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Tattoo's, what do you think?


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Yeah, I get what you're saying. Getting a tatoo just to be cool. Thats why I said I like hidden tattoo's, because if not many people see em, you're not exactly doing it to show off to the world then, are you?




But yeah, again, I agree. I really dislike the people who get those ugly dragon or asian writing tatoos just to be cool. :? :lol:

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:lol: My dad has 4 tattos... funny though, only one of them has a purpose, or should i say did. Back before i was born he drank alot, and most of the time he couldnt remember his name, so he got his name tattoed on his shoulder.










Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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A lot of people are forgetting that tattoos can be removed these days.








As for myself, if I do get a tattoo, it will have to mean something to me.








In an expensive, time-consuming, painful process which leaves an equally undesirable scar. The point is if you're going to get it removed, don't get one in the first place.












I'd never get a tattoo, but that's because I'm too modest about those sorts of things and like control in my life, and having a tattoo that can't be removed is out of my control.








As for people getting them: It's kind of a turn off when girls have them, don't really know why. It's cool when people get them and it has a really special meaning, not just because. Some are cool, but again as long as it's on their arm not mine.

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I am firmly against Americans unrelated in the CHinese/Japenese getting tattoos of it.








On the other foot, I want a fish somewhere, I fish, sometimes everyday. It would symbolize something in my life, though I dont know If I would do it.








What does it matter? That means something to me.... The whole tattoo is a custom design I did myself. Number two the chinese symbol stands for year of the dragon since I was born in 1988 the year of the dragon. The flames I got on my ankles is something myself and my dad both got. The 3 stars I have on each of my collar bones is because of my grandpa, and the chinese symbol on my arm stands for wolf as my last name is Wolfrum and everyone calls me wolf. As for the fact why are you against it? Does it offend you somehow? I mean it's quite honestly an inane statement you made.








Ah, you argued that one pretty well! Gj. :P








That's because, unlike most people with such tattoo's, his actually have a said prupose (as explained).




If they were just random crap which was like "yeah that looks cool" it would've been a different issue. But they're not so I have no problem with it either.








It's just the whole "awesome tat man!" *goes off and gets tribal tat done just to be "hip"* which annoys me.




Hence why the only tat's I'd ever get done would be designs I've done my myself or had friends design for me.




yes, I worded wrong, You explained to have legitimency there, but some people dont and it bothers me.

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No, I would NEVER get a tattoo. Ever. Reason being is that they look ugly, no offense, and getting paint into my skin with a needle isn't in my best interest. I was born the way I was meant to be, in my own flesh and blood. I'm not saying that people with tattoo's are all attention seekers, but that tattoo's aren't something that is needed. I don't need paint on my skin to help symbolize who I am.

Sup noobs.

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:lol: My dad has 4 tattos... funny though, only one of them has a purpose, or should i say did. Back before i was born he drank alot, and most of the time he couldnt remember his name, so he got his name tattoed on his shoulder.
















:lol: rofl, thats serriously awsome right there.








Nice tattoo's jake. Personaly I wouldn't probaly get a tattoo, because:








A. not a big fan of needles >_>




B. Don't feel like *ing with it later on in my life.









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i would get one with my first name on my right arm and then maybe some cool design around my wrist, but im gona be 14 on the 27 *8days* but i do also hate needles so i dont want one. i would never get a piercing tho, god just me imaging getting a piercing on my bottom lip or on my tounge... ahh god it makes me stingy. and i have seen weirder things than old people with tatoo's.








i was in a kroger parking lot when this really old black guy pulls up in this nice red lamborghini blastin some rap music, then he walks out with all these chains n stuff i was shocked.

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Honestly, I still say the only tattoo i would get is "IM STUPID" written accross my chest, that way a few years down the line, when im setting there with a laser pointing at me ready to take it off, If I wonder "Y did I even get this thing in the first place?", i just gotta look down, and there's my answer

Look, if your mom still drops you off at school, you ain't gangsta, pull up your damn pants!


3 down, 7 to go

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I'm already scared of shots and getting tattoos are way way worse. I've seen those [cabbage] and they're scary.








If you want one, go ahead, some look good but don't overdo it, they jsut disgust me if your body's half is covered with tattoo.








Besides, my mom would kill me if I ever get one.

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I have a tattoo of a crow on my right arm, when I fly planes crow is my tak name, and people often call me that bck on the ground too.








my local bar sports a very different drink called crows flight, which I made up when I worked there.








But thats the only tattoo I'm getting. I use my scars to symbolize who I am just as much.








I have a scar on my face where I was cracked over the head with a bottle.




I still have shards of glass in my forehead.

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I dont mind tatoos if the signify something in your life. Not just some random pattern.

And no lol why do you always want to get stuff from John Lewis. Its over ̣̉300 more then than what i paid.


John Lewis is a great, great shop.

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I have 9 tats :oops:








never had a problem as long they were not blatiently offensive to other people (i.e. racist stuff)


One of the old guard of RS.

RS birthday = Feb - 27 - 2002

Proud member of the original forum.


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I'll get one on my lower back as soon as I'm 18 :o . Or maybe I'll get one of those tattoos that look like you're wearing a bracelet always on my wrist or ankle. :wink:

How does a profession differ from an occupation?

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The only tattoo I would ever get would be a take-off of this one, which was posted on another forum I visit:
















For those who don't get it, those are his children's feet from when they were born :P I'd opt to put them on my upper back, along the shoulder blades instead of my arm, though.

I know the price. I pay it gladly.

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