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Attention hockey fans!


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Alright.... we're a couple of weeks into the new NHL and I'm wondering what you all think of it.








I love it. I absolutely love it. I was very skeptical about shootouts before and I must say, I love em too. It's quick, it's hard, goals are coming out the wazoo. Two line passes are flying all over the place and they're beautiful. Goalies are able to show their skill with smaller equipment. Ticket prices have gone down. The Leafs are on a four game winning streak. The Olympics are on their way. *drools*








What do you think?

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Well, ive ALWAYS loved hockey, and i still do. I love the shootots to. When the score is 3-2 6-5 etc, everybody in the rink is saying "Come-on score, go into o.t, and dont score" 8) Shootouts rule. Some goalies are doing pretty bad, like Brodeur, he sucks. Kipper has gotten better, now he's back in his groove (go flames go).

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I enjoy it, but I think that is just because I love hockey. I personally, don't like the Shootouts, it just seems boring to me. Some of the new rules are a nuisance, and in some cases too many penelties are called.








Anyways, Hockeys back, so I'm happy again :)

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I love it too. The game has gotten so much better since they last played. More fans going to games. More excitment. Higher scoring games. Shootouts!




No two line passes. Bascially everything what Nathan said it correct and better.








I just can't wait to go to an actual Devils game this year and see all the excitement. :D

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Alright.... we're a couple of weeks into the new NHL and I'm wondering what you all think of it.








I love it. I absolutely love it. I was very skeptical about shootouts before and I must say, I love em too. It's quick, it's hard, goals are coming out the wazoo. Two line passes are flying all over the place and they're beautiful. Goalies are able to show their skill with smaller equipment. Ticket prices have gone down. The Leafs are on a four game winning streak. The Olympics are on their way. *drools*








What do you think?








Amen, amen.

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Goalies are getting used to shoot outs now. :D

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We had those shootouts here in our league last season and at least I was disappointed. It just doesn't seem to be a fair way to decide the winner. Here they were first liked, but around christmas (our league starts a bit earlier than NHL) everyone were bored of them. Players didn't like them and nor did fans, but for some reason they still are here :\ I'd remove them immediately if I could chose.








We have played with your current 2 line pass rule for like 5 years now and I gotta say that NHL made a mistake. They should have changed rules few years ago :P








Btw what do you think about the new "ref-line"? There seems to be a lot of penalties (and powerplay goals 8) ) this season.



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The new NHL is amazing. A ton of goals per game (so many 10+ games!) and many are also even going onto the shootouts. I love it. Leafs lost twice in the shootout, but oh well. I'm still in favour of it. 4 game winning streak! Oh yeah! Anyone watching the game right now? Leafs vs Flyers... tied 1 - 1 in the second. :P

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I really don't like the idea of shootouts. What I don't like is how you battle for 65 minutes only to lose. I was perfectly fine with a tie; it showed that both teams played hard and they were evenly matched. Well if they were evenly matched then the shootout means there has to be a winner.








Nothing really against the no red line except for icing. But the penalties... I didn't mind a bit of obstruction but now you can't do anything. It's turning out who can get their bigger man in front of the net to screen the goalie. If you've got a big man in front, how are you supposed to move him without receiving a penalty?








As for the leafs... Nate.. We've been through this. Detroit> Toronto.








~Edit~ 5-2 Flyers*Final* :D








Had to add that in.

The problem with the gene pool is that there's no lifeguard.

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aww man, I am so happy that hockey's back. Ya, I was quite skeptical about most of the new rules at first, but I'm really liking it.








Go Oilers!


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I am quite happy that the referees are going to town on penalties. However, the man in front of the net is a problem. At this point, a guy can sit in front of the net untouched and score with ease.... I think that'll change.

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Well I love and hate the new NHL. I like the fact that there are no 2-line passes they were so stupid. I really like the shootouts cause they are exciting and I really don't like ties, to quote BB Thorton in Bad News Bears, Ties are like kissing your sister. But I really don't like the refs cracking down on penalties, if you want to gain some fans that like, say, football, you need to ADD hits and fights not reduce them, why do you think hockey was so successful a long time ago? Because it was real men playing not pansies that need the refs to come and save them. I don't like the trapezoid (or whatever stupid shape it is) behind the net because, being a goalie myself, I love coming out of the crease and passing the puck. I also got a question, supposedly OLN was supposed to air games Monday and Tuesday nights. Well I saw the season oppener back on the 5th but since then I turn on every Monday and Tuesday night to find some freakin idiotic barbecue show or something. Anyway, GO NJ DEVILS!!!!! And whoever said Martin Brodeur sucks has no idea what they are talking about. Since Patrick Roy (who I hate for beating my Devils in the Cup finals a couple of years ago) left Marty has been the best goalie in the NHL, lol Kipper gee I wonder what team you're a fan of?

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Shootouts are exciting in their own way, but I would much rather have the 4on4 go on...








Otherwise, I love the "new" NHL.








TML for the win! :lol: 8)








It should be 4 on 4 for 10 minutes then go into a shootout to end it all if needed.

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Nathan, just for you buddy
















If Tie Domi's a goon, what does that make Eric Boulton? Detroit>Toronto>Atlanta

Oh man, don't even get me started on that goon.
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Nathan, just for you buddy
















If Tie Domi's a goon, what does that make Eric Boulton? Detroit>Toronto>Atlanta








A great player sticking up for his team








btw if you remember or even saw the toronto @ atl game live, youd see that tie domi started it all by cross checking boulton when he was prone, the boulton turned around and beat the crap outta him, GO ERIC BOULTON

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Nathan, just for you buddy
















If Tie Domi's a goon, what does that make Eric Boulton? Detroit>Toronto>Atlanta








A great player sticking up for his team








btw if you remember or even saw the toronto @ atl game live, youd see that tie domi started it all by cross checking boulton when he was prone, the boulton turned around and beat the crap outta him, GO ERIC BOULTON








What does that have to do with him elbowing a TB defenseman in the face. It wasn't needed. They were down like 5 goals with little time remaining.












n. Slang




A thug hired to intimidate or harm opponents.








Hartley most likely sent him out with the intent to injure. Which wouldn't have been his first time.

The problem with the gene pool is that there's no lifeguard.

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maybe boulton wouldnt be so damn evil if tie domi doesnt antagonize people








tie domi started all this by cheap shoting boulton with "brass knuckles" (which is when a player deliberatly holds his stick to cross check someone in a prone position)








domi started it, boulton finished it








now for the TB game i didnt see it so i have no clue what happened, but i heard he did apologize to the kid and was sorry for what he did, i dont see any goons apologizing to kids now, do you?

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