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scariest game


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Ok then, whatever. You just proved once again how stupid people can be, I found it funny, thus, its funny to me, meaning it is funny, and not funny. Not everyone has to find something funny.




Anyway, I guess its just something that goes around in my school / my area then, my bad.


That's one of those jokes that people would normally tell friends, who know it isn't funny, but would laugh anyways.








Scariest game I've played?


Well, when I was 6 or 7, I played ShadowMan 64. It was real scary at the time, especially when you pick up the teddy bear and you can hear that dead kid. not scary now, but it was when I was 6 or 7, and at the start of the n64.




BioShock is NOT scary. Epic, but not scary. Plenty of "What?" and "k" moments, but hardly an AARGH. Scratch that, I can not recall a single AARGH moment.


BioShock still pwns the [cabbage] out of every other game though. Well, except for Majora's Mask. [bleep]ign loved that.

image.png image.png

Oh yeah, and I've thought of taking babies and throwing them. For funsies. - Lenticular J



"Isn't it pathetic how everything in our society is built around someone screwing someone else out of their money?" - killerbeer0 on American Society

Rebdragon can't wiz a woz.

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BioShock is NOT scary.




When someone talks about BioShock being scary, they are always right, because they're never talking about the game as a whole. When someone says BioShock is scary, they're talking about Medical.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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... Medical isn't scary. Just plenty of "What?" moments.

image.png image.png

Oh yeah, and I've thought of taking babies and throwing them. For funsies. - Lenticular J



"Isn't it pathetic how everything in our society is built around someone screwing someone else out of their money?" - killerbeer0 on American Society

Rebdragon can't wiz a woz.

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And a single "HOLY [cabbage] CHRIST MOTHER OF GOD WHAT THE HELL" moment. At least for me. I wasn't expecting it, it was 3 am, it was dark. That evil dentist.



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I havent played this but my god does it look creepy.




The sad thing is you have played it.






Scariest game I have played is Condemned: Crinimal Origins.




Bioshock and Dead space were just .. NOT scary. Both not even that good of games IMO.




1. Condemned was INCREDIBLY scary, but not fun to play.


2. BioShock was INCREDIBLY scary on the first couple of levels, after that it's not really scary, but very fun.


3. As for Dead Space, I've never played so I have no idea about that one.




Btw, anyone who didn't like Bioshock just beat the game, not played it. (yes, there is a difference)




I played the game. Not just complete it. I have completed it enough times to know that I do not like the game. You on the other hand are acting like a moron.

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I havent played this but my god does it look creepy.




The sad thing is you have played it.






Scariest game I have played is Condemned: Crinimal Origins.




Bioshock and Dead space were just .. NOT scary. Both not even that good of games IMO.




1. Condemned was INCREDIBLY scary, but not fun to play.


2. BioShock was INCREDIBLY scary on the first couple of levels, after that it's not really scary, but very fun.


3. As for Dead Space, I've never played so I have no idea about that one.




Btw, anyone who didn't like Bioshock just beat the game, not played it. (yes, there is a difference)




I played the game. Not just complete it. I have completed it enough times to know that I do not like the game. You on the other hand are acting like a moron.




The problem is in bold.




If you really played the game so much, tell me what you know about the story, characters, fun ways to make things dead, everything you know from your playthroughs. (though nobody gets everything on the first few playthroughs)




You on the other hand are acting like a moron.




Now why are you resorting to insults. It's a discussion about a game, if you're getting so worked up over it then please leave until you can make a post free of that sort of thing.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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If you really played the game so much, tell me what you know about the story, characters, fun ways to make things dead, everything you know from your playthroughs. (though nobody gets everything on the first few playthroughs


Jesus christ on rubber crutches, just let it go already! If he doesn't think it's scary, he doesn't think it;s scary, if he says he's played it he's played it and doesn't have to explain himself to you. Come back when you're off your period.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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If you really played the game so much, tell me what you know about the story, characters, fun ways to make things dead, everything you know from your playthroughs. (though nobody gets everything on the first few playthroughs


Jesus christ on rubber crutches, just let it go already! If he doesn't think it's scary, he doesn't think it;s scary, if he says he's played it he's played it and doesn't have to explain himself to you. Come back when you're off your period.




Not liking Bioshock is unnacceptable and in the afterlife he will not be rewarded with Jesus cookies.




Not everyone can like a game, but I want to know why. Of course I don;t need to know, but the majority of reviews have been very positive. I just want to know what specifically he doesn't like about it.




And btw, I can't wait a whole week.





Jesus christ on rubber crutches




Did you just think of that off the top of your head? :shock:


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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If you really played the game so much, tell me what you know about the story, characters, fun ways to make things dead, everything you know from your playthroughs. (though nobody gets everything on the first few playthroughs


Jesus christ on rubber crutches, just let it go already! If he doesn't think it's scary, he doesn't think it;s scary, if he says he's played it he's played it and doesn't have to explain himself to you. Come back when you're off your period.




Not liking Bioshock is unnacceptable and in the afterlife he will not be rewarded with Jesus cookies.




Not everyone can like a game, but I want to know why. Of course I don;t need to know, but the majority of reviews have been very positive. I just want to know what specifically he doesn't like about it.




What the [bleep]?




You want a reason for someone not liking a game?




How about this, its not his type of [bleep]ing game! YOu don't need to know why, and you'll probably try to combat the reason. Just accept its a game made for entertainment and not everyone likes it, and your opinion won't change it.




Doesn't matter if a game has had good reviews or not, I never pay attention to reviews, I buy the game if I like the sound of it.




HAZE had pretty bad reviews, yet, I liked it. Face it, reviewers are not gods, we should not base our opinion on theirs.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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If you really played the game so much, tell me what you know about the story, characters, fun ways to make things dead, everything you know from your playthroughs. (though nobody gets everything on the first few playthroughs


Jesus christ on rubber crutches, just let it go already! If he doesn't think it's scary, he doesn't think it;s scary, if he says he's played it he's played it and doesn't have to explain himself to you. Come back when you're off your period.




Not liking Bioshock is unnacceptable and in the afterlife he will not be rewarded with Jesus cookies.




Not everyone can like a game, but I want to know why. Of course I don;t need to know, but the majority of reviews have been very positive. I just want to know what specifically he doesn't like about it.




What the [bleep]?




You want a reason for someone not liking a game?




How about this, its not his type of [bleep] game! YOu don't need to know why, and you'll probably try to combat the reason. Just accept its a game made for entertainment and not everyone likes it, and your opinion won't change it.




Doesn't matter if a game has had good reviews or not, I never pay attention to reviews, I buy the game if I like the sound of it.




HAZE had pretty bad reviews, yet, I liked it. Face it, reviewers are not gods, we should not base our opinion on theirs.




OF COURSE NOT EVERYONE LIKES A GAME! But there is always, ALWAYS a reason. I used to believe FF just wasn't my type of game, so around 2005 I would have agreed with you. I'm not asking him to write an essay on the subject, I'm just really curious.




I agree that you shouldn't base opinions on reviews, you need to play the game and decide for yourself. But when the majority of reviewers are positive, that means something. I still have to agree with you though that you need to play the game for yourself.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Not liking Bioshock is unnacceptable and in the afterlife he will not be rewarded with Jesus cookies.




Not everyone can like a game, but I want to know why. Of course I don;t need to know, but the majority of reviews have been very positive. I just want to know what specifically he doesn't like about it.




And btw, I can't wait a whole week.







He doesn't like the game, period. Do you really have to go ape over someone not liking Bioshock? Not everyone is going to like the same stuff, even if its getting positive reviews. So what if I think The Suffering is a scarier game than F.E.A.R or Bioshock? My advice: just let it go. People aren't gonna like the same things you will.



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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Christ. I'm not saying he doesn't have a right to his opinion, I'm just curious as to the exact reason why. There is no such thing anywhere in life as "just because".










We've been in and out of Bioshock, now I think it;s time to give some attention to Condemned. And I mean Criminal Origins, not the sequel that was neither scary nor fun.




While playing the demo I made up my mind that I wouldnt buy CO, not because I didn't like it, but because I didn't think I could finish it :ohnoes:


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Christ. I'm not saying he doesn't have a right to his opinion, I'm just curious as to the exact reason why. There is no such thing anywhere in life as "just because".










We've been in and out of Bioshock, now I think it;s time to give some attention to Condemned. And I mean Criminal Origins, not the sequel that was neither scary nor fun.




While playing the demo I made up my mind that I wouldnt buy CO, not because I didn't like it, but because I didn't think I could finish it :ohnoes:




It's one of the game you shouldn't play during the day and should save it for midnight. When you have a 2 litre bottle of coke a huge packet of doritos, something jumps out at you, you get a huge fright and the coke falls on he doritos, creating a sickly mixture of coke and doritos then YOU KNOW you're playing Condemned. It's a phenomenal game, especially when playing mele only.



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Christ. I'm not saying he doesn't have a right to his opinion, I'm just curious as to the exact reason why. There is no such thing anywhere in life as "just because".


Why are you such a [bleep]ing nimrod then?






I remember Silent Hill used to scare me quite a bit but but I've not played it for years and don't play that many games anymore so haven't really played anything scary.

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Christ. I'm not saying he doesn't have a right to his opinion, I'm just curious as to the exact reason why. There is no such thing anywhere in life as "just because".


Why are you such a [bleep] nimrod then?






I remember Silent Hill used to scare me quite a bit but but I've not played it for years and don't play that many games anymore so haven't really played anything scary.




[bleep]ing troll using nothing but insults yet offering no real point. Go away please, we're over this now.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Played Dementium: The Ward. Dropped my stylus on the first enemy because of shock. I died T^T


Ugh worse thing is I was playing it at 10pm because I found ROM for it, scared the shiznit out of me.


The intro



Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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I never liked scary games, only scary game I actually played instead of watching someone else play it was Silent Hill ørigins, and damn, the hospital and assylum scared the [cabbage] out of me. But lately, I have started to develop a love for getting scared. Who knows, maybe one day I'll get to really scary games.

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Not liking Bioshock is unnacceptable and in the afterlife he will not be rewarded with Jesus cookies.




Not everyone can like a game, but I want to know why. Of course I don;t need to know, but the majority of reviews have been very positive. I just want to know what specifically he doesn't like about it.




And btw, I can't wait a whole week.





I'm sure I've already said this but I don't really like playing a game I had played years and years ago. Like I said before Bioshock is System Shock 2, just set in a different setting (not as scary I must add). They both quite honestly share the exact same plot twists, except that System Shock 2 happened much earlier.




[hide=]What I mean by this is that in System Shock 2 you find out half way through that the person who was helping you actually was SHODAN, the main "villain" of the game. It's the same thing as the twist they used in Bioshock.




The one thing I did like about bioshock, as I said before, was the entire bit questioning why we as gamers do just as we are told. I thought it was a great thing to put in the game[/hide]






Speaking of System Shock 2 though, now man that game was scary.

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I'm not sure, but wasn't SS2 made by the same company that made Bio? It's just I think I remember reading a quote from Kevin Levine where he mentions it alot.




I don't think BioShock was scary, as much as it was creepy, like it's not what happens, it's the anticipation of what happens.




IMO Condemned: Criminal Origins is the scariest game ever made.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Not liking Bioshock is unnacceptable and in the afterlife he will not be rewarded with Jesus cookies.




Not everyone can like a game, but I want to know why. Of course I don;t need to know, but the majority of reviews have been very positive. I just want to know what specifically he doesn't like about it.




And btw, I can't wait a whole week.





I'm sure I've already said this but I don't really like playing a game I had played years and years ago. Like I said before Bioshock is System Shock 2, just set in a different setting (not as scary I must add). They both quite honestly share the exact same plot twists, except that System Shock 2 happened much earlier.




[hide=]What I mean by this is that in System Shock 2 you find out half way through that the person who was helping you actually was SHODAN, the main "villain" of the game. It's the same thing as the twist they used in Bioshock.




The one thing I did like about bioshock, as I said before, was the entire bit questioning why we as gamers do just as we are told. I thought it was a great thing to put in the game[/hide]






Speaking of System Shock 2 though, now man that game was scary.




Nothing worse than something coming out of nowhere and making you go OMGWTFBBQ and making you waste ammo.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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