someone burning an American flag, but I certainly don't hold any respect for them either. It's just one of those things like, "Ok, you burned our flag, now what?" I feel like you could make like a whole Family Guy skit out of that or something. You know, have someone burn the flag and taunt and laugh and be like "Yeah!!! This is what I think of America....YEAH!" and then another character going, "Alright...sooooo???", then flash back to the other char and him be like, "Um, you're supposed to go nuts and crazy and freak out...and this doesn't bother you?", go back "No, not really..." then the other char puts his head down and walks away annoyed that it didn't get a rise out of him.




I mean, comon...alright, you burned the flag, now what? If you're trying to make a statement, great for you, but you're about as useless as the War Protesters; you're getting nothing accomplished and only instilling angry emotions in the citizens.




It's just a pointless act to me, it's like the IRL version of trolling...and DaN's reasoning for burning it clearly says that: "I just wanted to see what people would do and how they would react..."




If you want to burn a flag, have at it, but other people like myself will go about more productive ways to change the country.

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Why did you burn the flag in the first place? Just to push youtube users to their brink to get some stupid responses?




Sure, flag burning is illegal. That doesn't mean Youtubers can't express their views on it, regardless of the maturity level of the post. A lot of people get upset when they see it happen. Others get really ticked off. And the fact that they can't do anything about it makes them resprt to angry comments. You exersize your right to burn the flag, they'll exersize theirs to yell at you.




What I hate is I found a particular youtube video about two men in the streets stomping on a flag. They went on about how they hate our country, the glories of Islam, etc. I'm amazed no one decided to tackle them. If we went to their country defacing their flag and ranting about their country's government, we could be murdered on the spot. I'm the kind of guy who says "if you don't like our country, get out". So I don't appreciate flag burning. But I think Magekillr put it beautifely, that its a pointless IRL version of trolling and there are better and more productive ways to get your views on the country expressed.


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I find it more constructive to understand why they are burning the flag, rather than get wound up in sentimental anger about the action itself.




That said... I do worry about YouTube users who go online just to see an American flag burning. They could just tune into al-Jazeera for about the same price as a broadband subscription.

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my parents burn our old ragged flags instead of throwing them away. we used to do it in MS every few years. no big deal. burn whatever you want, lol.

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my parents burn our old ragged flags instead of throwing them away. we used to do it in MS every few years. no big deal. burn whatever you want, lol.






I see that as different though. Burning an old flag is more of a respectful way to me to end it's life, instead of just throwing it in the trash.




Burning a flag to make a point is so much different.




Want free speech? Use words.


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