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Chart comparing old and new RuneScape rules


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I can't remember/find the QFC for it (too sleepy atm), but I do recall a Jagex Mod stating that not only was AFK training against the rules, but it would be "dishonourable" to do so. So it fits under "Honour" nicely, I suppose.

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...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Not really that much to discuss about.. But what happened to rule 8 ?


I've asked various JMods that but haven't got a clear answer. They've said that you can't get a friend to help you transfer items as that is against the rules, but wouldn't comment on for example if I were to login to more than one of my own accounts at the same time.




I can't remember/find the QFC for it (too sleepy atm), but I do recall a Jagex Mod stating that not only was AFK training against the rules, but it would be "dishonourable" to do so. So it fits under "Honour" nicely, I suppose.


So are you saying something can be "against the rules" just because Jagex feels it is dishonourable, disrespectful or a risk to security without it actually breaking any of the stated rules? Or if it is against a specific rule, then which rule is it against?


Mechscape World (the original MechScape fansite)

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So we can multi-log and afk train on them lol? :? I guess it would still be classed in honour some how. #-o


I wouldn't risk it. It isn't explicitly against the rules, but they still might punish you for it.




Mod Raven posted:


Essentially AFK training is a step or two away from power-levelling or macroing. Because you're not actually playing the game yourself, but getting something else to do it for you. Admittedly it's an in-built feature you're using, so we certainly wouldn't be as harsh as we would with macroing, but the principle is the same.


Whilst you may not feel those rules are necessary, those two methods aren't really honourable are they. After all they give people an unfair advantage.




It's always a bad idea to leave your character unattended anyway, you could be attacked or someone could jump onto your computer, for example.




It's much better to keep an eye on your character, or log out if you're not going to be there.




As for multi-logging, again it's not really fair as accounts owned by the same person should never interact.


Mechscape World (the original MechScape fansite)

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Not really that much to discuss about.. But what happened to rule 8 ?




Rule 8 is extremely hard to report correctly now, unless the person says that they're doing it.




I'm glad that spamming has been added to offenses (this will be very nice in large clan chats).


Thanks to Uno for the awsome sig <3

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Mod Raven said that "A number of relatively minor rules have been left off the list on the rules page, because they're covered under the Honour, Respect and Security headings". I'm trying to argue that if something is against the rules then it should be listed under those headings, and that they do not state that the headings are merely "guiding principles" and that there are unlisted offences which you can commit without knowing it.


Mechscape World (the original MechScape fansite)

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Mod Raven said that "A number of relatively minor rules have been left off the list on the rules page, because they're covered under the Honour, Respect and Security headings". I'm trying to argue that if something is against the rules then it should be listed under those headings, and that they do not state that the headings are merely "guiding principles" and that there are unlisted offences which you can commit without knowing it.








If it's not listed, how do you report for it? Or is it like rule 10 where Jagex is handling it themselves? And if that's the case, why not take macroing off the list since they have those great detection tools?




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Multi log is prob removed cause it doesnt harm the game in anyway. Since the interaction between two accounts that belong to the same player is so limited now (Trade limit, drop trade limit) there is no real way to make 2 account to pump money into one single main. In other words, before RWT update, some people made slave accounts for their main. That is why multi log was against the rules. Now if people want to train two account at the same time (main/pure), it is mainly for their own entertainment.

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It's interesting to see the addition about illegal drugs. There go all of our marijuana talks, which were more of debates on the legality. I guess debating a modern controversial issue is against the rules now :?


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Multi log is prob removed cause it doesnt harm the game in anyway.


Mod Raven is arguing that multi-logging is still "against the rules" even if there isn't a rule against it, and that the only way to be safe is if one account is on RuneScape and the other is on FunOrb. Quote:


Multi-logging is actually covered under the rules, you may want to re-read. It doesn't explicitly call it multi-logging, but we do state clearly that two accounts must never interact.




Because characters in the same game do interact with one another, on some level (that's game coding for you), playing two characters at the same time is against the rules. However, if you wanted to play FunOrb and the same time, then that's a different matter. You're welcome to have one account playing FunOrb and one playing RuneScape...but I wouldn't recommend it, due to the multi-tasking needed.


Mechscape World (the original MechScape fansite)

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Multi log is prob removed cause it doesnt harm the game in anyway. Since the interaction between two accounts that belong to the same player is so limited now (Trade limit, drop trade limit) there is no real way to make 2 account to pump money into one single main. In other words, before RWT update, some people made slave accounts for their main. That is why multi log was against the rules. Now if people want to train two account at the same time (main/pure), it is mainly for their own entertainment.


You could still trade junk from your main for cash from your slave.




If JaGEx did allow multilogging, it would probably be because nowadays technology makes it easy for some people to log on two accounts from the same location without JaGEx having any chance of catching them. IMO they should remove the multiple logging in rule, but also make sure that people can't do big junk to cash trades between their accounts. That would mean either a solid flagging system for such trades or adjusting item prices so that there are no junk items and lowering prices manually when price manipulators try to create junk value in case the price manipulators trade the overpriced items to their slave accounts (which some already do).




Edit: Lol they changed website advertising to advertising another website. I can finally say "Go to www.runescape.com for a great game" without getting banned.

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Let's say I'm playing in Amsterdam, can i discuss the use of drugs as I can smoke iweed in legality here? Can I get a ban or mute because my country has different laws than the majority?




Would i get a ban for saying : let's all get on a plane to Amsterdam and smoke weed there! Nothing illegal in getting on a plane and nothing illegal in smoking weed in Amsterdam... Though I have a feeling I would get a mute and a lot of reports if I were to write that in a crowded place.






Good job Ren on the chart btw.



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I've heard rumours that since this update if 2 accounts log in from same ip that they do not have trade/follow/attack etc options availble for each other




Haven't checked it out myself but this would explain the lack of need to specifically say multi logging is againdt rules


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I've heard rumours that since this update if 2 accounts log in from same ip that they do not have trade/follow/attack etc options availble for each other


That could be true but isn't what Mod Raven was saying. If you could get me a QFC of a mod saying multi-logging is okay then that would be useful.


Mechscape World (the original MechScape fansite)

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I've heard rumours that since this update if 2 accounts log in from same ip that they do not have trade/follow/attack etc options availble for each other




I hope that's not true i often lend items to my brother, i will check later when he comes home.



Thanks Gradeskip93 for my awesome sig!

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Let's say I'm playing in Amsterdam, can i discuss the use of drugs as I can smoke iweed in legality here? Can I get a ban or mute because my country has different laws than the majority?




Would i get a ban for saying : let's all get on a plane to Amsterdam and smoke weed there! Nothing illegal in getting on a plane and nothing illegal in smoking weed in Amsterdam... Though I have a feeling I would get a mute and a lot of reports if I were to write that in a crowded place.






Good job Ren on the chart btw.






This. There quite a few places other than amsterdam where smoking weed is legal. If discussing it is against the rules then they should also make discussion of any kind of smoking against the rules, as well as removing alcohol and all references to it from the game. 400,000 alcohol related deaths a year in the US alone, compared to none for weed speaks volumes.


Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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what happened to acc share?

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Let's say I'm playing in Amsterdam, can i discuss the use of drugs as I can smoke iweed in legality here? Can I get a ban or mute because my country has different laws than the majority?




Would i get a ban for saying : let's all get on a plane to Amsterdam and smoke weed there! Nothing illegal in getting on a plane and nothing illegal in smoking weed in Amsterdam... Though I have a feeling I would get a mute and a lot of reports if I were to write that in a crowded place.






Good job Ren on the chart btw.


JaGEx makes the game and the rules. They can make talking about pudding a bannable offence if they want. Heck, they can dish out an IP ban to anybody for any reason with no evidence needed if they want. The only rules that they have to abide by are the UK/International laws that apply for an internet game provider.

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Saweet, I can be on RS and Funorb at the same time, yay.




Jw, could you please direct me to the exact quote that says that? Just in case I get in trouble for doing so, I want to be able to have evidence to use in an appeal. Thanks.




Oh, and since RS in a virtual world, the virtual rules supersede all regional laws.

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Saweet, I can be on RS and Funorb at the same time, yay.




Jw, could you please direct me to the exact quote that says that? Just in case I get in trouble for doing so, I want to be able to have evidence to use in an appeal. Thanks.




Oh, and since RS in a virtual world, the virtual rules supersede all regional laws.


True, and I expect that Jagex would try to make sure their virtual world rules agree with stance of UK laws. If something was legalised in the UK, I expect the rules to follow suit, unless Jagex has some 'company philosophy' or something.

~ W ~



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