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All Info On Summer's End Not Released !


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In this week's update FAQ, jagex mentioned that not all the info of the update was added in the KB.




Here is a quote from the forums



"When will you be adding more information regarding the update to the Knowledge Base?"




We really enjoy seeing our players using their initiative, as well as working alongside their fellow players by swapping hints and tips. Hence, our Web Content Team shall not be releasing the Knowledge Base articles until next week.




This is also the reasoning behind why this "FAQ" is looking so sparse




"I can't attach the sigil to the shield, is there another way I can do it?"




There is an NPC in the game with a high Prayer and Smithing, he will be able to do this for you. For now, it is up to you to figure out who it is!




What do you think is not shown yet?


Portals - There could be some portals missing since we cant find all the invisible ones....


Shield - Maybe some other info about them?


The Npc mentioned in the quote who does the attaching of the sigils for you




Discuss ::'

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Oh wow. Here I thought that the KB was a giant spoiler; good to see Jagex letting our long-dormant exploration habits finally get some sunlight. :D

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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"I can't attach the sigil to the shield, is there another way I can do it?"




There is an NPC in the game with a high Prayer and Smithing, he will be able to do this for you. For now, it is up to you to figure out who it is!





Void Knight maybe? the smith one. . .




wow good thinking, i'd never have thought of the void knights

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The 99 prayer cape monk in the monastry does it for you, just use your shield on him and you'll see. Thought that might only be elixer? I'm still not 100% on the difference between elixers and sigils.


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

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The 99 prayer cape monk in the monastry does it for you, just use your shield on him and you'll see.




That's right, he can do it for both Holy Elixir and the sigils.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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the npc that can attach sigils to shields is not brother jared or the smithing cape npc; though he does have something in common, in a way, with both of them. that's a hint. he's a relatively new npc, not brand new, but fairly recent addition to the game.




and a reminder, if you have 85 prayer you can bless your own shield with the elixer and save yourself 1M gp.




as for attaching the sigil to the shield, you need 85 smithing and 90 prayer to do that yourself; which would save you 1.5M.

[hide=-this is my signature- guides i've written]full list is at the top of <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=775754">viewtopic.php?f=180&t=775754</a><!-- l -->[/hide]

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