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"N00b skillcapes" : they're also skillcapes!


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also i bet half those people calling your skillcapes noob have mains that have 99's themselves and what would you expect from a game where over 80%+ are little kids that have nothing better to do then start [cabbage] lol and 1 week to get quest cape i highly doubt that


D.Drops=Skirt9 Med9 Spear2 Visage2 Legs6 boots35 shield half1 whip15 dbow5



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firemaking is know as a noob skill cape becuz its fast cheep and easy to lv up. dont let anyone bring you down most of them are mad you can afford a skill cape \'




Dragon Dagger: 40 K


Dark Bow: 1M


Seeing the look on someone's face as you're speccing them for 40's four times in a row: Priceless.

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I have a cooking cape, I really enjoy cooking. I know to many it's a dull skill, but I really do love it. I still cook even tho I have my cape. I don't often wear it ,as although it's nice to have it, people do get a bit funny over it, especially as its not trimmed. But I like it, it's mine, and I enjoyed getting it.

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Each 99 requires 13M xp, there are some persons who can't achieve 13M xp even in cooking,


each 99 has to be respected.

99 Magic; achieved on 4-4-2009.

85 Slayer; achieved on 6-8-2009.

99 Defence; achieved on 14-8-2009.

99 Constitution; achieved on 12-3-2013.

99 Attack; achieved on 12-5-2013.

99 Slayer; achieved on 21-6-2013.


I came, I saw, I ran away.


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There is no such thing as a noob skillcape - less than 2000000 people have one!


So what if you train a skill to 99 for the cape!?! Do what you want to do!


I'm training to 99 cooking so there!




so less than 2 million people playing runescape have a skillcape? there aren't even 2 million people playing the game, idiot!




More than 2 million people play - just not at once!

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As far as my view goes I think if you go for a skill like fm just for the cape then your just wasting your time. If you really want to master a skill then you've got to be pretty dedicated to it (you've gota want it), and for me a skillcape just isn't enough moto to last all of those hours of boredom. -.-




Right now I'm real into mining and smithing. Since this seems to be pretty tough skills to master i'm wondering if this is a good skill to start out with (I'm still F2P at the moment), or if i should go for fletching or something to make some money first. I just want to be able to make rune stuff with my bare hands, but a skill cape would be nice too ::'

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Don't worry what other people say about getting the so called "nooby skill capes". I mainly started out getting 99 fm because I love the color orange, but after I started I really enjoyed it and along the way I met really great people that have been great friends ever since. I've even convinced like 4 people to get 99 fm.




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there are no noob skill capes!!! if it were a noob cape then everybody would have it. there are just some skills that are easier to train than others. if you enjoy that then its fine. even if you only get the 99 for the cape, who cares. it may look cool on your outfits. i think no matter what cape, you should respect it.






99 cooking achieved on december 7th 2008

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there are no noob skill capes!!! if it were a noob cape then everybody would have it. there are just some skills that are easier to train than others. if you enjoy that then its fine. even if you only get the 99 for the cape, who cares. it may look cool on your outfits. i think no matter what cape, you should respect it.




respect :^o

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I got my first skill cape on my main acct because I wanted 92 mage. I fletched. My second was farming which I hated when I started the skill, but it grew on me. I was using miscelania for nests and maples so I had plenty of seeds. The others I pick pocked... well mostly :)




Well then I had all these maples and decided to burn them... Wa laa... The third cape. Now I'm 2 lvls from my wc cape and majic. Seems to me I spent a great deal of time and energy to get my stats and people calling any skillcape noobish is just a lonely, depressed person in need of being noticed because they dont have the capacity or mind set to achieve what normal people do daily.




Reaching 99 in any skill requires dedication. They can be bought or earned through other skills. We all have the freedom to play this game in any manor we like. It is rude here as in real life to insult someone that plays differently or does something differently than you might. It shows a lack of good parenting.




p.s. My main is Thor God2005. 275 quest points, 2104 overall level, ranked 5873 as of today. I earned every point too.....

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ok, im here...this whole discussion is bs and has seemed kinda biased ftw. a cape is infact a cape....and if u dont have that certain 99, then what the hell makes you think you can talk? if you'll notice, fm is atm my highest skill ftw. noticed how its not 99...i got bored weeks ago ffs. So im sure as hell not telling any1 there fm cape is noobish...all cuz i tried @least and now see how hard it its fm....




true some capes are easier...but they're still capes nonetheless...and thats the end of the convo =D>




to all you h8rs who cant get the 99 b/c its too boring for you, you cant talk. :lol:




and yes, i am still planning to get the cape...alredy have the logs. \'




and lastly...whats this about str cant be bought? ever heard of pest control? ffs people think...and dont act like you've never done it either. :shame: :wall:


You think you got it bad?

My school blocks Neopets.Those dirty bastards try to keep me from feeding my Ixi. Ha!


Important Slayer Drops: masks-8, leafbladed sword, gmaul-3

Important treasure trail rewards: zammy page 1(3), rune kite g, zammy crozier, sara mitre, sara dhide, rune helm h1, guth page 4(2), zammy full helm, guth legs(3), sara chaps, guth page 3, zammy legs(2), and sara full helm, zammy pl8, zammy page 2, rune cane, sara page, sara crozier, zammy crozier, guth coif

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firemaking is know as a noob skill cape becuz its fast cheep and easy to lv up. dont let anyone bring you down most of them are mad you can afford a skill cape \'


how much does it cost to get 99 fletch (including the profit)? maybe 12m? how about fm? maples are REALLY cheap...no more than 8m...i can afford that easy. it isnt ahrd to make a few mill to blow on a nooby skill. now, if u really enjoy that skill and will keep gaining exp in it (i dont see why you would for fm...but if thats ur thing) then u have earned that cape.




skill capes are about getting 99 in a skill u ENJOY, not one that you can obtain easily cuz u want a cape

~ 3,072nd to 99 Mining on August 30th, 2009 ~
~ 112,084th to 99 Magic on April 16th, 2011 ~

~ 131,681st to 99 Crafting on March 29, 2019 ~

~ 178,385th to 99 Prayer on April 2, 2019 ~

~ 234,921st to 99 Defence on May 9, 2019 ~

~ 173,480th to 99 Herblore on June 21, 2019 ~

~ 155,160th to 99 Smithing on July 16, 2019 ~

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firemaking is know as a noob skill cape becuz its fast cheep and easy to lv up. dont let anyone bring you down most of them are mad you can afford a skill cape \'


how much does it cost to get 99 fletch (including the profit)? maybe 12m? how about fm? maples are REALLY cheap...no more than 8m...i can afford that easy. it isnt ahrd to make a few mill to blow on a nooby skill. now, if u really enjoy that skill and will keep gaining exp in it (i dont see why you would for fm...but if thats ur thing) then u have earned that cape.




skill capes are about getting 99 in a skill u ENJOY, not one that you can obtain easily cuz u want a cape






True, buying maples for 99 fm is only 3.5 mil (from lv 54) and its the second fastest skill (being thieving the level one), and i am firemaking just for the cape, but seriously, i'm starting to enjoy it, and the reason why most ppl dont go for 99 fm is because its a skill that req full focus, unlike cooking and fletching, however getting it to 99 without no lifingtakes quite a while, and i'm not asking to admire my cape (although when i have it i will :thumbsup: ), i'm just asking to respect ym choice.







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True, buying maples for 99 fm is only 3.5 mil (from lv 54) and its the second fastest skill (being thieving the level one), and i am firemaking just for the cape, but seriously, i'm starting to enjoy it, and the reason why most ppl dont go for 99 fm is because its a skill that req full focus, unlike cooking and fletching, however getting it to 99 without no lifingtakes quite a while, and i'm not asking to admire my cape (although when i have it i will :thumbsup: ), i'm just asking to respect ym choice.








full focus....funny saying...not to belittle u, but in your mind, what takes more focus. mining or fm?

~ 3,072nd to 99 Mining on August 30th, 2009 ~
~ 112,084th to 99 Magic on April 16th, 2011 ~

~ 131,681st to 99 Crafting on March 29, 2019 ~

~ 178,385th to 99 Prayer on April 2, 2019 ~

~ 234,921st to 99 Defence on May 9, 2019 ~

~ 173,480th to 99 Herblore on June 21, 2019 ~

~ 155,160th to 99 Smithing on July 16, 2019 ~

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There are many opinions on this thread, but the only one that matters is yours. Which in most cases, will be:




"I'm going to do whatever the hell I want."




This seems to be one of the most popular opinions in the thread:




You should get a 99 because you like the skill, not because you want the cape.




This contradicts the definition of liking something. I like the cape, so I want to get it. Refer to the first quote. I'm going to do whatever the hell I want. And if I can't do what I want then why even play the damn game?




If a person doesn't even want the cape then that's a different story. But as long as they want the reward, what's to stop them? The potential respect of an insignificant person that they will never meet again?




Addressing the person who said anyone with 99 slayer/crafting/herblore etc. is an idiot:




If you dont like the skill, then that's why you don't have the cape (if you do have the cape, then you're contradicting your whole argument). How can justify that anyone who likes those skills is an idiot? If the fact that you don't like said skills is your only reason, then your opinion loses all validity right there.




I'll restate my central point: I will do whatever the hell I want. I pay no heed to the respect of others, because apparently I would have to play against my own will to do so. What is a game about? Insignificant respect, or doing what you want and having fun?

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firstly to all of you idiots out there that are saying "Learn to spell" or watever......learn to freaking read....the guy said that english wasnt his native language....so obviously he's foreign......




secondly, whats wrong with fletching fm and cookin capes....just because you can by the skill cape doesnt mean you did i think that all those people out there that got the skill cape the proper hard way get called noobs etc for no reason......me for example....i decided 4 weeks ago i was goin to get 99 fletching....simply because i like it.....but i also like wc so i thought to myself why should i pay for 99 fletching.....so im not...i am not paying on single darned GP for 99 fletching but once i achieve my goal (hopefully around april) i will have 99 wc, 99 fletching, 70 mining, 70 rc, 70 craft and 91 magic....and even though i will have gotten my cape the way im doing so.....ill get called called "noob" etc....but at the end of the day....i know i got my cape in a way that not many people do....and i can smile and think "ha! i bet you wouldnt get it the way i did".....anyway my point is this......the cape is not nooby in certain ways.....sure if i see someone with a fletch cape i wonder ..."did you buy it or earn it"...either way its a cape.... i feel that people who get their cape by earning it are a lot more respectable than people who decide on a whim to buy the cape because then they can say they have one.....but there is no noob skillcape




"Life is but The Passing Dream, Death Is but The Rude Awakening."

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I believe the correct way to punctuate the end of a sentence includes one period, not a elipses.




Also, the discriminations against fletching capes and the like are caused by the simplicity of the cape, not because you can buy it. Construction can only be bought, there is no other way, and yet one is not scoffed at for wearing said cape. Look at runecrafting, possibly one of the most respected capes. That cape is bought almost always, i doubt any of the people with 99s in that skill mined all that essence. Please, think out your response before you write such a lengthy one as that.

I has herd, that lesser demons, MAY or may not, drop tormented demons. \:D/ :roll: :x :D :o :shock: :? 8-) :lol:


Due to a typo, I am now stuck with 1k dragon darts and no buyer. Can I has bail out from tip.it plox?

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firemaking is know as a noob skill cape becuz its fast cheep and easy to lv up. dont let anyone bring you down most of them are mad you can afford a skill cape \'






have you gone crazy? :evil:




fast? ok...maybe compared to some others, yeah...still takes a long time. 8-)




cheep...well, yeah...who doesnt like that...would you buy a dfull @ 40mil or 20mil? :?:




and whats this easy thing? have you ever fm for a long while? i mean, you have at most, what, 184k fm exp? so like i said before, people who dont know about it cant talk about it. goodness gracious me people.


You think you got it bad?

My school blocks Neopets.Those dirty bastards try to keep me from feeding my Ixi. Ha!


Important Slayer Drops: masks-8, leafbladed sword, gmaul-3

Important treasure trail rewards: zammy page 1(3), rune kite g, zammy crozier, sara mitre, sara dhide, rune helm h1, guth page 4(2), zammy full helm, guth legs(3), sara chaps, guth page 3, zammy legs(2), and sara full helm, zammy pl8, zammy page 2, rune cane, sara page, sara crozier, zammy crozier, guth coif

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There is no such thing as a noob skillcape - less than 2000000 people have one!


So what if you train a skill to 99 for the cape!?! Do what you want to do!


I'm training to 99 cooking so there!




so less than 2 million people playing runescape have a skillcape? there aren't even 2 million people playing the game, idiot!




Correction: There are less than 2 million members. Therefore, it is not possible for 2 million people to have skillcapes because skillcapes are members only.






ok...like the guy after this quote said...the highscores are in the 2mils now. but if you did @least a little research, you'd realize that rs, at the 2nd most popular computer mmo game, has a gross of 5mil players. sadly, according to most recent released counts, there are only around 850k members. and the whole thing with not every1 can have a cape because they're members only is only somewhat true, since 1) a 99 in a skill is just like a cape...even on f2p, and 2) someone could become a member for a month just for the cape...and released numbers could have been for a different month. so some people wouldnt be counted as members, but still have capes. =P




That should show you =P


You think you got it bad?

My school blocks Neopets.Those dirty bastards try to keep me from feeding my Ixi. Ha!


Important Slayer Drops: masks-8, leafbladed sword, gmaul-3

Important treasure trail rewards: zammy page 1(3), rune kite g, zammy crozier, sara mitre, sara dhide, rune helm h1, guth page 4(2), zammy full helm, guth legs(3), sara chaps, guth page 3, zammy legs(2), and sara full helm, zammy pl8, zammy page 2, rune cane, sara page, sara crozier, zammy crozier, guth coif

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some skills are easier than others to train, but a 99 is a 99. people who play rs know that a runecraft, slayer or agility cape carries more time behind it than a cooking cape, but still takes time and patience to get. if someone has all the 'noob' capes, he/she still spent many many hrs of playing to get them. who cares how many people have that cape.




+1 It took me 7 months to get my Agility cape compared to 3 months for woodcutting and 2 months for Firemaking cape :P




Whether your 99 Cooking or 99 RuneCraft it doesn't matter, you worked hard for that 99 and you deserve to wear a skillcape.




Theres no such thing as a noob skillcape. period.


Oh and whips and Godswords are noob weaps cos over 10K of the RuneScape population has one ;)






so so true, but umm...when did we start talking about whips, gs's, and noob weapons? lolz, just wondering...thought maybe i might have missed something :wall: :P


You think you got it bad?

My school blocks Neopets.Those dirty bastards try to keep me from feeding my Ixi. Ha!


Important Slayer Drops: masks-8, leafbladed sword, gmaul-3

Important treasure trail rewards: zammy page 1(3), rune kite g, zammy crozier, sara mitre, sara dhide, rune helm h1, guth page 4(2), zammy full helm, guth legs(3), sara chaps, guth page 3, zammy legs(2), and sara full helm, zammy pl8, zammy page 2, rune cane, sara page, sara crozier, zammy crozier, guth coif

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