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Granite isn't meant for easy money

Atom Smash40

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Recently, JaGex updated granite so that you can take a chisel to it and make smaller pieces. This made the granite prices shoot straight up (5kg is now 10k ea and 2kg is now 4k ea). This has also led to an influx of miners at the desert quarry. Little do these NOOBS know, the granite does not sell on the g/e and is impossible to get rid of even in junk trades.




Im ranting about noobs who come into the mine while im powermining my way to 99 and steal my rocks, and i try to explain that granite doesnt sell, and they dont listen. theyre stupid. there. i said it. theyre plain idiots.




kno i have to fight for rocks, and my mining exp per hr (36k-40k) will be much slower. and I DONT WANT THIS!!!




any of u have the same situation (the powerminers, not noobs)




Edited title, remember to turn off Caps Lock before typing your title, and also to limit use of the exclamation point. ~ Shazarabbit

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My God, who cares? Do something else in the meantime. This wont last, as apparently they don't sell well, right? And too bad if the steal your rocks--again, it will end soon, correct?




Anyway, sounds like a normal, every day rant as usual.




Me, I'm no powerminer, I do many skills, and if something gets in my way, I do something else until it's done. I know you're mad, but you've gotta get over it for now.

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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...So by your logic, we can gather this resource and we're *not* supposed to sell it? What are you smoking?

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Animal mask weren't ment for money but look what happened. And don't people who train summoning use granite for granite lobsters/crabs?

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...So by your logic, we can gather this resource and we're *not* supposed to sell it? What are you smoking?




u can try to sell it but it doesnt sell. so by my logic ur wasting time.

~ 3,072nd to 99 Mining on August 30th, 2009 ~
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...So by your logic, we can gather this resource and we're *not* supposed to sell it? What are you smoking?




u can try to sell it but it doesnt sell. so by my logic ur wasting time.


You never said anything about trying to sell it. You claimed we shouldn't be selling it at all. Give me a break. People can sell whatever they spent their time getting.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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This is the best junk item EVER. If I ever get a piece of 3rd Age or an Animal Mask from a clue, I will be down there in an instant mining it up until I have enough junk to get a good price for my item.



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Im ranting about noobs who come into the mine while im powermining my way to 99 and steal my rocks, and i try to explain that granite doesnt sell, and they dont listen. theyre stupid. there. i said it. theyre plain idiots.







Hold up, there noobs for stealing a rock which you Claim is yours?




last i checked no one besides jagex owns any part of a pixelated map. (besides your player owned house) now i dont care if your ranting since thats what this forum is for but at least dont insult them for trying to make money, i dont know f you have noticed but alot of Mid-Leveled players cant make money very well now days and will try ANYTHING that legally works, including granite.


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Just let them make money however they want, if what you are saying is correct and it doesn't sell, they will get bored and stop mining, and once the word spreads that the money isn't any good, things will calm down.




On the other hand, if Granite does in fact sell on the Ge, well I am afraid you are stuck with all the miners who are just making money and have as much right to be there as you.




Also, I think you have no right to try and tell people what they can and can not do in Runescape.

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It was a long time ago I saw a "noob stole my spot" thread. But I'm not happy for one of these threads coming back #-o




Just get over it, it's within everyone's rights to use features in a game, they don't belong to you specifically.

[insert birds flying in a circle here]

Yes, that sig was annoying.

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...So by your logic, we can gather this resource and we're *not* supposed to sell it? What are you smoking?




Yeah, I suppose :P You know we can't sell yew logs either?

Thoroughly retired, may still write now and again

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Another ___ isn't mean for ___ thread.




Thank you for constantly reminding us what you programmed X aspect of the game for, it's nice to see Andrew Gower coming on to remind us all how to play the game instead of some whiny child who wants to decide what others do so he isn't mildly inconvenienced...




Oh wait.




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the point is i was there first. i never said the rocks had my name on them. i was there first, ergo respect should kick in and they can find another batch of rocks when there are plenty more everywhere. but no. they come to the section im in.




and to all u who say u have "sold" over 10m in granite, BS. u obviously have like GSs and 3rd age. no one can sell granite alone. so say the full truth or say nothing at all.

~ 3,072nd to 99 Mining on August 30th, 2009 ~
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i agree that their are to many nubs their now, i don't powermine alot, but when i went today, their were so many nubs! omg!

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the point is i was there first. i never said the rocks had my name on them. i was there first, ergo respect should kick in and they can find another batch of rocks when there are plenty more everywhere. but no. they come to the section im in.




and to all u who say u have "sold" over 10m in granite, BS. u obviously have like GSs and 3rd age. no one can sell granite alone. so say the full truth or say nothing at all.




What? And since you can't sell it apparently no one else can? My God. And another thing, people can go to any rock they want, you don't own it, they don't own it, it's just THERE. Integrity never existed, it's every man for himself, you mine and shut up. So no, people won't respect that you're there power mining, oh well, life goes on. Not only that, but now you're saying they're going to your rocks even though there are other open ones, but at first you said that it was crowded. So, which is it? Again, EVERY man for himself.




And another thing, why don't you just go to a different section, neigh, find a different world where people MAY respect you. Too God damned lazy? Or do you literally think people should get off your rocks, which by the way you said MY ROCKS:




Im ranting about noobs who come into the mine while im powermining my way to 99 and steal my rocks, and i try to explain that granite doesnt sell, and they dont listen. theyre stupid. there. i said it. theyre plain idiots.




So for Chrissake, get over it and good luck finding other rocks.

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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I'm tired of people thinking they deserve respect for getting to a spot a few minutes earlier than another person. Anyone has the same damn right to be there. I will steal your spot if I don't feel like hopping, I will mine your rocks, kill your slayer monsters, and pick up your arrows whenever the hell I feel like it. Call me disrespectful, I call it not caring.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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i agree that their are to many nubs their now, i don't powermine alot, but when i went today, their were so many nubs! omg!


You my friend, are in no position to be calling others nubs.

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