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Corrupt a Wish (IT's over Nine Thousand)


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Granted, however the boy in my signature rips it off hair by hair. Blood spills everywhere.




I wish for snow. I don't want evil people coming to steal it, and I don't want someone changing the weather or something like that. I just want snow. And ice. That's it.

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Granted. However you end up in my really hot dream....


Me and the devil play Go-fish in the depts of hell for a huge bowl of potato salad, versus the flame thrower. Sadly the devil is you. more sadly, I win. I get both the flame thrower and the bowl of potato salad.




I wish I was the devil! :uhh: :ohnoes: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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granted you are now the devil in the must childish and repetive videogame ever. Having no change to escape or to sleep




I wish I had a cinnamon poptart agian

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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you get stuck in a card game instead =p




I wish I was a owner of a pizza shop

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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Everyone and everything you know and hold dear is killed or destroyed in front of your eyes, in the most painful ways of torture known to man, and you are powerless to do anything to prevent it. Then, you yourself are tortured to within an inch of your life, and kept on the edge, hovering in between life and death, always in unimaginable pain until the Sun is extinguished.




(That bad enough?)




I wish that this doesn't happen to Rushrock. :P


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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Granted, too bad you never like the wall color, and still have the same painting skills as you used to have, you said "could use" not "be good at", what a waste of wish. :notalk:




I wish I had a mansion over 500,000 miles away with nothing but helicopters in it. Also, I want it to be only accessible by a magical door that leads to another planet that can handle A LOT more than any place on earth, that way I don't have to get rid of anything useful.

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granted but a nuke comes through the portal and blows u and ur mansion up.






i wish pokemon were real.



I am known only as The Seer. I have many names and many different forms. Cross me at your own risk, fight me at your own peril, but join me and fight by my side, and none shall stand before our power.

Owner of the Quest, Firemaking*2-12-08*, Fletching, Magic, Defense, Cooking, HP, Attack, Strength, Herblore, Summoning, Farming and Prayer Capes.

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Granted, too bad Team Rocket, Magma, Aqua and Team Galactic are the only humans from the Pok̮̩̉̉mon World that are also sent to earth. And they destroy the world within a week. And nothing on earth has any chance against Rayquaza, Groudon, Deoxys and all those legends. :ohnoes:




I wish Superman would fix this mess, with help the Fantastic Fours.

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granted but teh F4 kill superman and take over the world.






this one is for laughs.




i wish i was a girl.



I am known only as The Seer. I have many names and many different forms. Cross me at your own risk, fight me at your own peril, but join me and fight by my side, and none shall stand before our power.

Owner of the Quest, Firemaking*2-12-08*, Fletching, Magic, Defense, Cooking, HP, Attack, Strength, Herblore, Summoning, Farming and Prayer Capes.

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Granted, too bad that you are sent to a school full of girls with a lot of manner and don't know the meaning of the word rudeness, and take stuff seriously, no laugh for you. :twisted:




Some villain used some kinda power to turn the F4 evil, too bad Superman is affected by the kryptonite, I wish the fantastic four would snap out of it and save Superman.

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