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What defines a mini war?


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To me, anything short prep (10 minutes, 5 minutes, a day, etc) is a mini-war.




I've always viewed fights with 1 week+ prep being a War. The standard used to be 2 weeks prep for a full-out war. Corruption kind of helped change that, since we always tried to war people on a week notice (we were getting the same turnout, or better with short prep).




I guess if I had to formalize it:




-Anything over a week would be a full out. A case can be made for 5 days, but it depends what day the war is. If its 5 day prep but its a mid-week fight, thats not a war. If it happens to be 5 days and then on a saturday is your fight, I'd consider that a war.


Former Leader of The Corruption

Proud Founder of The Corruption

"Once you get them running, you stay right on top of them, and that way a

small force can defeat a large one every time... Only thus can a weaker

country cope with a stronger; it must make up in activity what it lacks in


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From the pure world a mini-war is something set in stone.




A mini is a 5vs5, 10vs10, or 15vs15 in some cases.




20vs20s, are considered planned run-ins.




Planned Run-Ins are short preps in which either clan tries to mass opts in X amount of time.




Full Outs are where there's at least 3-4 days between the declare, and the actual war.




Or so that's how it is in the pure world at the moment.

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Don't you people remember what Obi-Wan said? That " Wars are not won overnight. " From my viewpoint, anything that has less then 1,000 soilders fighting, And takes less then a hour, is a " Mini War ". Or as they should be called," Small Battles " :roll: . A real war would have 1,500 + people battling, And last 2 + Hours. ( Wish we had epic fights like that more often. *sigh* 8-) )




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I believe originally miniwars were wars that weren't supposed to affect ranks, usually short preps.




We did manage to see long prep wars as well, but still thye were called "miniwars".


RS name Dimitrix

Leader of Clan Europe - secondary clan for all Europeans, ask permission from your main clan leader about joining.

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Don't you people remember what Obi-Wan said? That " Wars are not won overnight. " From my viewpoint, anything that has less then 1,000 soilders fighting, And takes less then a hour, is a " Mini War ". Or as they should be called," Small Battles " :roll: . A real war would have 1,500 + people battling, And last 2 + Hours. ( Wish we had epic fights like that more often. *sigh* 8-) )


do you even play runescape, or were you just high on something when you wrote that?



Proud Leader of the Corruption Clan. PM me to set up a fight or for any queries relating to my clan.

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Don't you people remember what Obi-Wan said? That " Wars are not won overnight. " From my viewpoint, anything that has less then 1,000 soilders fighting, And takes less then a hour, is a " Mini War ". Or as they should be called," Small Battles " :roll: . A real war would have 1,500 + people battling, And last 2 + Hours. ( Wish we had epic fights like that more often. *sigh* 8-) )


do you even play runescape, or were you just high on something when you wrote that?




I'm inclined to agree with enzock.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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I believe originally miniwars were wars that weren't supposed to affect ranks, usually short preps.




We did manage to see long prep wars as well, but still thye were called "miniwars".




Yeah, and Mini-Wars always tended to happen between multiple clans, as they really rose to prominence during the GA vs TA era.




They were so much fun, it's a shame there still aren't fights like that, but times do change I suppose.


Former Leader of The Corruption

Proud Founder of The Corruption

"Once you get them running, you stay right on top of them, and that way a

small force can defeat a large one every time... Only thus can a weaker

country cope with a stronger; it must make up in activity what it lacks in


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Don't you people remember what Obi-Wan said? That " Wars are not won overnight. " From my viewpoint, anything that has less then 1,000 soilders fighting, And takes less then a hour, is a " Mini War ". Or as they should be called," Small Battles " :roll: . A real war would have 1,500 + people battling, And last 2 + Hours. ( Wish we had epic fights like that more often. *sigh* 8-) )


do you even play runescape, or were you just high on something when you wrote that?






Notice the post count of 1 and the join date of November 21.


With love to one, friendship to many, and good will to all.

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Ok, I feel like I have to post on this topic. I've played this game since about 2001. When you could only PK in the Wild, and only see people's combat levels in the Wild. When I used to pk, I'd walk to the Wild, with maybe one friend with me, and we'd find people our level and kill them. If we saw someone we needed, like a ranger, or mage, we'd recruit them on our team. We never got more than 5 people, and we rarely lost. We used this tactic, called 'catching.' The real Robin Hood made this up, and if anyone has played long enough to remember catch, it won me every fight. Basically when you still had to be hit at least 3 times to even run, when you did run, I could exploit a glitch basically, and run, before run was ever introduced so I always caught them, and finished them off, because if I attacked I easily killed them in 1-2 hits so they couldn't run again. The whole point of me posting is because PKing isn't the same, PKing now is [developmentally delayed]ed. People don't use their brains to win fights, they just get 20+ people and cause havok because their skills alone would get them killed everytime. That's not PKing, that's killing real PKing, well already killed real PKing.




Notice the post count of 1 and the join date of November 21.




As for that, look at mine. Just because I didn't join this particular site fast enough doesn't exactly make me new. I've got more in game experience on the game we're talking about, RuneScape, maybe you've heard of it.

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Ok, I feel like I have to post on this topic. I've played this game since about 2001. When you could only PK in the Wild, and only see people's combat levels in the Wild. When I used to pk, I'd walk to the Wild, with maybe one friend with me, and we'd find people our level and kill them. If we saw someone we needed, like a ranger, or mage, we'd recruit them on our team. We never got more than 5 people, and we rarely lost. We used this tactic, called 'catching.' The real Robin Hood made this up, and if anyone has played long enough to remember catch, it won me every fight. Basically when you still had to be hit at least 3 times to even run, when you did run, I could exploit a glitch basically, and run, before run was ever introduced so I always caught them, and finished them off, because if I attacked I easily killed them in 1-2 hits so they couldn't run again. The whole point of me posting is because PKing isn't the same, PKing now is [developmentally delayed]. People don't use their brains to win fights, they just get 20+ people and cause havok because their skills alone would get them killed everytime. That's not PKing, that's killing real PKing, well already killed real PKing.




Notice the post count of 1 and the join date of November 21.




As for that, look at mine. Just because I didn't join this particular site fast enough doesn't exactly make me new. I've got more in game experience on the game we're talking about, RuneScape, maybe you've heard of it.




Always good to hear from someone who played classic, there's still quite a few of us kicking around.




And the finer aspects to pking, like doing what you spoke of, really has died. Small teams aren't nearly as effective, for obvious reason.




Overall the clan world is far more intelligent as far as combat goes. Concepts like "piling" didn't even exist in classic, when they very well could have, and could have been super effective too.


Former Leader of The Corruption

Proud Founder of The Corruption

"Once you get them running, you stay right on top of them, and that way a

small force can defeat a large one every time... Only thus can a weaker

country cope with a stronger; it must make up in activity what it lacks in


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I think piling has been around for a while, we used to do it years ago, but it wasn't called piling. The first time I even heard this term I was playing Pest Control. I'm not even in a clan so I can't speak from personal experience, but it seems like clans don't even know the basics of PKing. I saw a leader tell his clan, "all you have to do is just kill people, we have more so we'll win." There's a little more do it than that.. I do duel arena sometimes, I'm only level 107, and I can kill people 10 levels above me, depending on with method we choose, pretty easily.. I do this alone, I don't need a big clan to back me up, because I didn't raise my char right... I just wish people knew how to train real pures still..

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There was piling years ago, yeah. But not in the same fashion, you certainly never had 30, 40, 50+ people attacking you at once.




You're probably right about a lot of clans not knowing the basics of pking, but hey, that was no different in classic either.




The biggest difference between then and now, is that one person has a much, much greater time effecting the outcome of the combat. One guy who was level 100 in classic could dominate some wars, that doesnt happen now. Which is too bad in some ways.




But I suppose we're getting a bit off topic, haha.


Former Leader of The Corruption

Proud Founder of The Corruption

"Once you get them running, you stay right on top of them, and that way a

small force can defeat a large one every time... Only thus can a weaker

country cope with a stronger; it must make up in activity what it lacks in


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Ok, I feel like I have to post on this topic. I've played this game since about 2001. When you could only PK in the Wild, and only see people's combat levels in the Wild. When I used to pk, I'd walk to the Wild, with maybe one friend with me, and we'd find people our level and kill them. If we saw someone we needed, like a ranger, or mage, we'd recruit them on our team. We never got more than 5 people, and we rarely lost. We used this tactic, called 'catching.' The real Robin Hood made this up, and if anyone has played long enough to remember catch, it won me every fight. Basically when you still had to be hit at least 3 times to even run, when you did run, I could exploit a glitch basically, and run, before run was ever introduced so I always caught them, and finished them off, because if I attacked I easily killed them in 1-2 hits so they couldn't run again. The whole point of me posting is because PKing isn't the same, PKing now is [developmentally delayed]. People don't use their brains to win fights, they just get 20+ people and cause havok because their skills alone would get them killed everytime. That's not PKing, that's killing real PKing, well already killed real PKing.
Catching was probably the most important PKing tactic in RSC for both soloers & clans. Even in wars, catching had its uses.




However, I have also been playing since 2001, & I can say that in RuneScape 2, wars are more organized than in Classic. I'm not talking about RSB wars, I'm talking about clans in the top 5. Nowadays, there's tanking, spamming/piling, pile transitions, sniping, hugging, dragging, Vent/TS, hybrids, et cetera. If you take a look at Corr, DF, TT, RSD, or even DI in an F2P war, you'll see that they all know what they're doing as individuals & as groups. They're so experienced it's as if they're machines. I don't think RSC wars ever got to that level.

*-P.K.M-* Website




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RSC wars you could have a few very experienced individuals, and could dominate because of that. I know early on with Cor I did an awful lot of killing, because I was basically in the wilderness whenever I was on RS.


Former Leader of The Corruption

Proud Founder of The Corruption

"Once you get them running, you stay right on top of them, and that way a

small force can defeat a large one every time... Only thus can a weaker

country cope with a stronger; it must make up in activity what it lacks in


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  • 3 weeks later...

miniwars to me are pretty any war up to a 1 week prep. If it gets longer than a 1 week prep then I think you can call it a fullout war, in that prep you can make sure everyone is ready for the fight and everyone knows about it and you can even get a few levels for it. Wars for ranks aswell I consider as fullout wars simply because they are generally more important to the clans taking part than wars that are made just so that there is a fight

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Mini-wars at some point included all wars that were not for rank. Due to the diminishing interest of clans with regards to ranking lists on various fansites(such as the RAW list on Runescape Community), it seems the term is being phased out. Also, the 'Clan Wars Era'(when clans were limited to Clan Wars only) definitely had something to do with the elimination of the term, as every fight was a war at that point in time.

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