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Has jagex just destroyed the most succesfull minigame in rs?



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i personnaly think its great level 3's could now get higher slayer its a non combat skill after all so there should be a non combat (but slow) way of raising it, and by slow i dont mean the odd lamps and books as ring of recoil doesn't work anymore apparently.



GWD solo drops: Armadyl Hilt sold at 63.5m - (More to come hopefully)

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No, they haven't. This game is much more like PC than CW, and people will return to Cw after the initial hype dyes down.






P.s Yeah this guy DEFINATELY Doesen't have 15k tickets guys :shame:

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Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and use logic:




Doomsayers = always wrong


Doom predictions = never happen


Therefore the OP is wrong and this will never happen, like the thousands of "OMG WILL DIS BE DESTUCSHINED?" threads that came before.




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It will die down eventualy. But soul wars offers a real reward, and you get points even if you don't win. I don't think I will go back to cw, except maybe to get a full set of decorative armour for my POH. I normally get my butt kicked in cw, and it will probably be the same in sw once the hype dies down and the server can send more than 5 fps when you enter into one of the places everyoen fights. Right now I stand there, turn on retribution and try to collect bones for burying. Sometimes I kill someone who is 20 levels lower than I am. I think SW could be better once fewer people go. No flag holding, tactics being more critical. I don't know. There both good games, but I don't feel like I am totaly wasting my membership when I play SW (which I have done 4 times so far). I prefer distractions and Diversions to minigames any day of the week though.

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You absolutely don't need to worry about that Soul Wars will replace Castle Wars. CW is a way to popular minigame for it being replaced just by the release of SW. CW has been one of the top minigames in RS for several years now and loads of players visit the arena every day to play what they think is the funnest minigame in the whole RS!


I'm myself one of those who really like CW and I can't even think about leaving it just because another good minigame was released. Sure, since this new minigame is quite similiar to CW some players will play CW less. SW is also newly released which will make it even more popular. But CW is a way to big part of RS to be forgotten, trust me. The arena south of the observatory will be full of pvp-action in the future too :)



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and use logic:




Doomsayers = always wrong


Doom predictions = never happen


Therefore the OP is wrong and this will never happen, like the thousands of "OMG WILL DIS BE DESTUCSHINED?" threads that came before.

Coughremovaloffreetradestakingandpkingcoughhack WHEEZE...




That said, this guy is wrong.

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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To answer the OPs question: No.




May I also suggest changing the thread headliner to "Knee-jerk post update 'RS is dying' thread #850000!"?


The stars are matter, we're matter, but it doesn't matter.

-Don Van Vliet

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Castle wars will die eventually. With the release of new minigames, there is only so long before they hit on one that can compete in terms of playability. The big difference is, Castle Wars rewards have always been awful.




They either need to make castle wars rewards appealing, or make new minigame rewards less appealing.

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I really couldn't care less if skillers trained slayer with this. All I would hope for is that a skilling addition was added to soul wars so they could be of more help. Sure they can bury bones, set barricades, heal players and other things, but they likely won't. If there was a skilling aspect, maybe they would be enticed to help.




If a skiller wants to put in the 1000-2000 hours for 99 slayer, then I couldn't care less. It's not like they will be competition at the Abyssal Demons, or something that really matters to me. It's not my time they're spending on the slow experience. ::'




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Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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Like other people above me have posted, I think that once the hype dies down CW will see some players come back to it. I also don't think that CW is the "most successful mini-game" in RS. I'd actually like to think the most successful mini-game is Pest Control. After all, its the mini-game which almost completely changed the way people trained combat when it used to offer 100k+ combat exp/h. Its also (or I think it is), the mini-game which has the most clans dedicated solely towards it such as Heart Unit and Void Rebels.




I doubt very many people actually enjoy playing Pest Control though; it's tedious and repetitive, while Castle Wars is a fun way to kill 20 minutes.

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and use logic:




Doomsayers = always wrong


Doom predictions = never happen


Therefore the OP is wrong and this will never happen, like the thousands of "OMG WILL DIS BE DESTUCSHINED?" threads that came before.

Coughremovaloffreetradestakingandpkingcoughhack WHEEZE...




That said, this guy is wrong.




none of those were removed, just limited. I don't remember anyone predicting that they'd be limited, just outright removed.




So the doomsayers continue to be wrong.




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Wow, 15k tickets. Isnt that like... many hundreds of hours.




Anyway, in my opinion soul wars will NEVER beat castle wars. To many leechers, even though its a team game COMPLETELY different gameplay.




I would only ever do soul wars for those pets =D.




Not hits xp? I've got some insane hits xp for my Ranger since release!


The stars are matter, we're matter, but it doesn't matter.

-Don Van Vliet

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15k tickets lol, nice lie.




Castle wars is for fun, Soul wars is for exp.




I find both fun, actually.




Answer to the original question is no.

Pirate Rosetta stone. Learn a language while you scape.

Sounds interesting, but these days how many people really speak Pirate?

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