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Will your clan have a clan base?

The Observer

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With the new PvP worlds coming into play, many clans will choose small areas of the map to control. Will your clan have one? Which areas seem most promising to you?




Examples include: Goblin Village, Varrock Center, Varrock Castle


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There will be clans binding and killing people near the GE entrances.

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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There will be clans binding and killing people near the GE entrances.




Doubt it - the entrance is single combat on all three sides i think (Im sure it is on 2 sides).

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I guess after you red my thread it would get turned into a tip.it thread. I think that the goblin village is the best place to have because there is such a narrow entrance and it would be easy to pile whoever comes in with rangers and mages standing off to the sides behind the walls and in buildings plus the city never gets mentioned so not many people would be after it.

*-P.K.Masters-* |5+ Years of Experience|F2P Events|Cmb: 95+

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I think so, even some skilling clans may attempt to take over some of the best skilling spots, wether for fun or as an actual competition against other skillers.


8,325th to 99 Firemaking 3/9/08 | 44,811th to 99 Cooking 7/16/08

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Tip.it Mod Feb. 2008-Sep. 2008 | Tip.it Crew Sep. 2008-Nov. 2009

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I never thought about the skilling side of things for this update, maybe a skilling clan could team up with a fighting clan and supply them with food as they catch and cook it and the fighters could have a continuous supply of food coming in while the skillers could have continuous experience without having to bank.

*-P.K.Masters-* |5+ Years of Experience|F2P Events|Cmb: 95+

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What I do see happening is clans trying to control one of the best money makers in the games, and which is always too crowded for the single adventurer that has 0 chance of finding an empty world...




Aviansie spots will be fought for...

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
Founder of The Conclave - A Tip.it Clan institution
Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
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Might try to control the White Knights Castle during meetings... big task though. That's assuming I return, or our members want to because that has been our traditional base of operations.

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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If there's 20 worlds to PK in, there won't be spots in P2P, but a slight chance in F2P yes. Why? 100 worlds, and an extremely small area to pvp in compared to 20 worlds with a huge amount (at least 4x-6x larger than the wild) to go over. Realisticly with 20 worlds, there won't be spots to defend/attack, unless it's organized. If it's organized, and it's in some kind of building, like a Castle, then it could get interesting, as an 'event'.




Even if a clan chooses to defend a spot it would require too much manpower to actually maintain against 'hundreds' of players trying to take over it.




The only way I can see clans defending spots, is if it's at most 5 themed worlds, there's 20 large clans (containing more than 80+ members), and the ability to be on for 5-7 hours straight, and this is only in F2P. P2P spots to defend won't happen.




Unless clan's jot down specific areas that they will be defending from X hour to X hour, and then marking each day they will be on, awaiting another clan to come inbetween those hours on these days, it will be very rough to do, and will just be easier to do 'event' like wars, and not pkri types.




Realistically I don't see defending happening, perhaps it'll be done in the first weeks of the update, but people will probably see it's like old wildy, and just go to 'hotspots' or roam around.




Though this excludes anything Jagex adds to it that they haven't spoken of, and if there are level ranges.




I'm extremely skeptical of 'defending spots' to actually happen. Eventually it'll boil down to 'Lumbridge Swamps to Faladors South Entrance; where multi is & clans go', and all the clan action will happen in there, as that's where most clan fights started in the first days & weeks of the update.




To me that's how it'll happen and come out to be. It'll be hopping between 5 to 15 worlds, roaming a certain hotspot area for clans to fight in (like GDZ), and that's it. I'm sure though that because it won't be 100 worlds, and it'll be 5 to 20 themed worlds, that there will be far more wars & fights going on. I bet every 3-5 hours the themed worlds will encounter a medium sized, or large sized war. There will be at least 500 solo pkers per each world, or more at peak times. Think World 3 Edgeville but tripled. Or in 4 hours of roaming around with your clan you'll have fought at least 2-3 larger or decent sized clans, several pk teams, and a lot of solo pkers.

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I somewhat agree with you - except you forget how many "large" clans there are, combined with great organisation and returning ability i think certain area's in multicombat will be hopspots. Unless as you said the level restrictions... restrict that ::'




Even with 20 worlds to PK in, and full worlds there will be alot of PKRI's. I think the lay out of the places will be very selective. I mean varrock is a no-no (single with banks and shops). Falador castle has alot of ladders that will be quite annoying on f2p with a 5 second bind.


I think most will return to what they know - GDZ to spiders. It'll remove any solo pkers, remove most welfarers unless in clans/teams (I mean who is gunna walk all that way and back just to get killed again). Plus they all know the tanking places, the scenery, the log spots and most will probably still have scouts there. But if they have the number of worlds that they currently have for BH... (3 F2P 3 P2P) it'll be absolute chaos on GMT/EST timezone clashes. I mean if they have that many you can expect clans to be massing on a safe world just to get to deep wildy to avoid the clashes on the way. It all depends on how JaGeX handles it.

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Would we see the emergence of alliances again?

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
Founder of The Conclave - A Tip.it Clan institution
Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
MSSW4 General - Did we kick your ass too?

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Would we see the emergence of alliances again?


I think we'll see more clans joining up to pk as one for the first couple of weeks. And if those go well, we could see light alliances, but not die-hard alliances that I know of.




If it's only 5-10 worlds, alliances, or group clan pk trips will probably happen with smaller clans, and possibly medium clans, however large clans that can bring 120+ members will probably stay out of group pk trips. I can see though clans staying out of each others way when they are on through an IRC channel as they don't want to fight each other, knowing another clan may come and kill them all of, so it's better to stay away from each other.




So there's tons of possibilities, that will probably happen, depending on the clan. Some clans won't like alliances/group pks, so they stay out of other clans ways. Some clans will be aggressive and just go for anyone. Clans will also want to group with each other.




Peace treaties/Alliances will probably pop up anyways.








Also, returning will probably be a huge deal. Like when Di & Ds fought or whoever it was, the war lasted for 7+ hours (unofficially I heard 11). Just imagine how much longer these fights would last with wars south of Falador? We could possibly see multi-day fights. Sure a few hours of limited fighting, but it could quickly spark up again.

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Long PKRIs will definitely be encouraged due to the accessibility of banks. I wouldn't be surprised if clans go past twelve hours.


To be honest though, this is one thing that I will cherish and appreciate greatly. Being in a war for more than 12 hours? It's like heaven giving you the greatest gift ever.




That and being on a pure clan, killing off looters for 6 hours, at main wars. ::'

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I wonder what will happen to Entrana... those poor monks'll be like... "AHHHHHHH!"




The Trollheim teleport mountain could provide mutli-level combat... rangers and mages worth their salt would be wise to take advantage of all the higher ground that will now be available.




I'd personally like to take Llyeta, for myself. That'd be cool.

It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and the darkness, nothing more.

The true master of Death does not seek to run away from Death. He accepts that he must die,

and understands there are far, far worse things in the living world than dying.

To the well organized mind death is but the next great adventure.

And now, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.

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