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Russia threatens U.S. and Poland with Nuclear Attack.


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The monkey man will be gone soon, even though its not soon enough, so lets just hope the inauguration roles around before he decides to push the "BRB".


There can be no coming back from that particular "BRB", if you catch my drift.


No president can serve more than twice, so he's long gone.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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I think missiles might be like planes and travel on curved trajectory? And I think it is supposed to protect Europe.




Of course, the trajectory of a rocket goes without saying. I was just trying to flesh out the logic of choosing Poland of all places to defend The US (and Europe, thanks for the reminder) against a rocket attack from a country like Iran. I actually had a little play around on google earth and it makes more sense to me now, that's for sure. :lol:




If the strategy is to defend both Europe and the US from a rocket attack from Iran, then Poland is pretty much spot on for that job. I definitely think that Russia are overreacting here, especially with the ballsy threat of using nuclear weapons.




If the US were secretly trying to defend against a Russian attack, then the best place to set up defences would probably be a Scandinavian country or even Canada, not Poland. That's assuming that Russian missiles are geographically near the Moscow area. If they are towards the other end of Russia, then I can't see how defences in Poland could do much to stop an attack on the US.

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The Russian general is just stating the obvious. If war breaks out between the US and Russia, then US hardware anywhere is a target. Poland has moved from the Warsaw Pact to a more Western position. It irritates the Russians because it's so close to their border.




It's like back in the day when Cuba invited the Soviets in - less than 100 miles from the US border - and caused the US to get all hissy.




Nothing is going to come out of this as long as the US doesn't put nukes in Poland.

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Does anyone buy that this system is aimed at defending against an attack from Iran?






I suppose it could be plausible, though I'm no expert on missile defence systems.




Beside that, wouldn't the US be more worried about defending Israel against an attack from Iran, considering the motives of a guy like Ahmadinejad? If so, then I don't see how a missile defense system in Poland would be effective for that.


You forget that the Earth is round. A missile from Iran to US would fly over Poland if it went the shortest route.








I don't know where most of Russia's nukes are, but I don't see how a missile shield in Poland would stop them from reaching USA.

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Going by that trajectory though, Russia doesn't have a lot to worry about, if it has missile bases north or east of St. Petersburg (well west of would be in the gulf in Finland anyway :P)






Although I'm not an expert on the defense system. How far can the defense missiles fire to block a nuclear launch?

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Wait, I think it's been brought up...I don't know much about nukes and stuff, but couldn't Russia or Iran just launch nukes east? Over the Pacific...Or do we have a missile shield there?


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Wait, I think it's been brought up...I don't know much about nukes and stuff, but couldn't Russia or Iran just launch nukes east? Over the Pacific...Or do we have a missile shield there?




Yeah, our Western missile defenses are very strong.




Man, I hate what war is turning to. A button push - or threat of one - leads to possible millions of deaths. Terrible.




And I pray they don't try to take over Europe, even if they don't use nuclear weapons we're screwed. We'd have to help. :?




Do you think America would respond and help immediately or like in WW2, have a long period of isolation?




You're forgetting that we had a smart president in world war 2. If world war 3 broke out, president mc[wagon] would be the first to hit the deploy troops button.


You're forgetting the hundreds of alliances we have with Europe and Asia. Of course we'd deploy. It's a bit of a have to thing.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Well, I hope it's only a threat, not a plan.

Dharoks, emo's ultimate weapon if you know what i'm sayin. :lol:
Very nice 10/10

For a second when I was looking at your drop-list picture. Ilooked at the dragon longsword and said "They have a dragon longsword now??" ohh I'm tired :wall:

..., then I noticed a gravestone where our tank was supposed to be and my health was a 1 digit number again.

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WW3 Please :pray:




It'll be badass. I'll be like, dual M249 SAW, BRRRRRRRRRR! 10 kill streak! AHHH im hit! WAAHH!! 17 second respawn!?!??




Even if he's a troll, I find it interesting and sad that kids these days think real war is fun and cool. Talk to an Iraq veteran and ask his opinion... Ask any balkan war veteran who have 99% certainly lost family members in combat, have dislocated arms/legs etc..




There's a great Roman/Greek quote I saw in some book or a game.. Can't remember who it's attributed to, maybe Erasmus or Pindar..




War is sweet to those who have never tasted it
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Even if he's a troll, I find it interesting and sad that kids these days think real war is fun and cool. Talk to an Iraq veteran and ask his opinion... Ask any balkan war veteran who have 99% certainly lost family members in combat, have dislocated arms/legs etc..




Just let them shoot few times with an assault rifle. If that doesn't teach them to respect weapons, their place is in a mental hospital.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

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Even if he's a troll, I find it interesting and sad that kids these days think real war is fun and cool. Talk to an Iraq veteran and ask his opinion... Ask any balkan war veteran who have 99% certainly lost family members in combat, have dislocated arms/legs etc..




Just let them shoot few times with an assault rifle. If that doesn't teach them to respect weapons, their place is in a mental hospital.


But gun control!




I do agree kids should be taught what war's really like, but then again, everyone hopes they'll never have to participate in one.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Even if he's a troll, I find it interesting and sad that kids these days think real war is fun and cool. Talk to an Iraq veteran and ask his opinion... Ask any balkan war veteran who have 99% certainly lost family members in combat, have dislocated arms/legs etc..




Just let them shoot few times with an assault rifle. If that doesn't teach them to respect weapons, their place is in a mental hospital.


But gun control!




I do agree kids should be taught what war's really like, but then again, everyone hopes they'll never have to participate in one.


Gun control is holding the gun steady while you shoot. /sarcasm




In all seriousness, kids today are stupid and ignorant when it comes to respecting fire arms. I think that more parents need to send their kids to boot camp so they'll learn a thing or two, maybe not about fire arms, but at least it would beat some sense into them.



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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No nation state will start a nuclear war. Countries like the U.S. have nuclear submarines that lie dormant in far flung areas of the ocean. Even if you obliterate every inch of land and stop the U.S. from launching any ICBMs or bombers, these subs carry >40 nukes and can utterly destroy any country by themselves.




-No nation state will start a nuclear war, unless they want everyone they ever loved to be burnt to a crisp.






Terrorists on the other hand. They don't care if they die from their actions and they have no real nation to be targeted by a counter strike. It is only a matter of time before a terrorist uses a nuclear bomb. Seriously, they have everything to gain from using one, and eventually one will fall into terrorist hands. Its just a matter of time really.

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