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A year ago I never knew I would be making a thread like this. I have always been drug free, never even smoked weed; and at my age (22) that is pretty rare these days. I've been going out a lot since my ex girlfriend cheated on me, we're talking upwards of 3 nights a week at bars, clubs. I got sick of the huge alcohol tabs and wanted an alternative, so per a friend's request I started snorting oxycontin pills....It was all fun and games at first but doing it every time I went out turned into almost every night no matter what I was doing. Thankfully the pills are really expensive so that helped making quitting easier. I'm on day 3 now, thankfully I'm stopping after only 2 months of recreational use, I can definitely see how incredibly addicting painkillers can be. I strongly discourage use of these other than their intended purposes. Please share any stories of addictions here and maybe we can all help each other get over them..




I'm glad to hear that you're quitting oxy, imo it's the worst drug to get addicted to. I lost my best friend to oxy, he did whatever he could just to get a hit and ended up screwing me out of $200 just to get some pills. We're no longer friends and now he's selling drugs and is living on the street.




I got addicted to xanax 2 years ago, my anxiety kept me from sleeping so the doctor had prescribed them to me. At first I took the recommended dosage, but I soon found out they could get you high. I would take them one after another to get high and to stay high, and this went on anytime I could get my hands on them. I loved the feeling they gave you and I started to experiment with other pills, and soon I started to try just about anything to get me high. I continued this for quite awhile before I finally realized how bad I was getting, soon after I quit.




I wish you luck in staying off the pills!




I have a question. I'm on oxycontin right now and I'm prescribed to take it as needed (with four hours in between). I'm not abusing it, and I am honestly taking it only when I'm really uncomfortable or in pain. I won't become addicted if I keep this up right?

Nemo vir est qui mundum non reddat meliorem..

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A year ago I never knew I would be making a thread like this. I have always been drug free, never even smoked weed; and at my age (22) that is pretty rare these days. I've been going out a lot since my ex girlfriend cheated on me, we're talking upwards of 3 nights a week at bars, clubs. I got sick of the huge alcohol tabs and wanted an alternative, so per a friend's request I started snorting oxycontin pills....It was all fun and games at first but doing it every time I went out turned into almost every night no matter what I was doing. Thankfully the pills are really expensive so that helped making quitting easier. I'm on day 3 now, thankfully I'm stopping after only 2 months of recreational use, I can definitely see how incredibly addicting painkillers can be. I strongly discourage use of these other than their intended purposes. Please share any stories of addictions here and maybe we can all help each other get over them..




I'm glad to hear that you're quitting oxy, imo it's the worst drug to get addicted to. I lost my best friend to oxy, he did whatever he could just to get a hit and ended up screwing me out of $200 just to get some pills. We're no longer friends and now he's selling drugs and is living on the street.




I got addicted to xanax 2 years ago, my anxiety kept me from sleeping so the doctor had prescribed them to me. At first I took the recommended dosage, but I soon found out they could get you high. I would take them one after another to get high and to stay high, and this went on anytime I could get my hands on them. I loved the feeling they gave you and I started to experiment with other pills, and soon I started to try just about anything to get me high. I continued this for quite awhile before I finally realized how bad I was getting, soon after I quit.




I wish you luck in staying off the pills!




I have a question. I'm on oxycontin right now and I'm prescribed to take it as needed (with four hours in between). I'm not abusing it, and I am honestly taking it only when I'm really uncomfortable or in pain. I won't become addicted if I keep this up right?


You could grow a dependency to it, but so long as you're not taking a lot of it, and too often, you shouldn't have much of a problem.

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A year ago I never knew I would be making a thread like this. I have always been drug free, never even smoked weed; and at my age (22) that is pretty rare these days. I've been going out a lot since my ex girlfriend cheated on me, we're talking upwards of 3 nights a week at bars, clubs. I got sick of the huge alcohol tabs and wanted an alternative, so per a friend's request I started snorting oxycontin pills....It was all fun and games at first but doing it every time I went out turned into almost every night no matter what I was doing. Thankfully the pills are really expensive so that helped making quitting easier. I'm on day 3 now, thankfully I'm stopping after only 2 months of recreational use, I can definitely see how incredibly addicting painkillers can be. I strongly discourage use of these other than their intended purposes. Please share any stories of addictions here and maybe we can all help each other get over them..




I'm glad to hear that you're quitting oxy, imo it's the worst drug to get addicted to. I lost my best friend to oxy, he did whatever he could just to get a hit and ended up screwing me out of $200 just to get some pills. We're no longer friends and now he's selling drugs and is living on the street.




I got addicted to xanax 2 years ago, my anxiety kept me from sleeping so the doctor had prescribed them to me. At first I took the recommended dosage, but I soon found out they could get you high. I would take them one after another to get high and to stay high, and this went on anytime I could get my hands on them. I loved the feeling they gave you and I started to experiment with other pills, and soon I started to try just about anything to get me high. I continued this for quite awhile before I finally realized how bad I was getting, soon after I quit.




I wish you luck in staying off the pills!




I have a question. I'm on oxycontin right now and I'm prescribed to take it as needed (with four hours in between). I'm not abusing it, and I am honestly taking it only when I'm really uncomfortable or in pain. I won't become addicted if I keep this up right?


If you start to worry that you may be getting addicted/dependant, see your doctor. He will know how to stop it if you are addicted/dependant, or teach you how to better identify the symptoms. He doesn't want you becoming addicted either, you might try stealing his share.

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Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


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You're probably on a smaller dose, 10-15mg, right? Plus, if you're taking the pills orally as prescribed they work as they should, as a time-released painkiller to work over the period of several hours. I've been crushing up 20+mg and snorting it at once, this triggers the euphoric high.

Metal fans, check out my band!


Still the King....

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I really [bleep] hate the "it's just a plant" argument.




Yeah. Cocaine is essentially dervied from plants.


Yeah, but then they go and say it doesn't count as a plant, because you do something to it to make the drug, all the pothead's at my school say "weed's not a drug, it's just a plant, there's nothing wrong with it it's natural." Which is [bleep] stupid, because it's still a drug, even if it is just a plant, and essentially all drugs come from plants in some form or another.




I did overreact to the post andrew made though.


The thing is, Marijuana is Much better for you to smoke that a cigarette because with Marijuana not alot, if any chemicals are added to it. It is physically better for you than to drink or smoke.


2usv0k2.png This graph shows that Marijuana has less dependence and physical harm then the legal drugs, Alcohol and tobacco.


The only reason why I believe Marijuana is illegal, is because of some hemp, paper, and money.


^Hawt new Siggy^ Made by yours truly.

Yeah, Spanish class is where everything funny happens.

Click To see my Origami gallery!

[hide=Important drops]Important drops..... Bandos Tassets x2

Dragon medium helm x 1

Dragon pickaxe x 1 (6m)

Verac's Brassard x 1

Veracs's Helm x 2

Verac's Skirt x 1

Guthan's Helm x 2

Guthan's spear x 1

Karil's Leatherskirt x 1

Karil's C'bow x 1

Dharok's Helm x 1 (4.6m)[/hide]

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Do you need the pills for medicinal purposes? You could try throwing them away (as much money as that may be...).

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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A year ago I never knew I would be making a thread like this. I have always been drug free, never even smoked weed; and at my age (22) that is pretty rare these days. I've been going out a lot since my ex girlfriend cheated on me, we're talking upwards of 3 nights a week at bars, clubs. I got sick of the huge alcohol tabs and wanted an alternative, so per a friend's request I started snorting oxycontin pills....It was all fun and games at first but doing it every time I went out turned into almost every night no matter what I was doing. Thankfully the pills are really expensive so that helped making quitting easier. I'm on day 3 now, thankfully I'm stopping after only 2 months of recreational use, I can definitely see how incredibly addicting painkillers can be. I strongly discourage use of these other than their intended purposes. Please share any stories of addictions here and maybe we can all help each other get over them..




I'm glad to hear that you're quitting oxy, imo it's the worst drug to get addicted to. I lost my best friend to oxy, he did whatever he could just to get a hit and ended up screwing me out of $200 just to get some pills. We're no longer friends and now he's selling drugs and is living on the street.




I got addicted to xanax 2 years ago, my anxiety kept me from sleeping so the doctor had prescribed them to me. At first I took the recommended dosage, but I soon found out they could get you high. I would take them one after another to get high and to stay high, and this went on anytime I could get my hands on them. I loved the feeling they gave you and I started to experiment with other pills, and soon I started to try just about anything to get me high. I continued this for quite awhile before I finally realized how bad I was getting, soon after I quit.




I wish you luck in staying off the pills!




I have a question. I'm on oxycontin right now and I'm prescribed to take it as needed (with four hours in between). I'm not abusing it, and I am honestly taking it only when I'm really uncomfortable or in pain. I won't become addicted if I keep this up right?




You won't get addicted as long as you take it only when it's absolutely necessary, but if you're still scared of getting addicted ask the doctor if there are any other options available to ease the pain.

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Well, I had a scary addiction to, yes, runescape. I used to play 24-hours a couple of times on holidays, once wen about 40 hours straight (thats right, 40 hours. Tell me that isn't bad). Essentialy, gaming addiction can be just as scary as drug addiction. Another strange addiction I have is minties. Strange, but I always need at least 5 a day or I just feel strange. Hope nobody is [bleep]ing them :shock:


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I really [bleep] hate the "it's just a plant" argument.




Yeah. Cocaine is essentially dervied from plants.


Yeah, but then they go and say it doesn't count as a plant, because you do something to it to make the drug, all the pothead's at my school say "weed's not a drug, it's just a plant, there's nothing wrong with it it's natural." Which is [bleep] stupid, because it's still a drug, even if it is just a plant, and essentially all drugs come from plants in some form or another.




I did overreact to the post andrew made though.


The thing is, Marijuana is Much better for you to smoke that a cigarette because with Marijuana not alot, if any chemicals are added to it. It is physically better for you than to drink or smoke.


2usv0k2.png This graph shows that Marijuana has less dependence and physical harm then the legal drugs, Alcohol and tobacco.


The only reason why I believe Marijuana is illegal, is because of some hemp, paper, and money.


It really doesn't matter that it's healthier. They just try and use it as an excuse for their smoking so much pot, they say it doesn't count as a drug because it's natural.


I'm well aware weed is much better for you than smoking cigarettes, I don't really condone smoking a lot of either.

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I just removed a bunch of inappropriate posts pertaining to masturbation and such.




If it continues I will hand out warnings. This thread is not meant for that.




People really were mentioning that? Geez, keep your pants on TIF.




I don't know, or think at least, that I am addicted to anything. At least chemically I'm not.

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Ooh yeah bro, don't get into that stuff.




Mom was a Marjuana user when she was younger, went to a party with friends of hers, got into heroin, she got out of it in a month thankfully. (a friend of hers who was a pothead was completely anti-hard drug and kind of forced her out of it)






Later on in life both mom and stepdad got addicted to pills, started injecting Oxycontin, moved onto to heroin... My god, everything went down hill, always in their room, sold almost everything we had, came to the point where I just had a radio and mattress in my room, we got evicted, they went on methadone, homeless for a bit; and now we're living good.




A word of advice, don't tell yourself "It will only be once" because it most likely won't be.






As for myself, I did a bit of rebellious drinking in my early high school days, bit of other stuff I regret, but I've been straight since. Don't plan on anything because both my real dad and my mom have a history of addiction, so it's not something I wanna test myself with. I'm joining the Marine for about 4 years, so most of my younger "party" years will be full of military fun!

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Ooh yeah bro, don't get into that stuff.




Mom was a Marjuana user when she was younger, went to a party with friends of hers, got into heroin, she got out of it in a month thankfully. (a friend of hers who was a pothead was completely anti-hard drug and kind of forced her out of it)






Later on in life both mom and stepdad got addicted to pills, started injecting Oxycontin, moved onto to heroin... My god, everything went down hill, always in their room, sold almost everything we had, came to the point where I just had a radio and mattress in my room, we got evicted, they went on methadone, homeless for a bit; and now we're living good.




A word of advice, don't tell yourself "It will only be once" because it most likely won't be.






As for myself, I did a bit of rebellious drinking in my early high school days, bit of other stuff I regret, but I've been straight since. Don't plan on anything because both my real dad and my mom have a history of addiction, so it's not something I wanna test myself with. I'm joining the Marine for about 4 years, so most of my younger "party" years will be full of military fun!




They IV'd oxy? God, slap them for being such fools. Anyone who IV's pills shouldn't be using any drugs at all.


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Not a *real* addiction, but I usally have atleast 3 cups of tea a day...




I understand what you mean when you say "not a 'real' addiction", cos most of the addictions people are posting aren't real. But yours could very well be real due to caffeine. Have you tried not drinking three a day?

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Oh yeah, i'd guess there has been quite a few... althought I can't remember the last time. It's something I enjoy for the taste and warmth. Especially when you're a poor student ;)




It's not real in the idea that I can't go without it. Although the more I think about it, it becomes harder to devise an argument to prove I'm not addicited to Tea...




I don't really have cravings for tea, or caffene, more like a desire to drink something. Tap water is average, sometimes I'll have coffee, or hot chocolate (I often have them at work, rather than tea for some reason).




I go without tea I had to or needed to, I just choose not to because I enjoy it!!

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