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30-January-2009 Penguin bannings


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Just ask yourselves these questions...


1- Do I care what the stats are of somebody I'll never interact with in this game?


2- Do I care how much money a player has when I'll never interact with them in this game?


3- Will a player I've never seen/heard of/interacted with in this game getting free xp/money affect me?





1.Yes, beacause most of their stats affect economy - ie: the better their skill, the more money they make in certain time. Infilation.




2.Yes. Economy infilation. ^




3. yes. economy infilation ^




Infilation is bad,

The clock is ticking, and your time is running out, mortals.

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Just ask yourselves these questions...


1- Do I care what the stats are of somebody I'll never interact with in this game?


2- Do I care how much money a player has when I'll never interact with them in this game?


3- Will a player I've never seen/heard of/interacted with in this game getting free xp/money affect me?





1.Yes, beacause most of their stats affect economy - ie: the better their skill, the more money they make in certain time. Infilation.




2.Yes. Economy infilation. ^




3. yes. economy infilation ^




Infilation is bad,






You mean Inflation right?

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you can only have 50 slayer points max...so it isn't possible...




The ability to make the Slayer Helmet costs 400 points...


Slayer XP (10,000) costs 400 points...




60k Slayer points is pretty near impossible...




oh sorry i was thinking about penguin points....





I like to think of the Dark Bow like a Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) - you get one shot and then you're screwed.
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Cheating**, whether it be in school or on a game, is an issue that only pertains to the cheating party and the 'authorities' involved (teachers/Jagex), nobody else.




So the people who lost thousands if not millions in the "falador massacre glitch" shouldn't be concerned about the bug at all? Yeah, I totally see where you're coming from! [/sarcasm]


Do you understand what the ** means? It means there is a note pertaining to the word prior to the **. Try reading it and you will see that your reply was, for lack of a better word, silly.

May the presents of our lord and savior, Santa, be with you this holiday season!

First annual Clausmas - 2009 December 25

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Just ask yourselves these questions...


1- Do I care what the stats are of somebody I'll never interact with in this game?


2- Do I care how much money a player has when I'll never interact with them in this game?


3- Will a player I've never seen/heard of/interacted with in this game getting free xp/money affect me?





1.Yes, beacause most of their stats affect economy - ie: the better their skill, the more money they make in certain time. Infilation.




2.Yes. Economy infilation. ^




3. yes. economy infilation ^




Infilation is bad,








Infilation? What's that? I know it's not inflation, because inflation applies to the DEVALUING OF CURRENCY. Goods produced via skills do NOT contribute to inflation unless they're traded directly for the common currency, which, by Jagex's declaration, is coins. Also, inflation does not have any relevance to circulation whatsoever. The piles of gold I or any other player has accumulated has no impact whatsoever on inflation, unless we "created" the money.




Alchemy contributes to inflation. Monster drops of coins contribute to inflation. Quest rewards of coins contribute to inflation.




Coinshared drops do NOT contribute to inflation*, collection of raw materials such as food, ore, or lumber does not contribute to inflation, processing of raw materials such as fletching bows, smithing armor, or cooking the food does not contribute to inflation.




* Barring the obvious GE flaws that prohibit items from being sold or purchased properly, which may or may not result in items "lost" in the GE with coins entering our market.




Inflation, in Runescape, is caused by poor game design rather than player actions. In this case, the only "inflation" caused by the bug was a small minority of players who used their penguin points for cash.




So if you're talking about inflation, you are dead wrong. If you're talking about some term I've never heard of called "infilation", please elaborate.

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you can only have 50 slayer points max...so it isn't possible...




The ability to make the Slayer Helmet costs 400 points...


Slayer XP (10,000) costs 400 points...




60k Slayer points is pretty near impossible...




oh sorry i was thinking about penguin points....




Tell that to whoever got 10M vinesweeper points...




If there isn't a cap, it's possible, and it's not unlikely someone will do it... it'll take a lot of time, but so what?




I recall when training slayer, I was getting roughly 8K xp a task. From 85 to 99 slayer, that is almost 10 million XP. That's already 1,250 tasks. These were Duradel tasks, mind you, so that results in almost 20K points... without considering the bonuses. Don't the bonuses stack up?




The best slayer has 100M+ xp. Even if you earned but a quarter of that, 25M, you would get well over 60K points after factoring bonuses... of course, this is all based on an average of 8k slayer xp per task. If you keep getting tasks that give a lower amount of xp, then that's a different story.




I'm not saying this is what happened, but getting that much slayer xp is very possible within a single day.

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you can only have 50 slayer points max...so it isn't possible...




The ability to make the Slayer Helmet costs 400 points...


Slayer XP (10,000) costs 400 points...




60k Slayer points is pretty near impossible...




oh sorry i was thinking about penguin points....




Tell that to whoever got 10M vinesweeper points...




If there isn't a cap, it's possible, and it's not unlikely someone will do it... it'll take a lot of time, but so what?




I recall when training slayer, I was getting roughly 8K xp a task. From 85 to 99 slayer, that is almost 10 million XP. That's already 1,250 tasks. These were Duradel tasks, mind you, so that results in almost 20K points... without considering the bonuses. Don't the bonuses stack up?




The best slayer has 100M+ xp. Even if you earned but a quarter of that, 25M, you would get well over 60K points after factoring bonuses... of course, this is all based on an average of 8k slayer xp per task. If you keep getting tasks that give a lower amount of xp, then that's a different story.




I'm not saying this is what happened, but getting that much slayer xp is very possible within a single day.


No one's saying it's impossible for someone who gets 99 Slayer. However, it is definitely impossible for the player in question to have done this (Red Jude) who also got a lot of XP in one day in combat skills.


However, it does seem pretty dumb too, as someone else has pointed out. Those points are much better spent on item rewards than a bit of measly XP.


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Personally I feel that if they're gonna ban these players then they should fire the employees who caused the bug in the first place - teach them a lesson as well.




But in all seriousness...whether or not the players who used/abused it get banned should be of no concern to us whatsoever (unless you have a friend that got banned, then it's understandable for one to be like "oh no please don't ban my friend" or something). What they did has absolutely no affect on us in any way shape or form...in fact, prior to a half hour ago I didn't even know this had happened. Do I care of Red Jude get's banned for getting ~2m slayer xp from it? Nope, because I don't even know who Red Jude is, nor have I ever seen that player, nor do I care how much money that player has.




Just ask yourselves these questions...


- Do I care what the stats are of somebody I'll never interact with in this game?


- Do I care how much money a player has when I'll never interact with them in this game?


- Will a player I've never seen/heard of/interacted with in this game getting free xp/money affect me?




Simply put, if you answered "yes" to any of the above 3 questions, you probably should rethink some things.




Cheating**, whether it be in school or on a game, is an issue that only pertains to the cheating party and the 'authorities' involved (teachers/Jagex), nobody else.




To clarify - I'm not saying that the bug abusers shouldn't be banned, I'm saying that whether or not they are is no concern of ours.




**Obviously there are forms of cheating that can affect others, like the Falador pking incident. But even then, unless you or a friend of yours got killed, you weren't affected by it.




So you're telling me that Jagex made that rule up for no particular reason whatsoever?

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Look, all I'm trying to say is that unless we have a reason to care what happens to those who bug abused - why should we? And so far I have yet to hear a single legitimate reason as to why anyone should care.




Also, to be honest I wouldn't mind if they took out that rule (as it's horribly worded to begin with) because that would probably lead to them doing better quality assurance and making sure there aren't as many bugs as what we get nowadays.




As a player I don't care about real world traders because they don't affect me. As a player I don't care about bug abusers because they don't affect me (unless it's a bug that allows them to make me lose items or permanently change my stats). As a player I don't care about people who use 'naughty' language because none of it offends me. However, I can see why JaGex as a company does not like any three of those and consequently has rules against them.

May the presents of our lord and savior, Santa, be with you this holiday season!

First annual Clausmas - 2009 December 25

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I am not after making money, what i am after is a full refund for my outstanding subscription, and perhaps an end to having companies like Jagex operate without being accountable, especially to their paying customers.


No. Not going to happen. T&C already expressly covers that you won't be entitled to a refund if you are found (yes, found, meaning not this little temporary dry spell that you're bellyaching over) to be in violation of its rules, and lawyers can't do a damn thing about that.




If you didn't do anything wrong, quit acting like such a baby about it, and wait for your account to be reviewed. Getting lawyers involved with this is about the worst thing you can do, since you've got a snowballs' chance in Hell of winning.




*while in the meanwhile the account is still banned*




^ yes that happened to me, not with this, but iwth another banning! - I've been banned for 2 months before JAGEX actually read my appeal and saw that I wasn't breaking the rules! - Now where's my 10,-?

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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So you're telling me that Jagex made that rule up for no particular reason whatsoever?




How the hell could you have possibly interpreted what he said in that way? o_O Where exactly did he say there's no reason for the rule? The point is anyone that a bug/cheater doesn't directly affect caring that much about it, is probably taking the game too seriously. Jagex will deal with cheaters as they see fit, that shouldn't be anyone's business but those directly involved, nor should anyone who's not involved really care about it and just leave it for Jagex to deal with. I certainly don't.




Edit: No idea what happened to the quote box o_O


Sig And Avatar by Tripsis - 99 Slayer Blog - My Pyramid Plunder Guide

Owner of Fire Cape since 28-09-2005 - 426th to 99 Strength

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Personally I feel that if they're gonna ban these players then they should fire the employees who caused the bug in the first place - teach them a lesson as well.




If companies fired every employee whose update caused a bug, there would be nobody in video games. Kiddies like yourself who have no idea how to code anything more complicated than a TI-83 calculator shouldn't be giving advice on how to run a business.




But in all seriousness...whether or not the players who used/abused it get banned should be of no concern to us whatsoever (unless you have a friend that got banned, then it's understandable for one to be like "oh no please don't ban my friend" or something). What they did has absolutely no affect on us in any way shape or form...in fact, prior to a half hour ago I didn't even know this had happened. Do I care of Red Jude get's banned for getting ~2m slayer xp from it? Nope, because I don't even know who Red Jude is, nor have I ever seen that player, nor do I care how much money that player has.




I care. I went up quite a few ranks in skills thanks to this. Or down....The number dropped.




But I do agree, Red Jude or whatever getting banned or not, I won't be losing any sleep on it.




Cheating**, whether it be in school or on a game, is an issue that only pertains to the cheating party and the 'authorities' involved (teachers/Jagex), nobody else.




I disagree, I think cheating in school needs to be brought to someone's attention. This isn't like Runescape, this has real world implications.




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Cheating**, whether it be in school or on a game, is an issue that only pertains to the cheating party and the 'authorities' involved (teachers/Jagex), nobody else.




I disagree, I think cheating in school needs to be brought to someone's attention. This isn't like Runescape, this has real world implications.




Serious law-breaking was brought to the attention in my school. :|


Like drugs, smoking on a bus, dismanteling the brakes of a bike, etc.

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Personally I feel that if they're gonna ban these players then they should fire the employees who caused the bug in the first place - teach them a lesson as well.




If companies fired every employee whose update caused a bug, there would be nobody in video games. Kiddies like yourself who have no idea how to code anything more complicated than a TI-83 calculator shouldn't be giving advice on how to run a business.


Note how I started the very next thing I said with "But in all seriousness" implying that I wasn't being serious with what I had said prior to it.


But in all seriousness...whether or not the players who used/abused it get banned should be of no concern to us whatsoever (unless you have a friend that got banned, then it's understandable for one to be like "oh no please don't ban my friend" or something). What they did has absolutely no affect on us in any way shape or form...in fact, prior to a half hour ago I didn't even know this had happened. Do I care of Red Jude get's banned for getting ~2m slayer xp from it? Nope, because I don't even know who Red Jude is, nor have I ever seen that player, nor do I care how much money that player has.




I care. I went up quite a few ranks in skills thanks to this. Or down....The number dropped.




But I do agree, Red Jude or whatever getting banned or not, I won't be losing any sleep on it.


Typically you lose ranks on a daily basis to other players playing the game, so this isn't really much different. If someone grinds all day to get the xp or abuses a bug to get the xp, the end result is the same.


Cheating**, whether it be in school or on a game, is an issue that only pertains to the cheating party and the 'authorities' involved (teachers/Jagex), nobody else.




I disagree, I think cheating in school needs to be brought to someone's attention. This isn't like Runescape, this has real world implications.


Ok yes, cheating can have real world implications - such as someone who cheated for good grades could get accepted to a hard to get into college while someone who was honest will be rejected due to slightly worse grades. But for the most part, the cheating that happens throughout elementary/middle/high school is menial and amounts to no harm outside of the one who cheated.




Hell, even if for example I were to lose out on an internship or something to someone who I knew was a cheater it wouldn't bother me all that much. I would simply look at it as that person ran the risk of getting caught and possibly messing up a large part of his life, and in the end it paid off. I could take that same risk, but I trust everything will work out in the end.

May the presents of our lord and savior, Santa, be with you this holiday season!

First annual Clausmas - 2009 December 25

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So you're telling me that Jagex made that rule up for no particular reason whatsoever?




How the hell could you have possibly interpreted what he said in that way? o_O Where exactly did he say there's no reason for the rule? The point is anyone that a bug/cheater doesn't directly affect caring that much about it, is probably taking the game too seriously. Jagex will deal with cheaters as they see fit, that shouldn't be anyone's business but those directly involved, nor should anyone who's not involved really care about it and just leave it for Jagex to deal with. I certainly don't.




Edit: No idea what happened to the quote box o_O




He is saying players should not feel that their achievements are becoming devalued and Jagex states this for their reason as to why Bug Abuse is in breach of the rules:




1. Why do we have this rule?




We have put a lot of effort into balancing our games to make them as fair and fun as possible.




Unintended bugs can spoil the effect of a game, so we obviously want to fix them as quickly as possible. Deliberately taking advantage of a bug can unbalance the game or devalue other players' efforts, so it is against the rules.




So by saying we shouldn't care, he's saying Jagex doesn't have a reason for making it a rule.

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