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What parts of driving do you hate?


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Every night after work theres a almost 2 hour drive home the traffic is so bad. I work downtown and live in the suburbs. People just don't know how to drive in a big city unless you have expierience. Then theres the little punks who shoot bottle rockets at me.... I swear to god I'm gonna retaliate some day.

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I don't like badly designed roads that have hills in them that you can't see the other side of until you're already there, and especially ones that have tight turns that you can't see until you're right on them. At the same time its fun though, makes your stomach jump.

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Not [bleep]ing being able to see everything around you (like in video games or something :P )....so something like me looking twice, missing the spot i aimed for, and backing into another car i didnt see until i hit it...then finding out its owned by a NYCPD cop (fortunately off duty).....THE DAY AFTER I GET MY PERMIT.

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Driving when the weather is horrible outside (ie: snowy).








...like swerving over into the oncoming lane and play chicken...








And when people do extremely stupid things like that...








I think its worse that he plays chicken with the trees XD








One day those trees will stop swerving...


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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When you get in your first accident. Happened to me today.








I was driving behind a friend, he stops at a stoplight, I go to stop behind him, going normal speed, normal brake pressure, everything is completely routine. Except this time, my brakes and steering lock and I slide right into him.








Luckily I only hit his trailer hitch, so absolutely no damage done to his van, and only a golfball sized puncture in my fender - no part/engine damage.








So I got very very lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at things)

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Oh and one more thing... going backwards when you are driving with a trailer. It completly messes up my mind to first turn the wheel one way to make the trailer turn to where i want it, and then turn the wheel the other way around to have the car follow. Its so darn easy to end up with car and trailer standing in 45 degrees angle and not getting anywhere without being forced to disconecting them and pull it right by hand, feeling very stupid :lol:

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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Oh and one more thing... going backwards when you are driving with a trailer. It completly messes up my mind to first turn the wheel one way to make the trailer turn to where i want it, and then turn the wheel the other way around to have the car follow. Its so darn easy to end up with car and trailer standing in 45 degrees angle and not getting anywhere without being forced to disconecting them and pull it right by hand, feeling very stupid :lol:








a lot of people seem to have trouble with backing up with a trailer, but i dont really understand why. i thought it was quite easy, just dont go to fast and do everythign backwards :lol:



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I hate it when my windshield wipers smear the dead bugs, rather than clean the glass.




I hate the speed limits, and when people go slower than it on a non-passing road.




I hate when my AC doesnt work in the summer.








I have no problems with driving in the rain/snow/ice.... i've gotten pretty used to driving on bad roads.




Parallel parking isn't too much of a problem, I usually can avoid having to do it because of other parking spots in the general area.

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I hate it when my windshield wipers smear the dead bugs, rather than clean the glass.




I hate the speed limits, and when people go slower than it on a non-passing road.




I hate when my AC doesnt work in the summer.








I have no problems with driving in the rain/snow/ice.... i've gotten pretty used to driving on bad roads.




Parallel parking isn't too much of a problem, I usually can avoid having to do it because of other parking spots in the general area.








They're only a suggestion :twisted:


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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I hate it when my windshield wipers smear the dead bugs, rather than clean the glass.




I hate the speed limits, and when people go slower than it on a non-passing road.




I hate when my AC doesnt work in the summer.








I have no problems with driving in the rain/snow/ice.... i've gotten pretty used to driving on bad roads.




Parallel parking isn't too much of a problem, I usually can avoid having to do it because of other parking spots in the general area.








They're only a suggestion :twisted:








Say that to the cop who will one day arrest you, lol...








I think we all hate bad drivers. About driving itself, I don't hate anything. Getting a little tired of driving at nights but I don't have much of a choice and it does't bother me that much.

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I hate it when my windshield wipers smear the dead bugs, rather than clean the glass.




I hate the speed limits, and when people go slower than it on a non-passing road.




I hate when my AC doesnt work in the summer.








I have no problems with driving in the rain/snow/ice.... i've gotten pretty used to driving on bad roads.




Parallel parking isn't too much of a problem, I usually can avoid having to do it because of other parking spots in the general area.








They're only a suggestion :twisted:








Say that to the cop who will one day arrest you, lol...








I think we all hate bad drivers. About driving itself, I don't hate anything. Getting a little tired of driving at nights but I don't have much of a choice and it does't bother me that much.








I only go 5-10 miles above if I know it and don't see a cop :oops:


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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I am more careful during the end of the months when speeding.




It's probably just a rumor, but apparently cops have quotas to fill each month, so they crack down more at end of months when they need to fill them.








To me, speed limits are more of a suggestion than anything. I'll go up to a speed until I feel I'm not in good control of the car; then I'll slow down....




But some speed limits of like 20 mph..... it feels like I could walk faster when I'm on those roads.

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Slow drivers, god they drive me insane. I also can not stand sitting in traffic. Thank god I only live a 15 minute drive from work. Anything else and I would be insane.

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Every single paragraph is a separate point.








I hate:








People asking me for lifts that are out of my way. I can understand taking 5 minutes, but having to drive in the opposite direction from where I want to go? Doesn't make me happy.








Parking of all sorts. I can do it, in actual fact I'm quite good, but I just cannot be bothered. Especially parallel parking. Too much hassle.








Middle lane hogs on a motorway. Stupid drivers (normally middle aged parents with kids in the car), who drive at 70 in the middle lane when the limit is 70 and there's speed cameras on the fast lane. So you can't overtake them or you get flashed, and you can't undertake them as it's illegal.








Speed cameras. I have never seen a speed camera in an 'accident blackspot' But i have seen speed cameras create accidents. People brake heavily and suddenly so they don't get flashed, and that's what causes accidents.








Paying for petrol. Bordering on 90p a litre here in England. For you americans, thats around $1.75 per litre. Stupidly expensive.








Backseat drivers. Especially one's that haven't passed, or can't drive. They tell me what I'm doing, how to improve it, etc, yet they don't know any better. They say something like "Whoa, you're too close to that car!", when it was that car that pulled in front of me without indicating or looking, and if I hadn't swerved and braked then we'd all be dead. Some people just don't know when to say thank you.








People who don't indicate. As said above somewhere, indicators tell people what your intention is, not what you're doing. We can see what you're doing.








People who don't use their mirrors. So many times I've had a near death collision because people simply didn't look before they did something.








4x4 drivers on country lanes. Who refuse to move within a foot of the edge. I have so many scratches down the left hand side of my car because of 4x4s (usually the mercedes or porshe versions) who drive along, seemingly thinking "I own the road, in my brand new porshe everyone has to get out the way for me. I don't have to move a couple of inches to the left, that Ford Fiesta can crash into a tree for all I care, as long as I don't get a scratch on my car." Selfish people, I hate them.








Anyone who think bigger is better, and if their car is bigger then they are therefore better drivers. I once had a 3 litre Audi TT challenge me to a race off the lights. The fool spend so much time trying to look cool he failed to realise the lights had changed. 3 cars had gone past him before he started moving.








Chavs. They can't afford a decent car, os they buy a crap one and make it sound good. They stick a sound system that could easily cover Live 8 by itself in their boot, paint their car with some racing strips, play their music at max volume through residential areas, and then wonder why 1) everyone hates them, and 2) their ears don't work for 20 mins after they get out of their car.








Other chavs. Those who go into a car park simply to do a 3 point turn. Then drive out again. Not only do they risk hitting my car and killing themselves, but they spend ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã5 every time they do it on tyre and gearstick servicing.








People who damage you car and don't admit it. I once returned to my car after a shopping trip to find a huge dent in the side and white paint peeling off the dent. It was not there before. Some idiot in a white car had tried to park along side me and missed. He'd then driven away, refusing to accept responsibility.








Women who say 'it's a myth that women are bad drivers, I can park perfectly', and then take 15 minutes to do a simple parking manouver. Not even parallel or using the reverse gear, and she still screws it up.








People who get as close as they can to you at lights. They will pull up, leaving less than half an inch. It's worse if they're lorrys. All you see in your rear view mirror is just this huge white thing looming, getting close, closer, closer, your swearing in your mind, thinking that you'll be crushed, and then they finnaly stop. But what happens if you roll back while pulling away?








That's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm going driving in an hour or two, so I'll come back and edit this,

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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Paying for petrol. Bordering on 90p a litre here in England. For you americans, thats around $1.75 per litre. Stupidly expensive.








:lol: :lol: :lol:








And I thought $2.17 a gallon was bad


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Paying for petrol. Bordering on 90p a litre here in England. For you americans, thats around $1.75 per litre. Stupidly expensive.








Isn't there ~5 liters per gallon? Thats crazy expensive :o

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