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Corrupt a Wish (IT's over Nine Thousand)


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You become a football player, but get tackled and end up needing surgery




I wish I didn't get owned by Solitaire so much

"Look, if your mom still drops you off at school, you ain't gangsta, pull up your damn pants!" -Jeff Foxworthy

Auto-typer: $7.99

Source code for auto-miner: $70

7 million gp off Ebay: $117

Seeing n00bs ask player mods for them: Priceless

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You get a virus on your computer that causes it to crash completely forever and your solitare doesnt work anymore.








I wish people would stop making computer viruses, and sending spam.


pixel sig and avatar by me.

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They both end, replaced by phishing emails




I wish whips were ub3r expensive now

"Look, if your mom still drops you off at school, you ain't gangsta, pull up your damn pants!" -Jeff Foxworthy

Auto-typer: $7.99

Source code for auto-miner: $70

7 million gp off Ebay: $117

Seeing n00bs ask player mods for them: Priceless

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You spend 6 months trying to sell your abbyssal whip and give up. You take a good holiday in _______ with a spending spreee of $2. During the time that you're away, a new monster is added to runescape. A punchbag. It has over 1000 hp and gives you rare and 200% more exp when fighting it. The price of whips sore to about 67 mil. You come back from you holiday and find that the punchbag was removed from the game due to economy corruption and other occurences of unfairness.








I wish I had some pebbles.



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Granted, but a criminal comes in and has a gun and steals your pebbles the next day, he uses his gun to shoot your mobile phone and wires on your other phone to prevent you from calling the police.








I wish I could make powerful poison out of my fingertips that was to powerful that nobody could survive it, and I was the only one the poison wouldn't effect, then I would use it to steal from all banks of USA. :twisted:

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I'll get you back for stealing my pebbles!








In response to the wish: Too bad. You can't. But what fun is a short answer?








You steal all the money from the banks. You make an epic getaway and fend off all who try to get you.








if poison is made from magic: The magical energies of the universe collide once you use up all the magic and the universe collapses in on itself bring existance into nothing.








If poison was made of you:Your body loses all its chemical structure and you die.








I wish I had some sticky tape.



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You request to change your name legally.








Judge: I'm sorry. We do not permit citizens to ave numeric characters in their names. Although we can offer you "eight".








You: I'll take it!








Judge: RIght. [shows wanted posters]








WANTED - Criminal Mastermind named "Eight"




DESCRIPTION - Could be anyone because Eight is a master of disguise.




REWARD $6.7 billion








[judge turns you in] [Judge is now $6.7 billion richer.]








I wish for some cardboard.



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