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Hegemony-V2 begins page 302


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Cloud Nine from BSG?




Hey Rpg, weren't you also going to send some of my people on that thing as well?




bsg? no.




And you can have the 5% other. and maybe like 2.5% from my country's percent. I can't recall you sending that much money in, but you are NWO, and I trust you...so whatever.




Everyone still has to pass the test to get aboard though. And trust is not an easy thing to test. Especially from countries foreign to my perfect realm.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Nah, you guys are just great at making weapons better than they should be.




I made a post about desta battleships about, oh I don't know, 15 years ago. Or something.




Well, kinetic bombardment all depends on the size of the projectile.


Saying you're using a RFG isn't too specific.




Well, I'm pretty sure telephone pole sized, solid tungsten rods would do a lot more damage than a 20-metre radius, lol.


Well, since he said not to destroy the city, it would vary what you were gonna use.



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55% Luxembourg


25% Europia


15% malaysia


5% other (or Europian if not filled)




and for the record I think they are actually legit called "Luxembourgers". Weird.




pic time :D


I will give inginfite love to whoever guesses where I got the pics from (not the site, but the source)








I would say starcraft 2 but that would be way to obvious

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Cloud Nine from BSG?




Hey Rpg, weren't you also going to send some of my people on that thing as well?




bsg? no.




And you can have the 5% other. and maybe like 2.5% from my country's percent. I can't recall you sending that much money in, but you are NWO, and I trust you...so whatever.




Everyone still has to pass the test to get aboard though. And trust is not an easy thing to test. Especially from countries foreign to my perfect realm.




Sere gets nothing. He gave nothing to the project, so he gets nothing. I gave the most, so I get the extra 5%. War over 5%, sure why not?


Germania has called up its reserves to serve as active military, bringing military strength to around 40 million. I suppose another 10-20 million could be called up, but meh. I don't feel like spending the money.


Also, my gun and bomb and coming along nicely - gun in 2 years, bomb in another 10. Mining ships have found the minerals we need, and they are being mined and transported to Europa. Hum de hum.




Also, in case anyone was wondering what the last part of my signature meant, here it is:


"Much have I told thee,


and more would say


If fate more space


for speech had given;


My voice grows weak,


my wounds are swelling;


Truth I have said,


and so I die."




Hm. I am in actuality a Norse-pagan (or as my religion as now known, a "heretical cult", so I figured it a nice little "[bleep] you" to the Christians of this board). [garden tool] hum.

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Cloud Nine from BSG?




Hey Rpg, weren't you also going to send some of my people on that thing as well?




bsg? no.




And you can have the 5% other. and maybe like 2.5% from my country's percent. I can't recall you sending that much money in, but you are NWO, and I trust you...so whatever.




Everyone still has to pass the test to get aboard though. And trust is not an easy thing to test. Especially from countries foreign to my perfect realm.


What sort of test are we talking about?

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Cloud Nine from BSG?




Hey Rpg, weren't you also going to send some of my people on that thing as well?




bsg? no.




And you can have the 5% other. and maybe like 2.5% from my country's percent. I can't recall you sending that much money in, but you are NWO, and I trust you...so whatever.




Everyone still has to pass the test to get aboard though. And trust is not an easy thing to test. Especially from countries foreign to my perfect realm.


What sort of test are we talking about?




A personality and stability test to ensure there's no violonce or conflict aboard the ship while it's on it's voyage. It's gonna be up there for a LONG time. So I need to ensure no noe gets bored and goes "lol i have a gun and take over the ship".




My stats stand. If Germaniac is really threatening to invade, I'll simply crash TerrAvenger into Germany. And this thing is friggin' huge. I'm not as nice as Doom is. And I have old grudges. I'd actually do it. So I think you may want to consider attacking me. Especiialy, because NWO would reck you after that amount of damage. Who knows? Myabe Doom would jump in while she is the main power and pick up some European land.




55% Lux


25% Eur


15% Mal


5% Brit




End of discussion.


For the record, TerrAvenger is much much bigger than Doom's original ship, which she threaten could pretty much end all of Europe if hurled at it. So, yes you do have reason to be scared.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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A personality and stability test to ensure there's no violonce or conflict aboard the ship while it's on it's voyage. It's gonna be up there for a LONG time. So I need to ensure no noe gets bored and goes "lol i have a gun and take over the ship".




My stats stand. If Germaniac is really threatening to invade, I'll simply crash TerrAvenger into Germany. And this thing is friggin' huge. I'm not as nice as Doom is. And I have old grudges. I'd actually do it. So I think you may want to consider attacking me. Especiialy, because NWO would reck you after that amount of damage. Who knows? Myabe Doom would jump in while she is the main power and pick up some European land.




55% Lux


25% Eur


15% Mal


5% Brit




End of discussion.


For the record, TerrAvenger is much much bigger than Doom's original ship, which she threaten could pretty much end all of Europe if hurled at it. So, yes you do have reason to be scared.




I think you forget that Europa has 2 battlestations and 2 (perhaps 3) battleships in orbit around the Earth(which could easily destroy the TerrAvenger). If you crash that thing that I helped fund, into my land, then I doubt the NWO will support you in a war. In which case you are completely [bleep]ed.


50% Luxembourg


35% Europian


15% Malaysian






Trust me, I don't want to go to war with you, but I will. If that TerrAvenger moves an inch beyond where it's at now, I will blow it to pieces (until an agreement on percentages is made, after which I will only permit it to move away from the Earth).


Besides, I doubt the NWO would like it if you wiped out one of its major trading partners. Destroying Europe would cause a global depression even bigger then China being destroyed would.


So. Make your choice.




edit: Actually, Europa is not isolationist anymore. Idk how you stand it Doom. Europa is interventionalist/hawk lobby

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Rpg, being threatening towards Dusty wouldn't be your smartest move yet.




Australia has launched a new Satellite into Space, it is a largish one so it is being launched deeper into space than usual. It is currently charging up with solar power before it will be fully operational.

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


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As I forgot to say it yesterday, our new military budget is only 40b a year to spend on training new troops - 200k a year.




Leaving us with 345b (It's actually more fun when you're realistic with your money. I don't care that I'm falling behind. :P) to use for space programmes.




A surge in production has meant that our first Dyson shard is complete, and has been launched. It takes 3 years to charge, am I correct?


We're going to build another one - nobody gave me an estimate on how much this thing costs, so I'll say 25b a year is being put into it. Would appreciate some clarification.

'Tis I, 'tis Vindice, 'tis I!

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If you crash that thing that I helped fund, into my land, then I doubt the NWO will support you in a war. In which case you are completely [bleep].



You're threatening to go to war over a 5% population difference.






Dungeon, the things cost around 40 billion each.


I've made 7 over the last 20 years or so.




My space construction has been split as so:


15% Rhadamanthus battleships (Seeing as this was 70% a few years ago, and I now have 3 battleship, so production can be reduced)


55% Harvester ships


30% Cargo ships




Current figures are:


3 Rhadamanthus class battleships


10 Harvester ships


6 Cargo ships




My harvester ships have some production facilities, so they can basically stay near Sirius and produce Solar statites while the cargo ships bring them materials.




EDIT: Screw it, I said I would never use ARC cannons on ground troops, but I'm building four of them in orbit to counter all these crazy people with RFGs.

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Dungeon, the things cost around 40 billion each.


I've made 7 over the last 20 years or so.




Oh, that's much more reasonable. 10b each, 4 year construction time then.




We're going to invest 200b a year into the production of our first battleship, using the plans from Ross' Rhadamanthus versions but altered slightly; their class will be known as the Hawonga. I guess one of these will take 6 years.


100b a year for cargo ships, copied off the two we have currently, as we gain more experience I think this will only take 4 years each.


Then 50b to produce various mining ships, the first of which will be christened 'Orange Elf'. One every 2 years or so, I guess. They're not big things.




Production of these will all begin next year after we spend our budget this year on the building of two huge shipyards.





'Tis I, 'tis Vindice, 'tis I!

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Sounds fine to me.


Are you planning on helping with the Dyson bubble?


I have also begun stockpiling materials for the solar sails.


Still need Doom's nanotubes if we are to make this happen though.




Yeah, if Doom agrees it's plausible then I will offer my support after you've explained what exactly makes it different from a sphere?

'Tis I, 'tis Vindice, 'tis I!

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Okay, well, A Dyson sphere is basically a huge hollow shell, which completely encompasses a star to absorb 100% of the energy it radiates.




A Dyson bubble is a series of solar sails which will basically stay still (Statites), they absorb less energy, but they take up far less material and there is no danger of the sails colliding with each other.


I imagine they would absorb around 45% of the suns energy.




The bubble is much more practical, however, these solar sails need to be constructed from nanotubes if they are to work properly.

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My special satellite will have several special features. I will release one that is completed. It will jam every and all radios/radars/anything that can show they are there basically, that will be in the area of where my FX-Talons will be fighting. Range of (1,000 nmi) for starters.




My other pilots (non FX-Talons) are going to go into extensive training to handle fighting without help from other pilots/radio help. They will only do "Easy" missions however. However, the FX-Talons are going to be okay as they will use a special unique frequency that will be new every single time they go to battle, and when they don't battle. They will of course be changing its frequencies more than 10,000 times per second.




@ross I'll help with the Dyson Bubble; too!




He gave nothing to the project, so he gets nothing. I gave the most, so I get the extra 5%. War over 5%, sure why not?


LOL @ getting angry for not getting an extra 5%. =D>




Hm. I am in actuality a Norse-pagan (or as my religion as now known, a "heretical cult", so I figured it a nice little "[bleep] you" to the Christians of this board). [garden tool] hum.


I wonder who this is directed at...

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We're still working on developing them so they're cheaper, right now it would cost a ridiculous amount. Building our space elevators cost way more than it could have, had we taken it slower.








Are we going to do Sirius? It puts out more energy and is a good amount bigger.




We're going to need some source of carbon and other materials, if we don't want to wreck earth in the process of doing this. This will take a long, long time to do.




We're also equipping my Global ICBM System with more advanced particle weapons than we had when we made it, and letting their aim ascend a bit more than previously possible. Also upgrading their hulls and exterior with more resilient layers of mirrored materials.



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Yeah, we shall do Sirius, since if we did it on Sol we would probably block out the light to Earth and end life as we know it.




I can help research Carbon Nanotubes and I'll search around for a source of Carbon.




Once we have all the stuff researched and designed, I assume it will take 25 years or so?




I'm going to totally stop production on battleships and leave Rhadamanthus IV 1/5 finished in my station, instead diverting all spare funding to creating cargo and harvester ships.




(Any estimates on the amount of Carbon we will need?)

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Okay, we need a star that is relatively close and can produce a lot of Carbon, so it will preferably need to be red in colour, although I assume yellow would work just fine.




Anybody know of such a star?




Edit: #-o Sol of course.


Well, it would still be easier if we found a red star, but if all else fails I think we can harvest carbon from Sol.

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The huge majority of stars in our area are red. There are only like 4 out of 20 within 10 lightyears or so that aren't.




For how much material we need, the surface area of Sirius is


2.069818 × 10^19 meters squared. I think.


Or, 20698180000000000000 meters squared. I don't know how thick the thing we're building would be, so I can't do the rest of the math.



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I'm going to build some new ships (credit goes to Eve Online!)




Industrial Ships are designed to carry large volumes of cargo within their large holds. However, they are slow and fragile ships, leaving them vulnerable to attack.




I will build 15 of these. I will try to find a way to increase their speed.




Mining barges are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining modules. Coupled with a sizable cargo hold and a goodly drone bay, this makes them extremely efficient ore extraction vessels.




I will build 10 of these.




Exhumers, like their mining barge cousins, are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining modules. They are also far more resilient, better able to handle the dangers of deep space. The Hulk is, bar none, the most efficient mining vessel available.




I will build 3 of these.

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I'm going to build some new ships (credit goes to Eve Online!)




Industrial Ships are designed to carry large volumes of cargo within their large holds. However, they are slow and fragile ships, leaving them vulnerable to attack.




I will build 15 of these. I will try to find a way to increase their speed.




Mining barges are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining modules. Coupled with a sizable cargo hold and a goodly drone bay, this makes them extremely efficient ore extraction vessels.




I will build 10 of these.




Exhumers, like their mining barge cousins, are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining modules. They are also far more resilient, better able to handle the dangers of deep space. The Hulk is, bar none, the most efficient mining vessel available.




I will build 3 of these.




With respect.. there's no way you can afford to build 18 spaceships at once, let alone have the facilities... :P..

'Tis I, 'tis Vindice, 'tis I!

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One second, I think I can work this out.


For a material that is 0.8 grams per square meter, we would need 2.17 X 10^20 Kilograms of material.




HOWEVER, Carbon nanotubes are less than 0.1 grams per square meter density, so lets just assume they are 0.08 for the sake of simplicity.




So, we divide that number by ten, and we get how much material we need.




I can offer my Station and Elysium for people wishing to build ships to help with this undertaking, by the way.






Also, I think the figures there are a little wrong.


Considering that the solar sails aren't very thick at all, maybe 45 cm thick maximum.

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I don't know how we can do this. If the entire thing was .08 grams per square meter of space, we'd need like 9.8 quadrillion tons. I think.




EDIT: Latino, there's no way you'd be able to get those off the Earth, without them being built in space. Unless they're tiny.



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