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thoughts about vegatarianism


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The typo is "pork right off the cow".




Presumably you meant pork right off the pig.


Whoops, nice catch,lol. Stupid hands, you've betrayed me again!


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Don't live in a bubble! "Oh no there's a 1/ chance of possibly getting sick if you eat this meat from Alberta at 14:00 on a Monday when the temperature is 25 C."




I would have a better chance injuring myself opening a door! But better get rid of doors then!




Vegetarianism has no serious health benefit. Fat is not the only source of fat, and meat is not only tasty, but builds muscle.




I have NEVER met a muscular vegetarian. They are all scrawny or weak, I want to meat just ONE who isn't!

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Don't live in a bubble! "Oh no there's a 1/ chance of possibly getting sick if you eat this meat from Alberta at 14:00 on a Monday when the temperature is 25 C.




I would have a better chance injuring myself opening a door! But better get rid of doors then!




Vegetarianism has no serious health benefit. Fat is not the only source of fat, and meat is not only tasty, but builds muscles.




I have NEVER met a muscular vegetarian. They are all scrawny or weak, I want to meat just ONE who isn't!


My sister is 6'0 and benches like 140lbs, she is a vegetarian despite what I say :lol: .


Corporeal Drops:2xHoly elixers

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I've never understood why people care so much. Sure, many (most) people eat more meat than they should, but that is what should be critiqued instead of taking the extreme approach of vegatarianism. Ah well, extremes are easier to comprehend.

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yes laura, some do get in but there are simple procedures that can be used to eliminate certain varieties of worms. So unless you run up to a cow and take a bite out of it, or eat unprocessed meat, there really is nothing to be afraid of.
I never said it was something we should fear, rather I said it was a consequence of eating meat. Heating it to average cooking degree usually isn't enough, rendering the 99.9% a large overstatement. Bacteria, parasites, or any other organism only have a tolerance for certain limitation, this can go outside their tolerance for limited amount of time before resulting in death. It is a large problem, regardless of how well you think you're cooking your meat. The average person isn't going to dwell on absolute specifics on all portions of their meat, which is where the problem starts.




Half of the world's human population is infected with Toxoplasma. Parasites in the body - and the brain.
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There are many reasons why people don't eat meat other than because "we shouldn't eat animals."




1. Some people just become a vegetarian or a vegan to challenge themselves.




2. Some people are vegetarians simply because they don't like meat.




3. Some people are vegetarians/vegans because of farm factories' mistreatment of animals.




4. Some people are vegetarians because they love animals and don't like the idea of eating another creature.




And I'm sure there are other reasons. I personally don't eat red meat just because I don't like the taste.

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Stupid hands, you've betrayed me again!


I'm not so sure I'd trust you as my surgeon.




It happens.


Mine keep dropping my hydrospanner.




Maybe I should just get them replaced.





Reference? No? Aww.

But I don't want to go among mad people!

Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here..."

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I would have a better chance injuring myself opening a door! But better get rid of doors then!




Vegetarianism has no serious health benefit. Fat is not the only source of fat, and meat is not only tasty, but builds muscles.




I have NEVER met a muscular vegetarian. They are all scrawny or weak, I want to meat just ONE who isn't!




Ok, I agree vegetarians are rarely physically strong, but vegetarianism (or at least semi-vegetarianism with fish meat) combined with vitamins and tofu has major health benefits, a cleaner body, less toxins, etc.. And vegetarians in general live longer than other people. [1].




I love various meats and could probably never be vegetarian, at least for prolonged periods of time. Still it's very factually inaccurate to say vegetarianism has no health benefits, it has huge benefits for those who commit themselves to a vegetarian diet.




The only real problems in those diets can arise from lack of protein. You mentioned "meat builds muscle" which is correct, because meats contain proteins. A vegetarian can get proteins especially from beans and tofu. If the diet lacks protein the person can experience muscle catabolism, which is not fatal but reduces the all-around muscle mass, including that of the skeletal muscles.

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I would have a better chance injuring myself opening a door! But better get rid of doors then!




Vegetarianism has no serious health benefit. Fat is not the only source of fat, and meat is not only tasty, but builds muscles.




I have NEVER met a muscular vegetarian. They are all scrawny or weak, I want to meat just ONE who isn't!




Ok, I agree vegetarians are rarely physically strong, but vegetarianism (or at least semi-vegetarianism with fish meat) combined with vitamins and tofu has major health benefits, a cleaner body, less toxins, etc.. And vegetarians in general live longer than other people. [1].




I love various meats and could probably never be vegetarian, at least for prolonged periods of time. Still it's very factually inaccurate to say vegetarianism has no health benefits, it has huge benefits for those who commit themselves to a vegetarian diet.




The only real problems in those diets can arise from lack of protein. You mentioned "meat builds muscle" which is correct, because meats contain proteins. A vegetarian can get proteins especially from beans and tofu.




If the vegan diet lacks protein the person can experience muscle catabolism, which is not fatal but reduces the all-around muscle mass, including that of the skeletal muscles. Hence some vegetarians (rather concerned with nutrition than the ethics of killing) complement their diets with fish.




Just beans? Doesn't pretty much every vegetable contain protein? I mean, it's an important structural element in most living things.




Is it just that beans have more protein that are usable?

But I don't want to go among mad people!

Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here..."

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Just beans? Doesn't pretty much every vegetable contain protein? I mean, it's an important structural element in most living things.




Is it just that beans have more protein that are usable?




You're right, plants and vegetables all have some protein, but it's not enough to sustain a healthy upkeep of the muscular system. Here's some data on the various nutritional items you can get from vegetables




http://www.healthalternatives2000.com/v ... chart.html




For example, half a cup of carrots contains a bit under 1 gram of protein (but a lot of fibers that help with keeping hunger away)




Half cup cooked with no added salt contains .85 grams protein and 2.6 grams fiber.




An average male adult (defined as either 16 or 18 years old) needs roughly 100 grams of protein per day, more or less depending on body weight, and an average female adult needs about 90 grams of protein per day.




You would need to eat a massive amount of vegetables each day to meet your protein needs (such as about 50 cups of carrots), while 'omnivorious' people eating both vegetables and meats can get the entire day's needs from a meal of cooked fish or steak.




As said though, tofu is a huge part of vegetarian diets and eating portions of tofu during the day provides enough protein to keep them healthy. Eggs are also another source of protein.

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I'm a vegetarian. \'




I stopped eating meat roughly... three-and-a-half years ago. It was a personal decision I made one night, and I've stuck to it ever since.




For me personally, I choose to abstain from eating meat based on the issues surrounding animal rights, and animal cruelty. I understand that even if I don't eat meat, the American meat industry will continue to thrive - choosing to not buy a package of hamburger meat will in no way prevent future cows from being slaughtered. But it gives me a good feeling inside, knowing that my dollar isn't supporting what I believe to be a cruel industry.




Along with this, there are plenty of other reasons why I believe electing a vegetarian diet (and I can only speak the opinions of a vegetarian, as I have no idea what a vegan lifestyle is like...) is healthier for our planet. When I first stopped eating meat, it was just "because," and I "didn't want to eat animals." I soon discovered that there's a lot more to being a vegetarian than just not eating meat.




So I started to do my research, and even based my senior project around it (which essentially took my entire senior year of high school to complete - so I did plenty of research.)




The meat industry is quite harmful to our planet. Two crucial problems surrounding the industry are pollution, and deforestation/desertification. Pollution is pretty self-explanitory: huge amounts of fossil fuel are wasted to power the industry; vast amounts of methane gas is released each year due to all of the livestock's waste, in addition to all of the greenhouse gases created by burning fossil fuels; and in some cases, a few select companies have simply dumped their toxic waste directly into bodies of water, polluting the water supply, and killing additional animals.




I don't think I need to explain what deforestation implies... Desertification is somewhat self-explanitory: by continually using an area of land to grow feed for livestock, the nutrients in the soil are eventually used up. The land literally becomes a desert. It normally can't be re-used to grow more food, and since the soil becomes so hard, you have issues involving water run-off. Instead of absorbing into the soil, the polluted water runs into nearby rivers and streams, which travel to larger bodies of water, etc., and end up contaminating them further.




On top of all this, when you get right down to it, more people can be fed using the corn and feed used to feed the livestock. It takes a huge amount of food to feed a single cow - if you simply used this corn/wheat/etc. to feed people directly, you could feed a lot more.




- - -




I don't mean to ramble on about details...




Now I'll try to remember a few things people have said that has [bleep]ed my interest...




People seem to be continually mentioning the fact that mankind was "made to eat meat." This point doesn't really matter to most vegetarians I know, myself included. The beauty of being an omnivorous species lies within the fact that we can eat either/or. And as far as the "god made animals to be eaten" comment goes... I... well, I can't really supply any rebuttle. I don't believe in god, but if I did, I would agree that he also gave us free-will, and the ability to choose what we put into our bodies. I don't have to eat an animal, simply because it was created by some higher-being.




Also, while it is true that the inclusion of meat in a diet can provide healthy benefits, it also has negetive side-effects. All of the pesticides used to grow livestock feed, and all of the hormones injected into the animals themselves to "plump them up," are forever inside the meat. You injest these right along with the rest of the animal, and they pollute your body. There is also the issue surrounding the fat-content of most meats - some of which are quite high.




Brain worms? I've never even heard this brought up before in a discussion surrounding vegetarianism. No vegetarian I've spoken to has ever been concerned with brain worms... No additional comment.




To Wongtong's comment: I sincerely hope that most vegetarians have the decency to not force their views on anyone else. As a vegetarian myself, I have no problem saying that I really don't care if you eat meat. I choose not to. This doesn't mean that everyone else is wrong or bad. This just means that meat-eaters are different than me, as I am different from them. Eat on!!




As mentioned by a few people earlier, there seems to be concern surrounding the topic of strength and muscle-mass. While it's true that, if done incorrectly, a vegetarian diet can be harmful, I would never go as far as to say that all vegetarians are weak. I've always been a slender person, even before I became a vegetarian. That being said, I'm just as strong today as I was when I was still eating meat - I have had no changes in my strength level. (Nice to meet you, RussianFed55!)




- - -




This is all I have for now - I'm giving my fingers a break.




As I seem to be the only vegetarian posting in the topic, feel free to ask questions if you have them :D


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The anmals will die anyway.




Honestly I don't care how they die, but the companies that do it in a more human way I would respect more, and I don't know why people say "if you don't care then watch this vid" because I'm not the one paid to kill em. I'm just there to eat em.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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The anmals will die anyway.




Honestly I don't care how they die, but the companies that do it in a more human way I would respect more, and I don't know why people say "if you don't care then watch this vid" because I'm not the one paid to kill em. I'm just there to eat em.




The fact that the animals will die regardless is somewhat irrelevant in my eyes. I don't need to eat them, just because they died... that's like saying, "Well, people are still going to make bombs... so we may as well buy em!" No - even if something is happening, you don't have to partake in it if you choose not to.




And I can only speak for myself when I say this: I don't believe there is a "humane" way to kill an animal. You're still taking an animal's life when you get down to it.


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Each to their own. I eat meat and my fiance's ex flat mate was a vegetarian. We had to use separate cooking utensils etc but we respected her decision just as much as she respected us enough not to comment when we ate meat.




By the way Serpent thanks for sharing your experience, it's nice to read different prospectives. My fiance's best friend Rohan is also a vegetarian. We still invite him to BBQ's but he eats his salad. Differences aside, we all get along like a house on fire. I can tell you've done a lot of research on the decision that is best for you.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Each to their own. I eat meat and my fiance's ex flat mate was a vegetarian. We had to use separate cooking utensils etc but we respected her decision just as much as she respected us enough not to comment when we ate meat.




By the way Serpent thanks for sharing your experience, it's nice to read different prospectives. My fiance's best friend Rohan is also a vegetarian. We still invite him to BBQ's but he eats his salad. Differences aside, we all get along like a house on fire. I can tell you've done a lot of research on the decision that is best for you.




::' No problem!


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Personally, i love to eat meat! I understand what vegetarians are trying to do, but that will only mean more meat for us omnivores ;)




Also, if a cow died of natural causes, would a vegetarian eat it?



That's why you're on the TZDF blackdawn. Even your balls can tear zombies to shreds.
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Also, if a cow died of natural causes, would a vegetarian eat it?




For me, no.




Although I did watch this... uh, interesting TV program that aired on the BBC network about a British man who calls himself a vegetarian, yet has no qualms about eating roadkill :? It was actually a pretty interesting show to watch.




However, for me, I don't really mind much how the animal died... I would prefer not to eat it either way.


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The anmals will die anyway.




Honestly I don't care how they die, but the companies that do it in a more human way I would respect more, and I don't know why people say "if you don't care then watch this vid" because I'm not the one paid to kill em. I'm just there to eat em.




The fact that the animals will die regardless is somewhat irrelevant in my eyes. I don't need to eat them, just because they died... that's like saying, "Well, people are still going to make bombs... so we may as well buy em!" No - even if something is happening, you don't have to partake in it if you choose not to.




And I can only speak for myself when I say this: I don't believe there is a "humane" way to kill an animal. You're still taking an animal's life when you get down to it.


Well, first of all, comparing it to bombs?


Eating is obviously nessicary (and owning bombs isn't), and I'm not saying its neccicary to eat them just because they died, I'd eat them because they taste good and are beneficial to eat.


Yeah sure, you can eat plants or whatever, but hey? I don't really like the taste, you only live once, we're higher on the foodchain, why not eat it?


I'm not saying you have to partake in it, I was just saying that they're dead anyway, you can't do anything about that, at least their death is being put to a good use.




And honestly the fact that an animals life is lost doesn't worry me at all, if you find taking an animals life by boiling it to death equal to an instant death, so be it.


The thing about doing it humanely is the animal wouldn't even know what was going to happen to it, and it won't have anytime to realise it was dying. Something like a cow wouldn't have the brain capacity to be aware what was going on.




Ugh, did I even make sence there? It's pretty late and I'm really tired.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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Well, first of all, comparing it to bombs?


Eating is obviously nessicary (and owning bombs isn't), and I'm not saying its neccicary to eat them just because they died, I'd eat them because they taste good and are beneficial to eat.


Yeah sure, you can eat plants or whatever, but hey? I don't really like the taste, you only live once, we're higher on the foodchain, why not eat it?


I'm not saying you have to partake in it, I was just saying that they're dead anyway, you can't do anything about that, at least their death is being put to a good use.




And honestly the fact that an animals life is lost doesn't worry me at all, if you find taking an animals life by boiling it to death equal to an instant death, so be it.


The thing about doing it humanely is the animal wouldn't even know what was going to happen to it, and it won't have anytime to realise it was dying. Something like a cow wouldn't have the brain capacity to be aware what was going on.




Ugh, did I even make sence there? It's pretty late and I'm really tired.




Perhaps I misunderstood your meaning, then. I didn't mean to imply that I equate eating meat to owning bombs. To me, I read your statement as "They're dead already, so we may as well eat them." And I personally don't really agree with that logic. I don't care how it died. If it's an animal, I won't eat it.




To me, the method of killing the animal is irrelevant. If you asked me what I thought about boiling a chicken while it's still alive, versus instantly killing a cow by puncturing it's skull with a metal rod (I really don't mean to be graphic... I just don't know how to describe it, really) I would obviously take the method of the cow slaughter. It is instantanious. However, I wouldn'y call either of the methods "humane."


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Well, first of all, comparing it to bombs?


Eating is obviously nessicary (and owning bombs isn't), and I'm not saying its neccicary to eat them just because they died, I'd eat them because they taste good and are beneficial to eat.


Yeah sure, you can eat plants or whatever, but hey? I don't really like the taste, you only live once, we're higher on the foodchain, why not eat it?


I'm not saying you have to partake in it, I was just saying that they're dead anyway, you can't do anything about that, at least their death is being put to a good use.




And honestly the fact that an animals life is lost doesn't worry me at all, if you find taking an animals life by boiling it to death equal to an instant death, so be it.


The thing about doing it humanely is the animal wouldn't even know what was going to happen to it, and it won't have anytime to realise it was dying. Something like a cow wouldn't have the brain capacity to be aware what was going on.




Ugh, did I even make sence there? It's pretty late and I'm really tired.




Perhaps I misunderstood your meaning, then. I didn't mean to imply that I equate eating meat to owning bombs. To me, I read your statement as "They're dead already, so we may as well eat them." And I personally don't really agree with that logic. I don't care how it died. If it's an animal, I won't eat it.




To me, the method of killing the animal is irrelevant. If you asked me what I thought about boiling a chicken while it's still alive, versus instantly killing a cow by puncturing it's skull with a metal rod (I really don't mean to be graphic... I just don't know how to describe it, really) I would obviously take the method of the cow slaughter. It is instantanious. However, I wouldn'y call either of the methods "humane."


I really should or worded it better at first :P




And I never said it was Humane to kill an animal, just more humane to kill it in a quickly less painful way.




Oh I wrote more Human way, coulda caused confusion..

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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