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Have Jagex fixed it?


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To everyone saying that RS was better in the old days, i don't think it really was. its changed alot but you gotta realise that you have aswell. i dunno about you guys but i played when i was 11 and im 17 now. when i was 11 it seemed like the most amazing thing ever, it just gets more and more boring. i pretty much quit when i was 13 but went on occasionaly and each time i got bored quicker and quicker. after however many years its just not the same, think about RSC as a game, it want that good. pking was quite bland really, i never got into it but i did it a few times and i gotta say that i found members wildy pking alot more fun, there was just so much more contenet and so much more to it.think about the content of runescape now, its changed it many ways but theres so much more variety and things to do, it isnt any worse a game. :thumbsup:

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In my opinion, RSC was a lot crappier than what RS is today. People stating that RSC was better is just an opinion.




I don't think more than 0,01% of the players would go back to Classic if it was reintroduced. Worse graphics, a lot less content, and a lot more hassle with training certain skills.




Personally, I had a great time in RSC. But times have changed, the game has changed, and it really wouldn't be any fun anymore to be having to go back to it. Jagex introduced so much more content and ways to play that I'd never ever want to go back.

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In my opinion, RSC was a lot crappier than what RS is today. People stating that RSC was better is just an opinion.




I don't think more than 0,01% of the players would go back to Classic if it was reintroduced. Worse graphics, a lot less content, and a lot more hassle with training certain skills.




Personally, I had a great time in RSC. But times have changed, the game has changed, and it really wouldn't be any fun anymore to be having to go back to it. Jagex introduced so much more content and ways to play that I'd never ever want to go back.




I agree completely. Things change and people should adapt to these changes. Jagex didn't make changes just for the sake of it.




There's a saying "The only thing you get by looking back is a cricked neck"!




I have enjoyed all the previous incarnations of RS, including the most recent. No point complaining about changes, just adapt or move on IMHO.




Cymru am Byth (@ Ddraiggoch)





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When it comes to what I think, I can just say one thing:


RS has never been better than it is now.


Can tell you haven't been playing for the entire 7 years.


Thats such rubbish! I and a bunch of other oldbies that I regularly chat to are still loving runescape. How do you explain that?



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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It wasn't rsc that was awsome it was the community during rsc and no update can repair that.


sort of sums it up really ::'


Yep, I'd go along with that, but also the updates they did back then where all amazing, never once did they do a "bad" update (imo).

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It wasn't rsc that was awsome it was the community during rsc and no update can repair that.


sort of sums it up really ::'


Yep, I'd go along with that, but also the updates they did back then where all amazing, never once did they do a "bad" update (imo).


the worst updates where the useless ones which had no effect or the ones removing holiday events :cry:

Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


[hide=old sig]



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One more thing. RANDOMS. They should be removed. It was promised moths ago. If they did remove them, it would make Runescape a far better place. That's one of the things that need to go before it is fixed.


Randoms do not need to be fixed...they just need to be less frequent, coz i enjoy the rewards from most randoms like costumes, emotes etc.



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never once did they do a "bad" update (imo).


cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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