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Player Moderators: Are They Really Worthy?


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If this vid hasnt been linked yet...




I think it speaks for itself:








I think Jagex should choose their mods better, dont go by blackmarks but how they behave in game. They only need to analyse a few extracts from a regular day of theirs to find out more than they would from BMs




Ill never be a mod with 1.1 BM =[






They don't, they take into account how long ago you committed that offence and see if you have learned from it and see if you have changed in game.


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Yes player moderators are worthy and Jagex does carefully select them.


They really don't at all, a guy leaked the entire process of how they do it years ago (he was a co-admin of one of the biggest cheat sites) and the process is still the same apparently.




yes i actually know the guy and the site (rather not talk of it) its a rogue trading site where all sorts goes on


But yes theres actually mulitple p-mods part of that site


(BTW the only reason i know the site is because i used to do some programming with many of them)

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Copied from a different forum, obviously by the pics from quite a while ago. But nevertheless goes with the points in this topic quite well...




[hide=]Starts not too bad....












Then there's 2 of them...








Getting noobier...












How the hell do jagex pick these guys? :wall:





Just wow... Back a few years ago when I modded, there were a couple of morons in the p-mod community, but.. WOW.. Those guys are plain idiots. I don't understand how they have achieved the crown and passed Jagex filters.




This just goes to show the selection process should be much more thorough. You can't be fooled by any Joe Average who intentionally replies topics with a supposedly official tone and points out rule breaking, makes insignificant reports, etc...




It's an embarrassment to Jagex's corporate image the people like the 2 shown above can even be close to becoming player moderators. It's no wonder the community loses trust in them.

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There's no way we can generalize all mods the same way. Ther are some who abuse their powers, some who rarely use them and use the crown more as a status symbol than a tool to keep Runescape clean, and some who work hard with their job and prove themselves worthy of it. Problem is, there are plenty of players who will worship them and act like wannabes which gives p mods overall a bad name. Then there are a few of them who do abuse their powers and may misinform or emotionally harm a player early in their runescape career, scar them for life, and cause the player to have a vendetta against all p mods in general.




And while I do think Jagex should try their best to select mods more thoroughly, you seriously can't expect every player mod to have undergone a thorough search and not change after they're rewarded a crown. Jagex has a lot to deal with at HQ, having to do a complete search at a player's history to mod them seems to be a waste of manpower they could have easily used to ban or mute dozens of players themselves. Thoroughly searching players before modding them, though it sounds like a good idea, seems to defeat the purpose of giving them modship.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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There is nothing saying: Mod > Non-mod, so I don't see what the big deal is. The only problem I see is that people get jealous too easily over it.




I guess since my best RS friend is a mod, I've become desensitized to all of them in general and I just see them as normal people.

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If this vid hasnt been linked yet...




I think it speaks for itself:








I think Jagex should choose their mods better, dont go by blackmarks but how they behave in game. They only need to analyse a few extracts from a regular day of theirs to find out more than they would from BMs




Ill never be a mod with 1.1 BM =[






They don't, they take into account how long ago you committed that offence and see if you have learned from it and see if you have changed in game.




Heh, If only. But I have never met a mod (and im friends with a few) that has any blackmarks.


[hide=Me Sulking]Anyway, its not that hard for me to learn from my wrongs:


1 BM for saying a URL (I was helping someone with the new quest (Catapult one) and I uploaded a pic as a guideline to the puzzle for him, and a mod reported me. I recieved my mute in the KBD lair with a trip =0.


0.1 BM for saying "Tell tail ..." (Which I seemed to think for some strange reason was an english saying -.-)


LOL its blocked on here as well =D Not surprised i suppose...[/hide]


I hid that so people dont have to see me whining, as that is not what this thread is for at all. I still think Jagex's customer support needs a drastic revamp.




When I was playing WoW, it made my computer crash so I sent for their customer support. They told me all my drivers which were not up to date and step by step instructions to what they think I should do to fix it.




It didnt work obviously, as im back here! (lol) Anyway the purpose of my story is that Jagex's customer support is not up to scratch! You cant even send them a query because of all the spammers asking for PKing back. Even though Jagex is not a multi-millionaire company, it is becoming one, and its customer relations need to improve as runescape does!




How does this relate to mods you may ask? My opinion is that they are just another branch of customer support. A few casual players who are given a badge as a status of their knowledge and fairness.


Just kidding ladies, you know I love you =D

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Hmm, that really depends on the situation. I have a couple friends who became Mods way later. They are really good people and I have nothing bad to say about them. I've also never seen one abuse their powers in person. However, people like Zezima...that's a different story. I look up to Zezima. He's practically beaten the game. But does he deserve the Mod Status. Probably not. It makes me wonder if when he gets a crowd around him that just want to stand next to a God...does he start muting people? I haven't heard any stories, but it makes me want to avoid him. If he is feels a little irritable, will he drop punishment upon his fans?




Again, I guess it depends on the situation...






Zezima is a Player mod?


He isn't know, I heard that "popular" players weren't allowed it simply because of that reason (crowds around = spamming = excessive muting).




You heard wrong lol




I know of two top ranking players who have the little frosted wombat, Casserole and TheHate.




There are probably quite a few more wandering around that I dont know of but all the player mods I know are great, maybe a little too chirpy sometimes but you can't get perfection right everytime lol

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I like to think I'm worthy of being a mod. I don't abuse my powers (in fact, I haven't muted in a long time now, I prefer to talk things out) and I help when ever possible. But the mod image has been blown out of proportion. Sometimes its reading in between the lines or just forgetting mods are people to.




Typical question:


"How is being a mod/Do you enjoy being a mod?"


Typical answer:


Oh yes, its great being a mod.


Player reading between the lines:


1. There must be something more to being a mod then a crown, maybe free membership or Runescape gold (I don't know how many times I had to explain I get nothing for being a mod).


2. That being a mod is something to strive for and will bring greater joy in the game (it mostly brings carpal tunnel from typing so much...).




To me, the only abuse of power I see is mods not being players. They think they have to change how they play to stay a mod or because they're a mod. From not answering honestly (If someone asks me how being a mod is, I'm not going to give them a candy coated answer. I'm going to be honest and say it bites. Its annoying answering every question fired at you, and if you don't "Z0MG! You're a mod! You HAVE to answer everything I ask!") to thinking you have to go to f2p to get a "report quota" filled. To me, if you change how you play when you're a mod, then you shouldn't be one.



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I agree Rebel with some of that...everytime I go in game and accidently send something out to the game that should've gone in my normal clanchat channel of choice I get about 10 people firing all kinds of questions at me...




I dont mind so much sharing time chatting as that is all I ever did before getting the crown but it is annoying whn people dont listen and try to make you keep repeating your answers...and don't even get me started on the assumption that I am a walking, talking, all singing and dancing ATM.




I try to advise people how to make money yet they never give it a go, they seem to think because I have the crown I am rich enough to give them everything they want...its true of course but doesnt mean I will :P I think it all comes down to the fact that people think you have all the time in the world just for them which is not true, time is my most valuable asset yet people always seem to think they can flush it down the toilet lol

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zezima was a mod at one point, i don't know the story on why he stopped, assumeably all his popularity, and possibly excessive mutes.

[hide=WOO TEXT! updated Jan 19, 2009 (last quote)]

And Evil you mad bastard. You are definately bringing TET back up to it's glory. No doubt about it. Keep it going champ.

24,485th to 99 defence on 7-23-08

I always forget you're 20 too. I always think you're 25 or something. o.o

Ya think that I'm insane, Its not sane... its not sane

obligitory devart link: http://evil-mumm-ra.deviantart.com/

Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.

She isn't naked so it's legal.
I'm a porn star.
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During my RS career, I have seen high lvl and low lvl pmod, and member pmod, and f2p pmod. For the most part, they are really nice in all the aspect. I guess even Jagex could make mistake in selecting people to be moderators, but at least the ones that did become one should be more responsible.




Quote from Spiderman: With great power comes with great responsibility.




If you can't even handle that, then might as well say no right from the beginning.




PS: I did see a few ex pmod, they were all nice people, but I guess its too taxing for them since they get alot of attention moment they speak, so at least its like some weight off the shoulder

a happy Runescaper

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Being an older P Mod, ive seen alot of mods come and go, some fantastic, some ive personally reported myself and they have had there crowns removed.




Couple of comments ive read in this post, which I can answer! Zezima was once a mod, I think however he lasted a few days, and gave it up, he was harrassed alot about it, and also there was alot of feedback from players that he only got the crown for being the number 1, rather than anything else, a little unfair I know!




Also with regards to lower level chars, There are a few level 3 mods, becoming a mod is usually based on reports you give, and lack of reports against you, however sometimes people get crowns and are less than perfect! not exactly something Jagex is able to fully check out before offering a crown! Thus if you see a mod abusing his or her position, report them like you would anyone else!




Generally speaking tho, ive passed more mods that are perfect at there job, than ive had to report, or thought to myself, god what an idiot. Sadly its easier to remember the bad mods, rather than the load of good mods! Runescape is a better place with us mods about! Love us or hate us, we have done alot of good for Runescape!

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i love you silent_uk, you've pretty much summed up all my thoughts on this thread, and made quite a few good points in it.

[hide=WOO TEXT! updated Jan 19, 2009 (last quote)]

And Evil you mad bastard. You are definately bringing TET back up to it's glory. No doubt about it. Keep it going champ.

24,485th to 99 defence on 7-23-08

I always forget you're 20 too. I always think you're 25 or something. o.o

Ya think that I'm insane, Its not sane... its not sane

obligitory devart link: http://evil-mumm-ra.deviantart.com/

Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.

She isn't naked so it's legal.
I'm a porn star.
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Ive never dealt with a rude moderator other than being ignored by a few, which I find normal. That just shows how much of a player they are. I somehow think that this is due to the fact that Jagex barely goes in-game anymore. These are hand-picked by Jagex themselves thus leaving the community looking at them as if they were Jagex.




I tend to show more appreciation/respect to the RS forum mods since they are frequently monitored by Jagex and are the ones who deal greatly with the community.




Its like a ying-yang relationship.


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I think some Player Moderators are not worthy. If Jagex knew some of these people outside of the game, they would be disappointed.




There are a few I talk to on msn which use racial terms like the "N" word a lot as well as a lot swear words.






But overall, the players who do get mod ship deserve it.


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I think some Player Moderators are not worthy. If Jagex knew some of these people outside of the game, they would be disappointed.




There are a few I talk to on msn which use racial terms like the "N" word a lot as well as a lot swear words.






But overall, the players who do get mod ship deserve it.




see, that's the thing too, it doesn't matter how they act outside the game really. as long as they behave ingame, and seem worth a crown ingame, there's a good chance they'll get one, if they meet all the other requirements blah blah blah. but yeah, real life doesn't matter with modship, i wouldn't deserve the crown if it did :P

[hide=WOO TEXT! updated Jan 19, 2009 (last quote)]

And Evil you mad bastard. You are definately bringing TET back up to it's glory. No doubt about it. Keep it going champ.

24,485th to 99 defence on 7-23-08

I always forget you're 20 too. I always think you're 25 or something. o.o

Ya think that I'm insane, Its not sane... its not sane

obligitory devart link: http://evil-mumm-ra.deviantart.com/

Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.

She isn't naked so it's legal.
I'm a porn star.
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Quite true that players without a crown have to make up their opinion by those a few tens of P-Mods that they have met in game, while not really having a chance to know much about actual P-Mod community with thousands of P-Mods. However, they are still free to have their opinion.




As for the time, before I resigned as a P-Mod - I was never really worried about those a few P-Mods that abuse their powers or fail quite badly at modly behaviour as they usually get dealt with rather quickly. What buged me was those a few P-Mods that don't do anything wrong, but ignore a good old motto: "It's nice to be nice" and make the day a bit bitter that way (Though, not the reason why I resigned) - for instance th3_0ld_p03t's reply. Though P-Mods are players before mods, they aren't given this title only becouse of recognition - there's a few more, starting from being first class example, while carrying this voluntary burden of extra attention (which usually isn't a problem).

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I somehow think that this is due to the fact that Jagex barely goes in-game anymore.




I would deffinatly disagree with this, just because they arent on there Mod account, doesnt mean they arent in game, you would be very supprised the number of JMods who play the game normally!




Also you see JMods in hotspots alot, aswell as when new areas open up, large amounts of people tends to mean lots of people saying things they shouldnt ;)

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  • 2 months later...
I agree, I've seen player mods cussing out new players, and going on muteing rampages for no reason :roll:


I've seen normal players do that frequently... Short of the muting rampages. Usually they're just hacked. Coincidence? Maybe we shouldn't trust non-mod players.








I hate Tip.It. Honestly hate it now... So anti-mod, usually without evidence other than 'I've seen' or 'I've heard that'. Learn from experience, you'll find it better than hearsay.




Unless you have said experience. In which case, carry on.

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I somehow think that this is due to the fact that Jagex barely goes in-game anymore.




I would deffinatly disagree with this, just because they arent on there Mod account, doesnt mean they arent in game, you would be very supprised the number of JMods who play the game normally!




Also you see JMods in hotspots alot, aswell as when new areas open up, large amounts of people tends to mean lots of people saying things they shouldnt ;)




Compared to the RSC days, when Andrew went pking and Paul (S H A R K) was a common sight, along with tons of other JMods, no, they don't get on very often. Also I highly doubt that if someone spends their work-days coding and creating new content for a game, they'll go home and play that same game in their free time.




Anyways, OT, I've never really met a bad pmod. I've met a handful that were a bit full of themselves, a few who were incredibly immature, and a few who cussed a lot, but even then none of them seemed like the type to abuse their powers, just incredibly lucky (or unlucky, depending on your perspective) that Jagex looked past their faults and gave them their crowns.

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