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11th September 2009 - Machinima Competition Results


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Wow, what a day! I NEVER win anything. :shock:




I talked briefly with Mod MMG, and he said unfortunately I wouldn't be able to film inside their studios. I'm trying to see if I can film inside the bathroom or storage closet or something. :mrgreen:




I don't even know if I can make it to the planned celebration with the other players (it was kind of short notice for me), but that sounds like one big party!




I'll try to make a video of some sort about the trip and explaining what I can. Or at LEAST lampooning it. ;)




Also, rumor has it that the lifetime membership has "4000 days remaining" on the account. I haven't been able to log in yet to verify.




Huge congrats Excl! Enjoy =D>

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Wow, what a day! I NEVER win anything. :shock:




I talked briefly with Mod MMG, and he said unfortunately I wouldn't be able to film inside their studios. I'm trying to see if I can film inside the bathroom or storage closet or something. :mrgreen:




I don't even know if I can make it to the planned celebration with the other players (it was kind of short notice for me), but that sounds like one big party!




I'll try to make a video of some sort about the trip and explaining what I can. Or at LEAST lampooning it. ;)




Also, rumor has it that the lifetime membership has "4000 days remaining" on the account. I haven't been able to log in yet to verify.




So lifetime is 13 years?



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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Wow, what a day! I NEVER win anything. :shock:




I talked briefly with Mod MMG, and he said unfortunately I wouldn't be able to film inside their studios. I'm trying to see if I can film inside the bathroom or storage closet or something. :mrgreen:




I don't even know if I can make it to the planned celebration with the other players (it was kind of short notice for me), but that sounds like one big party!




I'll try to make a video of some sort about the trip and explaining what I can. Or at LEAST lampooning it. ;)




Also, rumor has it that the lifetime membership has "4000 days remaining" on the account. I haven't been able to log in yet to verify.




So lifetime is 13 years?


Omg, Jagex is gonna kill Excl.

I'm going to milk Goon's teats

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Wow, what a day! I NEVER win anything. :shock:




I talked briefly with Mod MMG, and he said unfortunately I wouldn't be able to film inside their studios. I'm trying to see if I can film inside the bathroom or storage closet or something. :mrgreen:




I don't even know if I can make it to the planned celebration with the other players (it was kind of short notice for me), but that sounds like one big party!




I'll try to make a video of some sort about the trip and explaining what I can. Or at LEAST lampooning it. ;)




Also, rumor has it that the lifetime membership has "4000 days remaining" on the account. I haven't been able to log in yet to verify.




So lifetime is 13 years?




Either is the player suposed to quit orrunescape wont exist by then

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Wow, what a day! I NEVER win anything. :shock:




I talked briefly with Mod MMG, and he said unfortunately I wouldn't be able to film inside their studios. I'm trying to see if I can film inside the bathroom or storage closet or something. :mrgreen:




I don't even know if I can make it to the planned celebration with the other players (it was kind of short notice for me), but that sounds like one big party!




I'll try to make a video of some sort about the trip and explaining what I can. Or at LEAST lampooning it. ;)




Also, rumor has it that the lifetime membership has "4000 days remaining" on the account. I haven't been able to log in yet to verify.




I don't know what the exchange rate is but you just won roughly £13,000 in runescape membership if it is 4000 days.


To be honest I'd ask them if I can exchange it for cash lol!


So you're not even allowed to take a few photos? (I think they'll take some themselves)

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Lifetime memberSHIP?? Sounds like they're hinting at something. Tricky Jagex- their recent Q&A was just a ploy to get people to stop guessing.




Lifetime membership is awesome. And more visits to Jagex from players? Awesome! Until they find out that some of the top players are under 18 and their mommies won't let them fly out to Cambridge. XD




omg please... not sailing... let it die... lol

Rogue Palko... Quest Cape since 2006... Player since 2001.... And Bored Player Mod...


[hide=skill goals if you're interested...]

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Wow, what a day! I NEVER win anything. :shock:




I talked briefly with Mod MMG, and he said unfortunately I wouldn't be able to film inside their studios. I'm trying to see if I can film inside the bathroom or storage closet or something. :mrgreen:




I don't even know if I can make it to the planned celebration with the other players (it was kind of short notice for me), but that sounds like one big party!




I'll try to make a video of some sort about the trip and explaining what I can. Or at LEAST lampooning it. ;)




Also, rumor has it that the lifetime membership has "4000 days remaining" on the account. I haven't been able to log in yet to verify.






maybe you can bring a pad and paper and write down any things you see that may be in development! lol...


also tell mod hohbien i said hi!

Rogue Palko... Quest Cape since 2006... Player since 2001.... And Bored Player Mod...


[hide=skill goals if you're interested...]

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Wow, what a day! I NEVER win anything. :shock:




I talked briefly with Mod MMG, and he said unfortunately I wouldn't be able to film inside their studios. I'm trying to see if I can film inside the bathroom or storage closet or something. :mrgreen:




I don't even know if I can make it to the planned celebration with the other players (it was kind of short notice for me), but that sounds like one big party!




I'll try to make a video of some sort about the trip and explaining what I can. Or at LEAST lampooning it. ;)




Also, rumor has it that the lifetime membership has "4000 days remaining" on the account. I haven't been able to log in yet to verify.




So lifetime is 13 years?




Either is the player suposed to quit orrunescape wont exist by then




Alot of times companies say life time supply when it's really just a ridiculously large amount. I doubt anyone will still be playing after 13 years, and I feel sorry for them if they do :-# .




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Wow, what a day! I NEVER win anything. :shock:




I talked briefly with Mod MMG, and he said unfortunately I wouldn't be able to film inside their studios. I'm trying to see if I can film inside the bathroom or storage closet or something. :mrgreen:




I don't even know if I can make it to the planned celebration with the other players (it was kind of short notice for me), but that sounds like one big party!




I'll try to make a video of some sort about the trip and explaining what I can. Or at LEAST lampooning it. ;)




Also, rumor has it that the lifetime membership has "4000 days remaining" on the account. I haven't been able to log in yet to verify.




So lifetime is 13 years?




Either is the player suposed to quit orrunescape wont exist by then




Alot of times companies say life time supply when it's really just a ridiculously large amount. I doubt anyone will still be playing after 13 years, and I feel sorry for them if they do :-# .




well, some people still play after 8 years, what's to say they can't go all the way?


Personally I will play this game until it ends, with moderation and breaks I always find I can come back and enjoy it year after year.


But that's another discussion altogether.


Congrats again to Excl and post about your visit here because a lot of us are waiting to read about it :thumbup: :thumbup:

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Congrats on winning Excl ::' =D> Would you tell us how you made your video? I liked the ending. Your video was over the 2 mins limit!!! LOL!

Youtube user name: birdman258 200MCook 200mPrayer MakinWines MyF2pSkillers

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Lifetime memberSHIP?? Sounds like they're hinting at something. Tricky Jagex- their recent Q&A was just a ploy to get people to stop guessing.




Lifetime membership is awesome. And more visits to Jagex from players? Awesome! Until they find out that some of the top players are under 18 and their mommies won't let them fly out to Cambridge. XD




omg please... not sailing... let it die... lol


Die... Zeus killed all of Odysseus' men after they left the isle of the sun god, sailing away. He killed them for eating the cattle. Cattle are cows. Cows are in runescape. There for cows must be a sailing reference. :o




*facepalm...* #-o


facepalm... Face and palm are... Nah JK i'm not gonna do that one.


Facepalm contains the word "palm" which is a type of tropical tree. Tropical trees are found on islands, which you have to use a boat to get to. OMG SAILING!!!11!1shifteleventyone




omg this is worse than the term "animal husbandry" that someone used to describe "mounting takes skill" in the RSOF....


except this isn't suggestive of furries... whom will never be in the game either...




if you want to kill furries do mountain daughter... [hide=spoiler!]you kill a man in a bear suit...[/hide]

Rogue Palko... Quest Cape since 2006... Player since 2001.... And Bored Player Mod...


[hide=skill goals if you're interested...]

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To be honest, I didn't really like Excl's Video. But this is my opinion.




There wasn't much creativity, talking, and the ending was kinda boring. -.-




But this is my opinion, so don't have to remind me about it.




I voted for Jinsr44's withing all the jigging and the flashing skillscapes. ::'


But don't flame my opinion. Please.

Barrows Items: 1x Dharok's Platelegs, 1x Veracs's Plateskirt, 1x Dharok's Greataxe, 2x Torag's Platelegs, 1x Akrisae's War Mace, 1x Ahrim's Robeskirt, 3x Akrisae's Robetop, 1x Guthan's Warspear, 1x Akrisae's Robeskirt, 1x Torag's Helm, 2x Verac's Brassard, 1x Karil's Pistol Crossbow


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To be honest, I didn't really like Excl's Video. But this is my opinion.




There wasn't much creativity, talking, and the ending was kinda boring. -.-




But this is my opinion, so don't have to remind me about it.




I voted for Jinsr44's withing all the jigging and the flashing skillscapes. ::'


But don't flame my opinion. Please.




Everyone is entitled to their opinion so you won't get flamed :mrgreen:




But in the end its the player with the most votes that win and those votes have come through personal preference too and that's the case here

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His video is pretty good, but it's nothing amazingly creative. Congrats to him, but really makes me wonder why I didn't give it a shot. Even though I don't play runescape anymore, a free trip to Jagex studio's would be pretty sweet, plus it would be a good way to get my foot in the door as a programmer.




Living in Europe wouldn't suit me though...O well.




Again, Congrats to Excl and the other finalist.




EDIT: After viewing all the videos, his is definitely the best video out of the finalist. Some of them are just down right annoying, his actually has quite a bit of humor.

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They aint exactly clear with what they mean by top players. Maybe Aka famous players.




I wonder if the famous players get paparazzied when they visit. Not exactly hard to travel to combridge and even I personally travel there sometimes lol. Ofcourse I dont care but unless they drive into some underground carpark with black windows they ganna have to walk in letting people film it.




I mean enough people follow them around ingame..

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They aint exactly clear with what they mean by top players. Maybe Aka famous players.




I wonder if the famous players get paparazzied when they visit. Not exactly hard to travel to combridge and even I personally travel there sometimes lol. Ofcourse I dont care but unless they drive into some underground carpark with black windows they ganna have to walk in letting people film it.




I mean enough people follow them around ingame..




No no, it's the top players.

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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Finally, in the spirit of inviting players to party with us, were also asking Excl and a handful of the top players (both free and members) to also join us at our next Studio Jolly later this month.




Omg, pick me pl0x :shock:


Top Players doesn't ness' mean Maxed players who spent years burning away at pixels. :roll: (Basically what Bazza said)




His video is pretty good, but it's nothing amazingly creative. Congrats to him, but really makes me wonder why I didn't give it a shot. Even though I don't play runescape anymore, a free trip to Jagex studio's would be pretty sweet, plus it would be a good way to get my foot in the door as a programmer.




Living in Europe wouldn't suit me though...O well.




Again, Congrats to Excl and the other finalist.


Could be worse, I'd hate to see their reaction to "Oh, [Player] Lives in Australia/New Zealand" since us South-o's are on the opposite side of the world.


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Congratulations to those who won! You all deserved it.




However, I do think that when Jagex chose Excl as one of the Top 6, everyone knew he would win due to the fact that he has 30k+ subscribers. I found that just a tad bit unfair.




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Top players ARE the top 10, 5, 3 aswell as other random reasons.




Be that for members and freeplay. And anyone else who is considered 'top' by the runescape community rather than possibly jagex are usually famous too. If jagex considers them top players then they probably well known to others in some way.




I never said maxed out either.

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So Excl, when are you taking this trip? It it a predetermained date or are they open? I really think that you should ask if you can take videos of your trip but give them the right to go over the footage and delete anything they deem 'secret'. That way we can see something but nothing too interesting (I wanna see Timbo's desk to see if it really is a troll working there). You HAVE to post at least something here about your trip. I know it is your trip and it really isn't our business...but we are a communist community, what's yours is ours!




Congrats again to all those people that submitted work and those that won in some form or another.

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Btw Excl if your 18+, under 21, do not live in england already and presumably american remember you can have a beer with jagex staff over here without hiding the fact. Get them drunk and then take some pictures. Get sneak peak at new content. Otherwise just have fun at hotel. (Atleast you should get a hotel I hope.) Great if they kind enough to pay all costs including food and drink. They did say party in the post.




Ignore that if your already 21+ or whatever.




Sounds like a good youtube video actually.




(Unrelated - I went to america a few years back when I was 18 for a few months to stay with some friends. It sucked because I suddenly not allowed to buy alcohol myself lol. Might be reverse for you. Idk.)

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