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No ffs, I mean if the rapist wants a child...shouldn't of said anything.






Why not just adopt/steal one.

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No ffs, I mean if the rapist wants a child...shouldn't of said anything.




Because wimminz are just objects for our enjoyment and incubators for our offspring.




Way to go man, way to go.

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i'm all for it.


the world is over-populated anyways.


the amount of food will not last if we keep growing millions and millions a year.


and those idiots not even supporting abortion even if rape, well.... 13+ forum as it is.... F you.


A woman controls it, not a law.

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

Je ne me reconnais plus dans les gens

Je suis juste un cas désespérant

Et comme personne ne viendra me réclamer

Je terminerai comme un objet retrouvé

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No ffs, I mean if the rapist wants a child...shouldn't of said anything.


I've never heard of a situation where a man wanted a child so bad that he raped a woman, then waited nine months for her to give birth so he could run off with the child.




And even so, how is it justifiable when he could bring happiness to an orphaned/abandoned child by adopting one, rather than commit a terrible crime?

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No ffs, I mean if the rapist wants a child...shouldn't of said anything.




I think your best bet would be to leave TIF for about a month and hope we forget about this. Nobody will ever know. :-$

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No ffs, I mean if the rapist wants a child...shouldn't of said anything.




"I want a child, so I will physically, morally and emotionally torture a woman to get it."




It's basically saying that you want money, so you go and rob a bank. Is that acceptable?


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No ffs, I mean if the rapist wants a child...shouldn't of said anything.




Because wimminz are just objects for our enjoyment and incubators for our offspring.




Way to go man, way to go.




Okay.. forget it, if I'm the only one that thinks that way then fine. I don't see women as objects, even though they are the only possible thing in the entire world that can produce humans. I'm sorry for offending people and such.

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No ffs, I mean if the rapist wants a child...shouldn't of said anything.




Because wimminz are just objects for our enjoyment and incubators for our offspring.




Way to go man, way to go.








That is all.




Just playing: To the Zox guy; no, we aren't really animals. We enjoy our ability to choose who we decide to have sex with, man.


That's why there are so many people making the action seem sacred--because to us, it IS.

But I don't want to go among mad people!

Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here..."

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I don't want to sound like a creep, but I honestly don't see why rape is so bad. People think it's horrible because that's what others taught them, but it's basically just like a wife not wanting to have sex with her husband. Isn't the human body meant to have sex and reproduce? (I would never in my life think of doing it by the way.)


see... you would have been able to make a beautiful argument against my opinion but... this spoilt it. ;)








damn.. working is making it hard to reply instantaneously

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to the argument at hand, consensual sex between two adults and the [bleep] decides to kill MY child without asking for it id seriously give her a black eye and deem her not fit for the human world




And that is a real mature way to handle things. Maybe if you were the one who had to go through all the effort involved with giving birth and raising a child, you would look at things differently.








And zox, wow... I can't believe you actually tried to justify rape by saying that it is fine if the rapist wants a child. First, how many times has that ever happened? And secondly, how would that make rape okay? :wall:








Okay, on to abortion. I think that I would have to agree with a limitation of the first ~5 months, that seems like ample time for a person or couple to discover the pregnancy and decide weither they want to bring a child into the world. Another reason for allowing abortions is the fact that people are going to have abortions, regardless of legality, and legalizing abortion at least allows the abortions to be given in clean environments, with little chance of infection. And quite simply, the world is overpopulated. We don't need everyone to have eight or ten children. Maybe centuries ago when there were less than a billion people on the planet, when it was likely that at least one of your children would die, but not now.

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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I'm ok with it, up to a point. Obviously it would be ideal when termination is earlier on (which the vast majority are) or if there were no need for it at all. So on that point I have to draw an arbitraty line as to where I think it's acceptable and where I think it's not.




The thing is, if you make it illegal women who want one are going to find a way to get one anyway, and any abortion done illegaly isn't going to be safe. Far from it, really. However when legal, it can be regulated and done by a medical professional in proper conditions.




As to who chooses to get the abortion, you often hear that it should be the women's choice, but I want to throw a different angle out there - how much of the choice should the man have? It's partly his child we're talking about here, you know.

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Hey, this makes me think how easily my mother could've aborted my [wagon] :(






I'm pro-choice, but some women are treating abortion as some kind of last-resort contraceptive. I've heard of women who've had up to 7 abortions :shock:

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Well. Sometimes things do go wrong.




I.e. I'm wearing the protecting, and it broke during. That wasn't OUR fault, and we were trying to prevent the whole thing.




I feel we should be able to choose. Sometimes you can't support the child. And I'm sure most kids would hate their parents if they just dumped them off at an adoption center anyway, I know I would.


I had a piece of grass on my shoe, and she wiped that off. Yeah. Impressive, eh? That's probably the closest I've ever been to having sex. :P
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The foetuses never had a life of their own, therefore you aren't killing them. But it does depend on the situation.


Well, after 5 or six months, they're very much alive. It's like saying a newborn isn't alive because they don't understand the world, fetuses in the third trimester are basically newborns, just, you know, in the womb.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Imo getting an abortion really isn't like murdering at all. It's like stepping on an acorn. It hasn't had the joy of being a tree yet, so why should it matter as much? The world's overpopulated as it is. I say if someone wants an abortion, that's fine, as long as it's not something like they wanted the baby first but then changed their mind. I'm not sure, but this has probably happened before :P

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Imo getting an abortion really isn't like murdering at all. It's like stepping on an acorn. It hasn't had the joy of being a tree yet, so why should it matter as much? The world's overpopulated as it is. I say if someone wants an abortion, that's fine, as long as it's not something like they wanted the baby first but then changed their mind. I'm not sure, but this has probably happened before :P




That's actually a pretty decent analogy.




Well, after 5 or six months, they're very much alive. It's like saying a newborn isn't alive because they don't understand the world, fetuses in the third trimester are basically newborns, just, you know, in the womb.




Well yeah, there are laws in place already though which prevent an abortion (unless in an extreme situation) after a certain trimester.

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I am against it as, in my eyes, I see the fetus as just as human as anyone else. So basically I see it as murder, which it is.

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I think people have a right to abort if they wish.




However the father should have the right to cancel an abortion, if the woman doesn't want the child let the father take it.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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This year in school, two of my school friends became pregnant, aged 15. One of them had an abortion and the other didn't. A year later, the one who had the abortion was able to get on with her life, take her GCSE exams, pass and go to College. The other who had the baby is now a single parent with no qualifications. While we are all out having fun, being kids, she is stuck in the house. For the first few weeks she enjoyed it because we were all around there looking at the baby, but now, we are all wrapped up in our A-levels, jobs and having fun. She says even though she loves her baby, she would rather not have one.




I think abortion is right. If someone falls pregnant and it is not what they want, they have the right to get rid of the baby. No-one can force them to have a baby they don't want. If abortion was illegal, it would be in the back streets and a lot more babies would be abundant. At least this way, the mother isn't in any harm because she is under the care of certified doctors. Women need the right to control whether they have children or not, because at the end of the day, children are a life long responsibility.




I think people have a right to abort if they wish.




However the father should have the right to cancel an abortion, if the woman doesn't want the child let the father take it.




I don't think this is right. I do believe the father has rights, but it is the mother who has to carry the baby for 9 months, and it isn't exactly plain sailing, especially if it is a baby you do not want. The father does have rights but it should be the mothers choice because it is her body, and even though the baby does belong to the father, he should not have the right to tell a mother that she can't have an abortion.

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I think people have a right to abort if they wish.




However the father should have the right to cancel an abortion, if the woman doesn't want the child let the father take it.




I don't think this is right. I do believe the father has rights, but it is the mother who has to carry the baby for 9 months, and it isn't exactly plain sailing, especially if it is a baby you do not want. The father does have rights but it should be the mothers choice because it is her body, and even though the baby does belong to the father, he should not have the right to tell a mother that she can't have an abortion.




What if it's my child, what gives the mother the right to deny me my child?


If the mother doesn't want the child she can release it into the custody of the father, if she doesn't have an abortion because the father want the child then she should not have to support the child she wanted to abort.




Denying a parent their child because the other doesn't want it is selfish and morally wrong, I agree that it would be unfair to land someone with a child they don't want, that's why the parent who wants to keep the child should be prepared to take sole custody of the child.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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What I really hate is the way people are saying that foetuses can survive from much early on than 40 weeks, and therefore the abortion limit should be reduced. Wtf? Whether or not the baby has any chance of survival, it is totally irrelevant... Science has no right to make decisions for a woman. A woman's choice should always come first.

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What if it's my child, what gives the mother the right to deny me my child?


If the mother doesn't want the child she can release it into the custody of the father, if she doesn't have an abortion because the father want the child then she should not have to support the child she wanted to abort.


OK, so the mother has to go through the pain (and I mean intense physical pain; men seem to think giving birth is a walk in the park - my mother almost died having me) so that you can have 'your' child.




I wasn't aware the child's life was possessed by anyone except the child. Since the child does not biologically have a life of its own in the first five months of pregnancy, surely the only person who can actually take responsibility over its life is the person that 'life' is dependent upon - namely, the mother through its umbilical cord.




Throughout the whole of the pregnancy, you will do nothing to aid the foetus' development except make her pregnant in the first place. Therefore, it is the mother's right to decide. The dangerous nature of childbirth only strengthens that argument.

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