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Corrupt a Wish (IT's over Nine Thousand)


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You get a pet turtle but i run over it and it dies then you host a funeral for it but then i run over it's dead body and it's crushed with blood and guts everwhere. i should suply you a picture but i think you see it because you was there.








i wish i could flyyyyyy



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You get a pet turtle but i run over it and it dies then you host a funeral for it but then i run over it's dead body and it's crushed with blood and guts everwhere. i should suply you a picture but i think you see it because you was there.







how dare you, how can you kill the best animal ever!




anyways wish granted but the girls got in a violent fight and they all kill each other




i wish that star_in_the_sky never killed the turtle

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Too late the turtle is dead and you canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t do anything about it lol








You get that wish but then you are not a noob so you can't die








i wish i had 2 and 1/2 pence



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Granted, FBI, CIA, SWAT, and all the other secret aggents are after you since they KNOW your genie's magical power stole the money.








I wish I had a robot that would pay all the taxes for me and it:




- Wouldn't take money from my account




- Wouldn't wanna kill me (not even interested)




- Would be 100% unbreakable




- Would be 100% unstealable




- Nobody would look suspicious about how my taxes are paid




- Would have endless money

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It was true but robot called all his emo friends and bought you as present for Death so they don't get send back












I wish i wished my mother wished that i wished she wished a fish :P (corrupt that!)


lol siggy is rong, im cb 102 NOT 105

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Granted, she get's a shark that eats you and the FBI arrests you for the rest of your life because FBI won't believe you and thinks you shot her with a gun.








I wish I lived in a world full with magic and powerful, poor and all kind of wizards. I would be the darkest wizard of them all and trying to summon dangerous demons to rule that world. :twisted:

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You summon a demon so powerful, it melts both you and a plastic silly hat together for eternity.








I wish that my guitar pick was chocolate flavoured.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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He does and when he comes out, he makes it compulsary to eat smoked fish on Sundays.








I wish that fourteen was a prime number.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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Granted, so are the rest of the numbers because divide no longer exists in math.








Meanwhile somewhere on a construcion site people are having problems since they don't know how to make some buildings that requires math and divide.








I wish your candy would come alive and eat you. :twisted:








You=The person that will post next

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Granted, you roll so fast that you get so confused over all the rolling that you throw up, and an old woman kills you with steel for throwing up and thinks "This rock hasn't been clean for ages, I have to get rid of it"








-RS Related Wish (no effect on real life)-








I wish a Zamorak PlateBody was members only.

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Granted. But Star_in_the_sky does not die because SHE is immortal muahaha.








I wish all turtles were dead :wink:



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