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who's insulting who?


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ok, when i write this im a bit mad, i got a 2 day suspension from school for "insulting a group of people", while in my opinion im not the one insulting, heres the story and say what you think...






it all started with this quote:


"if there arent any stupid questions, what do stupid people ask?"




ive had this for a few days in my chat name, and after 3 days someone said something about it.


she said with that quote im insulting people.




well...as far as i know im not insulting people, i even give them compliments, for even being able to do something not stupid.




then she said a lot of her friends will be insulted by that quote...


here is where the problem really starts...


am i saying that her friends are stupid, or does she says the quote refers to her friends and thus she says her friends are stupid?




after more of this kind of discussions (which i came with better arguments in my opinion, mine are based on facts and hers on opinions) she went to our tutor where she added more to the story so that im the one whos the "bad one"




well i explained all of this and still he was more convinced of her story,




now im 2 days suspended unless i can prove our "conversation went different"


luckely i saved the chat conversation so i dont have to stay home is i show it to him(although....12 pages of discussion....lots of paper)




anyway, i wanted to hear more opinions saying that im wrong/right to stand a bit stronger against her(and her friends)




for those who really want to know what our converstaion was heres the complete one:






what its that in your name?




that if there arent stupid questions thing...


whats with it?


i dont get it




why do stupid people have to ask stupid questions?


uhm....i think i said they dont..


youre insulting people...


no im not...


did i call any names or groups?




tell me one?


my friends????


oh wait....youre the one whos saying the quote refers to your friends


youre the one who says it in the first place...


but i didnt say they are your friends..


but you are obviously referring to them






what makes you think of that?


you sayd they are asking stupid questions




first that isnt an answer on my question


second, i didnt state THEY are asking stupid questions


third, i didnt state at all ANYONE is asking stupid questions...


you sayd stupid people ask stupid questions....


did you read the quote????


i sayd that stupid people (probably)DONT ask stupid questions


you shouldnt use that quote


tell me again why?


youre insulting people!!!!




can you give me now an good example!?!?


i already sayd, my friends




i just sayd YOURE the one insulting....


YOURE the one using the quote




(and so on and so on....(leave around 8 pages, becaus they are roughly the same, shes making a statement im undermining it with better ones...))




if im gonna tell the tutor about this youre in trouble...




youre insulting my friends...


again, no im NOT


youre using the quote!!


youre saying that my friends are stupid and dumb!!!


youre the one who started it!!




what "..." youre always using that




becaus i dont want to talk anymore about this..


fine, going to the tutor anyway, we will see whos right...


yes we wil see...


bye now


(she logges out)


i dont know what she told the tutor, but must be really bad, i will post once i had a good talk with him....and with evidence...[/hide]


post away ::'

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I take it that was your title in some im service?




I consider that more funny then anything else, being suspended is ridiculous especially if none of this happened in school. Actually, if this wasnt in school I dont see how they can even suspend you.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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"If there aren't any stupid questions, what do stupid people ask?"


If the girl, on her own accord, claimed that the above quote refers to her group of friends, then she is the one who is doing the insulting, as she is accusing her friends of being stupid. ;)




Sounds like there is are a few missing pieces to this story, though...

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I take it that was your title in some im service?




I consider that more funny then anything else, being suspended is ridiculous especially if none of this happened in school. Actually, if this wasnt in school I dont see how they can even suspend you.




she's in a group that gets insulted a lot lately(REAL insults). its the group thats been most picked on, there even have been some fights..




now our teachers dont take it anymore so even the slightest will get punished, but i think this has gone way to far, she told the teacher in a way that im really starting a fight against them...

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wow, i feel bad that you have to go to a school like that... i would ask my parents for a transfer tbh.

99 Hunter - November 1st, 2008

99 Cooking -July 22nd, 2009

99 Firemaking - July 29th, 2010

99 Fletching - December 30th, 2010

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"if there arent any stupid questions, what do stupid people ask?"




This implies that there is a such thing as a stupid question. In order for this to be offensive to someone, they have to have asked stupid questions before - and since she said her friends would be offended, she was implying that her friends ask stupid questions. She was doing the insulting since she was the one who slapped a label onto a specific group - saying her friends would be offended is saying they ask stupid questions. You didn't specify who asks the stupid questions - she did.




Edit: According to that conversation, she just seems to have problems with comprehending things.

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People are offended too easily these days. Either that or people just react worse.
I think its both, and (especially in my school) people don't even know what racism is... for example: I was talking to my Hispanic friend about what high school he was going to attend, he said ( name of school) high school and i'm like you should go to ( name of school) high school a lot more Hispanics go there. A teacher heard me and asked why did i make a racist comment, but i didn't the school that i was referring to had 32% Hispanic students unlike the one that he was going to which had about 8%. If i would have said you should go to ( name of school) high school because more people play basketball there then no one would have cared. Whats the difference?

99 Hunter - November 1st, 2008

99 Cooking -July 22nd, 2009

99 Firemaking - July 29th, 2010

99 Fletching - December 30th, 2010

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"if there arent any stupid questions, what do stupid people ask?"




This implies that there is a such thing as a stupid question. In order for this to be offensive to someone, they have to have asked stupid questions before - and since she said her friends would be offended, she was implying that her friends ask stupid questions. She was doing the insulting since she was the one who slapped a label onto a specific group - saying her friends would be offended is saying they ask stupid questions. You didn't specify who asks the stupid questions - she did.




Edit: According to that conversation, she just seems to have problems with comprehending things.


exactly what i think, and will use to defend myself...




but i also think she just want to get rid of me, since i always have my homework done and get good marks, especially homework the teacher always refer to me as: why has he finished his homework when you dont?


if one can finish it everybody can!

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How is it possible for someone to get suspended for calling someone else stupid?




I suggest getting your parents in because it's obvious she was trying to get you punished for some reason, it's unacceptable for her to manipulate teachers like that.

~ W ~



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How is it possible for someone to get suspended for calling someone else stupid?







Schools hese days will suspend you for saying "[wagon]". You are only talking about an animal, but some idiot got offended and now your screwed.




Eh, I can basically get away with saying whatever I want in school. Cursing isn't a big deal to most of my teachers.

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Calling someone "stupid", and these group of people "stupid" could be considered as racism if race, religion, etc. is involved. All I can say is if the person or group gave you the suspension, they rightfully (in their mind) gave it to you. Just sit the 2 days out, it's not a big deal. You'll be in a more negative light if you attempt to make a big deal about it. ;)

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The school can't just suspend you for calling someone stupid. It's tax payers' money going on that education and they've taken it from you for no valid reason at all. :shame:




When you are in school you lose almost all your rights. They are allowed to take away your education if they 'feel' that it is necessary.




I do agree though, this is absolutely madness. For one thing, all you had was a rhetorical question that did not even reference a group of people or a single person, ergo that shouldn't matter. What I don't get though, is why you are being suspended for something that happened outside of school. Sure I have heard of kids getting suspended for having pictures of them drinking or doing drugs on places like facebook, but thats absolutely different. The fact that this was a problem between you and a person you know shows that the school is taking their care-bare tactics to far, and you should get your parents involved (Trust me, when parents are involved, a school WILL listen).




I just wanted to comment on this:


I think its both, and (especially in my school) people don't even know what racism is... for example: I was talking to my Hispanic friend about what high school he was going to attend, he said ( name of school) high school and i'm like you should go to ( name of school) high school a lot more Hispanics go there. A teacher heard me and asked why did i make a racist comment, but i didn't the school that i was referring to had 32% Hispanic students unlike the one that he was going to which had about 8%. If i would have said you should go to ( name of school) high school because more people play basketball there then no one would have cared. Whats the difference?






I can kinda see where the teacher is coming from. Why exactly did you have to bring up race into this? I know you probably didn't mean it to sound bad, but if I were to just randomly hear that in the halls, I would assume that your saying "Go be with your own people". The basketball thing is irrelevant because it could actually be beneficial to a person to go there because they might improve their skills, where as saying a student should go to a school simply because it has a higher percentage of their race implies that they are better off being around their own race.




Not necessarily racist, but kind of unnecessary to state.


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that statement above doesnt sound racist to me, I mean i guess it could be taken out of context a little but the teacher shouldnt have jumped to calling racism on him.




to author I randomly decided to tell this situation to my mom and she said it is the other girl doing the insulting




just thought id get some extra context from someone completely impartial(out of high school)


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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