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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


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Knife-tards are just stupid as it's simply a matter of getting within 5 feet of someone and letting the invincible knife lunge do the rest. What annoys me a lot is that i can't even lay down claymores to stop these vermin, they can simply run over them. Hopefully all the little kiddies who are doing it will get it out of their system soon. What should have been done was to make lightweight a green perk or something so you couldn't use all 3 at once.


It's like No Scoping was becoming during the last 6 months or so of COD4, little kids slapping on an ACOG M40 with SP and steady aim and thinking they're pro.


Models guys were truly [bleep]ed up pre-patch, and after the Bling exploit is gone they wont be a problem. Ranger guys; its not like they're that great, its just that the crosshairs are so large they don't really have to be aiming at you at all as long as they fire both barrels at once. The range is pretty crap.


The only shotgun apart from Blinged 1887s that annoys me is AA12 guys with extended mags, who just rush in and spray the place up. Its the shotgun for people who suck, the range makes it crap for anything other than rushing into a building like those on Favela and spraying.

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Also a little thing for the FAL, if you use Holographic Sight and stopping power it becomes a 2 hit kill at all ranges, rather than a 3 hit kill past medium range. But personally I take advantage of not needing SP to use another red perk, and I like RDS better.


Also there is no need to use SP on the UMP45, it's a 3 hit kill at any range, SP makes it a 2 hit kill at like the range of the Rangers so it's not worth it.

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Also a little thing for the FAL, if you use Holographic Sight and stopping power it becomes a 2 hit kill at all ranges, rather than a 3 hit kill past medium range. But personally I take advantage of not needing SP to use another red perk, and I like RDS better.


Also there is no need to use SP on the UMP45, it's a 3 hit kill at any range, SP makes it a 2 hit kill at like the range of the Rangers so it's not worth it.

no need for SP on FAL. unless you have silencer. I use acog, snipe [bleep]es with that.


What's the functional difference between the holographic sight and red dot? It's been bugging me for ages.

holo zooms in slightly more, and IMO the dot on holo is easier to use than RDS at longer ranges

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I got a similar score in my last game on wasteland. 23-7. Got an AC130 in a care package but didn't get many kills with it since it was my first time using it and most of the other team was in the bunker in the middle.


What are everyone's favourite/least favourite maps? I like wasteland, the airport one (terminal?) and scrapyard. I don't really like estate that much.

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My favorites are Derail, Rundown, Favela and Afghan.


Watching killerwatt playing domination on Estate and some guys were calling in infinite emergency airdrops >_>


Just looking at nerdboy's post; it's just damn absurd that there are no location servers. I'm always getting linked up to matches with Americans, sometimes I'm getting one bar too D:


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Welcome back Vale. Are you on 360 btw?


Thanks lol, yeah I'm on 360. Have you guys been adding each other? I can't really be arsed to trawl through the 50 pages of posts ive missed. If so add "TheTrueValeyard", I play mostly Ground War. I've been playing on my own a lot lately because my friends have had to retake all their AS exams because they [bleep]ed them up last year.


holo zooms in slightly more, and IMO the dot on holo is easier to use than RDS at longer ranges


Holo seems to affect the stats of certain guns, e.g FAL, and M16 has less recoil with it, Spas 12 has a little longer range with Holo sight. Personally I only tend to use it on the TAR-21 because the RDS is [developmentally delayed]ed.

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OMG... domination Ground war on Wasteland is so damn fun. Since everyone is obsessed with taking the flags they don't bother to take out the snipers on the edge of the battlefield... so I used this to my advantage. Got a 27 kills 0 deaths game (didn't have nuke on though). Very fun.


I camped in those two buildings right beside eachother that look out toward flag B.


EDIT: ^ Estate is fun when you know the multiple ways to invade the house. There's about 20 ways (literally) into the first story, and two ways into the second.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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EDIT: ^ Estate is fun when you know the multiple ways to invade the house. There's about 20 ways (literally) into the first story, and two ways into the second.

Yup. It's so fun playing demolition when everyone is camping in the house facing A. Can just climb through a side window and take them all out.
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Also is it just me, but on the PS3 version, I've never ever played really any other maps apart from Favela, Terminal, Derail and Invasion?


They just keep showing up, I really want to play a game on Highrise, TBH.



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Also is it just me, but on the PS3 version, I've never ever played really any other maps apart from Favela, Terminal, Derail and Invasion?


They just keep showing up, I really want to play a game on Highrise, TBH.


Lucky guy! I'd love to have those maps on rotate.

So don't let anyone tell you you're not worth the earth,

These streets are your streets, this turf is your turf,

Don't let anyone tell you that you've got to give in,

Cos you can make a difference, you can change everything,

Just let your dreams be your pilot, your imagination your fuel,

Tear up the book and write your own damn rules,

Use all that heart, hope and soul that you've got,

And the love and the rage that you feel in your gut,

And realise that the other world that you're always looking for,

Lies right here in front of us, just outside this door,

And it's up to you to go out there and paint the canvas,

After all, you were put on the earth to do this,

So shine your light so bright that all can see,

Take pride in being whoever the [bleep] you want to be.

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Also is it just me, but on the PS3 version, I've never ever played really any other maps apart from Favela, Terminal, Derail and Invasion?


They just keep showing up, I really want to play a game on Highrise, TBH.


Lucky guy! I'd love to have those maps on rotate.


I actually don't mind those maps (Apart from Invasion, since I always get put on the losing team.)


It's just it get's kinda boring after a while, and I actually get excited when something like Underpass shows up.



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I wish you could choose from a list of maps you want the matchmaker to put you in. I remember a game a while ago having that, but I can't remember the name.


I wish matchmaker wouldn't keep putting me in games which are almost over, or on a team thats losing horribly.


I actually once joined a game were as soon as I picked a class, the game was already over, and our team lost :L



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Ugh, couple of kills from a nuke and the match ends on me. <_<

Many believe that the 1980 eruption of Mt. Saint Helens was a catostrophic geological event, in reality it was the day that Jimi Hendrix returned to Earth from the next world and actually stood up next to a mountain and chopped it down with the edge of his hand.

-Random Youtuber

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If I had my way that would be the punishment for CP knifers.

I love how you [bleep] about knifers, but then you tell us all about your little camping trip.


Found the perfect spot for FMJ kills, on Sub Base theres a room with a big grated turbine or something in the middle, stand behind it and gun people down through the wire as they come in through the doors. Works best if you put a claymore on one side so you only need to watch one door.

You're no better than I am.


I had the most awesome game on Scrapyard earlier. I hijacked an enemy carepackage, got an AC-130. Then I got my own care package and got a chopper gunner. What are the odds of that? "Hmm, heli shot down. Oh well, AC-130!". Also a predator shortly before using the chopper. Suffice to say, I won.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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If I had my way that would be the punishment for CP knifers.

I love how you [bleep] about knifers, but then you tell us all about your little camping trip.


Found the perfect spot for FMJ kills, on Sub Base theres a room with a big grated turbine or something in the middle, stand behind it and gun people down through the wire as they come in through the doors. Works best if you put a claymore on one side so you only need to watch one door.

You're no better than I am.


I had the most awesome game on Scrapyard earlier. I hijacked an enemy carepackage, got an AC-130. Then I got my own care package and got a chopper gunner. What are the odds of that? "Hmm, heli shot down. Oh well, AC-130!". Also a predator shortly before using the chopper. Suffice to say, I won.


The difference is I just do that for the FMJ kills and then I'm done. You still die fairly frequently as theres 4 ways in, though I did get to stealth bomber a couple of times. It took so long to get just 15 FMJ kills with the MP5K until I found that. The prestige before it took over 700 kills with the Vector to get. In the future I'm just gonna do the SMGs there, SMGs are such a pain to get Mastery on, even with FMJ the penetration is still crap.

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I wish you could choose from a list of maps you want the matchmaker to put you in. I remember a game a while ago having that, but I can't remember the name.


I wish matchmaker wouldn't keep putting me in games which are almost over, or on a team thats losing horribly.


I actually once joined a game were as soon as I picked a class, the game was already over, and our team lost :L



The matchmaking system sucks.




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