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Divine Forces vs Violent Resolution

The Observer

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http://www.divine-forces.com/forums | #DF


Divine Forces VS Violent Resolution


Yesterday night me and my boy veseble were talking in teamspeak and decided to plan a pk trip for today today (sunday), knowing that we always pull best on sunday we had high hopes for our turnout, and we planned on fighting any clan that was out (hoping for RSD / TT). As the pk got nearer we noticed more and more people logging on, and veseble moved me into a channel on teamspeak, and repeated the words "It's time" instantly i knew what he meant, we soon contacted corr and EOS and told them to back off, and that we wanted VR, and we wanted them alone, telling the 80 people we had in teamspeak the plan everybody instantly got pumped and the atmospehere was amazing, we soon hopped to a pvp world and i told kaochinx we were waiting, VR refused to mass early for us and stuck to there planned pk times, so we waited for a good 20 minutes and then got rushed by RSD, we fought RSD for a while and then VR charged in, I soon contacted RSD and asked if they would leave us to fight VR alone, and they agreed (Many thanks for that by the way).


The fight Started out pretty even, neither clan really had an advantage but after about 30 minutes of fighting it was clear DF had the upper hand, for the next hour or so we were literally chased there pile from greaters to spiders (they still had a pretty strong main pile at this point), our TS was electric, at this point we knew we weren't gonna lose no matter what VR threw at us, after about an hour of there regroups being smashed they decided to mass snipe, they did this for about half an hour and realised it wasn't getting them anywhere, they decided to get there main pile back, and for a while they were doing really well, the fight evened up and VR put snipers back on us, but after about another hour and a half of fighting they were forced back to mass sniping and then soon called it off.


TBH what won us it today was merked05's Hitler speech at the start, without that i have no doubt we would of lost.


DF starting - 255 (90 on TS)

VR starting - 240 ish (80 in TS) (confirmed)


Df Ending - 291 (111 in TS)



VR Ending - 0 called off returning


GF VR You got your 1 vs 1.


Pics of the fight:







VR Death Marching -



Proof that we didnt have "A week prep"



Theres your 1 vs 1.


Mod Edit (Grug): Do not change the topic title, it has been changed for a reason. Although there is proof that there was interference from Cor and EoS members, the evidence shows it to be interference by individuals rather than the entire clans. Decision final.


Good fight VR. You wanted a 1 vs 1, we gave you one. We told Corr & EoS not to ruin our fight. You got what you wanted and now you're making excuses heh?




Anyways amazing work DF. We peaked about 111 members on TS, we deserved the win. Keep it up DF.








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Hopefully this can continue in the future without the interference and maybe the clan world will change. Props to DF and VR for stepping up to this.


With love to one, friendship to many, and good will to all.

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Organization > numbers.

it's not always like that broski.. i remember Blacknights being badly outnumbered by Divne Vindicators, starting was like, 31-54? and as you know, Blacknights is obvoiusly much more organised than DV, still DV took the win due to their numbers.


so its not always organization>numbers.



Grats DF, well deserved, looks like VR will have to rebuild again.


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