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n00bfiterpk6 pvp vid 4 - 99 str + att claw rushing in vesta

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so you can rush, but most of the people you attacked were getting ready to have an agreed fight. thats the worst part, not only are you out there showing no talent but your also a scavenger. i bet you tele if some 1 attacks you also.




i guess you can get a 1/10 because you actually ko people, even if they were wearing d'hide.

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Don't listen to these noobs, they're just sad they got owned by clawers. :P




Nice kills btw, I'll give you a 10/10.




I nearly never get downed by claws :roll: Don't make assumptions.



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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so you can rush, but most of the people you attacked were getting ready to have an agreed fight. thats the worst part, not only are you out there showing no talent but your also a scavenger. i bet you tele if some 1 attacks you also.




i guess you can get a 1/10 because you actually ko people, even if they were wearing d'hide.




The entire point of PvP is to use all of your resources to kill people and escape getting killed yourself. People having agreed fights need to realize that there's always the risk of an attacker. They're in the wilderness, so that's a given. Also, teleing when you're about to die is perfectly fine. Would you rather die and lose full vestas or spend 600 gp on a tele and have one pker angry at you because you "cheated" or were "a teleing noob". "Honor" and killing people don't go together.




Seriously. Stop complaining because other people don't make it easier for you to do what you want.








Thanks to Uno for the awsome sig <3

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there is totally a fine line between using everything advantage you can get, then lets say acting like a coward for some pixels.




i call it like i see it, u do whatever u wanna to justify it.

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lol thanks for the feedback (sort of) only a couple decent comments but yea.




I myself am an "honour" pking most of the time, but decided to go rushing for abit of fun.


I see why so many people seem to hate it, but seriously, go out and buy a pair of claws and go rush some people, its quite abit of fun.




oh and to the person who thinks i tele as soon as attacked, i cant be [bleep]ed to find ur name and do a quote (lol), but yea, when i am attacked by a "pker" up in the wild i pot up, put on my whip and vesta's and normally they are the ones who chicken out and run while i hit 45s through there weak gear..

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10\10 I love watching rush vids. I wish I could get claws :( What songs are used in the vid?

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Don't listen to these noobs, they're just sad they got owned by clawers. :P




Nice kills btw, I'll give you a 10/10.




I nearly never get downed by claws :roll: Don't make assumptions.






The only reason you never get downed by claws, is cause I'm not out there owning you. :)




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Don't listen to these noobs, they're just sad they got owned by clawers. :P




Nice kills btw, I'll give you a 10/10.




I nearly never get downed by claws :roll: Don't make assumptions.






The only reason you never get downed by claws, is cause I'm not out there owning you. :)




My [wagon].



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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10\10 I love watching rush vids. I wish I could get claws :( What songs are used in the vid?




first one is by the word alive, a new metal band thing, off there brand new ep, the songs called Quit while your ahead.




second song is texas is south by the devil wears prada.




spose i better put that in the video description L

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  • 2 weeks later...
I wouldn't know why you'd want to "rush" a no-arm.




"Oooo no armed Eper, free 76k plz"




I rate it 4/10, dclawing no armour takes alot of skill ya know. Seriously though, rushing epers and honour pkers? That's just lame.

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Clicking venge and spec twice is not impressive. 0/10. Claw rushers/pjers are pathetic.




+1, claw rushing is embaressingly boring, ever wondered what it feels like to actually pk properly?





Hmmm, alrite then. Not sure I rly care, but that's ok. No flaming here, I'll make sure I'm rly active on these forums...

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