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Ever cheated in any class, and how?


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I never 'prepare' to cheat, I just learn for tests the same way as always, but if the occasion somehow comes along I don't see why I shouldn't take it. The last time I did it was a few months ago, when I had to do a Greek translation I missed because I was ill. I was placed in an empty office and left alone with a dictionary in my bag. It didn't even help me that much because the test was mostly focused on testing knowledge of grammar.

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Hate people who dont study and expect to get the same points as people who work for their grades.
Why? You could cheat just as easily.








I also hate people who shoplift, or people steal stuff from others in school. Are u gonna ask "Why? you could steal just as easily"?








The answer is, because it's dishonest

Shoplifting/stealing and the like hurt other people. But ever since the 3rd grade techers have been telling us that we're only hurting ourselves when we cheat. The entire modern education system is bunk. Most of the stuff you learn you forget in a couple of days because it's useless information unless you plan on going into some specific career that requires you to know that stuff.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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Hate people who dont study and expect to get the same points as people who work for their grades.
Why? You could cheat just as easily.








I also hate people who shoplift, or people steal stuff from others in school. Are u gonna ask "Why? you could steal just as easily"?








The answer is, because it's dishonest

Shoplifting/stealing and the like hurt other people. But ever since the 3rd grade techers have been telling us that we're only hurting ourselves when we cheat. The entire modern education system is bunk. Most of the stuff you learn you forget in a couple of days because it's useless information unless you plan on going into some specific career that requires you to know that stuff.








Ofcourse cheating hurts other people... Example: Over here the high school u go to depends on how good ur grades r. A person who cheated for their grades might get better results than somebody who didnt, get into a good highschool, while the person who really deserves the spot doesnt.








Well, we seem to have some different views and im not gonna argue :)

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Man, i gotta get a "Ti-83" :lol:




Texas Instruments. The Ti-83 is old and outdated ;) The Ti-84 is much better suited to your cheating needs ;)








or get the ti-89, and youll have the only calculator youll ever need, all the way through college calculus classes. (if you plan on doing stats, seems like the 83/84 is better, because it is easier) (dont get a ti-86, they suck)








TI-89 (Titanium) is not allowed on the AP Calculus test, unfortunately. When I was shopping around for my calculator around Sophomore/Junior year, I wanted the 89 but realized that it wasn't allowed in most instances. My Pre-Calc. teacher even banned it from the class just because she knew it wasn't allowed on the AP test and that it was too powerful.








If you decide to get the 89 just do your research whether it's allowed or not in your class.




Hehe, I'm only in year 10, but doing year 11 Maths, I just add programs to my calculator that either tell me the formulas or simply calculate everything for me. Then I archive them so that when the teacher comes around clearing calculators they are still there ;)

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Grade 11 math, couldnt remember how to find the sine, cosine, and tangent of an angle. So I wrote all the equations on my calculator.








Then later I remembered about something called "SOHCAHTOA"... after the trigonometry unit was finished. Hell I thought "Sohcahtoa" was the person who invented trigonometry or something, like John A. Sohcahtoa.

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You guys will never believe this one....








Ok, it all started off i was in the "skills center" COUGH "[developmentally delayed] room", yes i do go to that... I'm only in there because i dont try in school at all. Any ways, it was near the and of school, about 2 weeks left. And I saw the "chemistry final" on the table a head of me.








I thought in my head, "do i take the chemistry final", or do i just leave it there.








Thinking i would get caught i left it there.








That same day, i told all my friends that i saw the chemistry final in the [developmentally delayed] room.... They asked me "did you take it", And i repleyed " no, but i should of,








Then the next day at school








I went back to my desk, And i saw the chemistry final still there.








But this time i took the chemistry final, hid in under all my books. Then after class i hid it in my locker. I told all my friends that i have it.








Then later that day i gave it to one of my friends, who is a straight A geek. He gave it back to me with all the answers on it.








"Day of the final"








We were all in chemisrty class, waiting to take the final.




We all took the final and A's it....








I ended up getting a B for my seimster grade in chemistry!








This is the only real time i cheated in school....


First place Winner of Nick 6464 F2P custom contest.

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We had a health test.








I stickytaped the info sheet on my back








My friend stickytaped the info sheet on his back. All we had to do was look sideways at his back to know the answers.








100% :D

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We had a health test.








I stickytaped the info sheet on my back








My friend stickytaped the info sheet on his back. All we had to do was look sideways at his back to know the answers.








100% :D




ROFL! Great effort. That beats hiding programs on expensive calculators 100 fold.

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Boy do I cheat alot, now that I'm not smart or not, I know like 50/55 questions on a test so I pull the old "Stretch then look at someones paper" or I ask the question like I'm talking to myself then my friend coughs at the right answer. I've written some stuff on my hand before and left the study sheet on the floor so i could look at, only gotten caught about once with all these cheats. Also, my teachers are really dumb and quit in the middle of a test to go to lunch and i just sneak my book out and look up the questions and then go back and change them lol. Oh and this one time we had this map test and the teacher left the map down!! Lol i know that isnt cheating but my teachers are idiots.








And that's how i get through school.

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/long story about cheating/








I guessed the password for the Science department at my school once (no suprise there - network admin had 0 security on anything: admin/admin; english/english; science/science; etc).








Anyhow, poked around the account a bit. Found the exams for every science subject.




Printed off 30 copies of each to every printer in the school.












Had to postpone the exams for a week to rewrite all the exams :rofl:

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