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what if you were offered a large sum of money, but....


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...had to do the most embarssing thing in your life.








imagine the following scenerio:








a guy from , i don't know, MTV or something walks up to you:








"hello, would you be intersted in (insert ammount here) of pure cash?"








"yeah, but whats the catch?"








"well, you have to do the most embaressing thing of your life (for the purpose of this, think of the most embaresing thing that could happen to you) on live tv."












what would you tell him? what would be your breaking point. I.E, what amount of money could persuade you to do such a thing? And when I mean embaressing, I mean the most embaressing thing you could ever think of, something that would probaly be hard to forget.








so... would you do it? or would you try and hagle higher than him, or would you just plain old not do it.
















me personaly may break after he would go into the hundreds of thousands, potentaly millions. Of course, it being the most embaressing thing, I probaly wouldn't end up doing it unless it was just for a super short ammount of time and for a great sum of money.








so, what about you? :) thought this would be a fun topic.

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I would gladly accept. The sum would have to be at least 1 billion +, not a penny less. After I've done the most embarresing thing (for me it's eating an italian sandwich while trying to play an FPS. lol. You don't wanna know what happens when those two get mixed...)

Sup noobs.

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hehe :P you just gotta learn the art of eating food while doing activitys (for me, playing video games and skating, a master of the food+play combo :lol: )












I would surly do it if I was offered enough money to buy out the show that was doing it :P that is, after i got the cash :lol:

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Probably 10 million dollars. Or an amount of money so that I could live comfortably off the interest it generates for the rest of my life.








Most embarrising thing I could do? Eating someone else's poo. I'd do that for 10 mill.

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yep id do it, who the hell watches MTV? :lol: (not many people in aus)








Just came out of my mind lol. Thought up of a tv station that puts a lot of stupid crap on the air =P and "wallah!'








lol mage.












and Uldric, i think it would be preaty damn embaressing to run around new york naked, and shout out random things ><. about the most embaressing thing i could think up of. probaly most awkword too :shock:

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I would do this for 1 billion pounds, no less :D








The thing i would do would be........probably streaking during a full school assembly..that for some reason is being videoed :P

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Generally embarassing things arnt so embarassing after you psyc yourself up to do it. Yeah id probably do it. As soon as the show finished on TV people would have most likely forgotton and would simply be looking forward to next weeks show or whatever anyway.




A couple of hundred k's please.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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yep id do it, who the hell watches MTV? :lol: (not many people in aus)








Before you refer to all Aussie's and what they watch please know it's factual. It is the most popular tv channel on foxtel in our area, the Year 11's had to conduct a survey.








My breaking point for the most embarrasing thing would probably be eating a mixture of gross materials put together like the combination of raw egg and barbeque sauce with some milo ( Some Team Impact thing done this at our school, don't ask lol ) Although if a sum of let's say $500,000 came up I would do be asking for another... drools, that's enough for an alright deck


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Before you refer to all Aussie's and what they watch please know it's factual. It is the most popular tv channel on foxtel in our area, the Year 11's had to conduct a survey.








Was official data from Foxtel or just the school population?




If it was the latter then no [cabbage] mtv came up as most popular.




Be like asking a bunch of 5 year olds what their favourite toy is.








I can do things like this with a survey like that...




New study shows that mud is the BEST toy ever!




90% of people we asked agree!








And now a message for our viewer[/url] (2003)":1j4pzwyk]The broadcast industry reacted with malicious glee to this week's revelations that the most popular pay TV channel, Fox 8, holds less than half the audience of the least popular free-to-air channel, SBS; that 40 pay channels attract only 10 per cent of Australia's viewing; and that the most watched show on pay TV last week averaged just 80,000 viewers across the entire continent.








Free-to-air television: Trends and issues[/url] (2004)":1j4pzwyk]Free-to-air television continues to be AustraliaÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s most popular medium and the principal source of news, current affairs and entertainment for most households.
















In the 22ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ23 per cent of Australian homes which subscribed to pay TV in December 2004, viewing of subscription channels accounted for a little over half (52.9 per cent) of total household viewing. However, that viewing share was spread across more than 40 thematic channels, with the top-rating pay channel rarely recording more than a 5 per cent share and the average channel generally achieving less than 1.3 per cent.








That is fact. That survey done by your schools year 11 group is not a valid data set to represent Australia.




Do some research before you start stating things as fact next time.












Anyhow: half a million or more would do me fine.




I would seriously do almost anything for cash :P








So... bring it on?

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I would seriously do almost anything for cash :P








/me puts a midget, a goat and a banana in the room.







Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Depends what the activity is really, if it was streaking i'd probably do it for a couple of hundred if offered. If i can do it for nothing after a few pints, you can be damn sure i'd do it for a few hundred quid.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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Tell me something so embarrasing that I would say "no" to a big pile of pure cash. Of course I'd do it :P



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

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Man, I'd do anything if he offered me a million, from running around naked trough the city centre to eating worms or w/e, damn, just think about everything you can buy with that million!


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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i'd do it for a tenner.
Even eat a bulls testicle? ^_^



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Wouldn't take much. I'd probably do it for a couple thousand dollars.








I can't even think of what the most embarassing thing for me would be. I've done some pretty embarassing things that have been caught on tape or photographed by people anyway, without any pay. :lol:

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