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The end of Runescape...


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Well...will it happen? And if it does, what are all RS players going to do???








Mods lock this if theres been a post like this, I haven't been checking around a lot and this thought just popped into my head...so why not ask?

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Maybe no Rs3 or Rs4? When RS ends, I think it's probably because:1)The MMO industry is taking a steep dive, and Andrew Gower will sell Jagex before his investments die. 2)Andrew Gower quits, no leadership = no Rs updates, maintainence, etc. 3)Not enough interest for MMOs.








But still, I don't WANT Rs to end. Even though eventually it will. I'll give the game 3 more years before something goes terribly awry, and Runescape will be no more, like all the other MMOs that died in the past few years.

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if it ends i will get on with my life, its a fun game but seriously if it ended tomorrow i would have better things to do :D








Same here. If RuneScape did end tomorrow I wouldn't be heart broken, etc. etc. Granted I would be a little upset that all that work is gone but I can get on with my life. ;)



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I'd be a little mopey for a few days, maybe a week, but I'd get over it and find something else to do.




Besides, there's a Star Trek MMO coming out next year, so I'll probably switch over to that one whether RS is still around then or not.




As for why it might die, well, in a word, noobs. One day, Jagex is gonna get plain tired of listening to whiney, begging, complainer noobs and say "Ferget it, we quit" and close down RS. Well, that's a bit "worst case", I admit, but I see it as the most likely reason.










Part of the Star Traks network. (^^Clicky!)


Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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I'd probably get a little sad then come back here real quick and gather some people with AIM and we'd RP RuneScape. Lol. And then maybe I'd start my own, less advanced game. Or I'd just RP and write all day and reminise.

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I sure hope that the communities stay. Mabey they will move on to a different MPORG but I don't know. Anyways, if it weren't for the people who I have become friends with and communities like tip.it and my clan I probably wouldn't still be playing.










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I have pondered this question right after they started offering a members service. I don't think Jagex is just going to get rid of RS all together. I do think that RSC will be shutdown within the next 10 years. RS 3D has been a major success for Gower and Jagex staff and has basically put them on the map for online MMORPGs. Gower knows that if this game can attrack this much attention just being the way it is now. If the game was put on a better engine to improve the graphics and gameplay,to compete with todays games, and then marketed to the public correctly the game would be an instant success. Sell the game for $50 and still charge P2P $5 and leave up the F2P and kept the highscores table the game would be bigger then it is now.








Also here is a direct quote form the Jagex Corperate site.








We intend to become a significant online operator in all the major gaming markets worldwide; developing and commercializing highly compelling persistent character games that appeal to as wide an audience as possible, based on cutting edge technologies developed in house.








Our ambition for 2005 is to exceed 400,000 subscribers for RuneScape, to take RuneScape into other non-english language markets and to begin the development of a completely new game.








I don't think RS is going end anytime soon and if Jagex gets lucky, I can definatlly see RS being one of the longest running MMORPG of all time. Like I have said before RS has one of the most devoted players of any MMORPG, maybe even more devoted then Everquest and its the players that keep this game alive. But, only in time will we see if RS has a long lasting future or just a short run in the online gaming biz.

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If runescape ended tomorrow, I wouldn't be sad for the game ending, but I'd be sad that I already wasted 3 years on it :(

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Yeah, after RS dies, I'll think,"All those seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years spent on a little game. Gone."








But RS differs from most other MMORPGs is the fact that it has an ever renewing source of newbs. More newbs, the more f2p players are available for p2p. Unlike other games like WoW where you have to pay loads to buy the DVD, install it, then pay a subscription price.









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All games come to end




So true - but as an example, when will counterstrike (CS) end?




the old system (1.0 through to 1.5) is over.. then 1.6 came out... then CS:Condition Zero... and now that's old and CS:Source is the latest...




So far RS has only undergone 1 big transformation, RSC->RS2. I'm sure that there will be more in store down the track.

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well, RS is a fun way to pass the time and i really enjoy it since the creation of RS classic. Well..... i guess all those time i spent loling on RS won't be wasted. lolololololololololololollolololololololololololollolololololololololololollolololololololololololol








:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:








(still i hope it last for a couple of years more......)

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When will it happen?: Dont know... when old school will be tired of Rs, seeing jagex doesnt care bout rsc or just tired because of other reasons...




or when other game (better then WOW) will appear on net.




What will players do: Get lifes? :roll:

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Maybe no Rs3 or Rs4? When RS ends, I think it's probably because:1)The MMO industry is taking a steep dive, and Andrew Gower will sell Jagex before his investments die. 2)Andrew Gower quits, no leadership = no Rs updates, maintainence, etc. 3)Not enough interest for MMOs.








But still, I don't WANT Rs to end. Even though eventually it will. I'll give the game 3 more years before something goes terribly awry, and Runescape will be no more, like all the other MMOs that died in the past few years.








Runescape isn't the only thing jagex does ;)








Check their corporate site


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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