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IF you dont want to go through all that .. WHY THE [bLEEP] HAVE SEX IN THE FIRST PLACE!


#-o Note that there are such things as stupid questions.



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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IF you dont want to go through all that .. WHY THE [bLEEP] HAVE SEX IN THE FIRST PLACE!


#-o Note that there are such things as stupid questions.


Go to page 4.




Read my other post.


There are reasons for abortion in my eyes but theres only a few.


And not stupid questions .. Just stupid people.

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Its a risk well known to everyone who uses protection.




But it's practically unheard of.




Do people stop driving car?


because your more likely to be killed on the road than have a condom burst.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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IF you dont want to go through all that .. WHY THE [bLEEP] HAVE SEX IN THE FIRST PLACE!


I did not say that. If you want a baby, have all the sex you want. If you don't plan on it, then recognize that things might go wrong and you might have one. Plan ahead and whatnot.




They made the conscious decision to, given the fact that the condom could break, have sex anyways.


People have sex whether you like it or not, and strangely enough, not for the sole purpose of having babies. Sexual intercourse between two consenting adults has been proven to create a stronger bond between those two people, hence why emotional loving relationships are frequently characterised by a sexual relationship existing between the parties concerned simultaneously.




If you're basing your whole argument against abortion on the rationale "You only have sex to make babies", then you're being foolish and you're clearly misinformed about sex in general.

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IF you dont want to go through all that .. WHY THE [bLEEP] HAVE SEX IN THE FIRST PLACE!


I did not say that. If you want a baby, have all the sex you want. If you don't plan on it, then recognize that things might go wrong and you might have one. Plan ahead and whatnot.




They made the conscious decision to, given the fact that the condom could break, have sex anyways.


People have sex whether you like it or not, and strangely enough, not for the sole purpose of having babies. Sexual intercourse between two consenting adults has been proven to create a stronger bond between those two people, hence why emotional loving relationships are frequently characterised by a sexual relationship existing between the parties concerned simultaneously.




If you're basing your whole argument against abortion on the rationale "You only have sex to make babies", then you're being foolish and you're clearly misinformed about sex in general.




No its not that ginger.


Its the fact that most people just have sex for enjoyment fair enough .. most of them use contraception .. fair enough .. but its when they have sex with NO form of contraception and turn pregnant.

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No point moderating your argument now - that's exactly what you said. You didn't mention contraceptives at all.




But anyway, if you're not having sex with the intention to have a baby, then I wouldn't advise having sex without contraceptives through fear of an unwanted pregnancy or transmittance of an STI anyway.




I don't know where you get this idea that:




A) We feel abortion > contraception; or


B) You feel 'punishing' the woman who didn't use contraception by forcing them to have the child is doing anyone any good.




If you're fine with abortion when people have used contraceptives (and how on Earth you would even go about proving they were used in the first place, I do not know), why not when people haven't? Why is it fine, in your eyes, to 'kill' an unborn baby in one situation, but not in another?

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No point moderating your argument now - that's exactly what you said. You didn't mention contraceptives at all.




But anyway, if you're not having sex with the intention to have a baby, then I wouldn't advise having sex without contraceptives through fear of an unwanted pregnancy or transmittance of an STI anyway.




I don't know where you get this idea that:




A) We feel abortion > contraception; or


B) You feel 'punishing' the woman who didn't use contraception by forcing them to have the child is doing anyone any good.




If you're fine with abortion when people have used contraceptives (and how on Earth you would even go about proving they were used in the first place, I do not know), why not when people haven't? Why is it fine, in your eyes, to 'kill' an unborn baby in one situation, but not in another?




Ok if your gonna be like that ill be like it back


Using what YOU said thats like saying you cant 'kill' a baby whatever .. use sense please when using something like that .. ofc its god damn fair to 'kill' an unborn baby when theyre going to be born sick and disabled and not have a descent quality of life.

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What if it's my child, what gives the mother the right to deny me my child?


If the mother doesn't want the child she can release it into the custody of the father, if she doesn't have an abortion because the father want the child then she should not have to support the child she wanted to abort.


OK, so the mother has to go through the pain (and I mean intense physical pain; men seem to think giving birth is a walk in the park - my mother almost died having me) so that you can have 'your' child.





That's life, Sure it may not fair but that's just how it is with our species, women are the ones who give birth.


But just because life isn't fair that doesn't mean we have to make it even more unfair by denying someone their child.




Raising a child is a huge commitment its not like a father would choose to keep the child "just for the hell of it (well I wouldn't)", it is their right to have the child and if they are willing to take sole custody so the mother doesn't have to deal with the child once its born, that's even more reason to allow them to keep their child.




Sorry I realise you said this a while ago and I'm sure that others have already replied, but...




I really don't think you understand how powerful the mother-child relationship is. You think a woman could just have a baby, hand it over to the father, and then never think about it again? You really think they could just get on with their life, go about their daily business as if they'd never had a child, knowing their baby was growing up without her? No. That's just ridiculous...


Having a child will always have a lifelong impact on the mother, whether she gives them up for adoption, hands them over to the father, or brings them up herself or as part of a family. Once the baby is born, you can give them up for adoption, but things will have changed. Maybe she'll look back on every birthday and regret giving them up, or think about them everyday. Maybe she'll be glad she gave them up, but she'll never be able to kid herself that she doesn't have a child out there somewhere.


So no, a father should have pretty much no say. It would be so wrong to force a woman into having a child and giving it to the father. It will affect her for the rest of her life, whatever you say.




Ok. Hypothetical situation - let's say you got a woman pregnant and she wasn't ready to bring up the baby. She wanted an abortion, you want the child. Despite her wishes you make her keep the baby. For your sake she has to carry the baby for nine months, and the physical pain of giving birth, which may even kill her. Then the emotional torture of her holding your baby and knowing she'll have to give it up, a situation she'd never have been in if she had done as she wished.


Chances are she wouldn't be able to forget about what she had done, however much you say "I'll take all responsibility." I doubt she'll ever be able to forget about her child...

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Ok if your gonna be like that ill be like it back


Be like what? I'm using your own logic to point out the double standards you have. Would you care to point out what double standards I'm showing?




ofc its god damn fair to 'kill' an unborn baby when theyre going to be born sick and disabled and not have a descent quality of life.


Two things:




A) Stop changing your argument. You didn't mention disability once. Your argument was (or at least your amended argument was): It is fine to have an abortion if you've taken caution and used contraceptives, but if not, tough monkeys - it's your own stupid fault. I was asking how you can justify those double standards. You haven't answered the question - I'll take this to mean you cannot justify them.


B) If you ask me, asking for an abortion because the child will be born with a disability is probably more shallow than asking for one because you simply don't want one, or else cannot provide for one. Why? Because it's selective. It's choosing what has a right to live, and what doesn't, as opposed to someone who doesn't want children and has abortion who would abort no matter what the status of the baby may be. That really is "playing God", and even as a fairly anti-religious person myself, I find that utterly wrong.

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want the easiest solution to fix this issue? either change the law so you have to be married, or teach people that if they don't want a child then they shouldn't get in bed, the sooner they learn the better imo. The first one solves several problems, one is over populating, another is to reduce the infection rate of STD's, another is to reduce the use of abortion to a near standstill.

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want the easiest solution to fix this issue? either change the law so you have to be married, or teach people that if they don't want a child then they shouldn't get in bed, the sooner they learn the better imo. The first one solves several problems, one is over populating, another is to reduce the infection rate of STD's, another is to reduce the use of abortion to a near standstill.


Well for a start, the first one is just stupid. Honestly. Do you honestly think that people would even obey that law? What about people who just choose not to get married? The second one, everyone already knows that if they have sex they might have a kid.



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want the easiest solution to fix this issue? either change the law so you have to be married, or teach people that if they don't want a child then they shouldn't get in bed, the sooner they learn the better imo. The first one solves several problems, one is over populating, another is to reduce the infection rate of STD's, another is to reduce the use of abortion to a near standstill.




1. People will just go to another country to have sex. And how are they going to enforce it? Put a mandatory solid titanium chastity belt on every male that's not married? Or, special police that break into people's homes hoping to catch people having sex?




2. They already know that.


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want the easiest solution to fix this issue? either change the law so you have to be married, or teach people that if they don't want a child then they shouldn't get in bed, the sooner they learn the better imo. The first one solves several problems, one is over populating, another is to reduce the infection rate of STD's, another is to reduce the use of abortion to a near standstill.


Are you my 55 year old 8th grade health teacher? You sound so much like her...


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want the easiest solution to fix this issue? either change the law so you have to be married, or teach people that if they don't want a child then they shouldn't get in bed, the sooner they learn the better imo. The first one solves several problems, one is over populating, another is to reduce the infection rate of STD's, another is to reduce the use of abortion to a near standstill.




What the [bleep] dude? Seriously, maybe you think it's so horrible to have sex before mariage, and you can't possibly get the idea of sex being more than just a way to conceive a kid, but most of us think otherwise. That would be a horrible, horrible law.






Also Abstinence teaching DOES NOT WORK. Teach people the proper way to use a condom, and ways to be safe instead of shouting out aged [cabbage].








And limp, stop changing your argument.

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Abortion is so unnatural. It should not be allowed. If you've been raped at least have the baby and put it up for adoption. In my opinion, a crappy life is better than non at all.


Hah, I think half the stuff we have today are unnatural: creating blackholes, the power to destroy an entire city using one bomb, sending information from one side of the planet to another in a matter of seconds, going to the moon...




And yet destroying a few cells is FAR more unnatural than all those things...

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Abortion is so unnatural. It should not be allowed. If you've been raped at least have the baby and put it up for adoption. In my opinion, a crappy life is better than non at all.


:shock: What if that person who was raped was 12 years old and can't even have a "safe" birth? :o

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:shock: What if that person who was raped was 12 years old and can't even have a "safe" birth? :o




Ask Karl Malone.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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Abortion is so unnatural. It should not be allowed. If you've been raped at least have the baby and put it up for adoption. In my opinion, a crappy life is better than non at all.




Wait... Abortion wrong? Rape right?





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Well, if you look at it from the right perspective, abortion is essentially miscarriage by choice. How is that unnatural?




That's a rather ridiculous simile. I could call theft to be a transferring of wealth, and rape to be sex without consent of a partner. It sounds so harmless.




As for unnatural, nowadays everything is unnatural. Now, does that make abortion right? No. But it's still not a very valid argument. I'm still pro-life though.


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I am against abortion unless in extreme cases, such as rape. The moment the two cells have joined each other, I consider it a potential human being. I honestly see no difference in abortion and killing people in their sleeps. Neither of those currently know they exist.








I have some touch with reality, and I realise that making abortion illegal will not solve anything. We don't need more unwanted children and people paying immense amounts of money for dangerous removal of foetuses. We should rather put more effort into sex ed.




In addition: Can't having an abortion also be a quite traumatic experience?



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