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Nintendo's Customer Service Saves the Day


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I cant think of a better way to kick off a weekend. This is one of the most heart-warming stories Ive heard in awhile. Reader PsyduckWarrior and his family were involved in quite a horrible event. While the first part of the story is far from happy, it ends with a bit of a bright spot, thanks to Nintendo. Instead of summarizing the story, I thought Id let PsyduckWarrior tell it in his own words.




I am a 21 year old Junior in college and as part of my Sports Administration courses, I had to intern as a coach at a local high school. I chose to go home to the high school I graduated from and I moved in with my parents so that I could save a little cash.




On September 19th, while my parents and I were at work, our house caught fire. By the end of the day, we had lost everything we owned, save what ever we had in our vehicles. The most important thing was that no one in my family was hurt except for a couple of pets (I lost my pet scorpion and my parents lost their cat).








In the days that followed, we had to make inventories of everything we lost. We didnt have insurance so this was merely so we could find out exactly what we lost and what we could replace in the short term. My list, when it was done, included more than 250 Nintendo games spanning all their consoles, every Nintendo console, almost all accessories, every Gameboy iteration, a DSI had a lot of Nintendo stuffincluding a working Virtual Boy and a Gameboy Light (a Japanese Gameboy Pocket with a backlight). My collection wasnt very extensive but it had some things that most people wouldnt. My mom also owned a Wii and a DS and a few games, which were lost as well (in fact, the fire was so hot in the living room that there was no trace of her gaming stuffit had been completely melted and just dissipated).








As time went on, our community helped us out so much by giving us a place to stay, money, clothes, and food.




About a month ago, I contacted Nintendo to ask about what I should do about the Wiiware account my Wii had on it and how I should go about suspending it for when I get a new one. Included in the letter were pictures of some of my gaming stuff I could salvage from the rubble as part of a morbid curiosity thing (ever want to see what a melted Wii looks like? So did many of my friends).




About two weeks later, I received a call from Nintendos Customer Service Department. They had received my packet and wanted to find out how my family and I were getting along. I told them about what had happened and how we were doing. Then, they offered me to replace my Wii and my Gameboy Advance SP for free. They even threw in all the cords for the Wii and the charger and such for the SP! I was blown away that the company would want to know how my family was doing let alone want to help out. I sent off my old, melted Wii and SP and received my new ones.






In the past Nintendo has been helpful to me when I had a problem with a console, but this above and beyond anything I expected. It isnt everything my family and I had, but it helps a little bit to getting our lives back to normal.






Hmmm. Looks like Nintendo isn't such a money-grabbing [insert Bad Word Here] after all.


So one of Nintendo's biggest fans loses ALL of his games and consoles in a house fire, and Nintendo's Customer Service does the most awesome thing ever for him which is replacing his melted Wii and GBA SP for free. Is that awesome or what?


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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So? The kid's house burned down and all they did was replace like $300 in items? They could have helped out more tbh, they gross hundreds of millions of dollars each year.


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So? The kid's house burned down and all they did was replace like $300 in items? They could have helped out more tbh, they gross hundreds of millions of dollars each year.


Even then it wouldn't be a very interesting story.


Now if they replaced every single item he ever bought down to the color of the Gameboy. That would be impressive.

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So? The kid's house burned down and all they did was replace like $300 in items? They could have helped out more tbh, they gross hundreds of millions of dollars each year.




Wow..just..wow. Thats a very [cabbage] attitude to have on the matter. Doing a nice thing for other people, no matter how large it is, is always a good thing. You see an act of kindness and you immediately try to find the 'negatives' of it, if there are even any. [bleep] you.

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Happy, dont mind the fanboys of the old fail consoles, I cole generation old. They're angry that Nintendo is still top game creators.


It's around 300 for a wii, 50 for a GBSP, include the numerous games he'd probably have you'd probably get something around 700-900 dollars. -.-





I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Happy, dont mind the fanboys of the old fail consoles, I cole generation old. They're angry that Nintendo is still top game creators.


It's around 300 for a wii, 50 for a GBSP, include the numerous games he'd probably have you'd probably get something around 700-900 dollars. -.-








It's a PR move. Any company in that position would do the exact same thing. The amount of press they are getting from replacing this console is incredible. Don't fool yourself into thinking they did it out of the kindness of their hearts.

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I'm not.


But I'm pretty sure people have done the same thing to your precious microsoft, MANY more times than to nintendo (inc computers/hardware) and failed miserably. Same with sony.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Wait, what?




And are you trying to insinuate I'm a 360/Microsoft fanboy? you realize I pretty much play 2 games on my 360 right? (Rock band 2 and Street Fighter IV).

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Wait, what?




And are you trying to insinuate I'm a 360/Microsoft fanboy? you realize I pretty much play 2 games on my 360 right? (Rock band 2 and Street Fighter IV).




Quick! Let's insult Street Fighter! (Also known as Button Masher Controller Hurler 43.)


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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Wait, what?




And are you trying to insinuate I'm a 360/Microsoft fanboy? you realize I pretty much play 2 games on my 360 right? (Rock band 2 and Street Fighter IV).


Agreed. I don't think I've touched any other game besides ones from the Rock Band or Guitar Hero series for a good 2-3 months (Except when I tried to play SSX Tricky on my 360. DAMN MICROSOFT! LET ME PLAY ALL MY ORIGINAL XBOX GAMES).




Oh, and I own a Wii.

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Who cares if they did it for the press. It was still a nice thing.

image.png image.png

Oh yeah, and I've thought of taking babies and throwing them. For funsies. - Lenticular J



"Isn't it pathetic how everything in our society is built around someone screwing someone else out of their money?" - killerbeer0 on American Society

Rebdragon can't wiz a woz.

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Good for the kid. :thumbup:




Nintendo doesn't like me, I tried calling them because my DS broke (which wasn't my fault, I went to go play it and it wouldn't turn on and I didn't abuse it or anything!) and they tell me "Pay $80 or no fix." I denied the offer. :( I want meh DS!!!

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Good for the kid. :thumbup:




Nintendo doesn't like me, I tried calling them because my DS broke (which wasn't my fault, I went to go play it and it wouldn't turn on and I didn't abuse it or anything!) and they tell me "Pay $80 or no fix." I denied the offer. :( I want meh DS!!!




Man I would just buy a new one for like $30 more haha.

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Good for the kid. :thumbup:




Nintendo doesn't like me, I tried calling them because my DS broke (which wasn't my fault, I went to go play it and it wouldn't turn on and I didn't abuse it or anything!) and they tell me "Pay $80 or no fix." I denied the offer. :( I want meh DS!!!


I'm in the same boat, only its my right and left bumper on my ds lite that are the problem. I'll probably just save up and buy a new one from gamestop, or buy replacement parts from ebay and try to get it fixed buy one of my IT friends.



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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Good for the kid. :thumbup:




Nintendo doesn't like me, I tried calling them because my DS broke (which wasn't my fault, I went to go play it and it wouldn't turn on and I didn't abuse it or anything!) and they tell me "Pay $80 or no fix." I denied the offer. :( I want meh DS!!!


I'm in the same boat, only its my right and left bumper on my ds lite that are the problem. I'll probably just save up and buy a new one from gamestop, or buy replacement parts from ebay and try to get it fixed buy one of my IT friends.


maybe if your house accidentally burns down...

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Good for the kid. :thumbup:




Nintendo doesn't like me, I tried calling them because my DS broke (which wasn't my fault, I went to go play it and it wouldn't turn on and I didn't abuse it or anything!) and they tell me "Pay $80 or no fix." I denied the offer. :( I want meh DS!!!


I'm in the same boat, only its my right and left bumper on my ds lite that are the problem. I'll probably just save up and buy a new one from gamestop, or buy replacement parts from ebay and try to get it fixed buy one of my IT friends.


maybe if your house accidentally burns down...


I live in an apartment building, and trust me when I say, I value my older consoles, which are harder to replace, more.




And while I am somewhat impressed that they helped a person "who lost everything". It is clearly no more than a publicity stunt on Nintendo's behalf.



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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Wait, what?




And are you trying to insinuate I'm a 360/Microsoft fanboy? you realize I pretty much play 2 games on my 360 right? (Rock band 2 and Street Fighter IV).




You tell me which person named Nadril goes around bashing the wii.


Only PS3/Xbox fanboys really care about bashing the wii.


And you fanboys should be bashing eachother, not the wii :|

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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