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The day I lost my D-Chain.... Blog II: COMPLETE

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*edit* This is an old post... Nothing has been added if you've already read it. I bumped it for those folks that haven't read it, and because a friend couldn't find it.




















I'd really rather not go into the details.




No, this is not a funny story. This is as real as it gets.








The fishsticks were burning. I was just gone for a couple minutes. I was wearing guthan, and doing my first Gargoyles. Guards hit harder than these guys. I should have been safe.








I'm guessing an evil chicken visited, and by the time I came back, I was in Lumby.








I don't have to guess about the results, though. I had full dragon, and full Guthan. I stood in Lumby with Guthans Legs, Plate, and dragon legs. No chain. No whip. No Obsidian shield. No rune boots, guthans warspear or helm.












Dragon Chain




Abyssal Whip




Obsidian Shield




Rune boots (dup)




Guthans warspear




Guthans Helm




Glory Helm




Ring of Wealth




Cooking Gauntlets




Ecto Vial








So, how was your day?








So, I figured I'd make a little blog and share with all of you my pain. Maybe you won't feel so bad after you lost your Santa Hat to a scammer. ;) This will be a diary of me getting my stuff back.








Enjoy and join in the fun. :)
















Day 1 : Oct 30th








Status: I just died, and this is what I have to work with.




10.1 Mil in bank. 14k Choas. No extra barrow pieces. 14 rune ore in bank.








My goals today is to make a little money, and get my whip and shield back.








Headed straight to Lava Maze. Start the rune machine again. I took my hally, and sliced up greaters until they dropped a clue, ran over to the rune rock and switched worlds till it was full. (Still quiet as a mouse there)








Banked 21 rune ore, and did my clue. Out of practice, and had to look up alot of the coordinates. I forgot how much work those level 3 clues are. Sheesh, I was all over the place, took me 40 minutes. Got rune plate, rune legs, and a guthix page. bleah.








Then, went to Varrock. Picked up my gauntlets. Took the long walk back to Port Plasymys and got my green vial back.








Since I was there, I did 7 barrow runs... got Dharok plate on my third run.








Went to Market. Took 10 mil and Dharok plate with me. Sold Dharok plate for 2 mil and 1000 fishing pots. lol. Walked over and bought a whip for 4.23 mil.








Tele'd to Tzhaar. Sold about 4k chaos to get enough tokkuls to get obsidian shield left. 10k choas left.








That was about six hours of playing.
















8 mil gp banked




58 rune ore




guthix page








Still Need








Dragon Chain












Guthan warspear




Guthan skirt








Day 2 will be Halloween, and wil only have a couple hours. One trip to Lava maze for another clue and load of rune ore, and barrows runs if I have time. I sure would like a guthan helm or warspear from the chest. lol.








Chain needs 20 million more. The countdown starts.












Day 2:








Well, its Halloween. And its also Update night. What a good time to see the rune rocks in the wild, eh? Everyone should be busy.








Now, I've been a rune miner for a long time. And I know what the rune rocks in the wild were like. You have about 10 miners up there fighting for all the rocks, and the pkers are switching worlds just as fast.








So, I get my cheap black hides, dragon shield (in case I need to run into KBD lair and tele to escape PK) dragon scimmy and pick. A few shark, and I make the long walk.








Whoops. Green dragons. I forgot my way here. Lol. Go east, young man, go east! Luckily they didn't remember all the whoopings I put on em, and they let me walk through.








I get to the rune rocks, and they're lit up! Wow, cool. First world, first rock, and I've got a glower! I mine those two, and switch worlds. Bam.




Lit up again. I start switching worlds right up the line, bottom first.








I never saw a soul. I never had one rock that wasn't lit. The rune rocks were all mine. Is this Runescape? Did I log onto the same game I've been playing for 3 years? Maybe I just got really lucky.








After I overdosed on rune ore, I did 3 barrow runs, and had that bad feeling that i was gonna get junk tonight. lol. Back to the rune rocks. lol








Again, wide open. I mined another load. Went to bed, got up in the morning, and boom. Again, wide open.








Does anyone mine rune anymore? This is going to be easier than I thought.








I am now looking for a runner. I need someone from Forums that is a recognizable name so if you scam me, I can destroy you on here. lol.




I'm looking for someone to run ores back to the bank for me, I'll pay you a Rune Kite or Rune Plate for running 100 rune ore from 7pm to 9pm California time (Pacific or PST)








Please, if you're a rune miner, and you're reading this and thinking you'll give it a try, don't go up there from 7 to 9 pm Pacifac time, as you'll be hard pressed to find a good rock.








GP: 7.9 mil




Rune ore: 151 @ 12k each = 1.81 mil.








Status: 9.7 mil. 18 mil to go.












9 rune larges @ 25k




9 rune plates @ 50k




7 rune legs @ 35k




2 rune kites @ 50k




9 rune chains @ 35k




9 rune axes @15k




9 rune picks @20k




9 rune scims @25k








1 sara legs @600k












Day 3:








Yes, people still mine rune. Halloween is over. Everyone has their scare emotes and silly zombie heads. The rune rocks are back to normal, and now I know why I go to the Lava Maze.








After work and life, I log on 8pm Pacific. No more glowing rocks on every world. In fact, I couldn't find a single one. I try worlds all over the board, and I log on 9 and as I log on, one of the dead rocks lights up. Then the other. I'm close.








I switch again, and click the play button to a double 19 magic bow special to a 99. Fine. Get me outta here. I walk over and smack him a couple specials on the drag scimmy, no zeros, and beeline it to the KBD and I'm at Castle Wars which just flooded with an ending game. Sheesh. No runners needed.








Wow, busy CW game. Must be 100 ppl in here. Am I on 2? Hey, no work no play, right? I bank my itty bitty rune pile and grab a super set and some cool equipment and proceed to team up with a 120 flag holding genius (she ran around the horse cart. lol), a 110 mage with antiques, and me with my whip. We secured the shut out. 6-0.








Back to work, I head to Lava Maze, and hally up greaters... and am almost through the 2 dose supers I take before I FINALLY get a clue. Too long to wait for one.








It takes a really long time to mine 25 rune, one rock at a time, one world at a time, but at least I'm all alone there. I take my 84 kg and make the very nervous walk back with a full load of rune and no food.








I do the clue. Its really easy, no trips to the wild, and only one puzzle. Of course, its the junkiest clue I've ever done as I only get a rune pick, shark, and coins.








Bleah! 2 hours work and I have 25 rune ore and a rune pick. I resist trying the Barrows, and look to my bank.








Yeah! Time to * the bank! muhahahha!




141 tanned black dragon hides.




Look at friends list and track down a crafter




Alch black hide bodies. Woooo. That was fun. 8k plus each.




Craft and alch 28 blue taneed hides I had.




I grab all the rune items and my extra sara legs. Switch to World 1 Varrock, and luckily the market is still there, and located pretty much the same. (Its been awhile)








I hate this place. The noise gives me a headache. I sold the sara legs for 600k quickly, and then had a fire sale on the rune items. At those prices they went super fast. One guy bought almost everything in bulk. He had fun. lol. And so did I, as I raked in over 2 mil.








A friend calls, the dog wants to run, life happens...




Got a good 3 hours in, and I left the oven off.
















10.6 mil gp




184 rune x 12.5k = 2.3 mil








15.1 mil to go for chain.












Day 5:








I logged on late, went straight to the lava maze rune rock, as I didn't want a non-productive night, and I was due for a good clue. Used an entire super set on the greaters with no clue. Bah! Thats my rule, if I don't get one after 3 doses, its a clue-less mining trip. But, I got 3 rune larges and used up all 10 natures alching good stuff to cash. I hate dropping natures for rune ore. Walked out, ran home, and looked at had 24 more rune ore.








That took a long time.








After I re-read Day 4, I realized something. I no longer have the luxury of having bank markers. That sounded so spoiled. I no longer have the luxury of having 2 of everything.








That was my goal before the loss. I like to have 11 of everything, and duplicates of the expensive stuff, and how cool would it be to have 2 of the uber expensive stuff. (I had already decided no duplicate chain, as thats insane working for that much money again, and here I am in insanity anyway, but I'd still visit the dustdevils now and again. ;) )








So...... BANK SALE! The duplicates are going.








For those of you that have warmed my heart and offered free stuff to me and been declined, heres your chance to help. :D For those of you that have done business with me, you probably got a very fair deal.








Now, I'm asking a favour. I'm asking for generous offers. please visit my Bank Sale link here.
















And help me out with market value on these things if I'm giving away too cheap. :P








Status: 10.8 mil




+ 208 rune ore. = 13.5 mil








14.5 needed for chain. Sell sell sell! lol
















Day 6:








Bank sale still going on, Thank you all for helping me out on the prices! I almost gave away the runes. You guys took care of me, thank you very much. Looks like I'm gonna have to go visit the mob at Fally Park to sell most of it. I'll take asprin before I go in. :P








You know, the Barrows is a pain in the wagon when its busy down there. I use the range spots for Verac and the tunnel brother, and when theres 100 ppl down there, all the door spawns are already full. At one point I had 40 KC just to find the sixth brother. lol.








Anyway, it was a eventless trip to the Barrows, 5 trips with nothing, and started thinking about the long walk to the rune rocks.








Wait a minute. What am I doing?? I'm doing Barrow runs and Mining in the wild. Well, golly, antique magicks have a weeeeeee bit better collection of tele spells for my needs, right? So, i go get my new spells, and look like a noob doing 3 more runs without magic dart. I'm running around trying to make the freeze spell works, and Dharok almost kills me in the tunnel. Whew. Enough of that. Off to mine rune.








Finally got a clue. Only got rune plate and pick. :( Having bad luck there.




Got great drops from greaters, get ready to alch all of it, and whoops! There is no more alching spell. 8)








So I drop the natures and mith kites and addy leg. lol. The rune ore is worth more, but I hate dropping stuff. 230 ore now.








Then I went off to Gargoyles to do some slayer. I think they remember me. I walk in, all potted, and the first gargoyle hits me for 11, 11, 10, 6, 11, 10. OMG! I run out of the room almost dead and wonder what the heck just happened. It was just a fluke, as I heal up (without guthan:( ) and continue on.








30 minutes got me a Granite Maul and Addy Boots. I like these guys.








How much are they worth?








Getting there. Status improving. :) Will post final tallies after the sell off. Till then, happy gp'ing!
















Day 7:








The selling frenzy has slowed. Tip of the day... Nothing beats Fally Park Market for selling stuff, but put your public chat on hide.Its all about geography, too. lol I now know exactly where to go for every item sold in the game. Party hats/ d chains north north fence; barrows area just west of that, HUGE amounts of sales. The poor mystic robe sellers south of the pond where no one buys their stuff. The ignorant god armor sellers, not aware the real market is World 1 Varrock West bank north wall. (Why isn't it called Varry?) The whips are right under the hats. South of the fence is everything under 300k or so. Its a little mish mashed in there, but if you can read fast... lol.








When I made the decision to ravage my bank, I had 10.8 mil, I think. I now have 21 mil in cash. 230 rune ore.
















Yes. :shock:








Didn't take long to realize that I .. was there. :shock: Oh, I can be happy now, right? lol. Wow, how wild. Uh, I guess now I will mine all the coal for this rune ... let a smither do the 230 rune bars.... sell the kites...








.... And buy the chain. :shock:








That bright, unexpectedly-close light at the end of the tunnel better not be a train. ;) Train to lumby? lol. (Oh my, how cool would that be. Grim Reaper puts you on a train and every time you die you get a quick 10 second cutscene. bahaha!)








I might be happy soon. :D :lol: :P








Statis 21.0 mil




+ 230 rune ore / 3 ore per kite = 76 kitex x 45k = 3.42 mil




=24.42 mil








Alot of rune kites for sale soon.
















If it was a potato sack race, we would have never crossed the line. Finish line, nor start line for that matter. 208 rune ore and 2 ppl should be able to convert those to kites fairly quickly. It all started with her thinking I gave her 108, not 208, even though I included the coal and natures, and it was all downhill from there..Finally I got my kites, though.








Thats alot of coal. My desperate move of the day was giving away the granite maul and addy boots that I couldn't sell for 400 coal. lol.








I sold the Kites for 45k each at Varrock World 1. It took me like 2 minutes to sell 69 kites. lol. Somone bought 30 of em, someone else bought 29. I've sold stuff underpriced before, and it never happens quite like that. Kites are hard to get, its true.. but whew. Anyway, I didn't care, because I was getting 15k per ore and thats all I wanted. Happy enough for me.








Then here comes the train. I go back to Fally Park and the chains are selling for 25.5 mil now. :o *looks around*








"Hey guys, it was at 23 mil 2 hours ago!"




"Yeah, its crazy, they've been all over the place for days now."








At this time it was like midnight. I've been on this computer far too long today, and I figure Sunday should bring a new crowd to the market.








I wake up.




I log on.




I type "Buying Dragon Chain"




I get a single trade request.




I click.




I offer x - 24,000,000 (There are no commas, you have to be careful)




He accepts very quickly.




I double check to make sure its really a Dragon Chain. lol




I accept.








Status - 44k




Rune ore - 1




Bank - I miss my markers. Its a mess.








Last spot in bank? Dragon Chainbody. It doesn't FEEL like mine yet.








But it will. :D













A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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Okay, I got the dragon chain back. Thats a nice feeling. But.....








I still lost Guthan helm and spear, and I HAVE to have Guthan. I use it everywhere I train almost. All the food I need in four inventory spots. Its a must have.








I have sold out my bank. I have 44k in gp. I have 1 rune ore. I'm all tapped out, baby! So, its time to start over. Might as well take a trip to Fally Park.. .see what prices I'm looking at, and see if I can get rid of some of this junk... Guthix page 3, some steel arrows, maybe a good deal on some of the dragon weapons I have dups of. So, I show up at the Barrows section of the park, which is pretty much the entire west half. lol.








In the Barrows section, Guthan gathers in the upper right corner. These are the things I see..








"Selling Guthan Plate 1.9 mil!!!"








Oh cool, thats not too bad. The helm should be around a mil then. Warspear is gonna get me, though.. I'll bet. Then I see this....








"Selling g helm 3.5 mil"








*blinks* Huh?? Are you serious?? No, hes just asking way too much.. But then from someone else....








"Buying Guth helm 3.3 mil"








Omg. Then I see THIS!








"Buying Warspear 6 mil!!!!!!!!!!!!"
















What the heck is that?? The body is under 2 mil, but the helm is over 3? And the warspear sells more for Full Dharok??? This is a disaster. lol.








I guess everyone is dying with Guthan and dragon, eh? So now the helm and warspear are premium, and I have to pay like every other noob who was burning their fishsticks. lol.








Okay, well.... I just got done with the slow grind with rune ore. Slow and steady. Lets try the Barrows method. Could be quick, or could be zero. The runs start...........








Now, I'm kinda excited about this. I could possibly get my duplicate dragon med back. The blood runes and choas runes sold for quite a bit. If I get another 1500 bloods, thats close to a million. Another 10k choas and that adds up too. And the chance of getting my most common drop I've ever gotten. I've never gotten any item from the chest more than guthans helm. I've probably had 10 from the chest so far. So, its time to veg out at with the Pinkies! Lets roll!








I think kill count matters. :shock: If this is true, I've been helping to lie to you guys... "KILL COUNT DOES NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES!" Does that look familiar. Its in just about every guide on the web, and most of those guides are based on mine. Oops. Sorry, folks. lol








Cust Service has a form letter they send out to Kill Count querries... Basically it says...








"Although, we can tell you that kill count increases your odds of getting better items from the chest, there is still much unknown about that mysterious...." bleah bleah bleah.








Basically, they aren't talking details, but they have confirmed that it plays a role in the drop table formula. Does it help get a Barrow piece? I have no idea, and they ain't talking.








But now... I kill 20 every time. So far, so very good.








11 runs yesterday.








Dharoks legs




Torags helm




Karils skirt








2400 choas




1000 blood




Deaths almost doubled, when they usually stay even.








I sold the legs for 1.3 million, (buyers price) Sold the helm for 700k (buyers price) and took some time on Karils and got sellers price as i was the only one with that piece there. You want it?? Pay, baby! Hehe.








I'm close to 3 million already. And it sure is ALOT more fun than mining rune in that lonely place. I was starting to hear crickets and get social withdrawals. Lol. I do my Barrows runs on world 2 just to have more ppl down there. Its lonely at the rock, let me tell ya! ;)








I'll be doing Barrows runs until I get the drops or sell enough stuff to buy them.








Stay tuned!
















Day 2 - Update Day








Well, its Udpdate Day. I can feel them. All checking out the new spot like a dog in a brand new park. Sniffing around, putting their noses in dangerous places, marking their territory.... I can feel them.








As I download the update, and see the world list, its confirmed. less than 200 ppl on all member servers... except 2. Its full. That ratio is not normal. Yep, they're all at the cannon pit hoping their buddy drops his obsidy shield and Glory ammy.








I'd like to address the activity of looting. Looting is now the official term for hanging around a dangerous place hoping for a player to die near you so you can loot his death pile.








I have given this thought. Because it feels as ugly as scamming and marketeering, but its not really dishonorable.. .Is it? No, not really. Then why does it feel so? Ah, I know. It only becomes dishonorable when you verbally tell the other player to die. lol. I do hate that. Since I have seen many of these annoying vermin leeching around at Dharoks tomb, I have definately come to the conclusion that I do NOT appreciate someone rooting for me to die so they can ravage my stuff.








Anywaaaaaay... Its update day... its a great time to do things that are competitive. Its a great time to mine rune.








Since I was at the Barrows as I logged in, I figured I'd just do that instead, I wanted to play more than work. So, I flirt with the banker and he tells that I only 24 lobbies left. I miss Guthan. I do two runs with no luck and I'm outta food.








I hate fishing. So.... I went and stole cakes. lol. Yes, I'm gonna be doing barrow runs with cakes. Hey, the heal as much as a lobbie, and why not? I only eat after combat down there anyway. I'll let you know how it goes.








Not really feeling like getting all dressed up again, so tele'ing to Edge and trouncing to the rune rocks must be fate.




I show up and World 2 has dead rocks. I'm not alone. Switch to 89. Its glowing, I mine the two rocks and switch to 88. Glowing. 2nd rock takes awhile and a 118 in black hides logs in. She drinks something, range pot, I'm guessing. 3 seconds later the green arrows come, and the heart rate doubles immediately. I am already potted, and have brought sharks, so we dance for a little while. She gets the best of me with her bow/dagger routine, and I'm running. She wasn't really motivated to chase me, and I log and go to the next world up. One rock is lit up, and I'm standing on another miner. I say "Boo" as I log out instantly (don't want more conflict)... and chuckle to myself as I imagine how awake that miner is right now. I switch to the middle of the list, world 60. Glowing. So are the next four worlds up the list. I get full and walk home.








For some reason, I'm really really tired, and I can barely keep my eyes open as I go through my bank and try to figure out what I need. I crash with the TV on.... but the oven is still off.












Status: 2.6 mil




Rune ore: 45




Bloods: 1400




Choas: ? zzzzzz








Still need alot of work. I want to do something other than Barrows and mining. I won't be looting, though. Stay tuned.




















Day 3 - Near Death








Well, I wanted to try something different. Some different skill other than mining and Barrow runs. So many ways of making money, right? I'm sitting in Draynor Bank trying to think of something. And the "Buying all tree seeds!" catches my eye.








Oh, lets go visit the noobs at the willow trees and chop some wood until I get a nest and maybe I'll get lucky with a yew seed. My WC needs work anyway. And the logs are worth something, right? Bleah, not really. lol.








Loads and loads of of banking logs and still no nest. This is silly.








Lets take my cakes and do Barrows runs. So I get my Barrows inventory which doesn't take long anymore. It includes dragon chain. It doesn't anymore. Read on.








I take D-chain because the magic penalties aren't as bad as barrows and when you're toe-to-toe, you want the best melee/defense mage/offense outfit you can muster. I figured the magic bonus was more important than 10 armor points.








Anyway...... I show up, and of course, like always, I forget to charge my prayer the first trip down. I have 56 outta 70 prayer. Well, at least I didn't forget my spade. I do Dharok with pray, have 26 left. I do Karil, and the pray runs out as he falls dead. Usually, I go do Ahrim with 10-20 pray left and have no problem as I run out of pray half way.








This time, I don't have any pray protection, but its Ahrim. He barely hits me with the my uber mage defense outfit. He hits me for 17 first shot. Lucky wake up shot. Hmph. Boom. Another 20. Boom Another 17.








Now, I'm kinda in trouble here. I have 42 hits and hes not half dead yet, and I am NOT standing in the side-step spot, and I have CAKES. Boom. Hits me for 14, but hes almost dead. I see my bar. I know I'm one hit away from Panic Button. My bolt hits for 17 and hes red bar. His spell hits for 14 again, and I'm officially one hit away from dead.








PANIC BUTTON. Now, when I clicked the green vial, I looked at the screen and saw the fireball come. Omg, he got one off! I know that that spell is still gonna hit me when I land.








Omg, am I gonna die again?? My inventory flashed in front of my eyes.




Ahrims, Karils, Dragon, xbow, whip, shield. omg, please no.








Loading.... Please wait.....








The Panic Button never fails. The familiar Ectoplasm room greets me. I wait for the spell to hit....








No damage... no splash... I'm alive. I have 14 hp. I gobble cakes.








I promptly run to bank and trade in dragon chain/legs for torags. I trade the xbow for rune arrows. I go back and finish off the run and do a couple more, and decide that my decision to bypass fishing was not a good one.








Girlfriend calls and is bored. I'm on the phone for the next eternity, and no more RS tonight.








No improvement in status, except avoiding death.
















Day 4 - The Long Grind








No chatting. No helping. No advising. I'm going hardcore work tonight. I've recorded Lost and Invasion, the phone is turned off, and the dog is on his own. I am going to change up my Barrows technique a little bit. High kill count runs and all on a super set. Barrow runs on steroids.








Now, doing Barrow runs potted is a blast. I enjoyed the change. Heres how it was different.








Do Dharok at first just like always. Have 44 prayer left , like usual.




But then comes Karil.




Drink SA and SS.




Dress in full Torag, whip and shield.




Pray and bash.








He was dead in 5 hits. I still have 28 pray left. lol. Oh, this is gonna be fun. Well, don't wanna waste the pots. So I go to Ahrims, pray mage, and bash him too. Hes dead before I run out of prayer. He was harder to melee.








So, I'm standing on the mound with 3 dead brothers and prayer left over. That, is definately a first. I go over to Torag and Guthan, drink my SD right when prayer finally runs out, and I take nothing but zeros during those 2. I do not try to bash these guys. Casting in Torags instead of Dragon hurts your mage ability, but not too much.








Then I got Verac at the Rock Room immediately, and I was at the rat room by my chest door clearing out the room. Oh, thats fun. 116 str on lvl 44 crypt rats is a blast.








I had 30 Kill Count before I knew it, and opened the chest, and had the worst chest drop you could ask for. Nothing but coins, except for 40 bloods. Sheesh. 5 out of 6 coin drops. Thaaaaaaaanks.








Maybe just bad luck, so I did 9 more runs this way. Used a couple super sets, had the FUNNEST TIME OWNING KARIL and used hardly any food, and the chest drops were horrendous. 10 runs, and I've never had more coin drops. Usually, 4 out of 6 brothers drops something other than coins. This time, 4 out of 6 brother dropped coins. And no items.








Kill count sucks.








Status: Money unchanged. 2.56 mil




Bloods: 1500




Choas: 3700








The Grind continues












Day 5 - Not worth mentioning.








I have 411 saphires and 311 gold bars. I've been meaning to do these things, and before I go cooking shark I want to change my gold guantlets to cooking guantlets. Time to get this stuff outta the way. I mine the rest of the gold at the horseshoe rocks next to Mossie Island, and make 400 games necklaces. I sell some of them, alch most of them.








Life happened, and thats all I do. Told you it wasn't worth mentioning. :P








Status: 2.9 mil




One free spot in the bank.




Will be leaving all saphire drops for the rest of eternity. lol.
















Day 6 - Full Guthan in Bank.








Yep. Its more of a transfer of quest, though.








See, I visited the market again. Guthan and helm prices were rising, and Verac and Torag prices were dropping.








Doesn't take a brilliant marketeer to know I'm not using my wealth wisely.








I fix Torag.




I sell him piece by piece and get 3.7 mil




I go fix Verac




I didn't like selling piece by piece, and the only helpful info in the market was full verac. I knew ppl were selling for 7.1 7.2 mil, right around there. Good enough info for me.




Someone offers me 7 mil cash. I accept that happily.




I was sick of haggling.








I grab all my money from the bank.




Sad that I made the decision.




But excited that I'll get Guthans back, and have cheaper Barrow items to replace as I continue to play. And really, I would only want Verac back, and the only time I use his full set is KQ, and that girl is too much work for my tastes. But, Torag, to me, is worthless. If I get it from chest, I'll be happy to complete my set.
















Purchase Spear for 6.5 mil. Ouch.




Purchase Helm for 3.6 mil. Ouch.




Full Guthan Banked. There. I feel better.




3.6 mil left over, 1600 bolt racks, and a ton of runes.








Trading rune ore for my dupes back.




Meet me at the Gargoyles.




I'll be at the keyboard.








The End II









A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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ouch... fishsticks... YUCK!




well atleast you aren't whining like everyone else does when they get scammed and what not... Gl gettin your things back though

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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thats bad...








did anyone know that drag cain was that low priced?


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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Geez dude I am one that rarely feels bad for other ppl but I feel bad for u.. I dont think evilchicken coulda killed u unless u were just fighting the garg and kept hitting it when it was at full red barred cuz u werent at cpu to use rock hammer on it... Thats just wrong.. Gargs max hit is 11 tho... I died there one time in full dharock but luckily i always keep protect items on when i turn my prayer off at low hp incase i lag off.... I hope u get ur items back fast..

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Dam that sucks, what do you plan on doing to get your money back?

And no lol why do you always want to get stuff from John Lewis. Its over ̣̉300 more then than what i paid.


John Lewis is a great, great shop.

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Geez dude I am one that rarely feels bad for other ppl but I feel bad for u.. I dont think evilchicken coulda killed u unless u were just fighting the garg and kept hitting it when it was at full red barred cuz u werent at cpu to use rock hammer on it... Thats just wrong.. Gargs max hit is 11 tho... I died there one time in full dharock but luckily i always keep protect items on when i turn my prayer off at low hp incase i lag off.... I hope u get ur items back fast..








Thats what I'm thinking. And since I couldn't heal up on the gargoyle since he was down to zero, the chicked just drained me. lol. Man, that is just some bad luck.








I hate that dam chicken. He always pops up at the worst times. Personally, I think hes a wee bit too dangerous for a random event. :?




But I'm biased. lol

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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I hope you punished those fish sticks...








Oh and I feel your pain... well not as much pain as you, (lost 30m in cash and items due to a keylogger) but atleast you had some money to get back on your feet, I had to start fresh.








Good luck with your chain, and guthans.


136 Combat, 2290+ Skill Total

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sorry mate, hope u get your stuff back.












hope not too hard to get them back again as d chain price is dropping or u might try KQ or Dust Devils.












good luck.



My vengeance is everything..

..everything must come to an end

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Any person that happened to be there was very lucky :shock:








I can't imagine losing that stuff, I've only ever lost some Guthix armor peices, and that hurt, lol.








Were the fishsticks you went to save at least good?


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ive lost more than that in cash in 1 stake, get over youself. I only say this because you tell people who lose santas to scammers shouldent feel bad. Peoples value on items is irrespective of everyone else to a noob losing a rune large may be traumatic.

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dam... wish i had money... and could make money that fast....

currently playing ixl tgn ixl

I need a bishop preaching fire

To get away with my sins

I despise everything I see

So I don't give a **** if you hate me!

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ive lost more than that in cash in 1 stake, get over youself. I only say this because you tell people who lose santas to scammers shouldent feel bad. Peoples value on items is irrespective of everyone else to a noob losing a rune large may be traumatic.








I'd say that a stake was more of your own fault.. sad to see you go.. when i make dinner i'll try to be more carefull lol never thought that checking on food might be deadly... VERY nice to see you drive like that tho! Good luck with barrows, clues and yeah! where would you recomend getting lvl 3 clues if you were there for clues and clues only?

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Some lessons have to be learned the hard way, such as logging out when your not at comp, pain in the [wagon] it is, better safe then sorry.








And my guess as to why he had guthans AND dragon stuff was because it is smarter to use your rune or dragon when you have lots of health till you have low health then put on the gutahn to make it so you have to repair barrows armour a lot less.

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This story is partly untrue... You cant have an obsidain sheild and a warspear? You cant wear both, if you take both even if you cant use then your stupid












AKA Your either lieing or jsut stupid, Explain that!

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