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Dragonkin: After the Rise of Lucien


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The penguins are taking over the world =o






You know, after that WGS cutscene, the only thing that is actually a threat are the Mahjarrat, the Gods and the Dragonkin...




Slugs, Vampyres, Glouphrie, Red Axe, Sea Trolls, Ice Trolls, Ogres, H.A.M, General Khazard army , Apes, Delrih, Agrith-Naar, Elves, Penguins, Rabid Jack, Rashylia, Iban, Le Faye, Dagganoths, Culinacromancer and all other quest villains you can think of could all be 1-hit by thoose guys even if they all allied :shock:




P.s: Everytime i think of a new villain i will edit this comment to add it :lol:


Khazard is a Mahjarrat, so he will be a threat.




Iban, the Culinaromancer, and Agrith-Naar are all dead. So that's pretty much ruled them out.




The sea slugs could be much stronger then we think. We haven't seen the queens combat level yet, have we? The vampyres are definitely a serious threat, seeing as they are close to indestructable. H.A.M really isn't a threat in my pinion, mostly because Sigmund is dead, and he was their more extreme member. Glouphrie could be a very serious threat if you think about it. Especially with his hidden city and powerful magic.




We've got serious threats, even those capable of holding their own against the Mahjarrat. At least, from what I've seen.



That's why you're on the TZDF blackdawn. Even your balls can tear zombies to shreds.
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Khazard is a Mahjarrat i know, but his army ( villains in Tree Gnome Village) is not a serious threat on it'a own, is it?






What i meant, is that even though thoose guys were serious threats, they are pathetic compared to the Mahjarrats and Dragonkin.






Lucien was able of 1-hitting the strongest heroes of Runescape whitout the Stone of Jas, imagine what he is able to do now?!




Even if all the villains i mentioned united against Lucien, he would have a big change of defeating them O_o


Heck, he wouldn't even need to do anything, just the Tormented Demons and his army of Zombie Trolls and Elite Black Knights could crush other enemies easily O_o

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Lot of work put into that I see, yet I found two things that were wrong and I know one piece of information that you could use;




Fault 1: The vyrewatch are definatly corupted Icyene, that is fugured out in legacy of seergaze as they made an agreement with Saradomin that when Drakan came for them they would still be granted a place by his side when they finally were killed and cremated.




Fault 2: Saradomin wasn't the first good god as he was at first a follower of Armadyll(and probably an icyene).




Info: Some impling or imp once said thay didn't like mortynia since it smelled dragon-crap.





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Fault 2: Saradomin wasn't the first good god as he was at first a follower of Armadyll(and probably an icyene)..




Where'd you find this? I don't remember anything saying that, nor do I remember anything about the Icyene following Armadyl.

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Fault 2: Saradomin wasn't the first good god as he was at first a follower of Armadyll(and probably an icyene)..




Where'd you find this? I don't remember anything saying that, nor do I remember anything about the Icyene following Armadyl.


At the end of either darkness of Legacy of Seergaze when talking to Dreezel he tells you that the Icyene were folowers of Armadyl, but during his fell they pledged aligiance to Saradomin, but when Drakan started taking over Mortynia they made an agreement to Saradomin that their souls would stay pure and that upon being freed from the torment of their Vampyre shape they would be granted a place by his side and all their earthly bellongings would be given to whoever cremated them in the Columbarium.





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At the end of either darkness of Legacy of Seergaze when talking to Dreezel he tells you that the Icyene were folowers of Armadyl, but during his fell they pledged aligiance to Saradomin, but when Drakan started taking over Mortynia they made an agreement to Saradomin that their souls would stay pure and that upon being freed from the torment of their Vampyre shape they would be granted a place by his side and all their earthly bellongings would be given to whoever cremated them in the Columbarium.




No idea if this is true (we really need a way to replay quests) but it still doesn't say anything about Saradomin following Armadyl. I think I read something about him being loosely allied with him during the Third Age, but nothing about following him.

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Just watched GC20amber Legacy of Seergaze video...






Nope, Drezel did not menton Armadyl at all. Hallowvale (AKA Morytania) used to be a Saradominist area, Drakan took over it, and the people who couldn't escape started being corrupted into becoming Vampyres by Drakan, so they made the deal with Saradomin to give their possessions to whoever save them from eternal torture O_o




I believe that Vampyres aren't necessarialy corrupted Icyenes, they might be just corrupted humans...


For example, when you suspend a normal Vampyre Juvinate or Juvenile on air with Ivandis's Rod and use Guthix potion on them, they might become humans and give you a reward.


So, Vampyres = Corrupted Humans.


I think Vyrewatch are just the older and most powerful Vampyres. if i remember it right, the KB says that Juveniles are young Vampyres, Juvinates are old Vampyres who are part of noble Vampyre families and Vyrewatch are the oldest and most powerful Vampyres.


Obviously, the older the Vampyre the most powerful he is, and Vyrewatch are just insanely old and powerful, but aren't much different than the other vampires besides that.




Though ,it's almost confirmed that Vyrewatch are corrupted Icyenes, so i won't argue about that :|






P.s: W00t i is spider egg now =o

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Gavati, the Godwars was mainly for the stone of Jas, but a lot of battles were fought for other powerful artifacts, the Godsword being just one of them.






And "The Dark Lord" on Mourning's End is Zamorak. If you talk to a soldier in Tyras camp, he says that if they don't fight Zamorak will destroy them, or something along theese lines... They mention Zamorak anyway :lol:






Also, few people seem to remember this, but in the end of Regicide when Arianwyn show us that Lathas is the bad guy, he says himself :


" This isn't a struggles for land or title. It is a war for life, all life.If the gate to Zamoraks world is opened we all die"




Yep, The Dark Lord the Mourners follow Zamorak, The God of chaos.


I believe that the clan Iowerth are elves who follow Zamorak instead of Seren, and they know that Zamorak is coming back ( problably related to the Mahjarrat ritual, or something like that) and are trying to get power to aid Zamorak.




And Iban is not his "real" son, not by blood. Godletters are very outdated :shock:


If you pay attention to Underground Pass texts, Iban was not the Son of Zamorak, he was a very powerful Black Knight that was killed, but Kardia revived him as a near immortal being, and he took "Son of Zamorak" as his title.




The 'gate to Zamorak's world' may be a portal to Freneskae, the home of Zamorak. Maybe inorder to gain more majharrat?



Woodcutting does not raise your combat level because most people do not play as yew trees.
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Just watched GC20amber Legacy of Seergaze video...






Nope, Drezel did not menton Armadyl at all. Hallowvale (AKA Morytania) used to be a Saradominist area, Drakan took over it, and the people who couldn't escape started being corrupted into becoming Vampyres by Drakan, so they made the deal with Saradomin to give their possessions to whoever save them from eternal torture O_o




I believe that Vampyres aren't necessarialy corrupted Icyenes, they might be just corrupted humans...


For example, when you suspend a normal Vampyre Juvinate or Juvenile on air with Ivandis's Rod and use Guthix potion on them, they might become humans and give you a reward.


So, Vampyres = Corrupted Humans.


I think Vyrewatch are just the older and most powerful Vampyres. if i remember it right, the KB says that Juveniles are young Vampyres, Juvinates are old Vampyres who are part of noble Vampyre families and Vyrewatch are the oldest and most powerful Vampyres.


Obviously, the older the Vampyre the most powerful he is, and Vyrewatch are just insanely old and powerful, but aren't much different than the other vampires besides that.




Though ,it's almost confirmed that Vyrewatch are corrupted Icyenes, so i won't argue about that :|






P.s: W00t i is spider egg now =o


It should be noted that the spellings of 'vampyre' and 'vampire' are not consistent within the game. In fact, the distinctions go so far as to say that they are entirely different creatures with different origins. If I remember correctly, the vamp_res within the dark forests in Morytania are exclusively spelled one way while all others are spelled the other way. Furthering to what I said, the vamp_res in Hollowvale seem much more sentient while the ones in the forest are aggressive, attacking randomly, and don't talk, or barely wear clothes for that matter.




@Everyone about my earlier post - I conceded that since they said last great battle, I could be wrong.


However, seeing as it would have been the last great battle, which means that Guthix stepped in shortly after, wouldn't that also indicate that Guthix was wearier of them getting ahold of the Godsword than any other artifacts? Which I take to mean that the Godsword in a god's hands is even more powerful than the Stone of Jaz or Staff of Armadyl, even leading to a similar possible conclusion that I stated earlier: the Godsword might not have been the only reason, but it would have still been the main reason.


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I believe Vampyres of Hallowvale are more intelligent because they are corrupted humans, while the Vampires of the forests are just... well, vampires, not human related at all. Thats why they are more savage.




If you throw Guthix balance potion on Juvenile/Juvinate, he might become a human, because there is a cursed human living in him, and Guthix potion seem to restore the balance between good and evil on him, turning him back to human.


If you fight a Vampire, you can't do this, because he is just a Vampire... your only option is to kill him and get free vampire dust =D




The Godsword could not have been the main reason, firstly, we all know the Stone of Jas > Godsword in every single possible way to the gods.




Second, there is evidence of Stone of Jas being fight for by the gods, such as the mad spirit in the chaos temple on spirit beast realm, that talks about the godwars, and Saradomin calling the Stone "The eye of Saradomin", and Guthix calling it "Fist of Guthix", and mentioning thoose all the time, as if they are very important.




About the gate to Zamoraks world being Freneskrae, might be possible... The elves normally hate the Mahjarrat, but the Iowerth is the evil elves clan, so they might be allied to the Mahjarrat.




But, Iowerth clan mentions " The Dark Lord" returning to the world, while Arianwyn says that they are opening the gate to Zamoraks world, so if they are opening Freneskrae's portal, Zamorak has a way around the edicts of Guthix just like Bandos and he is gonna use it when a Mahjarrat invasion happen :ohnoes:




Anyway, since Jagex loves changing their storyline and Elf quest is waiting for sequel for a while, i think in Jagex's mind The Dark Lord being Zamorak is problably wrong, and they changed Elf story a bit, or maybe a lot... -.-

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It should be noted that the spellings of 'vampyre' and 'vampire' are not consistent within the game. In fact, the distinctions go so far as to say that they are entirely different creatures with different origins. If I remember correctly, the vamp_res within the dark forests in Morytania are exclusively spelled one way while all others are spelled the other way. Furthering to what I said, the vamp_res in Hollowvale seem much more sentient while the ones in the forest are aggressive, attacking randomly, and don't talk, or barely wear clothes for that matter.


This issue was addressed in Postbag 19, actually. I believe it was clarified quite nicely.


The difference you note between that of the vampires of the north and my own vampyre breed is a complex one, suffice it to say that vampires are feral beasts with little control over their powers. They are driven by their hunger and a kind of primal rage, unlike we vampyres. Vampyres are sophisticated and intelligent, and will rule this world. Lord Drakan, even now, gathers his powers to crush the pathetic mortals that stand against him. Your blood will drown the Salve; the shadows of Sanguinesti will blot out the sun.




Count Draynor was a sorry excuse for a vampyre, and was cast out for his cowardice. It is only right that he be slain by the cattle he aimed to rule, and his long absence from my Lord's presence is what weakened him so. Be assured, there is no weapon on this world that can harm a full vampyre. At the peak of our powers we can turn darkness to solid form, control the weak-willed and pull the blood from your body without touching you.

Count Draynor is referred to as a "vampire" in the Vampire Slayer quest, but probably only out of the locals' ignorance.
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Thanks for clearing that up.





The Godsword could not have been the main reason, firstly, we all know the Stone of Jas > Godsword in every single possible way to the gods.




Second, there is evidence of Stone of Jas being fight for by the gods, such as the mad spirit in the chaos temple on spirit beast realm, that talks about the godwars, and Saradomin calling the Stone "The eye of Saradomin", and Guthix calling it "Fist of Guthix", and mentioning thoose all the time, as if they are very important.



You don't seem to understand why I drew that conclusion.


One of the simplest points is that Guthix seemingly could've stopped the wars at any time, but only chose to after the last great battle involving the Godsword. This alone tells me that the Godsword must be more significant than you make it out to be, even if it doesn't raise all of our stats to 255 from merely touching it.




Also, the Stone of Jaz having multiple names may mean that it wasn't as well understood by the different gods or factions. The Godsword, as far as I know, has only ever been called the Godsword, which could possibly indicate that both its power and function, because it is so powerful, are very well understood by anyone or anything that knows about it.


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Thanks for clearing that up.





The Godsword could not have been the main reason, firstly, we all know the Stone of Jas > Godsword in every single possible way to the gods.




Second, there is evidence of Stone of Jas being fight for by the gods, such as the mad spirit in the chaos temple on spirit beast realm, that talks about the godwars, and Saradomin calling the Stone "The eye of Saradomin", and Guthix calling it "Fist of Guthix", and mentioning thoose all the time, as if they are very important.



You don't seem to understand why I drew that conclusion.


One of the simplest points is that Guthix seemingly could've stopped the wars at any time, but only chose to after the last great battle involving the Godsword. This alone tells me that the Godsword must be more significant than you make it out to be, even if it doesn't raise all of our stats to 255 from merely touching it.




Also, the Stone of Jaz having multiple names may mean that it wasn't as well understood by the different gods or factions. The Godsword, as far as I know, has only ever been called the Godsword, which could possibly indicate that both its power and function, because it is so powerful, are very well understood by anyone or anything that knows about it.






Sorry, didn't say what i meant very well with Stone of Jas's names... what i meant, is that to the gods is the symbol of their power.


Saradomin talks about "The eye of Saradomin" a lot, and Guthix mentions " Fist of Guthix" a lot, because it represents their power, being the most powerful and important artifact they had.




I know what i said earlier didn't make any sense at all, was trying to find the right words to say what i ment and messed up >.<




Now, Guthix was asleep, and stopped the godwars when he woke up, because some enourmous destruction awoke him. He awakening during GS battle might be a coincidence >.<


He could not have stopped the wars at any time, because he was asleep.




Now, if you talk to the Mad spirit in Chaos Temple spirit beast realm, he talks of the Godwars, saying that the gods searched and fought for an item, and when Guthix awoke and stopped the Godwars the object had the form of an eye and was blue ( Eye of Saradomin. This means at the moment Saradomin has the stone, and makes the stone have the form of a blue eye.)




Now, Sara had the stone when Guthix awoke, and in the postbag number 40 Armadyl guardians say that "Zamorak woke Guthis with his final attack upon the flesh of this world". To me, this means that when Saradomin got the stone, Zamorak decided to attack him with all he's got to get the stone back, causing an enourmous destruction and an epic battle, awaking Guthix and creating the Wilderness in the process.




Armadyl guardians also say that the last few Avianteses were frozen when Guthix awoke, so my theory is that the Battle for the Godsword and the Battle for the Stone of Jas in the Wilderness were happening at the same time, the battle of the Wilderness stopped when Guthix awake and at the same time GWD was frozen.




Also, if you notice, GWD battle IS STILL HAPPENING! Maybe it wasn't "the last battle of the godwars", but it's only called like that because it's the only one that it's still happening. If GWD didn't get frozen, it would not have been the last battle, but it's still happening because of that, so... yeah :?

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This is pretty (no, very) trivial, but the mad spirit saying the object was blue probably only refers to the ownership and not the actual colour. Think of the Red Scare -- they weren't scared of people who were actually coloured red. The 'eye' part could just as easily be more symbolism as opposed to referring to the physical shape of the stone. I'm almost certain that it was at one stage called the Fist of Guthix, hence the minigame, yet the indentation in the floor of the arena is consistent with the shape of the stone we are familiar with and not a fist.




The idea about the Wilderness being created with Zamorak's attack on Saradomin for the stone is certainly valid. It's certain that the stone was housed in the Fist of Guthix arena for some time, and the Saradominist architecture around the facility could date back to when he had control of the stone and held it there.




As a point of interest, does anybody know how the GWD was frozen? Was it a freak accident or deliberately arranged? I don't really want to say anything on that until I know one way or the other. I'm kind of tempted to go for the latter, given the presence of such a powerful weapon and the frozen door; one party in the Third Age could have tried to arrange the preservation of the weapon, and possibly whatever's behind the frozen door, by having the entire dungeon frozen, though why Guthix let this slide is beyond me.




If the former is true, then it probably wouldn't really qualify as the last battle of the God Wars: they were effectively ended when Guthix awoke and the freak freezing and recent thawing of one battle is simply a curiosity. If the freezing was deliberately arranged, I'd still lean towards saying it wasn't the last battle but I suppose that they there would be some ground to say that they still continue.




(Sorry if I've restated what's already been said or not taken into account other's discoveries. I don't have time to read the entire thread and look through the game for hints at the moment. Hell, even if I had the time to I couldn't look through the game since I have no current membership and am using a laptop with a version of Linux that doesn't support my graphics card well, which has even SD lagging intolerably.)

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Since the Mad spirit like to speak in riddles and confusing manner, " the eye was blue" problably does mean ownership.




I remember reading in the KB that it was an accident, because the armies of the gods were attacking eachother with powerful spells that ended up freezing the there...


But i can't find that quote anymore, and i might be wrong >.<




Now, the Stone of Jas was in the Fist of Guthix once, that is almost a proven fact. You know the 3 druids that tell their theories on the formation of the Fist of Guthix?


One of them think Guthix punched the ground with his fist ( the other don't believe him because the mark on the fist of Guthix doesn't look like a fist at all...), other believes Guthix found a dangerous artifact and imprisioned it there, and the other believe that Guthix created it as a test of power to test the mortals.




I believe the all three are correct. Guthix awoke, pwnt Zammy and Sara, and then he found the Fist in Saradomin's underground base ( Theory that he found a dangerous artifact), but, think about it. Guthix is the god of balance, and after the Godwars he felt sad and started crying in Lumbridge. If he is the God of balance, and he feels sad, he also felt angry at the time.


He tried to destroy the Stone, because it was making the other gods create wars, and starts hitting the stone to the floor ( Since he calls the stone " Fist of Guthix", he was "punching" the floor, and leaving the wierd mark there). The Stone if so powerful that it can't be destroyed, so Guthix decides to hide it again instead of destroying.




Guthix notices that his attempt to destroy the Stone left an awful amount of energy in that area, and he decides to leave Fiara there to guard it, because it could be dangerous. And to give a use to the energy, Fiara creates a game to test the mortals.


All three theories togheter O_O

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As a point of interest, does anybody know how the GWD was frozen? Was it a freak accident or deliberately arranged?




Maybe the Dragonkin froze it. King Black Dragon and Wyverns have freezing breath, so we can assume the Dragonkin have too.

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^ The Dragonkin didn't have anything to do with GWD. Trust me.





@Everyone about my earlier post - I conceded that since they said last great battle, I could be wrong.


However, seeing as it would have been the last great battle, which means that Guthix stepped in shortly after, wouldn't that also indicate that Guthix was wearier of them getting ahold of the Godsword than any other artifacts? Which I take to mean that the Godsword in a god's hands is even more powerful than the Stone of Jaz or Staff of Armadyl, even leading to a similar possible conclusion that I stated earlier: the Godsword might not have been the only reason, but it would have still been the main reason.




Guthix wasn't aware of the godwars until he woke up. After bringing everything into Runescape he could think of he took the 7th day approach and had a rest. A rather long one actually. The fighting that took place in the Godwars woke him up and he stopped it fearing the destruction of the world. He wasn't sitting there thinking "hmmm i should probably do something, maybe after tea".





The idea about the Wilderness being created with Zamorak's attack on Saradomin for the stone is certainly valid. It's certain that the stone was housed in the Fist of Guthix arena for some time, and the Saradominist architecture around the facility could date back to when he had control of the stone and held it there.




Saradomin never occupied the area where the Fist of Guthix is. According to Fiara from Postbag 36, (released a day after WGS)




The Fist of Guthix was never meant for anyone but Guthix. Unfortunately, while Guthix sleeps, there are plenty who would disagree - gods, Mahjarrat and men, all after its power. I'd expect nothing less from humans, feeble creatures that they are, but Saradomin should have known better. I recall when Saradomin's knights came to claim the Fist, and to make the caves their temple. Their efforts were frustrated, of course, and, as Saradominists often do, scrawled the symbols on the walls as they left.




I have been guarding this cave for mortal lifetimes and have encountered many who seek the power of the Fist. Thankfully, in His wisdom, Guthix deemed it necessary to further safeguard the Fist, tasking Crux Eqal with its protection. As such, those who pass me are still far from acquiring it. In the meantime, I'm left to babysit a bunch of power-crazed, thankless mortals and keep them from causing too much damage. *sigh*









I suspect that whenever Guthix woke up he took the Stone of Jas/Eye of Saradomin/Fist of Guthix and took to where FOG is now. However Saradominists still tried to claim back "the Eye of Saradomin" and when they did left their markings, Guthix presumably at this time knew it would never be safe there and so took it deep underneath Lumbridge Caves and hid it there. I reckon at about this time the Tears of Guthix were formed.

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Since the Mad spirit like to speak in riddles and confusing manner, " the eye was blue" problably does mean ownership.




I remember reading in the KB that it was an accident, because the armies of the gods were attacking eachother with powerful spells that ended up freezing the there...


But i can't find that quote anymore, and i might be wrong >.<




Now, the Stone of Jas was in the Fist of Guthix once, that is almost a proven fact. You know the 3 druids that tell their theories on the formation of the Fist of Guthix?


One of them think Guthix punched the ground with his fist ( the other don't believe him because the mark on the fist of Guthix doesn't look like a fist at all...), other believes Guthix found a dangerous artifact and imprisioned it there, and the other believe that Guthix created it as a test of power to test the mortals.




I believe the all three are correct. Guthix awoke, pwnt Zammy and Sara, and then he found the Fist in Saradomin's underground base ( Theory that he found a dangerous artifact), but, think about it. Guthix is the god of balance, and after the Godwars he felt sad and started crying in Lumbridge. If he is the God of balance, and he feels sad, he also felt angry at the time.


He tried to destroy the Stone, because it was making the other gods create wars, and starts hitting the stone to the floor ( Since he calls the stone " Fist of Guthix", he was "punching" the floor, and leaving the wierd mark there). The Stone if so powerful that it can't be destroyed, so Guthix decides to hide it again instead of destroying.




Guthix notices that his attempt to destroy the Stone left an awful amount of energy in that area, and he decides to leave Fiara there to guard it, because it could be dangerous. And to give a use to the energy, Fiara creates a game to test the mortals.


All three theories togheter O_O




Well, Guthix had the stone long before the Saradominist forces held it (and tried to recapture it in the FOG-area), so I don't think he tried to destroy it. He knew it was powerful, he knew what you could do with it.


And about the game, the druids there has created it, Fiara didn't.

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If the druids created the game, how can one of them theorize that Guthix created the Fist as a game to test the mortals? :?




Well, if I recall correctly (yeah, it's more then a year ago since I played the minigame), the druids are collecting those charges, not Fiara. So they set up a game around it for passing adventurours. Fiara lets them just go on, as long as it doesn't interfere with the balance she must controle.

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