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members noobs ftw...


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idk maybe 2 years ago or so when i was playing last.. and was a member.. i loved having either the silent members or the down to earth guys.. everyone or mainly everyone had a great attitude tword.. much of everything... and with rs changing into a friggin lvl 99 speed race.. and little kids getting their mommas credit cards... we have n00bs in members now.. im sorry im still tryin to get hang of the change of the time gone...




Welcome back wa5t3d! Have some n00bs!!




World 46 Regular

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idk maybe 2 years ago or so when i was playing last.. and was a member.. i loved having either the silent members or the down to earth guys.. everyone or mainly everyone had a great attitude tword.. much of everything... and with rs changing into a friggin lvl 99 speed race.. and little kids getting their mommas credit cards... we have n00bs in members now.. im sorry im still tryin to get hang of the change of the time gone...




Welcome back wa5t3d! Have some n00bs!!






Alas, i also get nostalgia of the 'good old days'..




I agree that runescape and it's players have degraded intellectually over the years..




though if I may be so bold, your name doesn't exactly give you credit to your point of views. (noting the '1337' figures)




Though you could argue that I, infact (and this may shock many people) AM NOT a chicken in real life.. :oops:



I left my wife for a level 59 tank mage
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Though you could argue that I, infact (and this may shock many people) AM NOT a chicken in real life.. :oops:




:ohnoes: could have fooled me =D>






ive had the name since... i was... 11ish.. in 00-01? and i was brought into pc gaming by playin counter strike :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: .. so it comes with the l33t territory... (plus i beleive wasted youth was taken)




World 46 Regular

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idk maybe 2 years ago or so when i was playing last.. and was a member.. i loved having either the silent members or the down to earth guys.. everyone or mainly everyone had a great attitude tword.. much of everything... and with rs changing into a friggin lvl 99 speed race.. and little kids getting their mommas credit cards... we have n00bs in members now.. im sorry im still tryin to get hang of the change of the time gone...




Welcome back wa5t3d! Have some n00bs!!








I use my moms credit card. And i BET i get more balls than you do. :? Ranting about this.. *cough* childish *cough*




BTW, everyone that can and want to play runescape in a members world, should not have to ASK YOU to do it.



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hey im just using the rant forums for... ranting... dont like it? dont read it?




more balls then me... congrats? =D>




and did i mention having to ask me about anything? no.. im just stating the fact that i hate how its changed over the last time i was a member and howmuch i dislike it... off meh nuts please.. ty..




World 46 Regular

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True, there are still some good guys out there. Just not as many as there used to be.




It's a shame really but it kinda reflects real life. Countries are turning into RS more and more.






Li Chef


"The sort of twee person who thinks swearing is any way a sign of lack of education or of a lack of verbal interest is just [bleep]ing lunacy" ~ Stephen Fry


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more balls then me... congrats? =D>


off meh nuts please.. ty..



I use my moms credit card. And i BET i get more balls than you do. :?



The bigger they are, the easier someone can reduce them.




Thank you, Mr. OP, for providing a perfect example of what the community is becoming. It's gone downhill somewhat, due to the reduction in average age (Age roughly equals maturity, period. It's a biological fact). Yes, there still are older, more mature players, but as the posts on this thread show, many of the players nowdays are young, immature children.


Drops: 1x Draconic Visage, 56x Abyssal Whip, 5x Demon Head, D Drops: 37, Barrows Drops: 43, DK Drops: 29

GWD drops: 14,000x Bars, 1x Armadyl Hilt, 2x Armadyl Skirt, 4x Sara Sword, 1x Saradomin Hilt, 8x Bandos Hilt, 8x Bandos Platebody, 9x Bandos Tassets, 4x Bandos Boots, 43x Godsword Shard, 82x Dragon Boots

Dry streak records: Saradomin 412 kills Bandos 988 kills Spirit Mages 633 kills - Slayer Sucks

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And i BET i get more balls than you do.




The bigger they are, the easier someone can reduce them.

RSN:Mico1311 Combat: 82 Highest skill: Fishing 75 Playing time: From around August 2003


The guy in my avatar is Veso, a comedian mastermind.

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I use my moms credit card. And i BET i get more balls than you do. :? Ranting about this.. *cough* childish *cough*




BTW, everyone that can and want to play runescape in a members world, should not have to ASK YOU to do it.




Point proven. Believe it or not, people enjoy being nostalgic every once in awhile. Comparing the way things used to be to what they've become, is actually very reasonable. I'm of the 20+ age category of people who can relate. If you talked like that when some of us were young, there'd be a belt or bar of soap with your name on it.




It's a simple lack of discipline in the current youth. Children think they can do what they want and don't have to worry about the ramifications. Doesn't leave much hope for the future, I'm afraid.




Another thing: It takes balls to play Russian roulette, but brains to know it's not worth the risk.

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there'd be a belt or bar of soap with your name on it.




It's a simple lack of discipline in the current youth. Children think they can do what they want and don't have to worry about the ramifications. Doesn't leave much hope for the future, I'm afraid.




Heck, I'm only 14, and I can remember getting soap in the mouth.. although I do agree with you, although


I am in that criteria.



I left my wife for a level 59 tank mage
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I'm of the 20+ age category of people who can relate. If you talked like that when some of us were young, there'd be a belt or bar of soap with your name on it.






or even just a swift slap across the back of the head or side of the head.. enough to let you know "yo.. dont mess up and say that again, stupid mistake"






and i didnt know we'd have a young example within the first few posts... =D> =D> =D> gj




World 46 Regular

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An example on the tip.it forums, no less.




BTW, I started when I was young and probably somewhat immature, but now I'm older, coming back to Runescape (college ftw! Waay too much free time), and I'm noticing the same thing. I used to think as a f2p'er that it was just because it was f2p, but now I'm seeing lots of immaturity on the members' servers too, now that i'm p2p.




I try to break the mold, though! I am always friendly, talkative, and try to provide helpful advice to anyone who needs it. Still, it's like trying to empty the ocean with a thimble at times.



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An example on the tip.it forums, no less.




BTW, I started when I was young and probably somewhat immature, but now I'm older, coming back to Runescape (college ftw! Waay too much free time), and I'm noticing the same thing. I used to think as a f2p'er that it was just because it was f2p, but now I'm seeing lots of immaturity on the members' servers too, now that i'm p2p.




I try to break the mold, though! I am always friendly, talkative, and try to provide helpful advice to anyone who needs it. Still, it's like trying to empty the ocean with a thimble at times.




i also was definatly immature a bit but you gotta agree that most of it now is uncalled for. i started 00-01ish.. im 20 now.. you do the math... im always down to have a nice conversation..


but sometimes we get this example:






also had a nice convo sweet and simple.. just something to pass the time.. and i get called a noob for not wanting to add someone.. very nice =D> =D>




World 46 Regular

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I try to break the mold, though! I am always friendly, talkative, and try to provide helpful advice to anyone who needs it. Still, it's like trying to empty the ocean with a thimble at times.




Indeed it is like, because it takes less time and effort to call someone a noob.




And still I'm helpful to those in need (but somehow I manage to skill/quest alone...).

R.I.P. oO000oO0oO00, RS2 range pure transformed to a maxed PvM char in EoC, ten years of time completely wasted.
Good to be gone :)

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I'm 14. Started runescape at 12.


Dont ever tell me runescape is going "down" in average age, I think I know.




Seriously though put your chat on friends or ignore them.




But the game really is swamped with little kids now.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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It's true that nowdays simply chatting for 2 minutes leads to people trying to add you and constantly talk.




Then again, a guy who added me after chatting for a couple minutes helped me out by loaning me a d axe for 24 hours 4 days in a row for free . . . sometimes if you're nice you'll be rewarded.




And there's a simple solution to all those who feel that they must call you a noob (as if that's an insult coming from someone thirty levels lower than me!): ignore list.



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there'd be a belt or bar of soap with your name on it.




It's a simple lack of discipline in the current youth. Children think they can do what they want and don't have to worry about the ramifications. Doesn't leave much hope for the future, I'm afraid.




Heck, I'm only 14, and I can remember getting soap in the mouth.. although I do agree with you, although


I am in that criteria.

Lucky you. It was the belt for me.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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I use my moms credit card. And i BET i get more balls than you do.




Isn't 2 balls enough? Greedy...




OT: Things change,it happens all the time from ingame to Reality (from an innocent child to a brawling teenager)


You've gotta live with it ;)

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I think part of the problem is this: back in "our" day (I, too, am in the 20+ age group, and made my first character in 2001), we mostly started off as F2Pers. We played F2P until we got comfortable, and more knowledgable, with the game. Once we were confident enough in ourselves, we made the switch to members.




Nowdays, F2P has such a bad rap. I'm sure that countless people looking at Runescape for the first time have read all sorts of garbage that's posted about the F2P version of the game. That being the case, we're getting more-and-more first-time players signing directly up for members. They haven't had time to "learn the ropes," if you will, and are unsure of what's accepted, mature behavior!




Gone is the age of sophisticated, silent members!




And I actually don't see the issue that... uh, someone (forgetful, sorry!) brought up about people wanting you to add them when you show them the slightest bit of kindness. I'm always very helpful to other players, and give advice and items when I'm able. More than not, they in turn will ask me to add them to my friends list. I usually go ahead and do so! After a few days or so go by, if they just continue asking me for fr33 stuffz (one girl asked if I could give her 3k a day, every day) I'll add them to my ignore list.




However, on the rare occassion, these people stay on my friends list, and we become good buddies in-game!


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Well, considering there seems to be a number of people on this thread who fall into the ever-thinning number of mature players, perhaps a small clan for us would be in order? If we hate dealing with the young kids with no manners, respect, or any sign of consideration to others, why not get in a group.




The whole straight-to-members thing is probably true. I played on f2p for about a day or two before switching. However, I likes to do a spot of research before getting super-involved in the game.




Worst experience I can remember with a young kid relates to my wife(she got me into playing). She met a kid while training at the fire giants. He was nice, so she added him. He continued talking and the conversation started heading for a more flirtatious direction. My wife got uncomfortable with the way things were going and broke the news that she was married. The kid immediately logged out. Looking back, it was kind of funny. My wife is still friends with him, but he has long abandoned the sweet-talk.




However, not always does a young age mean immature. One of my wife and I's best friends in game is quite young. He's a perfect little gentleman, tho.

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Nowdays, F2P has such a bad rap. I'm sure that countless people looking at Runescape for the first time have read all sorts of garbage that's posted about the F2P version of the game. That being the case, we're getting more-and-more first-time players signing directly up for members. They haven't had time to "learn the ropes," if you will, and are unsure of what's accepted, mature behavior!




Gone is the age of sophisticated, silent members!






Agreed 100% my friend, now its all about getting members before continuing any training.. and 5-8$ is not that hard to find anyways.. so i guess thats where that helps out..




And I actually don't see the issue that... uh, someone (forgetful, sorry!) brought up about people wanting you to add them when you show them the slightest bit of kindness. I'm always very helpful to other players, and give advice and items when I'm able. More than not, they in turn will ask me to add them to my friends list. I usually go ahead and do so! After a few days or so go by, if they just continue asking me for fr33 stuffz (one girl asked if I could give her 3k a day, every day) I'll add them to my ignore list.




However, on the rare occasion, these people stay on my friends list, and we become good buddies in-game!




Also agreed i will usually invite them into my clan chat if they show a bit of maturity and is willing to continue conversation, or wants free stuffz0z pl0x!!!?!?... after that ill either add or not.. like a try before u buy kinda thing i guess.. i do have 2-3 different young'ns in the cc i like to keep around u know.. ones that show potential and don't act like their still 8 and are willing to have a nice conversation or two.. whatever keeps the game fun is what its all about aint it.






The whole straight-to-members thing is probably true. I played on f2p for about a day or two before switching. However, I likes to do a spot of research before getting super-involved in the game.




i agree. but now also with most of these kids they see... "hey i could have more money if i get members" or "wow look how cool that armor looks" "i want a dragon.. hes got dragon.." definatly choosing a p2p game over those basis are not 100% legit..(if u will) but ive heard many stories on how thats started members... oh well i guess its their choice their money... their moms credit card..




Playin Runescape since 01 - 0? i dont plan on quitting any time soon because the maturity has gone down one bit.. i love the game.. keeps me away from all the bad [feces] i used to get into.. white kid in the ghetto always has its disadvantages.. but yeah im glad i found some people who share my views.. from a rant into a nice conversation.. this is a good example of why im still here.




World 46 Regular

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