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Problem with quest still not fixed


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On the day of release of While Guthix Sleeps, dozens of glitches were found throughout the quest. More than there should be.




Among these was a very nasty problem that made many players literally stuck on the quest. During the part where you have to kill the three elite black knights, and get the armor sets, some players would drop the armor thinking it was worthless(and it didn't mention keeping it anywhere in the ingame quest guide). Players did not know how much these sets were worth and did not know how much they would suffer for dropping them.




The *only* way to get your black elite back right now is buying it, and it is impossible to buy at max in the GE right now. Some have said that killing more elites will get you your missing armor, yet I have killed well over 120 of these guys, including over 50 rangers/warriors/mages, and have not recieved a single armor drop. I killed so many, infact, that my crystal bow completely degraded and I became a White Knight Master in the process. If you tell me that's not enough, then I dare you to try it yourself. I stayed up to 3 in the morning trying to get that armor. And by the way, their drops are terrible.




And now the fastest way to get black elite is to pay 5M for it (YES, 5 MILLION) for a single set using junk trading. I'm well aware of the reward of the quest, but would you like to lose 5 million of it just to complete one little segment in the quest?




The simplest solution to this problem: Make black elite lendable. Problem solved. Funny that didn't happen with the system update this morning. I guess jagex didn't take notice of the hundreds of threads in the quest/rant forums about this problem.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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[hide=Quest Spoiler]You do get over 10M worth of items, so, if you dont have someone that will lend it via trade (sell to you, use it, and sell it back) then just buy it and use it. Or you could just sell it again afterwards using the junk you obtained?[/hide]


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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[hide=Quest Spoiler]You do get over 10M worth of items, so, if you dont have someone that will lend it via trade (sell to you, use it, and sell it back) then just buy it and use it. Or you could just sell it again afterwards using the junk you obtained?[/hide]




I am aware of that however I don't think quests should have anything to do with merchanting. I'll probalby lose a few hundred thousand gp just because of the unstable price for the set now.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Because you think they're useless. Although, you'd think most people with 270 QP would think about it before doing that.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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Id like to address the issue of the Elite Black Knight Armour within the quest, which many players are calling an error.




This was a design decision I made, and which was agreed to by a number of my colleagues. This particular challenge was slightly more subtle and it did, unlike some challenges, have a consequence.




It's unfortunate to hear that some players feel disappointed with this part of the quest, however I would like to explain my reasoning behind it. If a player decides to drop those items in preference to others at that time, that is a decision they may have made in haste and without properly investigating all of the surroundings. Players are tasked with the challenge of properly investigating all the surroundings and hopefully rescuing a certain NPC from the area, but it was up to them how they did it.




Some of you may feel that the consequence of your actions is too harsh, again, it's unfortunate if you feel this way. This quest not only challenges players' ability to solve puzzles and defeat monsters, but also challenges the way they approach quests. The Grandmaster Quest is different to all others in RuneScape and consequences play a part of that change.




I very much hope you can see my point, even if you dont agree with it, but most of all I hope that youll bravely persevere with the quest and see it through to completion, even if that costs you some time or some in-game resources.




As always, thanks for your feedback.








Might seem a bit lame, but it was intentional.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Id like to address the issue of the Elite Black Knight Armour within the quest, which many players are calling an error.




This was a design decision I made, and which was agreed to by a number of my colleagues. This particular challenge was slightly more subtle and it did, unlike some challenges, have a consequence.




It's unfortunate to hear that some players feel disappointed with this part of the quest, however I would like to explain my reasoning behind it. If a player decides to drop those items in preference to others at that time, that is a decision they may have made in haste and without properly investigating all of the surroundings. Players are tasked with the challenge of properly investigating all the surroundings and hopefully rescuing a certain NPC from the area, but it was up to them how they did it.




Some of you may feel that the consequence of your actions is too harsh, again, it's unfortunate if you feel this way. This quest not only challenges players' ability to solve puzzles and defeat monsters, but also challenges the way they approach quests. The Grandmaster Quest is different to all others in RuneScape and consequences play a part of that change.




I very much hope you can see my point, even if you dont agree with it, but most of all I hope that youll bravely persevere with the quest and see it through to completion, even if that costs you some time or some in-game resources.




As always, thanks for your feedback.








Might seem a bit lame, but it was intentional.

Actually, it probably wasn't. They hear about this, go "HOLY CRAP! We forgot to let the knights drop the armor! But we can't take the blame...", and say that it was "intentional" all along. And if that's not true, than that mod whatever certainly does NOT have his head screwed on right.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Id like to address the issue of the Elite Black Knight Armour within the quest, which many players are calling an error.




This was a design decision I made, and which was agreed to by a number of my colleagues. This particular challenge was slightly more subtle and it did, unlike some challenges, have a consequence.




It's unfortunate to hear that some players feel disappointed with this part of the quest, however I would like to explain my reasoning behind it. If a player decides to drop those items in preference to others at that time, that is a decision they may have made in haste and without properly investigating all of the surroundings. Players are tasked with the challenge of properly investigating all the surroundings and hopefully rescuing a certain NPC from the area, but it was up to them how they did it.




Some of you may feel that the consequence of your actions is too harsh, again, it's unfortunate if you feel this way. This quest not only challenges players' ability to solve puzzles and defeat monsters, but also challenges the way they approach quests. The Grandmaster Quest is different to all others in RuneScape and consequences play a part of that change.




I very much hope you can see my point, even if you dont agree with it, but most of all I hope that youll bravely persevere with the quest and see it through to completion, even if that costs you some time or some in-game resources.




As always, thanks for your feedback.








Might seem a bit lame, but it was intentional.

Actually, it probably wasn't. They hear about this, go "HOLY CRAP! We forgot to let the knights drop the armor! But we can't take the blame...", and say that it was "intentional" all along. And if that's not true, than that mod whatever certainly does NOT have his head screwed on right.


If that were true, then why not change the drop table? Andrew G. said unbalanced trade was only a few lines of code, surely a drop table is not that large for 3 items? When you think of it that way, then their explanation checks out. Besides, unless it has "destroy" option on a quest item, you can assume it is either EXTREMELY out of whack to retrieve the item (lunar armor for the price of mystic *glares*) or you can't retrieve (beads of the dead/dark dagger). And why would someone drop the armor? It's free, almost the same stats as RUNE and tradeable. I personally wouldn't drop or sell it; I still have a phoenix crossbow and slave clothes for some nostalgic reason even though I haven't taken them out of my bank for 3 years.


And if they did put the armor in the drop table, the price of rune would go even lower.

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Its sad to be stuck on quest because of a silly mistake, but really Jagex should've implemented a system for elite black to be dropped normally....cos people are hogging them over with prices unreasonably high now. Merchs basically try to sell these armor for the quest reward knowing this advantage. Sadly they didn't think this through.




But if they were dropped as usual, people would camp there to make a quick profit which leads to that armors prices to fall. This is the natural way for anynew items in rs anyway so WHY are they so bugged with this reason??




Now which is a fairer case..note how the quest armor has become the main focus of the quest, which is prettty bull...so I am for quick profit....




(now how silly of me to have sold the set already :wall: :wall: )

Total Level 2247- 11x 99s All Combat Skills, Slayer, Summoning, Woodcutting, Herblore

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Id like to address the issue of the Elite Black Knight Armour within the quest, which many players are calling an error.




This was a design decision I made, and which was agreed to by a number of my colleagues. This particular challenge was slightly more subtle and it did, unlike some challenges, have a consequence.




It's unfortunate to hear that some players feel disappointed with this part of the quest, however I would like to explain my reasoning behind it. If a player decides to drop those items in preference to others at that time, that is a decision they may have made in haste and without properly investigating all of the surroundings. Players are tasked with the challenge of properly investigating all the surroundings and hopefully rescuing a certain NPC from the area, but it was up to them how they did it.




Some of you may feel that the consequence of your actions is too harsh, again, it's unfortunate if you feel this way. This quest not only challenges players' ability to solve puzzles and defeat monsters, but also challenges the way they approach quests. The Grandmaster Quest is different to all others in RuneScape and consequences play a part of that change.




I very much hope you can see my point, even if you dont agree with it, but most of all I hope that youll bravely persevere with the quest and see it through to completion, even if that costs you some time or some in-game resources.




As always, thanks for your feedback.








Might seem a bit lame, but it was intentional.

Actually, it probably wasn't. They hear about this, go "HOLY CRAP! We forgot to let the knights drop the armor! But we can't take the blame...", and say that it was "intentional" all along. And if that's not true, than that mod whatever certainly does NOT have his head screwed on right.




Or maybe this isnt EasyScape.


Every quest can be done within a short amount of time and a guide. If your a true master of quests, you should have been able to assess the need of the armor. Obviously your not. This is the only quest with consequences. Every other one; your always able to go back and get the items when your done. If you would have kept them, you could have finished the quest in the first place, then played the market and made 5 million. But, you get to pay for your mistake. I completely agree with Jagex on this one. The armor prices will remain high, and Ill have no problem getting 15M and 400k for a quest.


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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Id like to address the issue of the Elite Black Knight Armour within the quest, which many players are calling an error.




This was a design decision I made, and which was agreed to by a number of my colleagues. This particular challenge was slightly more subtle and it did, unlike some challenges, have a consequence.




It's unfortunate to hear that some players feel disappointed with this part of the quest, however I would like to explain my reasoning behind it. If a player decides to drop those items in preference to others at that time, that is a decision they may have made in haste and without properly investigating all of the surroundings. Players are tasked with the challenge of properly investigating all the surroundings and hopefully rescuing a certain NPC from the area, but it was up to them how they did it.




Some of you may feel that the consequence of your actions is too harsh, again, it's unfortunate if you feel this way. This quest not only challenges players' ability to solve puzzles and defeat monsters, but also challenges the way they approach quests. The Grandmaster Quest is different to all others in RuneScape and consequences play a part of that change.




I very much hope you can see my point, even if you dont agree with it, but most of all I hope that youll bravely persevere with the quest and see it through to completion, even if that costs you some time or some in-game resources.




As always, thanks for your feedback.








Might seem a bit lame, but it was intentional.

Actually, it probably wasn't. They hear about this, go "HOLY CRAP! We forgot to let the knights drop the armor! But we can't take the blame...", and say that it was "intentional" all along. And if that's not true, than that mod whatever certainly does NOT have his head screwed on right.




Yea. Jagex take blame whenever any other bug pops up, they have complete logic to play this off as intentional when it wasn't, as revealed by...Um, what's your Jagex mod name again? Oh wait, you don't work for Jagex, and don't have any valid insight into their reasoning other than "Omg hard ting, dey lyed 2 us, WAH"




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Wow, you'd think after getting 270 quest points, they'd use their brains......................




I still have my Dark Dagger, Bead of the dead and slave robes! I basically keep everything wearable from quests


"Probably the worst thing I do is take bubble baths. But manly ones."


No matter what the avatar looks like, I'm male

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Id like to address the issue of the Elite Black Knight Armour within the quest, which many players are calling an error.




This was a design decision I made, and which was agreed to by a number of my colleagues. This particular challenge was slightly more subtle and it did, unlike some challenges, have a consequence.




It's unfortunate to hear that some players feel disappointed with this part of the quest, however I would like to explain my reasoning behind it. If a player decides to drop those items in preference to others at that time, that is a decision they may have made in haste and without properly investigating all of the surroundings. Players are tasked with the challenge of properly investigating all the surroundings and hopefully rescuing a certain NPC from the area, but it was up to them how they did it.




Some of you may feel that the consequence of your actions is too harsh, again, it's unfortunate if you feel this way. This quest not only challenges players' ability to solve puzzles and defeat monsters, but also challenges the way they approach quests. The Grandmaster Quest is different to all others in RuneScape and consequences play a part of that change.




I very much hope you can see my point, even if you dont agree with it, but most of all I hope that youll bravely persevere with the quest and see it through to completion, even if that costs you some time or some in-game resources.




As always, thanks for your feedback.








Might seem a bit lame, but it was intentional.

Actually, it probably wasn't. They hear about this, go "HOLY CRAP! We forgot to let the knights drop the armor! But we can't take the blame...", and say that it was "intentional" all along. And if that's not true, than that mod whatever certainly does NOT have his head screwed on right.




Yea. Jagex take blame whenever any other bug pops up, they have complete logic to play this off as intentional when it wasn't, as revealed by...Um, what's your Jagex mod name again? Oh wait, you don't work for Jagex, and don't have any valid insight into their reasoning other than "Omg hard ting, dey lyed 2 us, WAH"

You have a mighty fine argument, mighty fine, but, unfortunately, your last statement invalidated it. See, the quest IS hard, but the armor issue is not necessarily hard. You see, in the MAJORITY of quests, items like that could be re obtained or received from monsters fought in the quest. Unfortunately, the first questers did NOT know that Jagex intended for these armors to only be obtainable once and, as a consequence, dropped it in favor of added space. And so, of course Jagex will say that they INTENDED to blindside their customers in an effort to make the quest HARDER.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Id like to address the issue of the Elite Black Knight Armour within the quest, which many players are calling an error.




This was a design decision I made, and which was agreed to by a number of my colleagues. This particular challenge was slightly more subtle and it did, unlike some challenges, have a consequence.




It's unfortunate to hear that some players feel disappointed with this part of the quest, however I would like to explain my reasoning behind it. If a player decides to drop those items in preference to others at that time, that is a decision they may have made in haste and without properly investigating all of the surroundings. Players are tasked with the challenge of properly investigating all the surroundings and hopefully rescuing a certain NPC from the area, but it was up to them how they did it.




Some of you may feel that the consequence of your actions is too harsh, again, it's unfortunate if you feel this way. This quest not only challenges players' ability to solve puzzles and defeat monsters, but also challenges the way they approach quests. The Grandmaster Quest is different to all others in RuneScape and consequences play a part of that change.




I very much hope you can see my point, even if you dont agree with it, but most of all I hope that youll bravely persevere with the quest and see it through to completion, even if that costs you some time or some in-game resources.




As always, thanks for your feedback.








Might seem a bit lame, but it was intentional.

Actually, it probably wasn't. They hear about this, go "HOLY CRAP! We forgot to let the knights drop the armor! But we can't take the blame...", and say that it was "intentional" all along. And if that's not true, than that mod whatever certainly does NOT have his head screwed on right.




Yea. Jagex take blame whenever any other bug pops up, they have complete logic to play this off as intentional when it wasn't, as revealed by...Um, what's your Jagex mod name again? Oh wait, you don't work for Jagex, and don't have any valid insight into their reasoning other than "Omg hard ting, dey lyed 2 us, WAH"

You have a mighty fine argument, mighty fine, but, unfortunately, your last statement invalidated it. See, the quest IS hard, but the armor issue is not necessarily hard. You see, in the MAJORITY of quests, items like that could be re obtained or received from monsters fought in the quest. Unfortunately, the first questers did NOT know that Jagex intended for these armors to only be obtainable once and, as a consequence, dropped it in favor of added space. And so, of course Jagex will say that they INTENDED to blindside their customers in an effort to make the quest HARDER.




Jagex has a very money-centric view, why would they risk losing customers (yes, people quit over trivial things) by saying that this is intentional, and not fixing it? Because for once, they wanted to purposefully make a harder quest. :roll:



You're being watched.

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Jagex stated that this quest is to challeng the way everyone quested before. You know you have to rescue Silif, so dropping an armor set is just a bad idea. Personally, I never drop quest items because I have a feeling I'll somehow need them again before the quest is over. People were whining about the black elite armor not being reobtainable. The prior statement that this quest is to challenge questing method explains why. It's a pretty bad idea to drop it in the first place and even if it was lendable you couldn't borrow the entire set. People whining once again led Jagex to release a statement saying it's not a bug, it's in the quest design.




The street price of elite armor is a product of greedy players. Jagex didn't set the GE price very high, so they aren't to blame for people wanting millions for armor jagex thinks is only worth about 300k.



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God, could you people please truncate those quote chains down to what you actually need? :wall: It's really getting tiresome.




OT: I honestly can't fathom why someone would drop the armor in the first place. Anyone with any questing experience at all should think "Hey, I could probably use this as a disguise!", and perhaps check the stats on it before automatically assuming it was rubbish. Considering you need all current quests to do this quest, you should really know better. Yeah nobody tells you this, but this is a grandmaster quest, you shouldn't have to be told everything.




By the way, at least in the case of the elite black armor, you can get it as a drop from the knights again, but it's rare after the initial drop... as it should be considering it has stats comparable to rune (though severely lacking in crush def).

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Jagex has a very money-centric view, why would they risk losing customers (yes, people quit over trivial things) by saying that this is intentional, and not fixing it? Because for once, they wanted to purposefully make a harder quest. :roll:

But does this increase difficulty or frustration? Is the quest anymore difficult do to this feature to those who know about it before hand? If not, than this only makes it frustrating and expensive for those who did it first, not harder.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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I can see where Jagex is coming from but there is a coupe things:


-The true questers, those that do it without guides suffer greatly while those that have their hands held will not run into the trouble. What they should have done is offer another method of obtaining the set of armour which require more work but can end up to the same outcome without additional financial input or luck. Some safe guards to prevent people obtaining 3 sets, so everything is fair.




In terms of a challenge, quests traditionally operate on the basis that required items can be recovered from the same person you obtained them from. Thats the basis some questers work from, sometimes to save inventory space. As most people can tell you, inventory space can become an issue in quests.




In terms of storylines, the "adventurer" normally takes on the dirty work or the leftovers. In the rescue of Salif, most questers will probably assume that the only thing required for the player is to rescue him. It is a tradition that in quests, when the needs of a NPC is fulfilled, they simply teleport out. In most other quests, indeed the player would just finish the what was Salif doing. As we shown by Legends Quest, the adventurer is very adept in mapping anyway. So there isn't a big reason to keep to the extra Elite set based on past experiences.




The way the armours is placed creates misconception to the player. They really should make you unable to reach the second set without the first elite set, as the one in the cupboard may seem like it was merely an alternative. And as in most quests, the item required is normally dropped straight away by the NPC in focus, not dropped when player have all required and will re-drop if the player needs it again. A player can certainly assume it will be the same as well.






Bottomline, it is still not smart to drop the set, one should have enough experience in Quest to only drop something when it is definitely useless but Jagex should have offered more alternatives. Past quests hold the player's hand too much, this quest is not the culmination of skills earned in the past, instead it is new challenges that contradicts what Jagex had done in the past.

Templar Guardians

When are trying to lend something, the word to use is borrow. Not barrows, which is a mini-game.

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Its not fair to the player to pay for their mistakes?


The quest gives you 400k xp and 1/3 of a dragon plate for gods sake!


If anything the rewards over-balance the cost! This is like a merchants dream!


Free armor, free XP, free everything! Even if their mistakes only cost a small amount, its still worth spending to finish the quest.


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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